
  Chapter 143 One step ahead [Thanks to the 'half-life immortal fate' Alliance Leader for the reward! ]

Jinlan sent three Foundation Establishment.

The four Foundation Establishment of Demon Slayer.

Sunset Sect Yue Lingxi, Zhang Qingyuan and Yue Miaoyin.

three sects stand in three places, distanced from each other. At the moment of Yang Fruit, no one dares to confirm whether the other party is hostile or not, even if they are the same four factions of Juyun.

Except for the three sects in this Four Clouds Sect.

There are still eight monster races and seven demon cultivators.

There are several camps within each.

"Longxi Elder."

Zhang Qingyuan glanced around and saw that Monster Race and the demonic cultivator had been severely reduced. There was no joy in his eyes, but a trace of worry.

Yue Lingxi leaned on the dragon head crutches, looked all around, and finally landed on the skylark standing on Yue Miaoyin's shoulder, shook his head and said, "The skylark is not unusual, Elder Lu should be fine."

After entering the Herb Garden.

Lu Qingfeng must use the Great Firmament Cave to view the prohibition of Po Medicine Mountain, and quickly collect the spiritual medicine needed to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. The second is to fight with people, and you must do your best to make a shot, and you must use your diving ability.

No matter the speed of breaking the ban, or all kinds of powerful diving abilities and techniques, it is not appropriate to show them in front of the three of Yue Lingxi.

In addition, he often lived on the mountain of medicine for the next month, and the comprehend "Heavenly Monarch Formation Dao True Explanation" in the game was even more strange.


Lu Qingfeng did not travel with the three. In order to make the three of them feel at ease, they sent the lark bird brought into the Baicao Garden to the side of the three of Yue Lingxi to show their safety.

When Lu Qingfeng fled to the Return To Truth Sect, in order to cultivate nine larks, he deliberately practiced a rough animal control method from Heavenly Fox World.

Afterwards, in the Red Mist World, he practiced 'Seven Animals and Divine Refinements', and found a common beast-controlling method.

After strengthening, you can use monster beast Spirit Beast.

White cranes, iron feather flying eagles, etc., use this method to subdue and subdue them.

Obtained together with the Beastmaster method, as well as the Spirit Beast Bag refinement method.

The Spirit Beast Bag can be used for the Spirit Beast to live in. Lu Qingfeng collected it through the Sunset Sect in Yinjiao Mountain, and he only collected the most inferior materials. Even the Second Rank Spirit Beast can not refine the Spirit Beast Bag. enter.

It's a lark, following Lu Qingfeng over the years, eating Yellow Chestnut Pill and feeding Spirit Pill, and the spirituality has increased greatly.

But they are still ordinary birds, they can hide in the Spirit Beast Bag and move in the Herb Garden without restrictions or consumption of Spirit Stones, which is a pleasant surprise, saving Lu Qingfeng a lot of Spirit Stones .


Zhang Qingyuan secretly said in one's heart, and immediately said, "This time the situation is a little weird. The three Yuan Demon Sect and the Tianyang 6 meridians should be full at thirty. Out of the two, there are only fifteen people here. I don’t know if the others are hiding in the dark, or have been forced to leave the Herb Garden.”

Zhang Qingyuan is the Origin Realm cultivator, in Sunset Sect He is also a veteran, and has experienced the opening of the Herb Garden several times.

I have a better understanding of the situation of Baicao Garden.

In previous years, in the first three months of the year, the Demon team had at most reduced its staff by two or three cultivators. It is really rare for more than half of the staff to be reduced.

After all, the really precious Yang Fruit competition has not yet begun.

In general battles, it's a matter of one touch, and it won't be the outcome of the battle, life and death.

When the competition for returning Yang Fruit will come, it will really enter the white-hot stage. In order to return a Yang Fruit, all parties will often go all out, ruthless.

As for the Yang Fruit after grabbing it, some are stable, or the cultivator is seriously injured. In order to avoid accidents, they usually put away the Spirit Stone, the time it takes half an incense stick to burn. Exit the Herb Garden.

At this time, there will be fewer and fewer Foundation Establishment powerhouses in Baicao Garden.

At this moment, Yang Fruit is not yet ripe, and the number of Monster Races and Demonic cultivators gathered under Tianyang Mountain is too small, making Zhang Qingyuan a little puzzled.

