
  Chapter 138 Enters the main search for God [Seeking a monthly pass! ]

Lu Qingfeng turned the pages of the book and read them carefully, sinking into it unconsciously.

Formation Dao is actually a method of using Power of Heaven and Earth to make small and big, and use few to win many.

Evergreen world collapsed. After the reconstruction of Soshen Temple, the Ancestor Masters of all dynasties either set a ban or set up a Formation on Jiangjunling, which stopped them for an unknown number of nights, making Soshen Temple even repeated several times. Decline, but finally survived tenaciously.

Especially the set of 'The Five Thunders of Slaying Demons and Evils' at the foot of Lei Ming Mountain, although it is arranged with the power of mortals, it can use Heaven and Earth Might. The late Realm cultivator, that is, the expert in the realm of the evergreen world, will be trapped in it.

Before Heaven and Earth changed drastically, there were all mortals in the Evergreen world, and this formation was unbeatable and unbreakable.

This is still just a little bit of Formation fur.

"A lot of time in "Great Desolate" is just used for the technique of comprehend array restriction. If it is successful, it will be of great benefit whether it is retreat cultivation in reality or in Refiner Dao!"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes were bright.

Dan Dao of Refining, Lu Qingfeng has reached the fourth rank.

Going up to the fifth-order realm, in reality, the improvement is not great. Because whether it is refining the fifth-order Spirit Pill or the fifth-order Magical Artifact, the requirements for Divine Soul and true essence are extremely high.

With Lu Qingfeng in reality, True Qi Realm is about to break into the foundation establishment's cultivation base, even if the fifth-order alchemist is achieved in the game, it is difficult to refine in reality.

In this case, it is better to study something else in addition to cultivation.

Formation Dao can also live in peace. In reality, Lu Qingfeng is bound to stay in one place for a long time if he seeks stability.

Such as Sunset Sect Silver Horn.

If there is no accident, Lu Qingfeng will not leave until he reaches the Foundation Establishment Body Tempering Realm.

This period ranges from fifty-sixty years to eighty or ninety years. If there is a Formation self-protection, there can also be multiple First Layer protections in the event of an accident.

“Yi Duo does not push the body.”

“I have "Great Desolate", and the time is a hundred times longer than ordinary people, not to mention mastering one hundred skills, proficient in Eight Sects Yes."

Lu Qingfeng got up and walked out of the quiet room.

There is no one else in the Sou Shen concept, and the incense is even rarer in recent years.

After subduing Wucai Feifeng and retreating to ask Xianque, Juxingpai, and Zixia Palace, Lu Qingfeng and Ren Changsheng talked for a long time.

Later, Lu Qingfeng taught 'Thunder Palm', while Ren Changsheng took the two most important books of Soshen Temple and handed them over to Lu Qingfeng for safekeeping, and even gave up his position as the master of Soshen Temple. Lu Qingfeng.

Ren Changsheng has a pure mind, and he only wants to expand the God-searching concept and fulfill the Master's last wish.

And his strength is not enough, and he is worried that he can't. 'Guang Senior Brother Yuan' appears, just to take off the burden and only want to concentrate on cultivation and assistance.

Zhang Wenye, Chen wind and rain, and Ren Xiaoyao saw that Lu Qingfeng's methods were superb, and he was generous with his temperament, and they also advised Lu Qingfeng not to refuse.

Lu Qingfeng 'had to' accept it.

One hour ago, after the senior and junior brothers paid their respects to the Ancestor Masters of all dynasties, Lu Qingfeng officially took over the position of Soshen Temple, and is now the twentieth generation of Soshen Temple.

Enter the main search god concept.

It sounds nice, but in fact, in the Great General Ridge, there are only four people in Soshen Temple, Ren Changsheng.

Including Lu Qingfeng, there are only five people.

It's just that there are few villains and nothing to be done.

Ren Changsheng was the first to learn the thunder technique, and can't wait to try it.

Lu Qingfeng got the precious method of Soshen View and had to sort it out, so he went to his own cultivation.

At this time, two volumes of classics were sorted out, and the four were nowhere to be seen.

Lu Qingfeng walked out of the quiet room and came to Ancestral Hall. Looking up, I saw the accumulation of incense above Ancestral Hall.

