
  Chapter 202 third rank 【Ask for a monthly pass! ]

"This is the Xuanyuan Water Realm?"

Lu Qingyu looked towards the front, his eyes widening.


Zhou Yuan said with a smile.

Seeing Lu Qingyu's appearance, he couldn't help thinking that he was so shocked when he first came to Xuanyuan Water Realm.

“The Xuanyuan Water Realm.”

Lu Qingfeng looked forward and saw a huge water area, such as a dream land, dotted with islands, and scenes of mysterious mirrors. , map the scenery from all sides.

Either desert or hill.

It is either a palace or a strange beast.

It's dizzying.

At the nearest point, an island surfaced, about a hundred li or so wide. On the island, there are also floating islands and castles in the sky. Ups and downs in the air, like a cloud to hold up. One after another, sword light flashes, all are cultivator exchanges.

Such as Heaven Realm Immortal Court, which is quite immortal.

"The surrounding area of ​​the Xuanyuan water area is the residence of the Profound Essence Sect, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. The outer islands are the various industries operated by the Profound Essence Sect, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. The entire Xuanyuan water area is not allowed to enter. , are the private property of Profound Essence Sect."

"Only this place, called 'Ju immortal island', also known as 'Juxianfang City', is the only open place in the Xuanyuan water environment. It is the place where Xuanyuan auction is held once every ten years."

Lu Qingfeng and Lu Qingyu are both the first time here, Zhou Yuan explained.

"The entire Xuanyuan water area is the private property of the Profound Essence Sect?"

Lu Qingyu smacked his tongue secretly.

Juyun mountain range.

The original Juyun four factions nominally occupy the Juyun mountain range, but there are still many loose cultivators living in them, and the four factions cannot completely occupy them.

The Sunset Sect now occupies most of the mountain range of Gathering Clouds, but in this half, there are still loose cultivators occupying the top of the mountain and gathering in groups.

All the way.

In places such as Frost and Water, such as Qixinglianjian and other places, in addition to sect, there are also loose cultivators.

This Xuanyuan water area is as large as Juyun Mountain Range, Cold Frost Water Pond and other places. The land of thousands of miles is actually owned by the Profound Essence Sect. I can't imagine how powerful the Profound Essence Sect is.

“Not only Xuanyuan Water Realm.”

“In the vicinity of Xuanyuan Water Realm, Profound Essence Sect and Beppu, as well as various industries.”

"The real scale, except for the Profound Essence Sect headmaster daoist, I'm afraid no one knows."

Zhou Yuan also sighed a little.

Sunset Sect wants to develop to the scale of Profound Essence Sect.




Anything is necessary.

“Profound Essence Sect.”

Lu Qingfeng looked towards Xuanyuan Water Realm, his heart moved slightly, and he pressed it down immediately.

Zhou Yuan leads the way.

The three came to the periphery of the immortal island.

Ju immortal island gathers loose cultivators from all over the world. Spirit bird mounts cannot be brought in, either in Spirit Beast Bag, or on the periphery of Ju immortal island, and the Profound Essence Sect will take care of them.

The Spirit Beast Bag is rare, and the crafting materials are even more rare.

Fortunately, Mei Qingyan and Yue Lingxi came to immortal island to purchase a lot of refining materials for Lu Qingfeng. In addition to various materials for refining Purple Insect Bell and Jiu Ce Xuan Hao Sign, there are also materials for refining Spirit Beast Bag.

Lu Qingfeng made a few Spirit Beast Bags at will, which is much more convenient.

Include Iron Feather Eagle and White Crane into Spirit Beast Bag.

Zhou Yuan will also collect the Curly Pelican into the Spirit Beast Bag.

Then enter the poly immortal island.


“In the immortal island, in addition to the many stores run by the Profound Essence Sect, there are also stores run by other sects or loose cultivators. Various Magical Artifacts, materials , Spirit Pill, spiritual medicine, most of them can be found here."

"The price is fair."

"Every ten years of auction, gather at Immortal Island to return There will be additional booths for all parties to loose cultivator exchanges."

"If Elder Lu is interested, you can go shopping later."

Zhou Yuan brought Lu Qingfeng and Lu Qingyu walked inside and introduced them.

Lu Qingfeng looked around.

