Chapter 72 The Guardian of the Other World

Sesshōmaru went to Inuyasha and entered the demon’s cemetery. In the cemetery, I found the bones of Tōga, and In the body of the corpse, the demon blade—Tessaiga sealed in Tōga's body was found.

The moment he saw Tessaiga, Sesshōmaru had a desire in his eyes, but when he touched Tessaiga, he was rejected by Tessaiga's power. Looking at the hand that was blocked by the Tessaiga barrier backlash, Sesshōmaru had nothing to do Change, but secretly irritated in my heart, my father's approach.

At this moment, Inuyasha chased and saw Tessaiga. Myōga immediately asked Inuyasha to pull out Tessaiga, but Inuyasha saw this tattered rusty sword and couldn’t help but look down. Under Kagome’s persuasion, Inuyasha First, he gave up the fight with Sesshōmaru and came to Tessaiga.

"The farce should be over!" Inuyasha entered the stage. Tessaiga did not resist him, but like Sesshōmaru, Inuyasha still had no ability to pull out Tessaiga. Seeing Inuyasha, Sesshōmaru finally lost patience. Moving his figure, he quickly came to the side of the seat and attacked Inuyasha.

"Poison Claws!!!" Inuyasha quickly avoided, but Sesshōmaru was faster, and immediately caught up with Inuyasha, extending the hand instantly pressed Inuyasha to the bone wall, restraining Inuyasha, Sesshōmaru Dark-green light radiated from his hand, which set off Sesshōmaru's face extremely strangely.

Immediately, a claw was shot out, and Inuyasha swung his head at the sight, avoiding the attack of the poisonous claw, but the bone wall behind it was melted by the poisonous claw. It can be seen that the poison of Sesshōmaru How toxic is the claw, even the hardest bones of the human body can melt.

Inuyasha, who was out of control, was still scared during the run, but at this time, Sesshōmaru had caught up again. Inuyasha swept away with one claw, Sesshōmaru jumped high, avoiding Inuyasha’s attack, and immediately, index finger The light whip sparkled and drew towards Inuyasha, then Robe of the Fire-Rat Inuyasha blocked it a few times, but then he was still hit to the ground.

On the other hand, Kagome is fighting with the small demon Jaken, but Kagome reminds that although it is much larger than Jaken, the demon is still a demon after all, and the power is not weaker than Kagome, plus more After being attacked by a Kagome sneak attack, Jaken was also very upset. In one battle, Kagome was thrown to the Tessaiga pedestal.

On the other side, Inuyasha has been pressed to the ground by Sesshōmaru. Poison Claws used it here. The movement of the fingertips and joints that sounded nothing, made Inuyasha feel as harsh as noise. Seeing that Inuyasha was about to be penetrated by poisonous claws , Kagome yelled out of desperation and pulled Tessaiga up.

"Sorry! I pulled it up!!" Kagome said blankly, looking at Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru blankly.

At this time, I was surprised. Except for Jaken and Myōga, even Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha were the same. You should know that neither of my father’s relics as sons was pulled up, but one The unrelated human girl pulled up, how this makes them not surprised.

I can’t understand that my father aroused Sesshōmaru’s killing intent for Sesshōmaru, who is heart to protect humans, and turned to attack Kagome. In an instant, the corrosive poison wrapped Kagome. Seeing Kagome had an accident, Inuyasha didn’t know why. I felt an inexplicable rise in the mind and began to launch a fierce attack on Sesshōmaru.

However, due to the disparity in strength, Inuyasha quickly fell into a disadvantage again and was constantly attacked by Sesshōmaru with a light whip. In the midst of being attacked, Inuyasha kept recalling his childhood memories. those are cold eyes that cannot be accepted by humans, but there is only one person who looks at their own warm eyes and that is their own mother.

With the belief in guarding and cherishing in his heart, he finally broke Sesshōmaru's mouth, with the filthy human blood flowing in him. If he could not touch Sesshōmaru, his hard claw hit Sesshōmaru on the chest. The armor suddenly caused Sesshōmaru's armor to burst. Looking at the armor on his chest, Sesshōmaru seemed to have a hint of interest.

