
  Chapter 276 The Four Disciples of Treasures! The thirteenth era is over!

"Don't pay attention to the four demons."

"Take the Guangyuan Old Demon first!"

Yue Yu daoist said solemnly.

Compared with the Four Demons, the Old Demon of Guangyuan is the greatest threat, and it has also seized the treasure of the two sects of Shangyuan Palace, so he must not be allowed to escape.

Shangyuan Palace.

A large array rose up, one ring after another, one after another. Heavy inescapable nets, and daoists in all directions were arranged to trap Lu Qingfeng.

Not anymore.

We will also have to wait until the big Mount Meru and Qingyun come to help.

In the past five hundred years, although the Shangyuan Palace was not very happy with the two sects, it would definitely share the same hatred in front of the 'big right and wrong'.

"Four Demons."

Lu Qingfeng ignored the First Layer formation around him, looked up to the sky, and saw at a glance, outside the Grand formation of Shangyuan Palace, above the mountain gate Void, four silhouettes separate.

A young man with perseverance, paved the golden road behind him, accumulated 800 Fire Crow soldiers, with the head of Fire Crow, wearing armor, holding a sharp blade, and fireworks soaring into the sky.

A petite woman, holding a sharp sword, is surrounded by sword qi vertically and horizontally, smashing clouds and clouds.

A big man is domineering, holding a giant axe in his hand, making a chop and slashing.

The last young man had a white head, holding a bamboo pole, a bamboo hat on his head, and a mink robe, like a fisherman. The water and waves behind them are monstrous, and the shrimp soldiers and crabs will come on the waves, and the soldiers and armors are ready.

The four of them were in the air, their eyes collided with Lu Qingfeng below, each with a big expression, they stepped forward together, bowed to the formation, and said respectfully—

“dísciple, etc. , Welcome to the Master's exit!"

The sound shook Heaven and Earth, and the Shangyuan Palace was agitated.

Lu Qingfeng was in a good mood seeing the four of them. looked towards the people in Shangyuan Palace, who were waiting for the battle, and then glanced at the heavy formation in the range upon range of mountains, and said loudly, "The four disciples greet each other. p>


The next step was to take the next step, and the heavy formations could not stop him at all. He could only watch Lu Qingfeng swept out of the formation and disappeared. The four demons in the air and the two Dao soldiers didn't even look at the Yuan Palace, they followed closely from behind and swept away.

In Shangyuan Palace.

"Hugh is leaving the Old Demon!"

Yue Yu daoist stared wide-eyed when he saw this, but loudly shouted opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and suddenly fell from the air. Injuries were repeated, and the treasure was seized and attacked, and the mana rioted for a while.

"Senior Brother."

Ling Yun daoist leaped forward, supported Yue Yu daoist, and said solemnly, "Guangyuan Old Demon is so powerful that it can be called Core Formation invincible. The four demons help each other, even if Junior Brother chases him personally, he will only die. If the other daoists go, their lives will be even more worrying.”

Yue Yu daoist stabilized his body and suppressed his anger and injury. , hearing this look all around.

Sure enough.

All the daoists hesitated, no one moved, no one dared to stop them.


Maple Moon Star.

Overseas island.

"How come you have become the four demons."

Lu Qingfeng looked at the four people in front of him and couldn't help saying with a smile.

He came to Maple Moon Star from Junk Star to investigate.

After all, the road ahead is uncertain. He has the chance to be reincarnated, but the four dísciples don't. It's always right to be cautious.

After getting acquainted with it, I made one by myself by imitating the 'Yukong Ship', and brought the four dísciples from the Junk Star to the Maple Moon Star.

Separately teach the Dharma.

Let the four people cultivate on their own, while Lu Qingfeng is running rampant on the maple moon star, fighting the world alone.

Because of this, Lu Qingfeng was captured by the Three Sects and taken into the Eight Views Tower, but the four people were never implicated.

Look now.

Lin Feng, Lin Ye, Wen Guang and Zhang Yang.

The imposing manner and temperament are different from five hundred years ago.

Different from Lu Qingfeng, the aptitude is better. Even the forest leaves with the worst roots have four points. Wen Guang Gen Gu is the best, with seven points.

The four senior brothers supported each other, and the cultivation techniques and inheritances given by Lu Qingfeng made the cultivation very fast.

Wenguang, who has the highest cultivation base today, is already the peak of the illusory dan, and it is possible to break through to the realm of the real dan at any time.

Even Lin Ye with the lowest cultivation base is also promoted to Void Core Realm and is a Core Formation daoist.

Four Core Formation.

The practice is either the Righteous Level cultivation technique or the Ultra Grade technique. Lin Feng and Zhang Yang were even given the Fire Crow Road Soldier and the Waterway Road Soldier to support the method, and they became famous on the Maple Moon Star.

Hearing Lu Qingfeng's question, Lin Ye first opened the mouth and said, "On Fengyue Star, Shangyuan Palace, Qingyun School, and Mount Meru are the most powerful. They call it Demon, and we are Demon. .”

