
  Chapter 268 is famous! identity!

Lu Qingfeng hides in the fire island cultivation.

The Battle of Fire Spirit Shell Field officially opened the prelude to the battle between the White Bone Demon Sect and the Profound Essence Sect.

Five daoist fights!

The thrush sword is coming from the west!

It's making waves.

“The White Bone Demon Sect Six Yang Dharma Protector Han Jiguo is really ferocious, holding the White Bone Six Yang Hammer and pressing the Wuhuo daoist to fight. The Fire Spirit shell field is blazing into the sky, and the Wuhuo daoist has no power to fight back!”

"One is a Shidan daoist, the other is a virtual dan daoist, there is no comparability!"

"Not bad! The Profound Essence Sect 'thrush sword' is really powerful. Both are Shidan The daoist, with just one strike, severely injured the White Bone Demon Sect Lifeless Hall Master, and even scared away the two great daoists, White Bone Demon Sect Han Ji and Tianyou Mountain Dove Panpo, with the same fierceness!"

"The thrush is really strong. Not only Han Ji, Jiupanpo, but also the Fire Spirit Sanren who evenly matched Jiupanpo in the Fire Spirit shell field. He was also scared away by the thrush sword."

"This Fire Loose Man—"


The battle of Fire Spirit in the shell field, with the storm The speed of the sweep, towards the four anti-proliferation.

This battle.

'Threshold Sword' Weng Shaoqing's reputation is even more prosperous, attracting thousands of cultivators to look up to.

Whether it is White Bone Demon Sect Han Ji, or Tianyou Mountain Dove Panpo, they are all just a foil. The Fiery Loose People who just emerged, also became a foil.


The name of the Huanbohai Fire Loose People is still spreading, even at a faster speed. The news of the victory against the Wusheng Hall Master on the Huanbo Sea Fire Island was also reported.

For a while.

Victory to the Unborn Hall Master.

The enemy dove Pan Po.

The Fiery Loose Man has become a Peak powerhouse in the Three Realms, worthy of mention on equal terms with White Bone Demon Sect Protector, Profound Essence Sect Peak Master, and Tianyou Mountain Monster King.

It was even more faintly comparable to the four famous loose cultivator daoists in the Three Realms, and gradually the titles and sayings of 'Fifth Sanren' and 'Five Sanren' spread.

Island of Fire in the Magic Wave Sea.

Many eyes converge and become the focus.

Ten days later.

Fire Island.

"This Qi has taken the liberty to come here, please don't blame Daoist Lei Huo for the harassment." A young man dressed in a white robe with a handsome face, bowed his hands to Lu Qingfeng, and said loudly.

"It's okay."

Lu Qingfeng responded lightly, reaching out to lead the white robed youth to sit down. There was another person behind the white robed youth, but it was an old man, and it was Zhao Yang from Yuxiange.

It can make Zhao Yang focus on it, and the identity of the white robed youth is self-aware.

——Yuxian Pavilion Pavilion Lord Lingyi daoist.

The daoist name of Lingyi is called 'Qi Lingyi', so he calls himself 'this Qi', which means respect.

Ling Yi daoist doesn't care about seeing the fire scattered people indifferent. I had learned from Zhao Yang earlier that Raging Fire Sanren had a very cold temperament. In the past few days, in the battle of the Fire Spirit shell, the fire scattered people are famous, and they are like thunder piercing the ear.

The expert has his own style.

Ling Yi, a daoist, controls Yuxian Pavilion and has long been accustomed to it.

Looking behind Lu Qingfeng, looking at the two Beppu opened in the depths of Cave Mansion, I saw two cauldrons standing in the middle, and all kinds of trivial materials. At first glance it seems to be the same, but in fact one is the pill concocting room and the other is the refining room.

"Fellow Daoist Lei Huo cultivation base profound, didn't expect to be proficient in pill concocting and Artifact Refining Technique, which really makes this Qi blushed with shame." Lingyi daoist half-compliment, half-probed.

“Poor Daoist is the fifth-order Pill Refinement Master and the fifth-order Artifact Refinement Master. If Lingyi daoist has cooperation in the future, you can come to find it.”

Li Qingfeng is the only one who is outside. The identity of walking, in order to disguise the true identity. To speak, be simple and direct. It is so easy for me to save a lot of greetings and negligence.


