
  Chapter 284 same sect see you

Time flies.

It's been three years in the blink of an eye.

This day.

A stream of light appears in the sky, stretching across the sky.

The powerful imposing manner hiding the sky and covering the earth swept through, making all living beings terrified above the stars below.

"A lot of Divine Immortal!"

"Immortal God! It's the Immortal God in the sky!"

"Immortal God has come, I am saved!"

"Immortal God is coming!"



On the polar stars, absolutely life is either frightened or excited. Kneel together and worship Immortal God.

For the Core Formation daoist, all beings on the polar stars are like ants.

Even the strongest Martial Saint is only equivalent to Foundation Establishment body tempering. How far is it from the realm of Core Formation. With a wave of a daoist, countless people can be suppressed.

I won't follow.

At this moment, above the stars, there is a daoist in the sky.

Immortal God in the eyes of mortals.

The daoists of Shangyuan Palace occupy one place and develop eight realms and eight sceneries, in order to compete for the places of the two-pole universe disc.

The daoists of the Qingyun faction gathered together to descend into purgatory.

The Great Meru Mountain lost its treasure. A group of old monks joined forces, and the divide light flickered, but they jointly developed the Great Meru Mountain.

Other various sects daoist, loose cultivator daoist everywhere, all have means to manifest.

The reflection of the rays of light in the sky makes all living beings above the stars become more frightened and more frenzied.

Among the daoists.

The Eight Views Tower is like an Immemorial mountain, and it falls steadily on the clouds. Above the palace tower, headed by the Four Immortals of Guangyuan, a total of sixteen daoists sat cross-legged. The imposing manner was like an abyss, the eyes of the Four Immortals swept in all directions, overlooking the stars.

"Master didn't come."

Looking around, Lin Ye was a little frustrated.

According to the years, the CD-ROM of Bipolar Universe will be born soon. Various sects daoist and loose cultivator daoists gathered on Maple Moon Star, but Lu Qingfeng silhouette was not seen.

"It's not yet time."

Lin Feng was comforted by the side.

Looking down, looking towards the direction of Abandoned Mountain, Jubao Mountain area——

Scrap Magical Artifact into a mountain, as before.

Shake his head.

Also has several points of disappointment in his eyes.

Wen Guang was by the side, Weng said, "The CD-ROM of the Great Universe Dynasty has not been released yet, so don't worry. The Master will definitely come. I'll go to Jubao Mountain first, I don't know how my Great Universe Dynasty is. "


Jump off the Bajing Tower and fall straight towards the abandoned mountain.

"Eldest Senior Brother, I'll go down and have a look."

Zhang Yang said to Lin Feng.

I haven't returned to Fengyuexing for a long time, and I will inevitably miss my old place.


Lin Feng nodded.

Only then did Zhang Yang jump out of the Eight Views Tower and fall straight into the stars.

Seeing this, Lin Ye hurriedly said, "Little Junior Brother, wait for me."

I didn't even say hello to the big brother, and chased after him.

Lin Feng was sitting on the Bajing Building, in the Immortal Sect camp of Guangyuan, waiting for the CD-ROM to come out without moving.


Wen Guang was the first to fall.

Looking around all around, there have been abandoned Magical Artifacts for hundreds of years, and the familiar terrain has long been destroyed thoroughly.

Only grandiose Azure Dragon Jiang is still galloping, awakening Wenguang's distant memory.



Looking at the Azure Dragon River, two figures fell from the sky and landed on Wen Guang's side and by the Azure Dragon River.

"Senior Sister, Junior Brother, you are here too."

Wen Guangchong Lin Ye, Zhang Yang grin said with a smile.

"It's been a long time since I came back."

Lin Ye looked around, the situation of the abandoned mountain was always changing, but the piles of countless discarded Magical Artifacts were still familiar. At that time, she followed behind Master, cultivation technique, study pill concocting, was the most relaxed and happy time in her life.

as time goes by.

It's gone forever.

Staring at the vast river, Lin Ye turned his head, looked towards Zhang Yang and said with a smile, "Back then, the Master was the Little Junior Brother he picked up by the Azure Dragon River. haha, the Little Brother at that time. Junior Brother was powerless to tie the chicken, grabbed a bamboo pole and fished on the shore, and was almost eaten by the prawns fed by the Master."

Lin Ye recounted the year.

Zhang Yang's calm face could not help but reveal a smile.

In the beginning.

If it weren't for the Master's rescue, he would have been buried in the mighty Azure Dragon River, where would he have achieved today's achievements. Looking at the Azure Dragon River, whether it is Lin Ye or Wen Guang, the feelings are not as good as publicity.

At that time, he apprenticed to the famous 'Guangyuan Sanren', which attracted the envy of Martial Artists from all over the world. He was ordered by his teacher to search for shrimps and crabs with spirituality in the upper and lower reaches of the Azure Dragon River.

Most of the time, they are floating in the river.

At this time, I want to come, but it is also interesting.

Three daoists stand by the river.

Not far behind.

A young girl in gray with clear eyes and a young man holding a steel fork hid in the dark and watched the three of them.

The girl suppressed her voice, her voice still clear, her face full of nervousness, "They seem to have come down from the sky, could it be the Immortal God descended from the sky?"

"hmph hmph!"

"Is there any Immortal God in the sky that can compare to my master?"

The young man, lightly snorted, also lowered his voice and whispered, "Watch them first, wait for the master It’s better to report after leaving the customs. Today, there are so many strange people in the sky, it’s not normal.”


The girl is nodded like garlic, obviously Strongly agree.

Communicate quietly.

Watching in secret.