Lu Qingfeng laughed.

Three Sects do hold the right path, cut down Monsters, and eliminate Demons. But referring to a deer as a horse, there may not be less dirty things in secret.

Lin Ye and the four must have suffered a lot in the past five hundred years. It was obviously not a coincidence that he appeared outside the Shangyuan Palace today, and it seemed to come and go frequently.

The four did not speak.

Lu Qingfeng didn't ask either.

From the storage bag, take out a few items.

It has an eight-story palace tower with a height of one or three feet, a collar the size of a palm like a moon, and a long sword with rays of light and a restrained style.

"This is—"

Lin Ye looked at it, his eyes fell on the palace and the collar, and his eyes released rays of light.

Lin Feng, Wen Guang, and Zhang Yang watched with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Lu Qingfeng did not hide it when he saw this.

Pointing to the three-foot-eight-story palace tower, "This is the most precious treasure of Shangyuan Palace, the Eight Views Tower of Shangyuan."

Pointing to the slap moon halo collar, he said, "This is Shangyuan. Palace secret treasure, there is a lot of circles."

Pointing to the introverted long sword dao, "This is the Lingyun daoist saber of Shangyuan Palace, the Mountain Sword."

Shangyuan Eight Views Tower!

A big circle!

Mountain Sword!

Hearing the names of Magical Artifacts like thunder piercing the ear, Lin Ye's boss stared at him and was shocked for a while.

But Lu Qingfeng raised his hand and pushed the Mountain Sword into Lin Ye's hands.

Lin Ye raised his head and looked towards Master.

"sixth rank Magical Artifact, Mountain Sword. You are studying the "Luo Fu Sword Manual", but you are missing a sword." Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

Lin Ye suddenly showed a look of surprise, and he did not refuse, and continued, "many thanks Master."

Lu Qingfeng waved his hand, and then threw the big circle to his eyes. Looking at Mountain Sword and Wen Guang of Bajinglou, he teased, "You are practicing "yellow robe true art", and the cultivation technique is wide open, but Mountain Sword is not suitable. Bajinglou is the secret technique of Shangyuan Palace. Those who are proficient in the 'Shangyuan Bajing talisman technique', which is a secret biography of Shangyuan Palace, cannot be sacrificed or manipulated. The Shangyuan Bajing talisman technique is profound and mysterious, and your temperament is not suitable."

Wen Guang grasped the circle, Disappointed.

The Mountain Sword is a sharp weapon for attacking and cutting, and the Mysterious in the Eight Views Tower is the treasure of Shangyuan Palace.

None of the two are available, so what's the matter with a nasty collar? !

"You idiot."

"The big circle is the seventh rank Magical Artifact, in charge of Yueyu daoist from Shangyuan Palace. Magical Artifact is in hand, even if you don't use the Eighth View Tower. , the entire Maple Moon Star can't find an opponent."

"If you don't want it, you can still be a teacher."

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his slender palm to Wen Guang, and Wen Guang heard it. , hurriedly grabbed Da Youhuan, "Master gave the treasure, there is no reason to withdraw it."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and walked two steps to Lin Feng, holding the Bajinglou. Shangyuan Bajing talisman technique ', good life comprehend, strive to refinish Bajinglou as soon as possible. In Bajinglou, the First Layer Jin Xijing, Flying Sword, thousands of magical sword arrays are the perfect place to hone sword dao. You and Lin Ye, all can enter the cultivation."

"Second Layer Thunder and Lightning Realm, suitable for practicing thunder techniques, hides the lost 'Nine Heavenly Thunder Palace Secret Biography' and 'Shenxiao Thirty-six' that have been lost in the Shangyuan Palace. Thunder technique ', all are good thunder methods, no less than the inheritance of Qingyun School. Publicize the cultivation "Five Thunder Heart Sutra", you can enter the cultivation and improve your thunder technique accomplishments."

"Third Layer Four Seas, Fourth Layer True Fire realm, the former can help raise the water runners, the latter can help raise the Fire Crow fighters, and even the Place of Weapon Storehouse."

"You and the fourth junior brother should make good use of it. "

Lu Qingfeng handed the Bajinglou and the jade plate to Lin Feng, and said to Lin Feng and Zhang Yang.

Bajing Tower is the most precious treasure of Shangyuan Palace, and it is not just for the purpose of suppressing people.

The first four realms are different, all of them have wonderful effects, and they are excellent things to cultivate reserve children. Losing at this moment is far more deadly than the previous five hundred years of internal trouble and outside aggression.

"The dísciple is stupid, and it may be difficult to comprehend the Dafa of Shangyuan Palace. The fourth junior brother has always been smart. If he comprehends the talisman technique of the Eight Scenes of Shangyuan, he will definitely be very fast." Lin Feng looked towards Lu Qingfeng and said in his mouth.

Zhang Yang was beside him, his face was indifferent.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but look towards Eldest Senior Brother, with a rare look in his eyes.


