
  Chapter 261 The climate is coming into being!

Zhao Yang, as the Elder in charge of the Magic Wave Sea in Yuxian Pavilion, came to take over. After finishing, leave directly with the cultivator of Yuxian Pavilion in the Sea of ​​Magic Waves.

Like throwing off a hot potato, he doesn't look back and disappears in an instant.

"Before the war started, forces like Yu Xiange began to deploy and stop losses."

"Sure enough."

"Those who are engaged in business are the most sensitive. ."

Lu Qingfeng watched Zhao Yang and Yuxian Pavilion leave, his face hidden under the black robe showed a smile.

With the help of the upcoming battle between the Profound Essence Sect and the White Bone Demon Sect, and even if there is a tiger skin that seems to be pulling the White Bone Demon Sect, it is far easier than Lu Qingfeng imagined to win the Sea of ​​Magic Waves ——

One thousand eight hundred Spirit Stone.

Buy out the Magic Wave Sea directly, to be precise, the ownership of the five hundred-mile area where the Blue Gold Tree is located. Including the water area, including the blue gold tree, all belong to Lu Qingfeng.

Of course.

On Yuxian Pavilion, it is not Lu Qingfeng, the true biography of the Profound Essence Sect, but a demonic path cultivator, called 'Fire Loose People'.

Practice demon art, which belongs to the demon path.

"A blue-gold tree produces 365 drops of alcohol every two hundred years, which is a pot sold by Yu Xiange."

"The Sea of ​​Magic Waves. More than 3,000 blue-gold trees bring revenue to Yuxian Pavilion every 200 years, about 5,000 Spirit Stones. On average, less than 30 Spirit Stones per year. 1,800 Spirit Stones, equivalent to Sixty years of earnings buyout."

"The wind and rain are swaying, the situation is uncertain, and I even thought that with the White Bone Demon Sect standing behind me, the price might be lower."

"But it's not necessary."

"For Yu Xiange, being able to quickly take action against the Sea of ​​Magic Waves, no matter how many Spirit Stones there are, is a big profit for Yu Xiange. ."

Lu Qingfeng was very clear in his heart.

This also suits him.

Watching the Yuxian Pavilion cultivator go away, Lu Qingfeng felt that there was a cultivator hidden all around, as if he was watching. With a sneer, he fell directly and began to rearrange on the basis of Yuxian Pavilion's Formation.

Stop the Foundation Establishment cultivator?

Alert Spirit Void cultivator?

"Not enough!"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head.

Mysterious Origin Realm, White Bone Realm and Tianyou Realm controlled by the neighboring Monster Race Tianyou Mountain, there are quite a few Core Formation daoists, not to mention Spirit Void cultivator.

The Yu Xiange family has a great business and can prevent these Spirit Void cultivators.

These Spirit Void cultivators are also afraid of Yuxian Pavilion and dare not be too impudent. Or even if you sneak in, dozens or hundreds of drops of alcohol will not feel bad for Yuxian Pavilion, which has not discovered the true effect of alcohol.

But Lu Qingfeng is alone, so there will inevitably be Spirit Void cultivator despising, sneaking in, and even breaking in directly. Other Lu Qingfeng are not afraid, but they are afraid that these thieves will not know the importance and destroy the blue gold tree.

This blue-gold tree is a cash cow, and Lu Qingfeng can't bear it.

With his Formation attainments, he can set up a battle, and the ordinary Spirit Void cultivator will never get in. The tyrannical Spirit Void cultivator is his own to deal with.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.


Half a month.

Lu Qingfeng set up an inescapable net formation in a five-hundred-mile radius. It was considered to be surrounded by blue-gold trees with no dead ends.

After that, I will add it slowly, layer by layer of Formation, and hide in it, even the Core Formation daoist can't even get in.

However, at the moment, there are not enough materials, and secondly, the Lu Qingfeng cultivation base is also weaker, so it is still unable to achieve this level.

After half a month.

Lu Qingfeng falls on the island above the Blue Gold Tree Canyon.

The battle is shrouded in a radius of 500 miles, and there are many large and small islands. It was originally the place under the direct control of Yuxian Pavilion, but now it has become the private property of Lu Qingfeng.

Five hundred miles away, there is the vast Sea of ​​Magic Waves, but there are many loose cultivators and small sectors, even Yu Xiange dare not drive them away to avoid public anger.