This is the accumulation of Soshen Temple over the past dynasties. It's a pity that in the world of the end of the law, there is empty incense but no door to mobilize it.

Now Lu Qingfeng is just cheap.

"Master Ancestor, please don't blame me, dísciple will open the mountain gate on another day, expand the search for gods, and bring incense to the people!"

Lu Qingfeng bowed to confess the crime, Sitting in the Ancestral Hall, pulling the heavenly incense to refining drop by drop to pure silver.

On him, Zhu Rong Demon God faintly discernible, popping out of his head from time to time, swallowing a drop of sky silver, then retracting into his body to concentrate on refining, his breath rising.

Lu Qingfeng has only been in this world for more than three months, and Zhu Rong Demon God has only been forged a month ago, and his strength is limited.

Now that I have obtained Tianyin, I can finally improve the impact and keep approaching Lu Qingfeng's own cultivation base.

The incense that Soshen Temple has accumulated for more than a thousand years is really strong. Lu Qingfeng spent most of the day refining before fully refining it, earning seven coins of Tianyin. Afterwards, I went to the General Temple, and completely refined the incense in the temple, and got three taels of heaven and silver.

"I didn't expect it before. Spiritual Qi in the Evergreen World was cut off, and Divine Dao was deserted. The accumulation of incense in temples and Taoist temples in the world is a lot of wealth."

You can get 327 Coins Tianyin from Xiaosou Shenguan and General Temple, which is 3,700 yuan when converted into Spirit Stone.

If the entire temples in the Evergreen Realm are to be swept away——

“No rush, no rush.”

“It is still necessary to increase cultivation base, comprehend "Heavenly" Monarch Formation Dao True Explanation" is the most important thing. Tianyin is a foreign object after all, and it must not be discarded."

Lu Qingfeng discarded this idea.

The evergreen world is at the beginning of the brilliant world. If you want to gain enough benefits in this great world, you must make your own cultivation base always be the Peak of the thousands of cultivators in the evergreen world.

“It should not be a problem before the Core Formation Stage. With my aptitude, it is inevitable to be overtaken after the Core Formation Stage.”

“Open the door and gain a wide range of dísciples. Core Formation Stage After that, we will rely on the dísciple to support the facade!”

Lu Qingfeng has a plan.

Even after the Spirit Void stage, the radicular limitation is reduced. But his own aptitude is also very general. During the Spirit Void period, there is still experience to follow, and after the Spirit Void period, you must rely on your own exploration.

Compared with Heaven's Chosen in the evergreen world, Lu Qingfeng's advantage is only before Core Formation.

Refining the incense at Soshen Temple and General Temple as Tianyin, I went to find the four Ren Changsheng, and each asked them a few tasks.

Lu Qingfeng had great divine prestige at the foot of Leiming Mountain a few days ago, and it won't take long for the news to spread.

The mountain is open to apprentices!

Support the forces of the mortal princes!

These all are required before collecting array refiners, pill concocting charms, and many other cultivation materials.

Otherwise, with the five Lu Qingfeng people in General Lingzhong, they would not even be able to make waves.


After the trivial things were ordered, Lu Qingfeng came to the mountainside of Leiming Mountain.

"This is the so-called dive object."

Lu Qingfeng looked towards the eyes——

On the hillside, a transparent cherry tree like moist jade Slim.

In the pond, a colorful lotus flower is swaying.

In the crevices of the mountain and rocks, a green bamboo grows tenaciously.

[spirit plant: Tianjing Sakura]

[Grade: Level 5]

[Description: This cherry tree blooms every nine years, and every nine years As a result, when it matures every nine years, seventy-two Tianjing cherry fruits can be obtained, which is third rank spiritual medicine. Direct ingestion can tranquilize the mind and Qi, increasing the chance of breakthrough below Core Formation Stage. It can be refined to tranquilize and break the realm medicine pill 】


【spiritual medicine: Seven Colored Lotus 】

【Grade: Second Rank 】

[Description: After taking it, mortals can come back to life, white bones and flesh. Immortal cultivator After taking the cultivation base, the cultivation base is greatly increased. ]


[spirit plant: Green Thunder Bamboo]

[Grade: third rank ]

[Description: Refining Good material for Thunder Attribute Magical Artifact]

(end of chapter)

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