
  Chapter 294 Evolution II!

Walking in the woods.

You can vaguely see the ruins of the city buried under fallen leaves and soil. Cracked red bricks, large and small concrete blocks, and sometimes even half-height walls can be seen.

The scene after civilization is broken, one leaf can see the whole picture.

Lu Qingfeng's Qi machine climbed while walking -

Fetal Breath First Layer.

Fetal Breath 2nd layer.

Fetal Breath 3rd-layer.

Without ready-made EXP, Lu Qingfeng could only improve to Fetal Breath 3rd-layer in one breath, even if he had gone through countless times of cultivation.

Lu Qingfeng looked towards Sifang, didn't move around, calmly sensed everything.


There is movement in the grass.

"Come on!"

Lu Qingfeng's ears moved slightly, and he picked it up under his feet.


A short scream came from the place where the stone fell.

Lu Qingfeng did not rush forward, but listened quietly. When he was sure that the grass had stopped moving, he stepped forward with his skinny body.

Push through the grass.

A fat gray rabbit had its head shattered and fell in a pool of blood.

Lu Qingfeng held a fist in his hand, and the cold air filled the air, freezing the broken head of the gray rabbit, and the blood energy solidified.

He quickly disappeared into the forest.

Shortly after he left.

Two figures came quickly.

Both of them are young people, each wearing a strong shirt. One of them was holding a white Bone Blade, and his nose kept twitching. The other was holding a strong bow, with dozens of black glowing feather arrows stuck in the quiver behind him.

"How is it?"

Wang Yu grabbed the bow in one hand and the arrow in the other, looked towards Zhang Jin and asked.


Zhang Jin shook his head and took two steps forward to clear the grass. I saw a pool of blood stained with soil, fallen leaves, and weeds, but no body was found.

"Damn it!"

"Have a blast! Don't let Lao Tzu know which Hu is the cut, or you must cut him!" Wang Yu scolded his mother angrily.

Zhang Jin was used to it for a long time, picked up a bloody concrete block from the pool of blood, glanced at the surrounding traces, pursed his lips and said, "I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. Yatu's is definitely a good player with Lv 0.5 and above, with your jack of all trades arrow technique, the feathered arrows are not as good as the stones kicked by others."


Zhang Jin raised the blood-stained stone in his hand, discarded it and stood up.

"What about Lv 0.5 or higher, as long as you keep a distance, I will teach him how powerful it is." Wang Yu was unconvinced, glanced at the stones on the ground, and insisted.

Zhang Jin ignored it and looked at the sky, "Keep looking. It's getting dark, if you don't hurry up, you'll be hungry at night."

"Hurry up. Hurry up."

"It's not that you have been writing ink."

Wang Yu didn't lose his words when he heard this, and became anxious.


Lin Shen doesn't know where to go.

Lu Qingfeng used the surrounding trees and rocks to arbitrarily arrange a simple Formation to cover visual and olfactory detection. Then quickly deal with the gray rabbit meat and grill it over a fire.

The light flickered.

Lu Qingfeng is holding two awl-like rabbit teeth, which are like blood jade and extremely hard. The stone kicked by Lu Qingfeng even smashed the gray rabbit's head, but the two teeth were well preserved.

"The Spiritual Qi in here is not much different from the diffuse between Heaven and Earth, with only slight changes, making the blood tooth texture tight. When you bite down, the blood tooth pierces into the body, even if it is an ordinary human being. , within half a quarter of an hour, all the blood will be swallowed up."

Feeling the texture of blood teeth and Spiritual Qi inside, Lu Qingfeng became more and more interested in this life.

Although the gray rabbit he killed just now is not one of the monster beasts, but the two bloody teeth in his mouth have the visual sense of Monster Race Life Source Magical Artifact.

With the blood teeth, the gray rabbit is not a small threat.

"Blood-toothed rabbit."

Lu Qingfeng put away the two blood-toothed rabbits, the rabbit meat was already cooked.

