Chapter 70 reappears! Aristocratic Assassin

Since Inuyasha was suppressed by Beads of Subjugation, there was no way to spy on Sacred Jewel, but other demons were not allowed to get involved. All the demons near Kaede's Village were expelled by him, but Inuyasha One person can never take care of everything.

Dancing Corpse Crow looked for an opportunity and seized Sacred Jewel, and began to borrow the power of Sacred Jewel to become stronger. In the chase of Kagome and Inuyasha, because of Kagome's lame arrow technique, Inuyasha finally lost patience. , But simply in the end, Kagome thought of a way.

Kagome tied the Dancing Corpse Crow to the arrow by the severed claw, borrowed the Sacred Jewel to automatically restore the injury, and successfully hit the Dancing Corpse Crow with his own exorcism power, but at the same time, it also hits With the Sacred Jewel in the Dancing Corpse Crow body, the final result is the same as the original work. The Sacred Jewel disappears into countless pieces.

Of course, in the face of this result, Inuyasha was unhappy and complained, but the final response was only four words. The two got along worse and worse. An angry Kagome came to Bone-Eater's Well. Planning to return to the original world, at this time the demoness of manipulating hair, Yura of the Demon-Hair appeared.

In order to snatch the Sacred Jewel Shard from Kagome, he attacked Kagome. Kagome simply fell into the ancient well and recovered his life, but Sacred Jewel Shard was also snatched by Yura, echoing the Kagome of the real world. , Did not rush to be happy, and kept ringing what Grandma Kaede had said.

On the other side, Inuyasha, who buried Grandma Kaede in the ground, also pursued the smell and came to the real world, and asked Kagome to take it away. Naturally, Kagome’s mother was pulling her ears to the original work. Kagome accidentally discovered that Inuyasha had black hair on her body. When she took it off, the hair caught him and cut him.

Kagome reacted at this time and ran to the shrine quickly and found that Yura’s hair had been chased over. After using his own blood to let Inuyasha find that the hair successfully resolved the crisis, Kagome finally realized that, and After returning to the real world, things will be resolved. After making up his mind, Kagome actively asked Inuyasha to return to the Warring States period.

It seems that Kagome didn’t want to go to the Warring States period. Inuyasha didn’t know why and didn’t want Kagome to take risks. However, Kaede's Village could not be solved without Kagome, so , He took off Robe of the Fire-Rat from his body and covered it on Kagome.

The two who returned to the Warring States period immediately began to look for Yura’s traces. At this time, Inuyasha also learned that although Kagome did not have any strength, his heart was very strong. With Kagome’s help, both The people got closer and closer to Yura, and when the two came near a cliff, under the cliff, countless hairs began to attack them.

Soon, Inuyasha was entangled in hair and tied into big characters in the air, but Kagome saw a big ball made up of countless hairs, and the big ball was connected to the tie. With Inuyasha's hair, the big ball was the source of the hair. At this time, Demoness Yura, who manipulated the hair, finally appeared.

Yura of the Demon-Hair, who has the home court advantage, also showed his own witness. Inuyasha got a silver white hair. Under Kagome's crappy arrow technique, Inuyasha's head was almost blown. After that, Yura launched an attack on Kagome, and the enraged Inuyasha used Blades of Blood, but he was still not Yura's opponent.

Simple, with Robe of the Fire-Rat body, Kagome was not harmed. With the cooperation of the two, Kagome finally discovered the secret of Yura’s immortality. At the last moment, the arrow succeeded. Through the red skull connected with Yura's life and death, Yura's true form, the comb for the dead man's makeup was pierced in half, and Yura disappeared under the night sky.

Finally defeated the powerful enemy. Inuyasha and Kagome's feelings slowly approached unconsciously. As for Grandma Kaede, it was buried in the ground as tragic. As for Inuyasha, don’t remember this thing? I don't know.

This side has just resolved the crisis, and on the other side under this night sky, a small demon with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill chased an automatically moving human head walking stick and came to a tomb. The tomb was The surrounding rocks were covered with unusual silence.

"Lord Sesshomaru!!!" After catching up with the crutch, holding the crutch in his hand, beak mouth demon turned to face the darkness behind him respectfully.

"Here?" In the darkness, an indifferent voice sounded exactly the same as Yabuto, and a mysterious silhouette slowly walked out, white magnificent clothes, silver and black combination armor of fangs , Silver white long hair, with crescent moon pattern on the forehead, and purple demon stripe on the face.

The visitor is no one else, but the son of Tōga, the big brother of Yabuto and Inuyasha, Aristocratic Assassin—Sesshōmaru! ! ! And that beak mouth demon is Jaken who follows Sesshōmaru in original work.

"Yes! The direction this cane points to is the grave! The little one will investigate immediately!" After Jaken explained to Sesshōmaru, he stepped on his short legs and quickly When I came to the tomb, dozens of wolves suddenly appeared after the chaos near the tomb.

Suddenly scared Jaken to hide behind Sesshōmaru, the jackal saw someone approaching, and they all radiated this hostility, looking at the slowly approaching Sesshōmaru, and for the hostility of these jackals, Sesshōmaru was as if nothing was left behind. Gu's walked towards the cemetery.

"fang? it is a fang i seek! As long as I can get it! I can get stronger strength. It seems that I am still dissatisfied with my strength! Is this uneasy? No! This is no limit!" When he came to the cemetery, Sesshōmaru stopped, already surrounded by wolves, and turned his head coldly and looked towards the sharp fang in the wolf's mouth.

"This is! The desire for power!!" Ignoring the roar who warned the wolves next to him, Sesshōmaru muttered to himself in front of the moonlight grave. Seeing Sesshōmaru, the wolves rushed as quickly as possible. Going up, Sesshōmaru emits dark green light in his hand, and a green light whip sweeps away from his index finger.

"Teeth! I long for my sharp teeth!!" aristocratic dance, no dead angle attack, dozens of wolves turned into blood mist, blood mist, indifferent A trace of desire flashed in his eyes.

After finishing a series of massacres, Sesshōmaru asked Jaken to use the Staff of Two Heads to open the secret of the tomb, but the result was that the purpose was false. Sesshōmaru had no other reaction and turned around and left the purpose. Jaken is followed along. The two went to the human army to find the ship, and the army was turned into ashes under the Staff of Two Heads in Jaken.

On the other side, under the dark moon, several wolves are constantly running away, their eyes are full of fear, and on the body of one of the wolves, a flea demon the size of a thumb carapace is right. Holding on to the jackal's hair tightly, at this moment, thinking about everything just now, he was already sweating coldly, now he has only one idea, to find Inuyasha! ! !


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