Lu Qingfeng only wanted the blue-gold tree, and he would not pay attention to it.

"It's been accumulated over the years, but it's all used up today."

Lu Qingfeng tossed his sleeves and swirled in a breeze.

After purchasing the Magic Wave Sea, he was almost completely poor and white after the formation. Most of the Spirit Stones on Lu Qingfeng were obtained from Baicao Garden. After that, pill concocting and refining tools were accumulated.

However, collecting various materials through Fengping consumes a lot of money.

He had less than 2,000 Spirit Stones on his body.

This time, I first bought the materials for the formation, and then paid 1,800 Spirit Stones.

Lu Qingfeng now has less than fifty Spirit Stones left, which is a record low.

Crystal refining has not yet been produced.

It's alcohol, you can start to configure Bright-Sight Spirit Water and make money.

"But before that—"

Lu Qingfeng backhanded, an iron ticket appeared in his palm, "Go to the White Bone Realm first!"


Yunyan Mountain.

The grandiose is boundless, and the sky is endless.

The White Bone Demon Sect is located in the middle.

This day.

Above the Demon Sect great hall.

White Bone Demon Sect Sect Master Huanyou daoist, the two kings of Soul Search and Lock Heart, and the four Great Protectors of Yun Che, Han Ji, Yue Jiuxiao, and Feng Boping are all listed.

The highest level aggregation.

The storm looks like an evil monster, and the body is sometimes real and sometimes illusory. Dressed in a green robe, playing with a green flute in his hand, he slowly stepped forward and said, "In the past March, thirteen large and small sectors, including Heavenly Fire Pavilion, Xi Cloud Sect, and Golden Fetus Palace, have been attacked. Most of the whole family was slaughtered. Loose cultivators, who were famous for their viciousness, were also attacked and killed. The attackers were ruthless and decisive, and the thunder technique was unparalleled. I don’t know the origin.”

"At this juncture, who else is there besides the south side?!"

Yue Jiuxiao had a domineering look on his face, his eyebrows raised, coldly snorted, and disdainfully said, "I pretend to be righteous, but I prefer fly camp dog Gou, Profound Essence Sect has always been like this."

In the past three months, Demon Sects have been raided frequently in the White Bone Demon Sect, causing heavy casualties.

Occurring during this sensitive period, the Profound Essence Sect is naturally the most skeptical.

"Do you want to disrupt my White Bone Demon Sect even with the power of one person?"

"From this Yun's point of view, I am afraid that the Tianyou Mountain in the east is provoking it. It's not a good thing."

Yun Che looks like a teenager, but he is very mature, his eyes are slightly squinted and cold glow is released.

The people in the hall discussed.

Huanyou daoist looked towards the two Heavenly Kings, Soul Soul and Lock Heart, who had not spoken yet, and asked aloud, "What do the two Junior Brothers think?"

Soul Soul Searching King does not Word.

The King of Heart Locker said with a smile, "Whether he is the Profound Essence Sect or Tianyou Mountain, or neither. I always have to deal with the Profound Essence Sect. The Profound Essence Sect is in decline, and the mountains are like grass on the wall, so I will not miss this opportunity. In this way, we will work together to cut the Profound Essence Sect, and I will lead the White Bone Demon Sect. The benefits are endless. Why do you think so much?!”

"The King of Heart Lock is right."

Han Ji is strong, holding a white sledgehammer in his hand, and said in a urn, "As long as the Sect Master gives an order, watch Lao Han and I will smash it with a hammer. The Profound Essence Sect cannot find the North!"


"Han Jihufa's remarks won my heart."

Huanyou daoist loudly He smiled and waved his hand, loudly said, "To the north of the Profound Essence Sect, there is a Fire Spirit shell which is very rare. Fire Spirit shell beads are in short supply, which is also very helpful for me to practice fire demon art. Han Ji If the 'Bone Six Sun Hammer' in the Dharma Protector swallows enough Fire Spirit shell beads, it will definitely be able to rise to a higher level and achieve sixth rank."

"I will trouble Han Jihufa to go first, and make Wushengtang dísciple, attack the Fire Spirit shell field."

"I don't know what Han Jihu is thinking?"

When Han Ji heard this, the sledgehammer slammed on the ground, dashing the daoist cup. One fist in the other hand said, "I will not be humiliated!"

"There is no need for this."

