
  Chapter 307 is full of treasure, and the means are activated!

As Lu Qingfeng saw at this time, this Taoist from Yushan was able to look at Lu Qingfeng.



"This Probing Skill method is really brilliant, if it wasn't for the light in his eyes, the old man would hardly have discovered it. ”

You can even change your mind and communicate with Lu Qingfeng!

“Junior yellow robe, I have seen Yushan senior.”

Lu Qingfeng hurriedly met.

This is different from the sluggish dive sense before, but pinned on the real thoughts of Taoist Yushan, equivalent to Taoist Yushan himself, Lu Qingfeng did not dare to slack off.

Divine sense and thought are two different concepts.

The former is unconscious, but the latter is exactly similar to the ontology, with the same thought and consciousness.

Like a living person.

If there is a secret magic cultivator, maybe it can be made into Second Primordial Spirit, or even External Body Incarnation. Self-cultivation retreat, incarnation walking outside, this is the real life-saving method.

However, even the method of cultivating Second Primordial Spirit is rare in the world. The achievement of External Body Incarnation is even harder to find in the Nether.

Of course.

The thought of Taoist Yushan is far from Second Primordial Spirit and External Body Incarnation.

It can only be called grief.

"You're welcome."

Taoist Yushan waved his hand, "The idea of ​​old man can only be maintained with the help of the Immortal Mansion. Death is not far away."


Lu Qingfeng sighed in his eyes.

He felt the most helpless among them. There are many years in the game, and after sixteen generations, he often runs out of life essence and dies.

Especially the 14th generation was difficult to break through in the Black Star Realm for three thousand years, and finally died of old age.

Most grateful.

It is also the most reluctant.

Although Taoist Yushan has been dead for 13,000 years, this thought is proof that he once lived in the world.

Now will be gone.

All traces are completely erased from Heaven and Earth.

Even if Taoist Yushan was just a thought at this time, he was a little disappointed.

After settling his mind, Taoist Yushan laughed at himself, saying with a smile, "The old man has been empty for more than ten thousand years, and he still can't see it when he comes."

"The longer you live, the longer you live. The closer we get to immortality, the most unwilling to fall into reincarnation like a mortal."

Lu Qingfeng said half comfortingly, half emotionally.

"Little friend is young, so it's rare to see it thoroughly."

The Taoist Yushan became more and more admirable, and turned to the sadness that swept across his face, his face became solemn, his eyes fixed On Lu Qingfeng, "the old man sensed that there is the Aoki Valley dísciple in the Cave Mansion at this time. After 13,000 years, the Aoki Valley has not yet been destroyed. There is a treasure in the Aoki Valley, and there will be a powerhouse coming at any time, no gossip. Talk about it."

The Daoist of Yushan seems to be talking about it, but it is quite swift and decisive --

"Set up the Heart Demon Great Oath, and wait until the future cultivation base is established. , to kill Xun Zhenbei Aoki Valley for the old man. Heart Demon vows to take away the secret technique and Magical Artifact left by the old man in the Cave Mansion. If not, the old man will not be embarrassed, you can go ."

Waves out an illusory shadow.

He is a domineering and awe-inspiring Taoist, holding a double-strand sword and his eyes are sharp.

It should be the north of Xunzhen, Qingmu Valley, as the Taoist in Yushan said.

“Heart Demon Great Oath.”

The cultivation path is most afraid of Heart Demon disaster.

If you set up the Heart Demon Great Oath, and disobey and disobey, then the Heart Demon will come, not the weak Heart Demon like the Spirit Void. But a Foreign Heavenly Demon capable of destroying the immortal path, nothing unusual.

"Junior yellow robe swears that after the success of Yushan senior secret technique, Magical Artifact, and cultivation base, it will kill Xunzhen North of Qingmu Valley. If this oath is violated, it will be called yellow robe Heart Demon. The road is broken!"

There is no hesitation.

Since he decided to get the Eternal Art gate from Taoist Yushan, he naturally had to inherit the cause and effect. As for taking an oath as a 'yellow robe old monster', or taking an oath as a 'Lu Qingfeng', they are all exactly similar.

