Chapter 93 The Gap! Tessaiga vs. Hakusō

"Sesshōmaru! Do you really desire the power of Tessaiga so much?" Looking at Inuyasha in a coma, Yabuto wondered inexplicably. Sesshōmaru couldn't see his expression, but in his voice. Indifferent can't hear emotions.

"If it was the father sword-wielding of the year! Would you kill father in order to gain strength?" Another question, the same unidentified emotion, heard Sesshōmaru for a moment. father? ? I remember that in the blizzard of the year, father also asked this question. How did he answer it? ? Can't answer! !

"How long are the shadow of father!!!" In his thoughts, the anger and the low cold voice came out in a low voice. It was Yabuto's question, Tōga! Which great father is dead, and as his descendants, whether it is the big brother Sesshōmaru, the second brother’s Yabuto, or the younger brother’s Inuyasha, should they learn to protect themselves? ?

Continuous questioning, Sesshōmaru didn’t answer, and didn’t know how to answer. Several people in the distance listened to Yabuto’s question. They didn’t know what Dog Demon Tribe’s past was like, but They can see that Yabuto's admiration for father, but even if he admires him, he is constantly surpassing him, rather than blindly following father's footsteps.

"Let me see! Let me see the power you desire!!" Yabuto let out a low cold voice, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, Yabuto thought of Inuyasha walking away, feeling the outside With the power approaching, Inuyasha's consciousness moved. Even if Tessaiga knew Yabuto, at this moment, it had been infected by Inuyasha's spirit and unleashed a real guardian power.

Golden blade glow, as if to feel the change of power, the powerful power surpassed Jaken's approach by dozens of times. I saw a burst of red light in the blade glow, and the blood barrier would resist the intense blade energy. , The footsteps never stopped until they came to Inuyasha's body, the right hand stretched out the barrier, ignoring the hand cut by the blade energy, holding the Tessaiga blade hilt.

"Inuyasha!!!" When the external force touched, Inuyasha finally lost consciousness and fell. Seeing that Inuyasha finally fell, Kagome couldn't take care of the others anymore, and quickly moved to the direction where Inuyasha was. , Inuyasha's fallen body suddenly stopped. Then, his whole body was wrapped in red rays of light. The barrier on Yabuto's body gradually dissipated, and Inuyasha slowly lifted and flew in the direction of moved towards Kagome.

Kagome was taken aback when he saw the barrier flying towards him. Kagome slowly slowed down. Looking at the barrier stopped in front of him, Inuyasha slowly fell after the barrier dissipated. Kagome ignored the barrier. The clothes dyed red quickly supported Inuyasha, and at this time, Miroku and Shippō also arrived.

With all scruples about the barrier, he inserted Tenseiga on the ground, and then took Tessaiga towards Sesshōmaru’s hand by Inuyasha. Under everyone’s astonished eyes, Yabuto waved Tessaiga with a huge knife The broken arm slapped in the direction of Sesshōmaru. The wriggling broken arm seemed to feel the summon of Sacred Jewel, automatically returned to Sesshōmaru, and joined with Sesshōmaru's arm port.

"He!! What the hell is going to do?" Immediately, Kagome and the others were even more surprised that what happened, Yabuto threw out Tessaiga in his hand, and the direction was in the direction of Sesshōmaru, even Jaken and Sesshōmaru didn't understand what Yabuto's purpose was.

Catch Tessaiga and feel the power in his hand. Sesshōmaru finally understands that all of this is true, but he cannot understand what Yabuto means. The fang sword is once again transformed into the strongest form in Sesshōmaru's hands. .

"Prove it to me! Prove that what I just said is wrong! Prove that you are not in the shadow of father, and prove that Sesshōmaru is the true orthodoxy of Dog Demon Tribe!!" Angrily said, Stabbing Sesshōmaru straight, everyone was stunned for an instant, and gave Tessaiga to Sesshōmaru, so that Sesshōmaru could attack him? ?

"I, Sesshōmaru never under anyone's shadow, this is I, Sesshōmaru's own power!!" Repeated questioning and repeated cold words, Sesshōmaru did not understand the meaning of Yabuto's words, but was evoked anonymous Angry, facing Inuyasha who didn't care about him, but always angry in front of Yabuto...


furiously shouted, Sesshōmaru raised his knife , Fang Sword's strongest blow, the violent blade energy came in three ways, forming three terrifying huge gaps on the ground, entrained in a storm of violent demonic energy, swept all over, rushing towards Yabuto.

"Let you understand today! How ignorant you think the pursuit of power is, let you understand the gap between you and me who live in the shadow!!" But I see the other side, Yabuto face Expressionless, looking at the shock in front of him, it was like nothing. Suddenly, his eyes opened, a dark glow from the anger in his heart flashed out, and the purple light flowed from his waist, erupting Hakusō's most ferocious imposing manner.

"Blood Soul Burial!!!" was covered by the golden demonic energy storm. During the destruction, a cold sound came out, a stronger storm, more severe destruction, and the red-purple storm penetrated the golden blade glow, The violent lightning swept all around, suddenly, the mountains moved and the ground moved, everything suffered, and the golden blade glow dissipated even more.

Seeing the red-purple storm of assaults the senses, Sesshōmaru raised a knife to block it. Suddenly a huge force came. The arm connected by Sacred Jewel was not painful, but the oncoming strong pressure finally made Sesshōmaru The grave expression was exposed, and at this time, the hand holding Tessaiga could no longer withstand the huge force. Starting from the fingers, Tessaiga broke away. The storm of demonic energy suddenly devoured Sesshōmaru's entire arm, and Sesshōmaru withdrew when he saw it. The whole left arm was grayed again, and the jewel shard fell in the air.

Standing with the blade holder, Hakusō seems to be dissatisfied with the constant dissemination of demonic energy, but is pressed back by the blade holder, ignoring the frenzy in his hands, looking at the loser in front of him coldly, Yabuto is still cold as serene, with a single blow! Shocked everyone present.

For hundreds of years, Yabuto has avoided Sesshōmaru. He did not want to meet in a hundred years. He was defeated in the first battle. After holding Tessaiga, he still lost. Sesshōmaru's guess at this time is bitter. This is to walk beyond the father. The difference between a bridge and the road in father’s footsteps? ? Kagome and the others have the same mind, but they are not bitter, but shocking.

Although I have known the power of Yabuto for a long time, I have not thought about how strong it is. For them, Inuyasha is very strong, and Sesshōmaru is an extremely large giant, but at this time It was Sesshōmaru who was holding Tessaiga with a stab. What kind of power was this.

"The gap between you and me is under this move. I have found what I lack in my heart. Waiting for you to find your flaws! Come to redeem your dignity!!" coldly said Looking at Sesshōmaru at this time, Yabuto had no desire to fight anymore. He retracted the knife into its sheath, and then slowly moved his fingertips. The jewel shard on the ground floated slowly, and then fell into Yabuto's palm.

"Jaken! Let's go!!" The body slowly volleyed, and the body surrounded by the barrier disappeared into the night sky, and Sesshōmaru slowly stepped forward, pulling out the Tenseiga that was inserted in the ground, and taking it to his waist. Immediately after leaving a sentence coldly, he left on his own.

"It's Lord Sesshomaru!!!" Hearing Sesshōmaru's words, Jaken came back to his senses from the shock, and quickly responded to a followed along.

In the night sky, Yabuto is flying fast, looking at the jewel shard in his hand, he knows that Naraku’s final goal, Sacred Jewel, is in his hands, so he doesn’t need to work hard to find him. One day he will find himself. At that time, it will be necessary to see if he still has the ability to leave.


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