Chapter 8 Tessaiga

With the consent of Tōga, Yabuto is very happy, not only because he can go to the battlefield, but also because of his own strength, he initially got his father I am sure that I have taken the 1st Step beyond father. With a happy mood, Yabuto left the great hall with the demons and Sesshōmaru who had finished discussing.

At this time, in another corner of the great hall, Princess Izayoi walked out slowly, with a trace of worry on her delicate face. "Husband! Are you going to fight again?"

For Princess Izayoi, wars have long been accustomed. As a Princess of a human region country, her father often fights to expand her territory. I didn't expect to arrive in the demon world. The struggle seemed to be more intense than the human world, so she was not worried.

Looking at the worry on the face of his beloved woman, Tōga stepped forward and gently embraced Izayoi in his arms, while gently stroking Izayoi's abdomen and said softly. "It's ahh!! For the future of Western Lands, and for our unborn child!! This battle must be won"

"War will sacrifice a lot of people, can't it be avoided?" heard Tōga's words, although she feels sweet in her heart, she still doesn't want Tōga to be suspected, and in recent days she always feels feel ill at ease, but she can't tell why.

"Izayoi, rest assured! As long as this time wins, there will be no other voices in Western Lands in the future!! We can live a peaceful life too!!" This battle is indeed a must No, the original Western Lands was captured by Tōga from Panther Tribe. Now Panther Tribe is going to make the final counterattack. As long as it is defeated in one fell swoop, Western Lands will always have the voice of Dog Demon Tribe.

"en! !" Knowing that it would be useless to persuade, Princess Izayoi stopped talking, leaning her head in Tōga's arms, enjoying the warmth of leaving.

On the other side, Yabuto was happily thinking about walking to the hut where Tōtōsai was located. As for the purpose, of course, to retrieve his own things. The war is about to begin, and today is just right. It was the time agreed with Tōtōsai, and he couldn't wait to take a look at his armor.

Full of expectation, Yabuto came to the location of Tōtōsai. Like last time, Yabuto directly kicked the door of Tōtōsai’s hut and walked in. This time, Tōtōsai and He was not hitting iron, but lying on the ground with wine gourd in his hand and drinking leisurely.

"The appointed time is here!" Yabuto didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic. He didn't want to hear from Tōtōsai's ears that it hadn't been completed. If it were normal, maybe Yabuto would not be so good, but this way It was different once, because this suit of armor will be used right away. If Tōtōsai hasn't finished it and has free time to drink here, Yabuto doesn't mind teaching him a lesson.

"Oh! Lord Yabuto!!! Don't worry!! The things you ordered are ready!!" Seeing Yabuto's "bad" face, Tōtōsai didn't dare to disappoint him, no Knowing what method was used, from an old big tank, take out a treasure box about the same size as the big tank.

Of course, Yabuto didn’t care. Instead, he stepped forward and took the treasure box. Then he slowly opened the lid of the treasure box. What caught his eyes was still his black and white one. magnificent clothes, the difference is that now the magnificent clothes chest is covered by a piece of dark green armor, and on the shoulder of the left sleeve, there is also a dark green dragon head shoulder guard, domineering but not fancy.

As soon as I saw this armor, Yabuto fell in love with it. Maybe it’s this era. Although only the chest and shoulders are protected, it is enough for Yabuto. After all, which The country has not wrapped itself in a tight armor, and even if it does, Yabuto will not be interested.

"This armor! There is no name yet, but it is the best one I have completed. Even if it is on the master, there is no way to compare it!! And I also modified it specially. Even if the Young Master grows physically, it still transforms into a true form without any damage!!!" Although the face is still plain and indifferent, Tōtōsai can still see Yabuto's love for armor.

"en! Then I will leave first!" Yabuto nodded, if Tōtōsai didn’t speak, he would have forgotten this question. What if he grows up in the future, even though he’s talking to an adult now Almost, but after all, I'm only 14 years old, and the point is after the transformation? ? Fortunately, Tōtōsai had this in mind.

"Lord Yabuto, please wait ahh!! Regarding Meiōjū's turtle shell, there is still a part!!!" Seeing Yabuto's departure, Tōtōsai remembered the question about Meiōjū turtle shell.

"useless for me, you keep it!!!" Yabuto didn't turn around, but responded flatly and walked out, but at this time, Tōtōsai suddenly chased it out.

"Lord Yabuto, there is something to please you, I almost forgot just now, please give this to your father!!" Tōtōsai, who chased it out, handed a dilapidated demon blade in his hand to Yabuto In front of.

Yabuto, who was called by Tōtōsai several times and was a little unhappy, looked at the handy eyes shrank of this demon blade, because the knife Tōtōsai gave him was the weapon that Tōga used most often in battles. It is also Tessaiga, the weapon most frequently used by Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha in original work.

"Tessaiga! legendary demon sword that can kill hundred demons in one strike!" Looking at Tessaiga, Yabuto muttered out, without hiding his desire for this blade, but soon This desire was broken up, Yabuto didn't dare to peep into this blade, let alone say that this blade does not belong to him, even if it is, he would not want it. His goal is to surpass Tōga, so he will not use Tōga weapons. .

Think about what happened to Sesshōmaru who fell into a misunderstanding! Think about it again, awakening everything, what it's like to get Bakusaiga and surpass Tōga Sesshōmaru! ! Let Yabuto choose, of course, is to choose the latter.

"It turns out that Young Master knows! Tessaiga is a weapon cast with the master's fang, and it does have such power, but this demon blade is not usable by anyone, at least Lord Sesshomaru can't use it!! !" Tōtōsai also saw a trace of desire flashing in Yabuto's eyes, but he did not see the dispelled desire. He thought that Yabuto also wanted Tessaiga.

"en? ??" Yabuto was very upset when I heard Tōtōsai's words. The meaning of these words was obvious, that is, to prevent yourself from prying at this Tessaiga, or to say that a demon like yourself can't use Tessaiga. .

Seeing that Yabuto’s face became more gloomy, Tōtōsai was also taken aback. Although Yabuto’s murderous aura was inferior to Sesshōmaru, it did not mean that he did not have it. In addition to his cold personality, Tōtōsai was even more impressed at this time. It was a cold sweat, without noticing at all, that the Tessaiga in his hand had been nested in Yabuto's hands.

"The rumors! can kill 100 demons with one strike my Tessaiga! What kind of power do I have!!" Yabuto seems to be talking to himself, but in fact it is facing Tessaiga. He knows that Tessaiga has it. spiritual blade, he also wants to see the power of Tessaiga, and at the same time, he wants to test whether he, who was originally a human, has the ability to use Tessaiga with the body of this demon.


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