89th Chapter Gorgeous and Shudder (Part 2)

extend the hand, seeing that the Tenseiga is about to get the hand, what material is passing by with a green glow, the Tenseiga is instantly entangled by the light whip, Sesshōmaru took the Tenseiga back quickly with the help of being threw away (don’t get me wrong! Sesshōmaru did not run away, he was also impossible to escape!), seeing the "prey" escape again in his hands.

Yabuto's legs hardened, his body ejected, and he immediately caught up with the Tenseiga with a phantom. With a wave of his hand, the sharp claws split the light whip, and instantly held the Tenseiga, but at this time, a gust of wind swept. After that, Yabuto felt her neck tight. It turned out that Sesshōmaru had also killed her. The right hand pressed Yabuto's neck and quickly fell towards the ground like a meteor.

Looking at the rear, Yabuto, held by Sesshōmaru, was about to hit the huge mountain wall. Suddenly, Sesshōmaru was taken aback and saw Yabuto's shoulder wriggling like a python tail, struggling to shoot. Sesshōmaru, who looked at the tail covering his gaze, with only one hand, helplessly, let go of the hand holding Yabuto, blocking the tail's slap, and his body fell downward.

At this time, the light whip appeared here and wrapped tightly around Tenseiga. With the help of the slap, Yabuto suddenly felt that his hands were empty. Tenseiga got out of his hand. Upon seeing it, Yabuto chased down, with the white tail straight. With the help of the downward momentum, Sesshōmaru fell again. Seeing this, Sesshōmaru seemed to remember that he had a tail.

The tails on the shoulders are squirming at the same time. With the help of the soft tail, they use their own tails to entangle Yabuto’s tail with skillful force. Suddenly reduce the power of the next shot. At this time, Yabuto has landed. Regardless of the tail entwined with Sesshōmaru, it turned into a shadowy hand

With five claws, flames covered the palm of the hand, Burning Soul Claws swept towards Sesshōmaru.

Sesshōmaru quickly untied his entangled tail and pulled back when he saw it, but he obviously forgot one thing. The moment he retreated, he only felt a tight waist. At this moment, he was originally entangled in The tail around Yabuto's waist has also been untied long ago. Yes, Yabuto has two tails. At this time, he is being entangled by the tail around Yabuto's waist.

Grab Sesshōmaru, Yabuto manipulates the tail, and throws Sesshōmaru down from the top. Seeing that he is in close contact with the ground, Sesshōmaru abandons Tenseiga when he sees it. Tenseiga entangled, and the free hand, the dark green

rays of light shined, and it was about to dissolve Yabuto's tail.

But Yabuto was obviously impossible to let him succeed. He quickly let go of his tail, and when he let go, he quickly reached the sky and the target was obviously Tenseiga, but at this time, Sesshōmaru's tail was about to touch Tenseiga, Yabuto Obviously he couldn't catch up, but at the moment he was about to touch Tenseiga, Sesshōmaru felt his tail tighten, and the two sturdy white tails were entwined again. At this time, the other tail that Yabuto was chasing had already arrived, instantly taking Tenseiga. Entangled.

Boom! ! ! !

When Sesshōmaru saw this, he was about to catch up immediately, but obviously, he had no chance. With the same suffocation, the Yabuto silhouette had already arrived, and instantly pinched Sesshōmaru’s neck, carrying Sesshōmaru like a bullet. In the same way, it hit the mountain wall behind Sesshōmaru, and instantly hit a crack on the mountain wall one after another.

Under the control of Yabuto, Sesshōmaru extend the hand, green light appeared Poison Claws wanted to fight back, but Yabuto had two hands, one hand caught his neck, and the other hand instantly seized Sesshōmaru The hand that was about to fight back also pressed against the mountain wall, and Sesshōmaru was overpowered in an instant.

"I finally know! Why do you yearn for Tessaiga so much! Indeed! Weak like you! You need the protection of father!!!" Looking at Sesshōmaru who is controlled by himself, Yabuto looked coldly At him, the cold voice pierced Sesshōmaru's ears deeply.