The next few days.

Lu Qingfeng is dedicated to improving his strength in the forest.

As long as there is enough meat, with the countless experiences of Lu Qingfeng cultivation, within three or five months, one can reach the Fetal Breath Realm Peak. At that time, breakthrough True Qi Realm, with a diving ability, not to mention vertical and horizontal, at least more than self-preservation.

While improving his strength, Lu Qingfeng is also understanding this 'end times'.

Different from the previous worlds, this life was originally a world of modern civilization. Sixteen years ago, a meteor fell from the sky, causing the civilization to collapse and plunge into a chaotic apocalypse. But the people who live in it are still human beings who have developed from the age of civilization. Technology has been destroyed and cannot be restored under the influence of the strange Spiritual Qi, but various advanced systems are still there.

Lu Qingfeng has no root and no bottom, and it emerges abruptly, which inevitably arouses suspicion.

Stay in the woods first and have more contact with people. It is not too late to make plans after understanding the world of this side, or at least the situation of the surrounding land.

The sun rises and the moon sets.

3 months later.


“The end of the world came sixteen years ago, destroying human civilization.”

“This area originally belonged to the Yaohai District of Bahe City. Bahe City is one of the hardest hit areas. There were less than ten survivors and the entire city was destroyed. In just 16 years, the plants grew wildly, covering up the ruins of the city.”

“This is both a crisis and an opportunity. ."

"With the arrival of the end of the world, meteors and fires rained down, and storms swept through the whole March. Although animals and plants have undergone all kinds of strange changes. Most of them have become ferocious and dangerous. But human beings also Benefit from it. First, the body becomes stronger, the strength increases greatly, and the resilience increases together with the fleshy body strength. There are many powerhouses in human beings, single fist smashed out, and even the unmutated tiger can be crushed to death.”

"These powerhouses gather the remnants of human beings in an attempt to rebuild civilization. But the strange magnetic field between Heaven and Earth everywhere makes all kinds of electronic devices, all kinds of science and technology ineffective. The only way for mankind to strengthen itself is to strengthen itself."

"There is a 'Steel War God' who is said to have walked out of Bahe City in the north. The magical particles that dissociate between Heaven and Earth, the magical energy in the special organization of alienated animals, and the roots or fruits of alienated plants The strange energies contained in it are collectively referred to as 'psionic energy'."

"According to the different strengths of psionic energy in the human body, it is divided into levels. It spreads and gradually becomes the mainstream."

" Many powerhouses will come to the end of the world, until the first place Lv 1powerhouse is born three years ago, which is called 'Evolution Zero Era'."

"Four years ago, the North Steel War God became the first place for humans to reach Lv 2. powerhouse, proclaiming that the world, Blue Star has officially entered the 'Era of Evolution'."

Wang Yu spoke in a high-pitched and impassioned manner, telling Lu Qingfeng the history of Blue Star's evolution since the end of the world.

From the 'Evolution Zero Era' in which the fleshy body is simply strengthened and the cold weapon hand-to-hand combat stage, to the 'Evolution One Era' in which all kinds of strange things frequently appear and powerhouses from all sides compete against each other.

It's amazing.

In the Zhou Kingdom alone, there are countless powerhouses and countless legends of heroes.

From the exploration of 'Evolution Zero Era', to the Titled King Lie Tu of 'Evolution One Era', the superpower king swept invincible, and then to today's 'Evolution II Era' War God has emerged.

The situation in Zhou Kingdom gradually became clear.

The ties between the provinces and cities, which were disconnected due to the end of the world, were gradually restored. A statue of War God occupied famous mountains and rivers, and gathered thousands of followers under his command.

Behead the Chinese alligator and slaughter the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The interpretation is totally different from the era of science and technology.

"Evolution II."

"Ability War God."

The rays of light flickered in Lu Qingfeng's eyes, and the fog of this apocalyptic star was cleared away , to see the truth.