“When Jin Lan sent Mu Hengyan to be alone, he was forced by three Yuan Demon Sects and a demon cultivator, so he had to withdraw from the Baicao Garden. Then Jin Lan sent three other people to arrive and beat the two demon cultivators.

One person died, and the other was seriously injured and exited the Herb Garden."

"But there are only two demon cultivators."

Yue Miaoyin also felt strange. Check out Lu Qingfeng's silhouette.

"There is also the Red Rainbow Gate—"

Zhang Qingyuan added by the side, with a hint of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, "The people of the Red Rainbow Gate are not yet at this time. Appeared, it seems that they were either killed by the Demon, or they have already left the Baicao Garden. This time, the Red Rainbow Sect was out of the game so quickly, and the Scarlet Rainbow Sect will be shrinking in the next 12 years!"

The Red Rainbow Gate and the Sunset Sect have a lot of conflicts. Zhang Qingyuan and the elders and dísciple of the Sunset Sect have poor senses.

Now that Chihongmen is suspected to be out, Zhang Qingyuan is naturally happy.

Just in this way, the Demon Sect or Monster Race, which were severely attenuated in the Cloud Four Party, would not have the advantage of crushing.

Become an even game.

The three people of Sunset Sect exchanged sound transmission, as did Jinlan faction, Demon Slayer, Monster Race, and Demon Sect.

The atmosphere is depressing, and no one knows how the strange situation is formed now.

The culprit, Lu Qingfeng, just arrived at this moment.

"It's all here."

Lu Qingfeng has seen Yue Miaoyin and the three of them, and has crossed over cultivators such as Jinlan School, Demon Slayer, Demon Sect, and Monster Race. , The figure is hidden in the dark, even the Foundation Establishment Body Tempering Realm cultivator like Yue Lingxi could not find it.

We arrived at the foot of Tianyang Mountain quietly.

Lu Qingfeng looked towards this mountain , which is also banned here.

According to Zhou Yuan and the others, the prohibition of guarding the Fruit Tree of Huanyang is far more complicated than the third rank medicine mountain. For more than 300 years, no one has broken the ban and went up to the mountains to get the fruit before the ban was voluntarily removed.

"This prohibition—"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes flashed, and he could see clearly the context of this prohibition.

But with his shallow forbidding attainments, even if he sees it clearly, he can't understand the mystery. You can only try it out, and see if you can choose a passable road.

This thought made Lu Qingfeng find a place.

“Great Firmament Cave View is really wonderful!”

Lu Qingfeng was overjoyed.

The Tianyangshan prohibition cannot be cracked by the Foundation Establishment cultivator and experts who are proficient in prohibition. Lu Qingfeng's spiritual eyes swept over, but there was no secret at all.

Although this divine ability of Great Firmament has no fighting ability, it can be used well, and it also has the ability to defy the sky.

“The exploration method, the spell count, the movement method, the method of surrogate death, the method of escaping...”

“These methods are useless in battle, but have a wide range of uses , the effect is even more impressive, and we must pay more attention in the future."

Lu Qingfeng made a note in his heart, and immediately followed the route identified by spiritual eyes, in front of Yue Lingxi and the others, Step into Tianyang Mountain.

The body is hidden from the public.


Wind and Thunder Movement

Lu Qingfeng stepped on the mysterious position and avoided the Death Gate through the gate of life.

Wandering around, one hour later, the vision suddenly opened up and appeared in an open space. In the middle is a Spirit Tree with lush branches and leaves, like a canopy.

"This is the Huanyang Fruit Tree."

Lu Qingfeng was delighted to see that among the lush branches and leaves of the Huanyang Fruit Tree, there were twelve bright red fruits hidden.

[spirit plant: Huanyang Fruit Tree]

[Grade: seventh rank]

[Description: This tree blooms in twelve years and bears fruit in twelve years , mature in 12 years, and get 12 Spirit Fruits in 36 years]


【Spirit Fruit: also Yang Fruit】

【 Grade: Level 5]

[Description: The cultivator below the Core Formation Stage can take one pill to prolong his life for ten years, and one person can take three pills in a lifetime]

[Note: immature]

Thanks to the 'half-life immortal fate' Alliance Leader for the reward, it is still in the owe stage, and there are five updates every day. When the debt is over, I will add more thanks.

A little ashamed.

Thanks for your continued support!

(end of this chapter)

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