Need the protection of father? ? weak! ! ! Sensitive words obviously stimulate the bottom line in Sesshōmaru's heart. Sesshōmaru is a perfect demon. He does not need the protection of father. It is everyone's right to gain strength. Tessaiga is what he deserves. He is definitely not a weak. .

Boom! ! ! !

"You have to pay for your words and deeds!!" The storm swept wildly, the dark green storm hit the mountain wall, blood red infested his eyes, and the sharp storm left several blood marks on Yabuto's hands. The demonic energy storm erupted instantly, the demon was the most primordial fierceness, the Sesshōmaru demonic energy erupted, swept all around instantly, and Yabuto retreated.

roar!! ! !

The burst of demonic power swept all around, instantly turning the surrounding several li forests into ruins, Sesshōmaru floated in the air, the fangs between the bark teeth grew more and more, the demon stripe on the face grew longer and longer, and then the skin Being replaced by pale, the dark green storm completely covered Sesshōmaru in an instant. During the storm, a roar of wild beast spread out.

However, the other side also burst out with a shocking force. In the bloody storm, a huge snow-white silhouette rushed out. The snow-white giant claw floating with flames instantly penetrated the dark green demonic. Energy storm, a powerful force will disperse the storm. In the storm, another huge silhouette will be pushed out and hit the mountain wall behind again.

In the same situation as just now, the claws and necks were restrained. Under the suppression of the same huge body of the other party, the legs did not have the ability to resist and was defeated... This is the same Dog Demon Tribe, and has been obeyed and followed since childhood. The worshipped Prince, and the prince who was rejected by clansman, fought again with trembling and magnificence, which was completely different from the result of a hundred years.

The Jaken who watched the battle from a distance opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe that Lord Sesshomaru, who was invincible in his eyes, was defeated at this time, whether it was a true form or a human form battle, he was already defeated....

They have the same blood on them, but they are completely different. Yabuto doesn’t need the power of father. As a real Great Demon, he doesn’t need these, whether it’s father’s relics. , Or the Sacred Jewel that demons regard as life. But Sesshōmaru is still a son who lives in the shadow of father. The outcome of this battle is already doomed at first.

Call hu!!!!

The two huge monsters slowly shrunk, turned into two demonic silhouettes in the air, and landed slowly. Yabuto held the Tenseiga in his hand and stood proudly. The moment Sesshōmaru landed, he was on one-knee kneels, and his expression was ten thousand years. No change, but a heavy breathing can still be heard in the silent ruins.

"You want to get father's relic with all your heart!! Have you thought about it! Is it also the feeling of Tenseiga left by father?" Looking at Sesshōmaru calmly, only failure can let Sesshōmaru understand , Blindly seeking power is not the right way to become stronger.

"I, Sesshōmaru don't need that kind of thing!!!" No need! ! No need for Sesshōmaru, what is not needed? ? Is it something that does not need to be guarded, or does it not need Tenseiga? ? ?

"You said I would kill you now! Can Tenseiga save you?" Ignoring Sesshōmaru's cold voice, Yabuto asked inexplicably, Sesshōmaru did not speak, but...

dong dong!! ! dong dong!! ! ! !

The whisper from Tenseiga seemed to discourage, more like pleading. At the moment when Yabuto killing intent emerged, Tenseiga pleaded for Sesshōmaru. Even if it was never taken seriously by the master, at this moment, he still pleaded for the master. , Tenseiga! ! ! Does the knife cast to save people have a natural good soul? ? ?

"Tenseiga!! Rin" looked at Tenseiga's reaction, and Sesshōmaru couldn't help but recall the innocent smile that made people warm like the sun! !

"You should be grateful that you...have a loyal sword to protect the lord!!" The cold voice, recalling the silhouette that disappeared into the sky in the ears of Sesshōmaru and Jaken, finally let Jaken relaxed....

"Lord Sesshomaru!!! Are you okay!!"


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