
  Chapter 125 The Golden Belt of Murder and Arson! 【25th more! ]

Lu Qingfeng watched Zhu Rong Demon God put his hands up and press down, grabbing the green-backed centipede. The centipede is hard and powerful. Demon God exerted force, unable to stop the greenback centipede struggling.

"Zhu Rong Divine flame!"

Zhu Rong Demon God stared at him and spit out Divine flame from his mouth and nose.

This is Zhurong Divine flame, far more ferocious than the Ultra Grade spell 'Dutianly demon flame' comprehend by Dutian Lihuo and Lu Qingfeng from the twelve-pole Dutian Lihuo God Banner.

The green-backed centipede can withstand the raging fire of the sky, but when encountering Zhu Rong's Divine flame, the body is quickly roasted red, becoming a crimson centipede.


"Pain Pain!"

The green-backed centipede screamed in pain, struggling constantly, wrapping his body around Zhurong Demon God. Baizu attacked at the same time, and the two were at a stalemate.

Lu Qingfeng used the Mysterious-level "Twelve Capital Heavenly Demon Divine Law" to refine the Zhurong Demon God in the Acquired stage, and used the incense collected by the Shangyang Kingdom to refinish it as Tianyin, and quickly promoted Zhurong's Demon God. strength.

Although the time of the sacrifice is not long, it has reached its limit. Possessing an extremely powerful body, he can wield the Divine flame of Dutian and Zhurong, and his True Qi is equivalent to Lu Qingfeng's demon art True Qi.

Although there is no other diving ability, it is extraordinary.

However, the green-backed centipede is also extraordinary. As a fifth-order Monster Race, it is comparable to the Origin Realm expert established by the Human Race Foundation Establishment. He is full of demon power, and his fleshy body is like pouring steel.

Being deadlocked with each other, Zhu Rong's Demon God cultivation base is the same as Lu Qingfeng.

The True Qi of True Qi Realm 8th layer, even if it is mysterious quality, the amount of True Qi is more than eight times that of ordinary Exquisite Level method, but after all, it is only True Qi Realm 8th layer.

The distance from the Origin Realm is one great realm, several levels.

Casting Zhu Rong's Divine flame formidable power is not inferior to the greenback centipede, but consumes a lot of True Qi.

Zhu Rong Demon God gradually fell into decline.

"Demon Sect, you're dead!"

The green-backed centipede gradually gained the upper hand, took time out, and let out a jié jié laugh.

"It's almost there."

Since playing "Twelve Capitals heavenly demon Divine Law" to mysterious level, this is the first time that Lu Qingfeng took out Zhu Rong in the True Qi Realm stage Demon God.

After some fighting, I got to know the strength of Zhu Rong Demon God——

At this stage, Zhu Rong Demon God can probably fight against the fifth-order Monster Race of Origin Realm by Foundation Establishment. But it will quickly fall into a disadvantage. If it is against the fourth rank Monster Race of the Foundation Establishment Liquid Condensation Realm, it may be possible to win it by crushing.

If you meet the Foundation Establishment Body Tempering Realm, you are no match.

Being aware of it, Lu Qingfeng no longer waits and sees.

The True Qi surged in his body, and Lu Qingfeng suddenly spread out his hands, and a dazzling white glow flashed.


The green-backed centipede felt the great terror coming, trembled all over, let go of all his feet, and the demon power erupted, trying to break free from the entanglement of Zhu Rong Demon God and escape this. one strike.

But although Zhu Rong Demon God is in a downturn, it is not a problem to entangle him for a moment or two.

Where did the green-backed centipede break free?


The green-backed centipede uttered a roar of panic. It's a pity that Lu Qingfeng took the shot and was ruthless.


The dazzling white glow was instantly excited, and it landed on the head of the green-backed centipede.

A body as hard as a Magical Artifact, with a head-sized hole when kicked.


Zhu Rong Demon God took the opportunity to activate Zhu Rong Divine flame, spreading from this hole.


The green-backed centipede was burnt to several knots in an instant, and a piece of charred black fell to the ground from Zhurong Demon God.

breathe one's last.

