Chapter 80 Showdown! Thunder Brothers!


There was a violent rumbling, and the lightning impact all around the ground exuded violent destruction. Hiten was holding a Thunder Pike, and the tip of the blade was pointing to a huge demon blade. The person of the blade holder is not someone else. It was Inuyasha, who was now separating and resisting the violent force emanating from Thunder Pike.

"You half-demon kid, just have a taste of my Thunder Pike! You have to play with me!" Hiten, stepping on wind-fire wheels, aloof and remote , Inuyasha looked at the ground contemptuously, and the Thunder Pike in his hand did not flash a dazzling lightning. At this time, Hiten was already different from the original work. He had the power of four jewel shards, and his strength was even stronger.

"hmph! No one who said these things to me in the past found it funny in the end!!" Although Hiten's strength was also surprised in his heart, Inuyasha's character did not allow any weakness. Holding Tessaiga in his hand, not to be outdone responded.

"hahaha!!! That's right!!!" Upon hearing the sound, Hiten laughed wildly, waved his Thunder Pike, and the wind-fire wheels exploded under his feet, and instantly swooped down like a rocket. From the previous fight, there is just a brute half-demon in front of him. He really doesn’t understand why that guy with such a strong strength would use a piece of Sacred Jewel Shard to make his opponent such a weak guy. .

But all this doesn’t matter to him. He got a piece for no reason, and Inuyasha also has the shard of the Sacred Jewel on him. As long as he is killed, his strength can be strengthened here, when the time comes, he is confident, even if he meets the guy before, he is definitely not losing.

Boom! ! bang bang!! !

"Take this!!!" rushed down, borrowed the descending momentum of Hiten, swept across the ground with the lightning Thunder Pike, suddenly, the ground cracked, the sand and rocks soared, Inuyasha jumped and avoided, With the help of wind-fire wheels, Hiten changed his body shape in the air, turned around, and Thunder Pike swept across.

clang!! ! zhi zhi zhi squeak! ! ! !

loud sound of metal colliding, Tessaiga and Thunder Pike collide violently again, and the skyrocketing lightning makes Inuyasha's ears ringing like the sound of beans. Hiten’s Thunder Pike, if it gets cut, I’m afraid even I can’t bear it! ! Seeing Hiten who was constantly attacking in front of him, Inuyasha couldn't help concentrating in his heart while resisting in his hands, absolutely not being hit.

On the other side, Manten wanted to sneak attack Inuyasha, but he was silently pushed down from the dark cloud by Kagome. The lighting blast in his mouth blasted the ground into a big pit without Manten demonic power. The supporting black cloud also turned into gunpowder smoke, and Kagome fell from the air. Fortunately, Manten's body was used as a pad, so he was not injured.

But being pushed down by a little girl, Manten was obviously very angry. He kept chasing Kagome behind him. Kagome ran away without paying attention to his feet. One of them fell to the ground and saw Manten. It was about to catch up. Fortunately, Shippō arrived in time, using his black magic with an attack power of only five, and even knocked down Manten, allowing Kagome to escape smoothly.

"How could this happen! No last hair!! I dare to give my last hair...ahh!!!!!" At this time, I was complimenting The two Kagome of Shippō heard a grieving roar from Manten in the pit at the same time.

Immediately, a giant golden-yellow lightning rushed out of the big pit, rushing into the sky, and it continued to expand, magnifying the entire huge pit several times again. Kagome and Shippō saw it. He screamed and ran away, and at this time, Manten was obviously gone before. The golden lightning, constantly raging all around the vegetation and rocks, forced the Shippō and Kagome to flee again and again.

With the benefit of Kagome, in order to subdue Manten, Kagome told Shippō of his strategy. In the end, Shippō became Kagome, and then deliberately exposed the weak spot. Under Manten’s attack, Kagome told Shippō. Was bombarded into powder, and "Kagome" was stunned behind the rock. When Manten approached and grabbed "Kagome", his hands were suddenly entangled with "Kagome"'s hair.

At this time, the real Kagome on the other side ran over. Only then did Manten realize that he had captured Kagome and it was Shippō's transformation. Kagome pulled out the arrow that was stuck in Manten's nose. Come out, I want to use the power of the arrow to pry out the jewel shard on Manten's forehead.

However, she obviously overestimated Shippō's power and underestimated Manten's strength. When she tried hard, Manten's left hand instantly broke the hair entwined in her hand, and immediately swept Kagome away. On the other side, Shippō He was also shocked back to true form, and then kicked out by Manten.


At this time, an angry Manten threw himself in front of Kagome, pinched Kagome’s neck and tried to strangle him, and at this time, Inuyasha, who saw an accident in Kagome, became distracted. Hiten’s Thunder Pike swept his shoulder. Suddenly, he was chopped out with a bright red blood stain. The blood seemed to flow down without money.

Both sides were restrained at the same time. The Thunder Brothers both abused the prey in their hands at the same time. Shippō wanted to rush to save Kagome, but because of the disparity in strength, Manten flew out with a single flick. Unwilling to watch Manten humiliate his father, then Shippō, who couldn't stand it, rushed to bite Manten's neck, and didn't let go of how Manten beat him on the head.

"I can't stand it! Although I am not a good person! But you are even worse and disgusting!! Blades of Blood!!!" At this time, Inuyasha couldn't pass it, maybe because it was Half-demon, there is still a human feeling, looking at Shippō, even if he doesn't care about things other than Sacred Jewel, Inuyasha can't help but be moved.

"Interesting! Resist a little bit more!!!" Seeing Inuyasha's sudden attack, Hiten was taken aback, but then recovered. Thunder Pike slammed and blocked all the blood blades in an instant, but As soon as the words fell, I saw that Inuyasha had moved towards Tessaiga and rushed away.

"Idiot! Where are you throwing ahh!!" Seeing Inuyasha holding Tessaiga, he got up high, and then even moved towards Tessaiga as a dart and threw it towards him. Maybe it was mocking Inuyasha, or Inuyasha's dart throwing technique was really bad, Hiten suddenly scorned.

"It worked!!"

Bah! ! ! ! !

"What!" Who knows, the landed Inuyasha was not disappointed by the failure of the attack, but felt that the conspiracy had succeeded. At this time, a weird sound came into Hiten's ears, and Hiten was surprised suddenly, and the pupils of his eyes contracted rapidly.


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