The power user here is taking a cultivation path that is completely different from immortal dao.

What they practice is the so-called 'psionic power', and they dig out the power in the depths of the bloodline. Once you cross the threshold of Lv 1, from zero to one, from soldier level, general level, to king level, it is very possible to awaken the powers hidden in the bloodline.

Or control fire and water.

Or Power Amplification.

Or psychic perception.

In short, the powers of all kinds of strange things cannot be exhausted.

Of course.

It is also possible to initially awaken the power in the Lv 0 stage. This and the others have endless potential. In the 'Evolution Zero Era', as long as they don't die in the middle, now they are all kings and even Invincible Wargod.

According to Wang Yu, the most famous and powerful 'Steel War God' in the north is the awakening power when the end of the world has just arrived, and it can resonate with metal. Intertwined with each other to enhance each other.

Driving a remodeled heavy truck, from Yaohai District, Bahe City, all the way north, leaving countless Legendary.

The ultimate achievement 'Steel War God' is endless prestige.

Some time ago, news came that this 'Steel War God' killed three wolves in Langya Mountain, Beihe Province, and grabbed Langya Mountain.

Definitely Peak powerhouse in Lv 2.

"I'm Lv 0.425 and Old Zhang is Lv 0.413. Although they can't rank in the Yaohai District, where no one cares, they won't be at the bottom."

“ There are no mountains and rivers in Yaohai District, and the resources are mediocre, so there is no Great Influence occupying it. Only the idle people of no Sect and no Faction live here. Going north is the Bahe Railway Station and the Tourist Bus Station. These two The station and many surrounding buildings are in good condition, and there are many small hotels, which are the main gathering areas in Yaohai District."

"Old Zhang and I live there."

"The most powerful ones at the train station are a few general-level experts with Lv 0.7 or higher. They have a good relationship with the Water Dragon King who occupies Xiaoyaojin, the Iron Arm King who occupies Bao Park, and the Crazy Blade King who occupies Yaohai Park. If there is an invasion of a king-level alien beast, you can invite many general-level experts or even three superpower kings to help you at any time.”

“Don’t worry about safety.”

Wang Yushou With the bow, Spiritual God introduced the surrounding situation to Lu Qingfeng vividly. Zhang Jin was on the side and didn't feel anything wrong.

“Lv 0.425.”

“Lv 0.413.”

Lu Qingfeng looked towards Wang Yu and Zhang Jin, and sensed the qi fluctuations in their bodies. Reverse calculation of itself——

“Lv 0.985.”

“True Qi Realm First Layer, converted into psionic calculation, it is already Peak War General level, and it can almost be crowned king , comparable to the 'Supernatural King'. However, my fellow practitioners have four Peak method, and the amount of True Qi is much higher than the normal True Qi Realm First Layer. If calculated according to the ordinary True Qi Realm cultivator of the cultivation Exquisite Level cultivation technique, it is about Lv 0.5 Left and right."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head.

This conversion is not very accurate.

In the last days, whether it is soldiers, generals, kings, or War Gods, there is no cultivation method. It's just extremely primordial, constantly digging out its potential by fighting. Then draw easily absorbed psionic energy from various alien beast psionic energy organizations or the roots and fruits of alienated plants to quickly increase their strength.

The end times are coming.

The beasts of all kinds of strange things are dangerous, and even the human heart is equally dangerous.

Combat is a constant theme.

In the infinite battle, the absorbed psychic energy is quickly turned into strength, and there is no unstable foundation. At this point in the world, countless powerhouses can quickly emerge.

According to Lu Qingfeng's inaccurate conversion, the power of Lv 1 power user is comparable to the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator. And the powerhouse of Lv 2 at the War God level will only be stronger.

In just sixteen years, without any cultivation technique inheritance, growing to the Foundation Establishment level is even stronger.

It can only be said that the wind and clouds make it!

(end of this chapter)

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