Ling Yi daoist hearing this, stunned for a while, and looked at Zhao Yang beside him, both of them were surprised.

One is that the words of the raging fire scattered people are too direct, simply neat, without the slightest tact.

It's really uncomfortable.


The fifth-order Pill Refinement Master and Artifact Refinement Master, if you look at the three realms of Xuanyuan, Baigu, and Tianyou, you may not be able to find one.

Profound Essence Sect is a cream of the crop in the three realms, but there is only one fifth-order Artifact Refinement Master and one fifth-order Pill Refinement Master.

The White Bone Demon Sect is not good at pill concocting.

Tianyou Mountain is a Monster Race, and it is a tyrannical Magical Artifact with a little sacrifice of its own demon body. Such as Jiupanpo, who uses feathers to refine Life Source Magical Artifact and make it into a blue-eyed Tianluo fan. Although it is a fifth-order, it is the strongest in the fifth-order and has great power.


The demand for Artifact Refinement Master is small, and there is no high-level Artifact Refinement Master.

It is the second king of Tianyou Mountain, Wutoupo, who is proficient in Alchemy Technique and is a fifth-order Pill Refinement Master. In addition to Wutoupo, Tianyou Mountain also has no Pill Refinement Master and Artifact Refinement Master that can reach the fifth level.

Three Sects and more.

In front of this Fiery Loose Man, who has just made a name for himself by his achievements, he has actually reached the fifth rank in both pill concocting and refining? !

"It must be certain."

Lingyi daoist was stunned for a moment, then immediately rejoiced, and hurriedly replied.

This is a fifth-order alchemist.

Once the cooperation is reached, Yuxian Pavilion will be able to rise to the next level, and even his Lingyi Daoist will benefit immensely.

Lu Qingfeng was shrouded in black robe, and his expression remained unmoved.

Ling Yi daoist paused before jumping out of shock, and continued, "I almost forgot to do business." bag.

Lu Qingfeng saw it, his eyes lit up slightly, he guessed what was in it, and looked forward to it for a while.

Lingyi daoist said, "Fellow Daoist Lei Huo asked me Yu Xiange to collect the materials for refining Gu and making poison. These days have been collected."


Lu Qingfeng looked indifferent, reached out to take the storage bag, and looked inside.

Sure enough.

All kinds of gu and poison refining materials are piled up into mountains. The detailed list given by Lu Qingfeng is full of materials for refining six Golden Silkworm Gu.

"As expected of Yuxian Pavilion."

Lu Qingfeng was overjoyed and couldn't help but admire.

On the surface, I checked it and saw that the quality and quantity of the materials were all good, so I put away the storage bag, and the voice said solemnly, "many thanks."

"It should be."

"Yuxiange is doing this kind of business. If Fellow Daoist Lei Huo has any needs in the future, I will be happy to do it for you."

Lingyi daoist said with a smile.

These Gu refining materials are extremely difficult to collect. But the Yuxian Pavilion industry is also everywhere, and there are countless channels. I haven't paid much attention to it before, and the collection speed is not fast. However, after hearing about the record of the Fire Spirit in the Fire Spirit shell field, Ling Yi daoist personally urged them to gather them all in just a few days.

I personally sent it to Agni Island, just to befriend Lu Qingfeng.

It turned out to be a smart move.

“Battle strength is comparable to Jiupanpo.”

“Level 5 Pill Refinement Master.”

“Level 5 Artifact Refinement Master.”

"He is also proficient in the art of venomous insect's poison."

Lingyi daoist counted it, only to feel alarmed. The fiery loose person in front of him looked reticent, but in fact he was not an idle genius. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to succeed in any one of magic, pill concocting, refining, and venomous insect's poison.

The Fiery Loose Man has at least a high achievement in the first three.

Judging from these venomous insect's poison materials collected, they are only low-level materials, and they seem to be just getting started. It's just that the amount of materials and the variety of materials are so large that they may have a good inheritance of Poisonous Insect.

Not to be underestimated.


Lu Qingfeng kept a few words. After Lingyi daoist took out the venomous insect's poison material, he saw that the other party didn't have much interest and didn't stay, and took Zhao Yang out directly. Fire Island.

On the way back to Qianhe Lake.