However, at the next moment, the girl caught a glimpse of a Tsing Yi silhouette from the corner of her eye-


She immediately screamed in shock When it makes a sound, its shape changes, and it directly transforms into a palm-sized bird, flapping its wings and about to fly away. The young man with strong features on the side was calmer, grabbed the steel fork and smashed the passers-by fiercely, turned around and jumped into the air, turning into a sturdy cheetah in the air, and he had to escape with a vigorous pace.


"Yellow robe is the real trick?"

A deep voice came from the air, revealing three points of surprise and seven points of surprise.

The cheetah turned back and saw the big man like a tyrant, with eyes like copper bells, staring at him blankly, causing a chill down his spine.


"My name is Shanfeng."

"My name is Yunque."

Shanfeng strong features, a face With a stunned look, fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. Lark looked weak and timid, standing behind Shanfeng.

"Mountain Wind."


Lin Ye looked at the two with a smile on his face.

Wen Guang's eyes were eager and he tried his best to suppress it. An ugly arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth. He wanted to show goodwill, but he sent cold shivers down one's spine even more.

Zhang Yang stood quietly, his eyes always falling on the two of them.

Shanfeng stalked his neck, his eyes full of vigilance, "How do you prove that you are the master's dísciple?"


Slightly moved half a step to block the skylark more tightly, loudly said, "We have been with the master for three years, and we have never heard the master mention any dísciple, who knows if you are lying to me!"


"Pu chi!"

Seeing the wind in the mountains, Lin Ye couldn't help laughing for a while.


Shanfeng's slightly immature face turned red instantly, from forehead to neck. He suppressed himself, glared at the female cultivator who was not as tall as him, and said angrily, "What are you laughing at! If you don't make it clear today, even if you die, we won't tell you where your master is!"

"That's right."

"I won't say anything if I die."

The lark sticks out his head from behind the mountain breeze, and agrees with a small face, see The three of Lin Ye swept their gazes, and quickly retracted their heads.


"Since the Master taught you two cultivation techniques, I'm waiting for Junior Brother and Junior Sister."

"Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious."

Zhang Yang saw Senior Sister laughing non-stop while Third Senior Brother began to stir. He took a step forward without looking like he was talking, "It's better to sit down and talk like normal things. When the Master comes out, it's not necessary to tell the truth."


Zhang Yang looked towards Shanfeng and Yunque. Although his face was flat, his eyes revealed closeness.

I have been a teacher for eight or nine hundred years.

The Master has not accepted any disciples since he accepted him. Now there are two more Junior Brother and Junior Sister, Zhang Yang is happy. Although his temperament is cold, he also knows social snobbery. Seeing that the two were simple in nature, they were frightened at this time, so they spoke to comfort them.

Shanfeng looked towards the young white-haired fisherman in front of him. He also felt close, nodded and said, "That's fine. Master possesses great magical power. If you pretend to be, you will suffer a lot."


"Master divine ability, naturally surpasses countless others."

Zhang Yang nodded and said.

The mountain breeze was hearing this, and his face suddenly showed an air of air.

"You are so stupid, you and I are both practicing "Yellow Robe True Secrets", how can this be fake?!"

Wen Guang couldn't see this stunned The head is blue, the true essence of the body is swaying, and the yellow robe is added, and the imposing manner is amazing.

The mountain wind and the lark were suddenly rushed by the imposing manner and almost fell to the ground.

"Third Senior Brother, don't hurt them."

Zhang Yang's body shook slightly and changed his imposing manner. Only then did Shanfeng and Yunque stand firm. The former was full of anger, while the latter was panicked.


Wen Guang is about to make a distinction.


Not far from the side, in the depths of the earth, the red and white two colors rays of light rushed straight to the bullfight, breaking through the earth and penetrating the sky.

"This is—"

"The Two-Pole Universe CD!"

Wen Guang, Zhang Yang, and Lin Ye looked at each other and said in unison .

Deep in the earth.

"It's done!"

Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged, one compass ups and downs in the air in front of him.

It took three years to finally refinish the Bipolar Disc, which can exert some of its power.

"Let's try to control the power of the Magnetic-Essence Force of two poles."

Lu Qingfeng got up and tried it.

One hand grabbed the Magical Artifact in the air, and the true essence poured in.

I immediately felt the majestic power accumulated over 4,800 years in the two-pole universe disc, thoughts move ——

“Five-meaning aurora!”

between Heaven and Earth, a ray of light shot straight into the sky, causing the polar stars to change, one after another aurora burst into a thousand ten thousand zhang, covering the entire polar star.

The daoists in the sky are all covered, and they control the true law and Magical Artifact, covering the whole body.

The aurora is too broad and its power is limited.

The daoist has a heart to resist, and the body has true essence as stable as Mount Tai.

Among the stars, there are all beings, but every cultivation, all walks are Martial Dao, there is no true essence in the body, and there is no influence at all.

Lu Qingfeng is in charge of the aurora, sensing the mountain wind and where the lark is.

I saw the two being supported by the three of Lin Ye.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he swept away the magic in his hand, focusing on controlling the aurora. Covered by the aurora, the scrapped Magical Artifact begin to stir piled up everywhere above the stars, slammed up.

The aurora shines through, like spring wind transforms to rain, returns to Origin, and turns into mines.

The magic of Magical Artifact.

There is no looting in heaven.

These materials, according to the ratio of scrap Magical Artifact provided by various daoists, have long been divided and formed into a formula. Even if the Three Sects are no longer as brilliant as they used to be, most people are still willing to stick to the old rules.


Guangyuan Immortal Sect like the sun at high noon, if they break the old rules, they are likely to have to drink soup behind.

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(end of this chapter)

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