"This battle is only to test the truth of the Profound Essence Sect. If you can win the Fire Spirit The shell field is the best, if you can't win it, don't force it, you can't plot against it."

Huanyou daoist warned repeatedly.

"Don't worry, Sect Master, I will definitely take down the Fire Spirit shell, Lao Han, and make him a good start!"

Han Ji grabbed the sledgehammer with confidence on his face.

Magic waves.

Fire Island.

【Magical Artifact: Dutian Profound Abyss Strategy】

【Rank: fourth rank】

【Dutian Ghost General: 18/18】

[Profound Abyss Yin Soldier: 360/360]

On the island named Agni Island, Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged on the Cave Mansion, with a roll of iron tickets ups and downs in front of him, emitting a roaring sound. The air of Dutian overflows, wrapping iron coupons.

It is the Profound Abyss policy of Dutian.

This is Lu Qingfeng's return to the Juyun mountain range to cultivate Flaming Iron Ant's void refining.

The first grade is only fourth rank.

These years.

Lu Qingfeng was in the Juyun mountain range and in the Xuanyuan water realm, the spider puppets that were refined in Shangyang Kingdom and Weeping Swamp never stopped.

Nearly a hundred spider puppets run amok in the Weeping Swamp, mining countless materials vigorously, and then transported by the giant tortoise puppet to a storage place.

These materials are mostly used for refining 1 to Level 6 puppets, which can be used to refine talismans and a Second Rank Magical Artifact.

With Lu Qingfeng's current level, it is rarely used.

But it's better in quantity.

The low-level materials mined by the spider puppets in the Weeping Swamp, like mountains and mountains, were put into the Dutian Profound Abyss strategy.

Over the course of several months.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the opportunity for breakthrough has come.


The Profound Abyss roared in the sky and kept shaking. The Dutian Creation Pool is in it, like the Heaven and Earth grinding mill, constantly wiping out thousands of low-level materials and turning them into the Qi of Dutian.

Lu Qingfeng pinched the seal art, played one after another talisman, and accelerated the formation of the Profound Abyss strategy.

Time passes.

About one hour later.

All kinds of materials in the pool of good fortune, and even Spirit Stone, have been wiped out for the most part.

In the Profound Abyss strategy, the thirty-seventh Earth Sha ban finally began to condense.


Like splitting heaven and earth apart, the 37th Earth Sha prohibits cohesion.

With the advent of the ban, the Profound Abyss strategy has undergone dramatic changes, and the atmosphere has become stronger.

bang bang bang!

The rumbling sound resounds, the inner space continues to expand, the natural creation pool expands, and the unrefined materials and Spirit Stone are completely consumed in an instant, giving birth to bursts All the air.

Dutian's Profound Abyss strategy slowly subsided and fell into the hands of Lu Qingfeng.

"It's done!"

Lu Qingfeng showed joy on his face, and hurriedly looked at the fifth-order attribute——

【Magical Artifact: Dutian Profound Abyss strategy ]

[Grade: Level 5]

[Dutian Ghost General: 0/36]

[Profound Abyss Yin Soldier: 0/1080]



"Five-level success, my Dao is complete!"

Lu Qingfeng was so excited that he couldn't help laughing.

The fifth-order Magical Artifact is placed in the Xuan Origin Realm, the White Bone Realm, and the Tianyou Realm, all of which are called treasures. Only Core Formation daoists can hold it, and even some Core Formation daoists may not have a fifth-order Magical Artifact.

Whether there is a fifth-order Magical Artifact, the strength gap is huge, and the suppression and suppression are all related to this.

Dutian Profound Abyss strategy is different from ordinary fifth-order Magical Artifact.

It is a Magical Artifact that supports Taoist soldiers.

It is not very powerful in itself, but once it is raised to a large-scale Taoist soldier. At that time, whether it is to gather the power of Daoist soldiers or release Daoist soldiers to set up battle formations, they will have the strength to be on par with the Core Formation daoist.

From then on.

With Dutian's Profound Abyss strategy, Lu Qingfeng can be regarded as the No. 1 figure even in the Three Realms, looking at the Core Formation daoist.

Since the beginning of Blackwood Village, the cultivation has been more than 20 years.

Until today, there is no real precarious situation, it can be called --

The climate is just beginning!

How not to be ecstatic? !

Ask for a monthly pass

(end of this chapter)

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