Heavenly Dao is not to be deceived.

Because of the change of trifling name, Lu Qingfeng will not avoid causal punishment.

In the great hall, a wave of indistinct turbulence rippled.

Yushan Taoist looked towards Lu Qingfeng, and nodded praised, "The actions are decisive, and the future will definitely be unlimited."

Lu Qingfeng stood respectfully.

The Taoist priest of Yushan added, "The North of Xunzhen was the Primordial Spirit cultivator 13,000 years ago. If you fail to ascend, you will die naturally, and you don't need to obey this vow. If you are lucky enough to ascend, It must be the Great Ascension True Immortal. You can slowly cultivate and plan, and when the cultivation base is enough, you can take revenge for the old man.”

“Junior saves it.”

Lu Qingfeng replied with a nod.

As long as he can cultivate to the Great Ascension True Immortal Realm, beheading the True Immortal of the same level must be with no difficulty. Just from the words of Taoist Yushan, Lu Qingfeng also heard a trace of the truth of this world.

Was about to ask again.

I saw Daoist Yushan waved his hand and stopped Lu Qingfeng, "It's not too late, it's important to take the treasure and leave quickly."


From the mouth of Golden Dragon above the great hall, several treasures were spit out one after another—

One page gold book.

Two jade plates.

Three-legged green tripod.

Four Sects Magical Artifact.

The treasure falls, and the treasure light ten thousand zhang reflects in the great hall, covering up the gods and Golden Dragon rays of light.

Lu Qingfeng looked towards Daoist Yushan, only to see his smile, and said loudly, "Meeting is fate. If you meet the reincarnation of an old man in the future, please give me a little help, thank you very much. Do it!"

"It should be."

Lu Qingfeng replied.

Before he finished speaking, a thought incarnation of Taoist Yushan had dissipated in the air.

Since then.

A generation of Primordial Spirit great cultivator has completely passed away.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and stretched out his hand to take all the air treasures into the storage bag.

I saw the Golden Dragon roaring in the sky, and the gods on both sides roared.

Derives a large array.

Lu Qingfeng brows frowned, staring at it——

“Transmission Formation?!”

rays of light are dazzling, one after another array inscription weaving, impressively Transfer the array on the derivative side. And from the standpoint, the other end of the teleportation must be extremely far away.

Lu Qingfeng looked up.

In the great hall, the final voice of Taoist Yushan came——

“Aoki King Cauldron is the treasure of Qingmu Valley, Seven Gorges Immortal Sect same qi, connected branch, Jiushui boundary is not suitable Stay for a long time. This formation leads to the boundary of the Three Mountains and is far away from the Nine Waters and Seven Gorges, so it can be protected from being probed."

"This is the last thing an old man can do for a little friend."

"Good life cultivation, absolutely cherished."

The voice fell.

The evolution of the grand formation was completed, and it ran with a bang.

“Three Mountains Boundary?”

Lu Qingfeng stared at the big formation, shook his head, and the top of his head rushed out of the five-colored brilliance, shaking violently. A hole was opened in the battle, and Lu Qingfeng stepped on the top of the cloud and swept out from it.


It's outside of Immortal Mansion.


At the same time, stepping out of the big formation, stepping out of the Immortal Mansion.

Lu Qingfeng shook his body and performed the 'Invisibility Technique' to completely cover his figure. Lu Qingfeng's Five Colored Divine Light and Yun Dian Step in Immortal Mansion came out of Immortal Mansion, restraining all diving ability, all true essence, and breath fluctuations.

Invisibility Technique is added.

The Three Sects daoist, who was standing outside, couldn't find Lu Qingfeng who walked out from the corner quietly, and then silently merged into the darkness, even though the Immortal Mansion was surrounded by water.


Yushan Immortal Mansion.

Third Layer off.

Old Wu, Xun Bai, and Jing Zhan appeared before and after.

"Old bastard is so famous!"

Xun Bai read the rules of the sky, and then looked at the first four portals, frowned.