The immortal island has a radius of 100 li or so. It is said to be a square city, but in fact it has a huge range. Between the mountains and rivers, there are many shops.

It is different from the mortal city.

There is a sense of immortality everywhere.

Only a few hills in the distance, many loose cultivator exchanges are noisy, but on the edge of the polyimmortal island.

Zhou Yuan brought the two of them to a stop.

Lu Qingfeng looked up, this is a beautiful Qingshan. The mountain is not unusual, but the scenery is quite good. Spiritual Qi is prosperous and even more auspicious clouds.

"This is Mt. Izumo, the scenery is not bad, it can be regarded as a medium cultivation place."

"There is still half a month before the auction starts, and the auction will last for a month."

"These days, I have settled here and cultivated."

Zhou Yuan led the two in and negotiated with the mountain steward. In a short time, there are three more jade tokens in hand.

"Isn't this the Inn in the mortal world?"

Lu Qingyu took the jade token and smacked his lips.

Ordinary Inn.

It is a courtyard, a house, and a room in it.

In Juxianfang City, there is a mountain, and Cave Mansion is opened up in the mountain.

“Although the Profound Essence Sect cannot be named in Biyang Lake, it is the number one in hundreds of thousands of li.”

“Juxian Fang Market is also carefully crafted by Profound Essence Sect, and naturally it is not comparable to ordinary people."

Zhou Yuan said with a smile.

It's easy to say, but this Izumoyama is actually Spiritual Qi Converging Ground. Even Yellow Class Cave Mansion requires ten Spirit Stone shards per month. The three Cave Mansion he wanted were all local brands, and he wanted a Spirit Stone every month.

It is expected to stay in Juxianfang City for one and a half months, this is a piece and a half of Spirit Stone.

That is to say, Zhou Yuan, as a Sect's Master, has to meet guests and friends later, which is so extravagant.

Otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Handed two jade tokens to Lu Qingfeng and Lu Qingyu, Zhou Yuan looked towards Lu Qingfeng and said, "Fatigue all the way, Elder Lu and Qingyu Fairy can take a break in Cave Mansion. The old man goes out for a walk. Let's go and see if some old friends are here."

Sunset Sect has a bright future and a bright future.

But be prepared for danger.

Although the strength of Sunset Sect is growing rapidly, it is delusional to want to occupy the entire Juyun mountain range. The surrounding land, I am afraid that there will be a sect staring at it soon.

A large part of the reason why Zhou Yuan came to Xuanyuan Water Realm was to invite a few friends to help him go to Sunset Sect for a while.

Now it's not a moment's delay.

After speaking, he turned to leave.

Seeing this, Lu Qingfeng called Zhou Yuan.

“What else is going on with Elder Lu?”

Zhou Yuan turned around.

"No major event."

"It's just that Lu some time ago, the pill concocting controller occasionally got some income and was promoted to third rank. Sect Master visiting friends, if you senior need it Pill concocting, just prepare the materials, and Lu can do it for you."

Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

“third rank?”

“Elder Lu——”

Zhou Yuan stared at Lu Qingfeng with a beard.

Lu Qingfeng stood calmly, letting Zhou Yuan look at it.

When he first came out of Shangyang Kingdom and Weeping Swamp, he was unfamiliar with his life. In order to be conservative, Lu Qingfeng only showed the level of First Rank Pill Refinement Master and Artifact Refinement Master.

A year later.

Only revealed to Sunset Sect that it had broken through to Second Rank.

Before that, Sunset Sect didn't know how long Lu Qingfeng stayed in First Rank, so although he was surprised, he was not too shocked, but mostly happy.

But this time.

Zhou Yuan knew it was 'extremely clear'——

Elder Lu stayed in Second Rank for just over four years, and actually raised both his pill concocting and refining skills to third rank? !


Zhou Yuan was stunned, stunned for a while, before he said with a wry smile, "Elder Lu, what a genius!"

Four years.

Promotion from Second Rank to third rank is a combination of pill concocting and refining.

This kind of innate talent is more than a genius.

What a peerless genius!

Ordinary cultivators require decades and hundreds of years of hard work and careful study to pass the stage.

Even even a genius takes twenty or thirty years to achieve.

This is also the case when specializing in either pill concocting or refining.