Lu Qingfeng glanced at Zhang Yang and said to Lin Feng, "Don't worry about your fourth junior brother, he is so dull, there is nothing better than Buddhism Magical Artifact It is more suitable. Five hundred years ago, the three Divine Monks of the Great Mount Meru joined forces, and they will be trapped in the Dragon Cliff. The magic golden ring is playing tricks."

Zhang Yang raised his head, with white hair tied behind his head, a face that looked delicious and pretty, and said slowly, "The dísciple cultivation Master bestows magic techniques, without the need for Magical Artifact to stand by. "


Lin Feng, Lin Ye, Wen Guang also looked towards Lu Qingfeng.

Master just got out of the cage, and the dísciples didn't want Lu Qingfeng to take risks again.

Lu Qingfeng said loudly with a smile, "Don't talk too much, Three Sects used to trap me, and today I have taken away many secret treasures of Shangyuan Palace. How can you favor one over another? Come!"


Without waiting for the four of them to speak, they moved their feet and immediately turned into a sword light and disappeared into the void.

The four Lin Feng looked at each other and were speechless for a while.


After five hundred years of Profound Abyss strategy, it has swallowed countless Spiritual Qi, treasure, and swallowed the crystals of countless spiritual clouds in the Sixth Layer Heaven palace, which has already stabilized the seventh rank. .

It's just that the seventh rank is promoted to the eighth rank, and the consumption is too huge.

The countless Magical Artifacts that Lu Qingfeng brought together in Bajinglou were eventually thrown into the pool of good fortune. There is also the help of Lingyun Crystal.

Unfortunately, it still failed to break through.

However, he killed a lot of exotic beasts, and when he crossed the maple moon star earlier, he captured a lot of Divine Soul. After five hundred years, killing alien beasts and promoting Divine Soul, although it is difficult to find Divine Soul at the Primordial Spirit level, resulting in all the vacancies of Ghost General.

However, the Profound Abyss Yin Soldier at the 7,200 Core Formation level has captured a lot, as many as a week, and all of them are Core Formation Peak.

If it wasn't for Lu Qingfeng's lack of cultivation, it would even be enough to build up its cultivation base to Primordial Spirit.

However, between Core Formation and Primordial Spirit, there is a big ravine, like a moat.

Lu Qingfeng does not insist.

Only upgrade to Golden Core Peak, with a dive ability, 365 Core Formation Yin Soldier continuously provides mana, which is enough to traverse Maple Moon Star.

Even if the 365 Profound Abyss Yin Soldier is simply released, it can sweep the stars.


Lu Qingfeng went to Qingyun School and Mount Meru one after another.

Reveals the dive ability.

With Five Colored Divine Light, snatch the Qingyun School Two Qi Rings, the Big Mount Meru Purple-Gold Alms Bowl, the Demonic Golden Ring and several other ten Sects Magical Artifacts.

The cited two sects jumped, but there was nothing they could do.


Lu Qingfeng gifted the Purple-Gold Alms Bowl and the Golden Ring to the four dísciple Zhang Yang. Give Lin Ye the Ring of Two Qi. Then he said goodbye to the four disciples, and left alone, but returned to Junk Star.

"In reality, the root bone has been improved, and now it has come out of the Bajinglou, and I have taken the Three Sects treasure, and I can finally be reincarnated."

Take out the enhanced version of the 'Yuyu' refined in the Bajinglou. Empty ship', skimming the planetary sky.

Two years later.

To Junk Star.

Returning to the long-lost abandoned mountain, after more than 500 years of absence, there are piles of scrapped Magical Artifact like a mountain, filling up the big hole previously collected by Lu Qingfeng, and there is a big rise up. cut.

Set up the Formation.

Put various medicine pills, Spirit Pills, Magical Artifacts, etc. separately in several storage bags to cover and protect with Formation.

"Sixteen years later, the fourteenth generation."

"At that time, the root bone will improve, and it will be able to cultivate to the state of Core Formation in one or two hundred years, almost catching up with the 'two poles' When the CD-ROM was born."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at the garbage mountain all around, and his Qi machine kept falling.

Spirit Void Fusion.

Spirit Void.


Until the Foundation Establishment's air-entraining environment, Lu Qingfeng has become a drooping old man, rotten, and if a little cultivation base is dropped, it will turn into fly ash in an instant. .

More than 15 million EXP, all put into exchange——

【divine ability: Great Five Elements Yuan Magnetic Extinction Light Needle】

【Grade: Ordinary]

[Description: The Golden Phoenix family's dive ability, good at penetrating, breaking the world Five Elements]

Glancing at the exchange success.

The next moment.

Lu Qingfeng, who was so old that he couldn't even stand, turned into flying ash with a bang and dissipated on the abandoned mountain of Junk Star and the rolling Azure Dragon River.

3,600-character chapter, ask for a monthly pass!

In the new week, ask for the next recommendation ticket.

(end of this chapter)

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