One after another was blocked by the checkpoint, and Xun Bai was a little unhappy.

"If it wasn't for the fear that the old ghost of Yushan would use the means to kill the Primordial Spirit great cultivator in Cave Mansion, how could it be so troublesome if Gu Zhong randomly sent a Primordial Spirit senior over here." Xun Bai shook his head.

looked towards the four portals, his eyes fell on the first portal from the left, and he rushed to fight the road, "There may be a means to target me in Aokigu in the pill concocting portal, so Xun entered the first portal. I don't know. Brother Jing——"

"Jing is not good at pill concocting and refining, and Formation is only a rough way of arranging battle formations, so he entered the first portal with Brother Xun." Jing Zhan said with a smile .



Xun Bai and Jing Zhan were humble at the same time, couldn't help but smiled at each other, and went to the first door from the left. go.

But at this moment—


At the end of the 4th Layer, Taoist Yushan's thoughts dissipated, Lu Qingfeng took away the treasure and inheritance, and the Transmission Formation opened. Attracted the roar of the Cave Mansion, and the rays of light burst.

"This is-"

"Someone got Yushan's old ghost inheritance!"

"It's that yellow robe old ghost!"

Xun Bai complexion changed.

Old Wu stared towards the depths of Cave Mansion and saw the golden rays of light, his complexion also changed greatly——

“Transmission Formation!”

bursts of space fluctuations, the movement of time and space. Old Wu is proficient in Formation, and he can't see where it is. This is the Super Long Range Transmission Array. Once activated, I don't know where it will be sent!

If King Cauldron of Aoki is sent together, it will take a lot of energy to find it again.

My mind changed rapidly.

Old Wu suddenly raised his head, the dive light in his eyes flickered, and he lost his voice, "Young Valley Lord, quickly throw the Yushan Token!"

Sound at the same time.

Old Wu stretched out his arms and wanted to discard the Yushan Token.

However, things changed too quickly, and it was too late to react. Seeing that there are Formations in the four directions, with the Yushan talisman on Old Wu and Xun Bai as the center, the next moment, thousands of thunders sway, perform a devastating blow, and make Old Wu and Xun Bai smashed into powder.

"Blue Cloud Screen!"

Xun Bai loudly shouted, and a cloud of blue clouds shrouded him immediately. The thunder descended, hitting the blue cloud like opening chaos, but it only caused the blue cloud to oscillate slightly.

The invisible disappears immediately.

But look at Old Wu.

Raising his hand, he took out a five-color mask, Five Elements circulated and resisted the thunder. However, the thunder was so powerful that the Five Elements mask was shattered in an instant.

"Young Valley Lord save me!"

Old Wu's face was frightened, and he swept towards Xun Bai with the thunder and the broken Five Elements mask.

But Xun Bai took a step back.

"Young Valley Lord!"

Old Wu's eyes widened, and his face showed great hatred.


Thunder like rain, sweeping over Xun Bai and Old Wu. Xun Bai is shrouded in tyrannical Magical Artifact, not at all. But Old Wu couldn't resist.


In the blink of an eye.

It was smashed into powder by the thunder, and the fleshy body and Divine Soul were annihilated in Immortal Mansion of Yushan Mountain.

dignified Golden Core Realm Formation everyone.

He died.

The thunder swept, but did not affect the war. Seeing that Old Wu was killed by thunder, Jing Zhan couldn't help but looked towards Xun Bai, and saw that Xun Bai also looked at him.

The two looked at each other.

Jing Zhan looked at the group of blue clouds that shrouded Xun Bai, and immediately thought of the 'Biyun Screen', one of the treasures of Aoki Valley's several Sect.

This treasure has a good reputation in the whole world, and it is a first-class self-protection treasure. It has always been Xun Tiange, the Primordial Spirit great cultivator of Aoki Valley.

It is not surprising that Xun Bai is the direct descendant of the Aoki Valley Xun family, so he was given this treasure self-protection.

A new week, ask for a recommendation ticket!

(end of this chapter)

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