Chapter 64 girl who traveled through time

"cough cough cough cough cough!!! guy! The start is really heavy ahh!! ! I didn't even leave any spare energy!" Meiyasu defeated Shirayukimaru, and finally Hakuri was swallowed by hatred. Even so, there was no displeasure in the words.

"You... didn't say that I am qualified!!" Yabuto was still cold-eyed after hearing the sound, and didn't leave any spare energy? ? Did you keep your hands again? The trick just now, as long as you are not an idiot, you can see it, a trick to bet on life and death, to spare? ? Your head is broken! !

"hmph! Forget it! This Uncle doesn't care about you! Today you won! But next time! I will never lose again! I will come to you again! Until then you can be a thousand Don't die, don't lose to others!!" Hearing Yabuto's words, Hakuri suddenly fell into embarrassment and quickly changed the subject.

After the cruel words were finished, Hakuri slowly rose into the air, and then he thought of flying away from the sky. As for Yabuto, there was no intention to stop him. In his opinion, Hakuri is not in the original. Appeared in work, but after a fight, he can clearly realize that this person has no ambitions and just wants to fight powerhouse, in a sense, similar to himself.

"Lord Yabuto!!! Just let him go like this??" Yabuto doesn't care, it doesn't mean that others are not worried. As a follower of Yabuto, Yumaru did not do anything when he saw Hakuri leave. When blocking, he couldn't help but want to make a sound, but thinking that it was not a situation where he could come forward at that time, so he didn't make a sound, but he didn't want to show it or not. Friend, like a bomb that will explode at any time, no one knows when the crisis will come.

"Let's go!!" Knowing what Yumaru is worried about, Yabuto didn't explain it. This is not his character. Yumaru has been with him for so long, and he should have understood that not explaining is the best explanation. As for Entei, it can tell whether the opponent is threatened or not, and its realization, obviously, the opponent does not have any threat, whether it is strength or character.

After the episode of Hakuri’s fight, Yabuto took Yumaru and Entei on the journey again. There is no designated place, wherever you go. For some demons, the heat and cold are the biggest The enemy is the loneliness brought about by endless time.

50 years of time has passed in a flash, and the fateful rainstorm has gradually erupted in this peaceful 50 years.......

"Mom!!! I'm going out!!!" Kaede's Village outside Bone-Eater's Well, bottom connects to another world, inside the quaint shrine, inside a chic little house, there is a young female voice Then, the door of Xiaoju opened slowly. A beautiful girl about 15-16 years old with black long hair and a white student uniform on her upper body, and a beautiful girl with a green short skirt on her lower body, carrying a backpack, walked through the door. Came out.

Kagome Higurashi, the home is a very old shrine. According to grandfather, the family has a lot of things that have a lot of origins and a long history, such as pickles from the aunt, which has a thousand years of age. Sacred Tree of Ages also has an underground base with many legends

ancient well. According to grandfather, everything seems to have a lot of origin.

"Sōta!" This day is the 15th birthday of Kagome. I am now preparing to go to school. After school, I invite my classmates to go home and celebrate their birthday.

"elder sister!!!" Hearing the voice, outside a dilapidated shrine, a little boy with the same black hair turned around.

"Didn't you say it! Can't you play in the ancestral hall?" Seeing the little boy standing at the entrance of the ancestral hall, Kagome's tone was slightly blamed.

"But, I want to feed Buyo, but it seems to have gone inside the ancestral hall!!" Turning his head and looking at the inside of the ancestral hall, it was dark. Sōta couldn't help being frowned.

"Buyo!!! Out for dinner!!!" The two entered the ancestral hall together, and saw a dilapidated wooden staircase in front of them, leading to the bottom of the ancestral hall, and the up ahead of the stairs was just a bite. It was sealed by some kind of weird white talisman paper.

"Isn't it alright to go down and find it?" See Sōta, but shouted into the ancestral hall beside him, but there was no movement. Kagome said lightly, and then walked towards the stairs. She knew that her younger brother must be afraid of getting into the ancestral hall, so she wandered at the door of the ancestral hall.


As soon as you walked down the stairs, you suddenly felt that something was touching your left leg, which shocked her suddenly Sighed in relief after seeing clearly that it was a white cat with brown spots at the foot. As for Sōta above, he was so scared that he sat on the ground. He stopped when he knew that you picked up the cat. Frightened.

zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi! ! ! !

"elder sister!!!" Suddenly there was a sound, Sōta was startled again, and at this moment, he suddenly saw a strange light radiating from the gap in the ancient well behind Kagome. Seeing this, Sōta couldn't help but yelled, but...

Boom! ! ! !

With a loud noise, the lid of the ancient well, together with the talisman paper on the ancient well, was crushed by a strong force, and then a few miserable white palms were extended from the ancient well. See Kagome caught it, and then pulled it away from the ancient well. Kagome, who was too late to react, was pulled closer to the ancient well by his palm, and the cat's hand was naturally opened.

Kagome didn’t know what happened. She only heard Sōta’s cry when she fell into the well, and then she felt her body sinking continuously. she was so shocked that she couldn't speak, at this moment, a pale hand reappears in front of him, moved her head, and turned her body over as she grasped her hand .

"ahh!!!" At the moment when his body turned over, Kagome was suddenly startled, and saw in front of him, a monster with a naked upper body and six arms, facing him, and the lower body of the monster is a very long skeleton.

"I'm so happy! Power is constantly coming up!! My body is slowly recovering!!" With the monster voice, the skeleton under her body started to grow flesh, then lower body turned into a length of several feet.

"It's on you!! It's on you, right!!!" As the body recovered, the monster looked at Kagome greedily, and even stuck out his disgusting tongue, filling Kagome. Cheeks.

"Let go of me! Disgusting! Let go of me!!" Kagome was shocked and scared when he saw it, extended the hand, and slapped it directly on the demon's face. The purple light gushed from her hand and was irradiated by the rays of light. The monster was actually pushed back by the rays of light, holding Kagome's hand, and under the rays of light, it instantly separated from her body.

"Damn!! I won't let you escape!!" Looking at Kagome above unwillingly, the falling monster let out a voice of unwillingness.

The monster disappeared, and Kagome finally sighed in relief. As the body went down, Kagome himself did not notice that a purple light was constantly shining on his left waist and lower abdomen.


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