Chapter 461 The Battle of Fate and Time! (1)

"hmph! I don't care what you are, the collection of demons or what, in short, they are here to make trouble!!!" Looking around, countless demons and ghosts are all It was because of this guy that Inuyasha couldn't help it at first, even if this guy is not Naraku, but what kind of demon could be the demon that Midoriko killed in the first place?

"Wind Scar!!!" A Wind Scar swept out directly, and a strong blade energy whizzed up. Who knows, Sacred Jewel (called Sacred Jewel directly!) did not make any moves. When Wind Scar approached, he suddenly opened his mouth. In an instant, a huge suction force pulled Wind Scar. The next moment, Wind Scar, was suddenly dissolved by Sacred Jewel's inhalation.

"What... actually... I swallowed Inuyasha's Wind Scar!!" Everyone in Kaede's Village was suddenly shocked, more like Jaken and Myōga and the others, and even longer With a big mouth, I can’t believe it. To this day Inuyasha’s Wind Scar may not be a big deal anymore, but it’s not that his power has diminished. It is still the ultimate move of that move.

"hmph!! humble half-demon brat! Your attack is too weak!!! ahh!!!!!" coldly snorted, his tone was full of disdain, next moment, I saw Sacred Jewel I yelled and opened my mouth again. Then, I saw a strong air surging, and a storm with golden blade energy rushed out. Everyone was shocked again when they saw it. It was clearly Inuyasha's Wind Scar! !

Not only is Wind Scar eaten down, can it bounce back? ? How about this move! ! ! Looking at the oncoming Wind Scar, Inuyasha frowned, holding the Tessaiga blade hilt with both hands tightly, a vortex airflow suddenly appeared on the blade, and facing the oncoming Wind Scar, a knife was swiped out, and the Backlash Wave instantly It broke out, pulling Wind Scar's demonic energy and rushing to Sacred Jewel again.

"Good job brat! Unfortunately you are still too tender!!!" Looking at Wind Scar, he did not hit Inuyasha, but instead was used by him to release a more powerful unique skill. Sacred Jewel couldn't help but exclaim. However, such an Inuyasha was still not in his eyes. The two hands that looked like sickles gathered a dark power and waved them at the same time. The two bloody sharp blades broke through the air in a cross shape.

Boom! ! ! ! !

At the moment of collision with Backlash Wave, the demonic energy storm of Backlash Wave was forcibly torn apart by these two sharp blades. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the Backlash Wave instantly collapsed, and the strength of the sharp blade was slight. I rushed towards Inuyasha, but saw that at this moment, on the other side, a hot flame burst into the air. The moment the power collided, it dissipated at the same time. At this moment, before Inuyasha and Sacred Jewel, Yabuto stood dreadfully.

"Yabuto!!! You have changed!!!" Inuyasha was a little surprised. Didn't expect Yabuto to take action at this time, while Sacred Jewel stared at Yabuto in front of him for a long time. He opened his mouth and said, after hearing Sacred Jewel's words, everyone was stunned, but they didn't realize that Yabuto had changed.

"Even if the priestess was redeemed back then, it is not at first, so I am willing to do it! I will block the attack for my younger brother. Should I congratulate you, or should I sympathize with you!!!" The empty eyes looked on. , Browse frowned, the tone is full of ridicule, but even if it is ridicule, it is not wrong. The current Yabuto is indeed very different from the past.

"What is the purpose!!!" Yabuto ignored Sacred Jewel's ridicule, appeared for no reason, and summoned that many demons for no reason. He was definitely not just trying to get rid of them. The demons here There are more Naraku summons gathered than in the past, at least hundreds of thousands of them. No matter how strong Naraku is, there are only a few thousand to tens of thousands of summons in the past.

"hmph! Yabuto! Don’t you understand? This World should belong to our demon tribe!!! Let a group of humble humans occupy this World, don’t you think it’s ridiculous? ??" Hearing Yabuto's words, Sacred Jewel forgot to ridicule, and instead stated his own purpose, but in everyone's ears, it was a madman's action.

"Yabuto! My purpose is to allow all the Demons to invade the place where the human lives, and use the human souls killed in the mouth of the demon as a medium to destroy this land, and then rely on the power of Sacred Jewel , To recreate a world that belongs only to the demon world!!" The power of the undead is undoubtedly powerful, and their grievances are enough to destroy everything. This is Sacred Jewel's original intention.

"At this moment, what a magnificent demon tribe, as you know, how miserable it is in the future world, spanning five hundred years, from the body of that little girl, I can see See, five hundred years of the world! Yabuto! Do you know that this is such a sight?" From the calm of the very beginning, to the madness of the present, seeing the Sacred Jewel of the future world, I think even more, this World Injustice to the demons.

"Are you...the only things you want to say???" After listening to Sacred Jewel's words, Yabuto opened the mouth and said in a cold voice. In fact, Sacred Jewel is behind, except for Kagome's accident, everyone else is very curious, what is the world five hundred years later, what Sacred Jewel said, until now, they all know that Kagome’s world and they don’t understand. But they didn't ask what it was like.

"Do you want to say that the future world will only have humans, no demons, and no powerful monk priestess!!! There are only a group of humans with no hands and no power to bind chickens!!!" With a cold voice, Everyone was shocked again, there is no world of demon and monk priestess? ? But there is human, what kind of world is that? Isn't there no war in that world?

"You!!!" Sacred Jewel's was also surprised. Yabuto should not know these things. In his heart, he thinks so. After all, Yabuto is not like Kagome. Similarly, being able to travel through time and space and come to this world five hundred years later, how did he know?

"You don’t understand anything, it should be you!!! Open your eyes and see clearly, how many demons are there, and where is the difference between them and I, Yabuto!! Even demons often say Human form exists, this is this World, the unchanging rule, five hundred years later, demon does not exist, but exists in other situations!!"

Said countless demons around, no Wrong, they are all a few. They only know how to kill the humble and low-level demons who want to get power. The truly powerful demons should be like Yabuto and the others. They are truly powerful demons. They exist in human form and not only get them. It is more powerful and adapts to the changes of the world. The appearance of Chiba, a former offspring, is the best proof.


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