[divine ability: Divine Divine Divine Light ]

[Grade: Normal]

[Description: Monarch Butterfly Family Innate Divine Ability, Containing the power of the sun's annihilation, there is nothing that cannot be urged.]

"divine ability is the diving ability!"

divine ability is powerful, but also consumes a lot.

In this single blow, more than half of the True Qi that Lu Qingfeng had trained in Iron Body was consumed. Even if the whole body of True Qi is used up, the number of times it can be used is limited.

Lu Qingfeng stepped forward, popped a few drops of Tianyin with his fingers, and Zhurong Demon God swallowed and restored True Qi.

When confronted, Demon God merged with Lu Qingfeng and disappeared into Lu Qingfeng's body.

It was the first time in reality to use Demon God and dive ability to fight against the enemy, and the effect was similar to what Lu Qingfeng practiced in Red Mist World——

Demon God stalked the enemy, Lu Qingfeng in Red Mist World side, kill with the dive ability.

Even opponents who are several levels higher can be easily killed.

Lu Qingfeng estimates that with his current cultivation base, it is somewhat difficult to deal with the Body Tempering Realm expert. Under the Body Tempering Realm, such as the green-backed centipede of Pei Origin Realm, they are not enemies of unity. When his cultivation base breakthrough reaches the Foundation Establishment Realm, and the second Demon God is sacrificed, the Foundation Establishment will be invincible immediately!

On the other hand, only the Spirit Void cultivator who can fully mobilize the Power of Heaven and Earth and integrate with Heaven and Earth will show timidity.

“Cultivation base!”

“Cultivation base is the foundation!”

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and waved his hands. A storage bag flew out and landed in Lu Qingfeng's hands. The green-backed centipede died and the storage bag had no owner. Lu Qingfeng easily refinished it and put it into the storage bag.

This storage bag doesn't have much space and stores all the sundries.

Some spiritual medicines are mostly First Rank, while Second Rank is rare, and there is no third rank at all.

Roughly, these spiritual medicines are worth about seven or eight Spirit Stones. The Herb Garden has only been open for less than five days, and the Spirit Stone has not been consumed. These spiritual medicines are all free, and the greenback centipede's means and luck are obviously good.

It's a pity to meet Lu Qingfeng.

However, in the storage bag, the spiritual medicine is just a small head, but the big head is the Spirit Stone that is piled up in the corner and flashes aura.

"The golden belt of murder and arson!"

"There are many fighting and killing in the culture world, and the same is true in the Herb Garden. It has its own reason."

To enter the upper floor of the Herb Garden, you must carry at least 200 Spirit Stones.

In the green-backed centipede storage bag, there are one hundred and 98 Spirit Stones. With a wave of his sleeves, Lu Qingfeng put away the green-backed centipede body, and when he looked again, there were two Spirit Stones buried in the dust.

A total of 200 Spirit Stones.

"Big profit!"

Lu Qingfeng was also a little happy when he suddenly got 200 Spirit Stones.

He kept a low profile and restrained himself in Silver Horn Mountain for three years. Except for the spider puppets in the Weeping Swamp to find and mine Spirit Stones, the Spirit Stones he earned were not much, and they were mostly used in exchange for spiritual medicine refining. Medicine pill, Magical Artifact, etc.

There aren't many Spirit Stones on me.

This time, I entered the Herb Garden with the Spirit Stone provided by Sunset Sect. Now that I got 200 Spirit Stones, I'm finally no longer struggling.

“If you only earn Spirit Stones, hunting Monster Race and Demon Sect cultivator can be faster than mountain climbing and gathering herbs.”

Lu Qingfeng walked a mountain after a hard day , the collected spiritual medicine is worth only thirty or forty Spirit Stones. I just fought against the green-backed centipede, and in less than a cup of tea, I earned more than 200 Spirit Stones.

Let's judge!

"Hundred Herb Garden is so big. If you keep going, you may encounter Monster Race and Demon Sect cultivator at any time. If you focus on searching, you will waste time and fall into the wrong place."

Lu Qingfeng settled down and continued to move forward according to the original plan.


As Lu Qingfeng expected, in the next few days, he met a demonic path cultivator and Tianyang Monster Race cultivator one after another.

(end of this chapter)

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