57th Chapter The Obscurity of Wolf Tribe

In other words, after Kōga told Ayame’s intentions to her grandfather, after an order, hundreds of wild wolves quickly moved towards When the four directions are scattered, Wolf Tribe’s sense of smell is already quite powerful. Although the entire mountain is densely forested, they still rely on their strong sense of smell to find the silhouette of Yabuto and the others. After all, they suddenly appeared, unfamiliar. Aura can easily get their attention.

xiu xiu xiu xiu xiu xiu xiu!!!!!

Counting black shadows, entrained with air-splitting sound, they instantly appeared on Yabuto’s path. Of course, there is nothing strange about these Yabuto. According to Yabuto’s sense of smell, how could something approach him? Maybe he didn't find it, but he knew that it was a pack of wolves, which was not a threat to him, and he knew that they were looking for Ayame.

"What do you damn beasts want to do!!" Seeing that he was surrounded by hundreds of wild wolves in an instant, Yumaru was suddenly shocked. He quickly picked up the bottle gourd on his waist and looked at the couple in front of him. A wild wolf, as if ready to shoot at any time. And Entei on one side also hummed in his nose, and it didn't sound good.

wu wu wu wu wu wu!!!

Seeing these wolves, Yabuto didn’t have the desire to do anything, and walked forward on his own, but these wild wolves were obviously very different Conscious, lowered his body and bared his teeth, with fierce gleams in his eyes, obviously ready at any time to pounce on the rhythm of Yabuto dismember.

Seeing this, Yabuto was slightly unhappy, and his cold eyes swept across the wolves in front of him. The strong murderous aura broke out in an instant, and the surrounding wolves suddenly made a cowering sound, which was obviously assaults the senses. The murderous aura was suppressed, and at this time they fell into endless fear.

But Yabuto was slightly surprised that these weak wild wolves under his murderous aura, there's no resistance, even if they had fallen into extreme fear, they did not even have the slightest intention to retreat. This made Yabuto a little bit. Admire, although Wolf Tribe has fallen, but the most important unity and loyalty in the tribe is still there.

The purpose of their coming was nothing more than to save Ayame. Even if they knew they were not opponents, they never flinched. On the contrary, they were thinking about their father's Western Lands, what a powerful demon tribe country! But in the end? ? How many demons remained to protect the Western Lands when the city was broken, it can be said that none of them.

咻咻xiu xiu!!!!

At this moment, the four silhouettes entered the arena again and appeared in front of Yabuto and the others, among the four silhouettes, There is Kōga, who just lost to Yabuto. At this time, his injury has been dealt with. Wolf Tribe’s physique is still good. He has almost recovered, but the right leg injury has not improved much, so at this time However, Ginta and Hakkaku stood up.

Beside the three of them, an elderly snow wolf stepped forward slowly with four white paws, and saw Ayame sitting on Entei, looking worriedly at the situation in front of him. See It's okay, Snow Wolf suddenly sighed in relief, and then turned his eyes to Yabuto, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't look at it. When he saw Yabuto, he was suddenly shocked...

"You...you are!!! "The voice was hoarse because of getting older, and the moment he saw Yabuto, the expression he had just relaxed became serious again. At the same time, thinking back to the past, when I still had a human form, I often called myself the silhouette of Uncle Elder by my side.

After hearing the old wolf with half foot in the coffin and seeing his expression, Yabuto himself was a little surprised. He didn’t know the guy in front of him, and this place was far from Western. In a mountain far away in the Lands, this old man is also impossible to talk about himself! !

Actually, Yabuto himself didn’t know that Ayame’s grandfather was surprised because Yabuto looked so much like the girl he had in mind, and that girl is not someone else but Yabuto’s mother Lily, is the same as Ayame's grandfather in the Wolf Demon Tribe Elder's daughter.

Yabuto’s appearance did inherit Tōga, but he inherited more from his mother. This is why the old man had such a reaction when he saw Yabuto, because he met Yabuto. Just think of Yabuto's mother. As an old man who has lived for countless years, he would never think that such a similar appearance would be a coincidence.

Recall what happened many years ago, an Old Demon who was sixty-year-old had a trace of guilt in his muddy eyes. It was not because of other things, but because of the expulsion of Yabuto’s mother that year, the tragedy finally happened. He was also one of the culprits, although everyone fell into deep self-blame after learning the news, and even Yabuto's nominal grandfather passed away because of unbearable sadness.

As time deduced, the senior Wolf Tribe who sat down on this decision all passed away with self-blame, but he was the only one left, and they continued to live in self-blame. He was nearing death, and almost everything had been turned away. At this time, when he saw Yabuto, he once again evoked self-blame in his heart.

"grandfather!!! Why are you here!" Seeing that there was an extremely weird sobriety in the field, Ayame couldn't help but speak.

"Uh! ahh!! I...I'm here to pick you up! Go girl down! Let's go back with grandfather!!" Hearing Ayame's voice, the old man also responded sobered up, gentle Said to Ayame.

"Oh!!!" Ayame didn't think much about her grandfather, and slowly jumped off Entei, and then walked towards the wolves in front of Yabuto. Time, stopped.

"Big brother! Thank you! In the future...will you still visit Ayame in the future?" Stopped and looked at Yabuto, Ayame hesitated for a while or spoke.

I heard Ayame ask herself, Yabuto just glanced at her and didn’t speak, then turned around and left. He won’t come and he won’t answer. He just wants to leave here because he’s afraid If I stay here for a while, I can't help but wipe out these Wolf Tribe members.

Not because of other things, just because of the expression of Ayame grandfather just now, Yabuto is convinced that he must know what happened back then, and even what happened back then has something to do with him, but Ayame is here, he will not kill them, but He was afraid that he couldn't help it, so he chose to be cold.

"little girl! Don't worry! Lord Yabuto is not angry!! See you next time!!" Seeing Ayame's lost expression after Yabuto left, Yumaru couldn't help but speak. Followed by Yabuto's footsteps, as for Entei as early as when Yabuto turned around.


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