At this moment, the violent poison that originally wrapped Kagome suddenly collapsed. Kagome got out of the poison and looked at Sesshōmaru angrily with her eyebrows pinched. Then she came to Inuyasha and delivered Tessaiga. Inuyasha's hand, and on the other side, Sesshōmaru who saw this scene was also surprised, but after seeing Tessaiga, he returned to the original state!

At this time, Myōga, who was afraid of death, came to Inuyasha’s shoulder again without knowing when, and encouraged him to use Sesshōmaru as a touchstone, but at this time Sesshōmaru saw Tessaiga fall into Inuyasha’s hands. , Was already angry, and the skeleton at his feet seemed to feel the constant vibration of Sesshōmaru's anger.

"It’s still fanning the flames! Can you, Inuyasha, use Tessaiga? Let I, Sesshōmaru come and see!" An angry Sesshōmaru, demonic energy burst out all over, a green demonic energy storm (in fact, it is also The red one! But Ye Shao used it! So Shao Shao changed to green!!) Encircled Sesshōmaru instantly, and then Sesshōmaru's hair and tail rushed away at will.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Sesshōmaru's eyes were replaced by blood light, and then the skin became paler and the demon stripe on his face became longer and longer. Originally, he could still see the demonic energy storm of Sesshōmaru's face and instantly destroyed all Sesshōmaru. Covered up, and then, it turned into a dark green streamer that ran around Tōga's stomach, and then impacted not far in front of Inuyasha, instantly turning a demon skeleton into a powder.

roar!! ! ! !

During the storm, a giant claw with a cloud-like mane cut through the storm with a loud roar. After a hundred years, Sesshōmaru once again showed its true form. It was better than before, and Inuyasha was as big as it was before. The enemy, but Sesshōmaru did not give Inuyasha a chance to breathe, and immediately launched an attack. Inuyasha faced Sesshōmaru's power and fell into a bitter battle.

dī dī dī dī! ! ! !

During fierce battles in other worlds, a damp and dark within cave in this world, sharp rocks on the mountain wall, and occasional water droplets constantly hit the ground, Yabuto alone walked on the dark road, In front of me, there was a darkness where I could not see my fingers, but Yabuto regarded it as nothing.

Finally, it seemed that there was no road ahead, Yabuto stopped, and then suddenly lit up for some reason. In front of Yabuto, an ancient gate appeared immediately, and beside the gate, there were two huge One of the statues is holding a crescent shovel and the other is holding a long spear.

"Gozu and Mezu?" Looking at the two statues in front of him, although Yabuto's mouth is still flat, he can't help but complain. It turns out that Gozu and Mezu can be so handsome.

"Want to go through the gate?" At this moment, there was a sound in the cave. The sound echoed in the cave, giving people a feeling of imposing manner. Yabuto knew it was Gozu. And Mezu's voice, people who haven't come here will be asked this question by them.

boom boom boom boom!!!!

Suddenly, the cave began to vibrate, and the dust on the two statues continued to spread, and then the two statues stepped out at the same time, blocking In front of Yabuto, he immediately asked. "Do you want to go through the gate?"

"I have no interest in entangled with you, open the door!!! or die!!!" The indifferent voice also recalled the strong killing in the cave. The sound was even more cold and penetrating. Yabuto didn't want to waste time on the two gatekeepers, touched his waist, and then pulled out Meiyasu.

long long long! ! boom! !

"Whoever owns the sword of the world, you can pass!!" Meiyasu came out of the sheath, suddenly, a hot aura swept across the cave. The moment I saw Meiyasu, Gozu and Mezu remained the same His expression, but slowly bends his body, then one-knee kneels in front of Yabuto, and respectfully said to Yabuto.

Boom bang!!!!

As the words of Gozu and Mezu fell, the door behind them slowly opened, and a dazzling rays of light illuminated the cave. This rays of Light, for those who get permission from Gozu and Mezu, there is no change, but for those who forcibly break in, it is fatal. This rays of light will directly turn the person who is irradiated into stone.

"Clever decision!!" He left a cold sentence, then inserted Meiyasu back into the scabbard, and then stepped towards the door.


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