Lu Qingfeng took two courses and was promoted from Second Rank to Third Rank in just four years.

Zhou Yuan was shocked.

“The Sect Master has won the award.”

“It’s a fluke. It’s just a fluke.”

Lu Qingfeng said modestly.

I have been in the Juyun mountain range for more than five years, and I am familiar with the surrounding conditions. It is time to 'improve'.

Especially in the Converging Ground of Juxianfang City, although the Second Rank alchemist is not bad, it can't be considered anything.

It's the third rank alchemist who can have a place.

Take this opportunity to 'promote', with the help of third rank alchemist, you can also make a lot of Spirit Void cultivators and expand your network. The wider the network, whether it is a cultivator or a sect, before you want to move him, you have to think about whether it is worth it, and think about the consequences of provoking a third-rank alchemist and provoking a huge network of third-rank alchemists.

Once you become famous, you can save a lot of trouble.

Of course.

By the way, I can also help with Sunset Sect.

"Elder Lu is a genius, morality reaching up to the clouds, old man thank you in advance!"

Zhou Yuanren is an old man and guessed that Lu Qingfeng is now showing the third rank alchemist One of the reasons for the first layer of identity, I thanked my heart gratefully.

“Sect Master is serious.”

Lu Qingfeng waved his hand.

Zhou Yuan pursed his lips and said nothing, "Elder Lu's promotion to third rank is really gratifying. The old man is going to find some old friends, these are not like the old man. You are as shy as you are, and you will have to trouble Elder Lu at that time."

"It should be."

Lu Qingfeng nodded and said.

Zhou Yuan had a pleasant surprise on his face and left Izumo Mountain.

Outside Izumo Mountain.

Zhou Yuan hurried, the surprise on his face dissipated, revealing First Layer's melancholy, "In just five years, from first rank to third rank. This kind of genius——"

third rank Pill Refinement Master!

The third rank Artifact Refinement Master!

Can craft third rank Spirit Pill, third rank Magical Artifact.

The third rank Spirit Pill, many cultivators in inedia and heart period can't get it, which is very beneficial to their cultivation. Various healing, recovery and other third rank Spirit Pills are also of great use to the Spirit Void cultivator, and can even pull strongly against a crazy tide.

3rd rank Magical Artifact Not to mention.

Among the four cloud-gathering factions, Jin Jiuxiao and Feng Yun are a Sect's Master and Spirit Void true cultivator, and their strongest Magical Artifact is only Second Rank.

One can imagine the preciousness of a third rank Magical Artifact.

The third rank Artifact Refinement Master who can refine the third rank Magical Artifact is naturally respected, and even the Spirit Void cultivator is quite sought after.

third rank Pill Refinement Master and third rank Artifact Refinement Master.

Even if it is ordinary hardship, it is not something that Sunset Sect can have.

Not to mention such a promising genius like Lu Qingfeng!

When Zhou Yuan heard it at the beginning, he was shocked and disbelieving, then surprised, and then aftertaste, but he was worried about gains and losses.

Second Rank Alchemist, Sunset Sect treats you with sincerity and can keep it.

But third rank alchemist, Xiaoxiao Sunset Sect, Xiaoxiao Juyun mountain range, what to keep?


Just a joke.

And even if Lu Qingfeng stays temporarily, with his talent in pill concocting and refining, who knows when he will be promoted to the fourth rank.

At that time, Sunset Sect will not be able to keep it.

"That's it."

"Don't think too much."

"Elder Lu is such an innate talent, but he remains in my Sunset Sect, but is a pearl covered in dust. Looking at what he just said, he has the heart to help my Sunset Sect get through the difficulties."

"That's enough."

Zhou Yuan shook his head and smiled carefreely, "If he can come forward, With an extraordinary identity and previous affection, the help to Sunset Sect is no less than three or five more Spirit Void cultivators, so don't force too much, so as not to break the friendship."

The idea is mastered.

The Sunset Sect is in danger.

Zhou Yuan's footsteps were much more brisk, and he left to visit friends.


Ask for a monthly pass!

I still owe progress (11/40)

The last chapter said that I don’t work hard to update, I beg you to touch your conscience, or I can touch it for you[ ○?`Д′?○]

(end of this chapter)

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