Zhao Yang couldn't help but exclaimed, "I really didn't expect Raging Fire Sanren, in addition to the profound and tyrannical cultivation base in magic, the cultivation of alchemy is also up to the fifth rank. The shock is far more eye-catching than the Fire Spirit Shell Battle!"

In the Fire Spirit Shell Battle, Lu Qingfeng showed Shidan's battle strength, comparable to Han Ji and Jiupanpo.

However, as expert as Han Ji and Jiupanpo, there are no less than two hands in Three Sects alone.

It's really awesome.

In the final analysis, one more and one less has little effect.

The fifth-order alchemist is quite different.

“Elder Zhao has done a great job.”

Ling Yi daoist smiled and was in a good mood.

No matter what the origin of this sudden fiery Loose Man is, it is still a chance for Yu Xiange and him. Over the years, Yuxian Pavilion has collected countless materials, including top-level refining materials, fifth-rank, and sixth-rank spiritual medicine.

Because there is no fifth-order Artifact Refinement Master and Pill Refinement Master, these materials have been hidden in Yuxian Pavilion for many years.

Profound Essence Sect Gai Yuntian and Gu Buyan are still too busy refining Magical Artifact and Spirit Pill for their own daoist, let alone Yuxian Pavilion.

In the Tianyou Mountains, Aconite is strong and powerful, and she is an expert who is as famous as the Profound Essence Sect, the White Bone Demon Sect, and the Sect Master. Pill concocting is just for interest, and it is Monster Race Monster King, not to mention Yu Xiange.

apart from this.

Only rely on the few fifth-order Artifact Refinement Masters and Pill Refinement Masters in the Three Realms.

But after all, there are more monks and less porridge.

This time, it was a god-send opportunity to make friends with Fiery Loose People, and to have both unique pills.

"Quickly return to Qianhe Lake, and go to Raging Fire Island in a few days!"

The 'Raging Fire Loose Man' took the initiative to report his elixir skills, and his intentions could not be more obvious. Ling a daoist knows, since he will not be reserved.


"Yuxian Pavilion."

Lu Qingfeng watched Lingyidaoist and Zhao Yang leave, and turned to Cave Mansion, with anticipation in his heart, "There are countless stocks in Yuxian Pavilion, and there is no fifth-order alchemist, so I will not be disappointed."

For Yuxiange's pill concocting and refining, it can quickly make its fifth-order alchemist. The teacher's name is typed out.

With the undefeated record of Doupanpo.

The identity of Huanbohai Raging Fire Loose Person can be regarded as standing firm.

"With this status, it is very convenient to collect various materials or make friends with all influence."

"Increasing cultivation base."

"Refining Magical Artifact."

"As long as the cultivation base catches up, the identity of Profound Essence Sect Lu Qingfeng can also be established."

Practice several completely different cultivations techniques, master the benefits of various diving abilities and Magical Artifacts, which are vivid and thoroughly highlighted at this time.

One is the Huanbohai Fire Loose People.

The Demon Dao Cultivation Art, "Twelve Capitals heavenly demon Divine Law" combined with the Dutian Fire God Banner, plus the Dutian Profound Abyss strategy, is a giant of the demonic path and a cultivation scattered person.

One is Profound Essence Sect Lu Qingfeng.

Cultivation progress in the future.

When you can compete with Core Formation without relying on the Profound Abyss strategy, you only need to show the accomplishments of "Love Sword Manual". The Great-Aureate Sword Formation and the Luofu Heart Lamp are enough to crush the same level, and even fight beyond the level. There are also diving abilities such as Shadow Transformation, Void Condensing Sword, Taiyin Du'er Robe, etc., and there are Magical Artifact Jiu Ce Xuan Hao Sign.

The means are rich, far beyond the peers.

More on that later.

"Yellow robe True Secret" and "Jailor Five Thunder Heart Sutra" can also be paired with dive ability and Magical Artifact.

For example, when Lu Qingfeng was in trouble in the White Bone Realm before, he showed his thunder technique accomplishments, the cultivation technique of "Zhang Prison Five Thunder Heart Sutra". The White Bone Demon Sect never thought about Lu Qingfeng and the raging fire loose person at all.

“There is a lot to do!”

Lu Qingfeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

These are still on the basis of cultivation progress, so there is no rush for the time being.

Right now.

Something else to do!


Next chapter, inverse

(end of chapter)

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