Chapter 60 Butterfly Effect

"Kōga!! If you have a strong power, would you choose to protect Wolf Demon Tribe?" When Kōga was still caught in the fear caused by Yabuto, Snow Wolf Elder suddenly spoke.

"Uh!!! ahh!! Of course!! Wolf Demon Tribe, but my homeland!!!" Although I don’t understand why Snow Wolf Elder asked this, he still answered subconsciously. At this time Kōga is not the Kōga in the original work. I didn't run around to pick up girls without returning to the Wolf Demon Tribe.

Snow Wolf Elder asks like this, in fact, it is not just a simple question. Looking at the three-headed wolf corpse in front of him, his heart has been completely filled with fear and surprise. Although he is old , But he can still smell it, the smell left here is no doubt Yabuto.

And he can feel that the smell of Yabuto has disappeared, which means that Yabuto has left the territory of Wolf Demon Tribe, but the true form has left, and the demonic energy left here has not been gathered for a long time. Even when the true form leaves, there is still such a dense demonic energy. It is conceivable how powerful demonic energy burst out when the true form is here.

Such demonic energy even reminds him of the insurmountable silhouette of the entire Western Lands in charge. It is precisely because of this that it brings him an unprecedented sense of crisis. , Because he was afraid, afraid that Yabuto would one day be disadvantageous to Wolf Demon Tribe. At that time, the already declining Wolf Demon Tribe could not be resisted absolutely.

And because of the question he asked Kōga just now, it is precisely because of this that he has made a decision in his heart. As the Young Lord of the Wolf Demon Tribe, Kōga's current strength can be called Wolf Demon. Tribe's strongest demon, if there is one day in the future, he believes that only Kōga can stop it.

"Okay! Kōga! Go over there and take out the things in that mirror!!" Hearing Kōga's answer, Snow Wolf Elder nodded, he turned his eyes to the distance, the highest Above the turbulence, it was the place where Goraishi was placed. At this time, he was also thankful that Yabuto did not take Goraishi.

"That...that is!!!" Kōga has already seen the copper mirror on the tortoise. To be honest, he has not found the copper mirror for so long since he has been here, but he is seeing When Goraishi in the copper mirror, he could feel it, and there was a strong demonic power coming from it.

"That is the supreme treasure of our Wolf Demon Tribe —Goraishi!! Originally, we wanted to inherit Goraishi but we had to accept it. Only the trials of the three-headed wolf who guarded Goraishi in the past can inherit, but now three- The headed wolf is dead, and Wolf Demon Tribe is also facing an unknown crisis, so I decided to let you inherit Goraishi! But I want you to remember that Goraishi cannot be inherited casually, only if you know how to cherish your companions. I can get Goraishi’s approval!!!"

"Goraishi!!! hehe! What kind of power do I really expect to have!!!" Hearing Snow Wolf Elder mentioned, although Kōga is usually impulsive, it does not mean that he has no Mind, Goraishi has never heard of it, but he is not too stupid to think that such a secret treasure that even his Young Lord does not know, plus such a huge Demon Wolf guardian thing will be poor.

With the help of Ginta and Hakkaku, Kōga came to the bottom of the turret. After signalling Ginta to let go, Kōga resisted the pain in his right leg, separated and jumped high, and instantly jumped to the top of the turret. When I came to the copper mirror, I suddenly felt that a powerful demonic energy was boiling, and my heartbeat was also speeding up.

After swallowing saliva, Kōga suppressed the tension in his heart and slowly stretched his hand to the copper mirror. The moment Kōga touched the copper mirror, an amazing scene happened.

I saw that Goraishi disappeared the moment Kōga touched the copper mirror. Not only Kōga, but Snow Wolf Elder and Ginta, as well as hundreds of wild wolves all around, were shocked. Goraishi, who was still in the copper mirror a moment ago, disappeared at this moment. What does this mean? ?

"Still not working?" Seeing this scene, Snow Wolf Elder suddenly showed a disappointed expression. Goraishi, as the treasure of the Wolf Demon Tribe's inheritance, can be said to be the most powerful Wolf Demon Tribe. Weapons, but since the beginning of hundreds of years ago, no one can inherit the power of Goraishi in Wolf Demon Tribe, which is why Wolf Demon Tribe is declining.

Kōga’s talent is very good, and he is also very diligent in training. He is regarded as the future of Wolf Demon Tribe. Originally, he hoped that Kōga could inherit Goraishi. When the time comes, he can have the ability of the opponent’s foreign enemy. And this foreign enemy, of course, also includes Yabuto. After all, it was impossible to say that he was not afraid of Yabuto's revenge.

Just as everyone was surprised, Snow Wolf Elder was disappointed, and the variables happened again. On the turbulence of all directions, the skeletons of the ancestors of Wolf Demon Tribe that had been blown away in the previous battle were exuding one after another. The dazzling rays of light, this scene suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"This...this is!!!" Looking at the dazzling rays of light around, Snow Wolf Elder couldn't help being surprised. He didn't get Goraishi's approval in the first place, so he didn't know that he really inherited Goraishi. What is it like.

At this time, another rays of light attracted all eyes again. At this time, Kōga looked at his right hand in surprise, and he felt that in the right hand covered by rays of light, A powerful force is pouring into his body, the rays of light in his hand and the rays of light of the surrounding bones are shining with each other.

Kōga lifted the right hand up to the sky, the skeletal rays of light slowly converged towards Kōga’s right hand, and then the rays of light were concentrated in Kōga’s right hand as quickly as possible, and the rays of light dissipated. Kōga's five fingers were replaced by sharp ones. The wrist was studded with something that looked like a bracelet, and the five-finger claw connected to the finger was the Wolf Demon Tribe supreme treasure Goraishi.

"Very good!! It turns out that the test of the three-headed wolf is not the main thing, the most important thing is to get the approval of the ancestors ahh!!" Seeing this scene, Snow Wolf Elder was also excited, and finally At the end of my life, I finally saw Goraishi blooming rays of light again, and the future of Wolf Demon Tribe will no longer be gloomy.

And Kōga was equally excited, up high on a rock, accepting the cheers of Ginta and Hakkaku and many wild wolves below, he felt the power emanating from Goraishi, and he felt that his strength had improved Several times, at this time, he even forgot the fear Yabuto caused him, and even wanted to find Yabuto directly to fight him.

At this time, I am afraid Yabuto himself did not expect that because of his appearance and killing the three-headed wolf, Kōga would inherit the power of Goraishi in advance. But even if he knew it, he wouldn't regret it, because Kōga with or without Goraishi is the same for him!


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