
  Chapter 323 Biennial is up, Zhenyuan Mountain is open!

Yuntai Peak.

Xuan Ning, Xuan Cheng's six sons, and Xinier watched intently. Five Colored Divine Light found that brushing away the shields and weapons in Nahum's hands made them even more surprised.

“This is Five Colored Divine Light, Heaven and Earth inside and outside within Five Elements, everything is shua!”

Lu Qingfeng said.

It doesn't matter if the six dísciples can understand it. Desiring to let them see the power of immortal dao methods, Lu Qingfeng beat Nahum and kept his hands on it.


The Purple-Gold Alms Bowl is thrown into the air.

The volley changed, suddenly huge.

There are two strands of golden jade-green dragon inhaling water, flying out from the mouth of the bowl and hanging high from the sky. The two strands of phosgene were very powerful, and they joined together with each other, entangled and intertwined, and they sucked Nahum, who had just stabilized his body in the air.

"You can't trap me!"

Nahum roared, struggling frantically, and he really wanted to break free.

Seeing this, Lu Qingfeng took off a gold ring from his wrist.

Horace saw it and said firstly, "It's the golden ring of subduing demons!"

When Lu Qingfeng first saw Lu Qingfeng, Lu Qingfeng used this golden ring to subdue the purple-eyed Bone Dragon , Horace was very impressed.

"That's right."

"This treasure is called 'Golden Ring of Demon-fighting', which has the ability to subdue demons and subdue demons. The bowl in the sky is called 'Purple-Gold Alms Bowl' , any Flying Sword, Magical Artifact, Thunder Fire will fly horizontally, and you will never be able to move forward. No matter people, demons, demons, and ghosts fall into it, they will all be sucked and unable to move."

"The two treasures are used together, there are Suppress all the power of demons."

The golden ring of subduing demons turned into golden light and fell in the distance.

General Nahum is about to break free from the Purple-Gold Alms Bowl and come to the First Layer again to conquer the devil's golden ring. He is bound all over his body. Hold, golden light is locked.

peng peng peng!

Struggle frantically, the golden ring makes a bang, and the golden light is sometimes condensed and scattered, as if it is about to be shattered.

"What a great duke of eclipse."

Lu Qingfeng deeply praised.

It is worthy of being the Grand Duke of the Abyss comparable to the Golden Core, the power is tyrannical, and the Golden Ring and Purple-Gold Alms Bowl are together, and he can hardly be restrained.


Even if it is only a fifth-order Magical Artifact, dealing with Nahum without Magical Artifact, although it looks dangerous and dangerous, in fact, let Nahum struggle, and there is no hope of breaking free.

"It's just a waste of time."

Before thinking about it, Nahum's eyes were filled with blood light, and his sanity seemed to be eroded by killing. A frenzy surged from in the depth of one's soul.

Lu Qingfeng felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Don't hesitate.

With a wave of a big hand, an eight-story palace tower volleyed into the sky, turning into a hungred zhang high and falling into the air. Connect Nahum to the Purple-Gold Alms Bowl and the Golden Ring to the Eight View Towers.

Photo by Fang Yi.


There was a loud noise from the Bajing Building, Lu Qingfeng's face was slightly dark, and his eyes swept to the first layer of the Bajing Building in the Jinxi realm, only to see Fu Mojin. The cyclization is divided into three sections and collapses to the four directions. The Purple-Gold Alms Bowl was in the air, and two golden jade-green phosgenes were instantly freed.


Nahum fell into a frenzy, roaring frantically in the Jinxi realm, wielding his strength, and smashing the Hundred Zhang High's Eight Views Tower with tremors.

Wanjian arranged a great formation and landed on Nahum, but made a 'ding ding dong' sound. The fleshy body of the eclipse archduke is like a cast iron, the sword qi falling on his body can't cause any harm at all, he has to scratch his itch.

“The fleshy body is strong, and it is true!”

Lu Qingfeng moved with a thought.

Throw Nahum into the Third Layer Four Seas, and don't start the Tianyi Mysterious Ice Formation, just let Nahum go mad in the Four Seas.

The sea is open to all rivers.

The tyrannical force of Nahum's destruction of mountains and rivers can only be eliminated in the world.

Lu Qingfeng spread out his palm, and the Hundred zhang high Bajinglou in the air turned into a three-foot height and landed in his palm.

The eyes moved slightly, looking towards the dark depths of the Rift Abyss.

In the darkness, there seems to be a ray of light flashed. When Lu Qingfeng looked at it, he disappeared in an instant.

"It's not slow to run."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, holding the Eight Views Tower.

Step out one step and come to Yuntai Peak, in front of Senior and the others.

The meeting of the two 'Grand Dukes of Guangyuan' made the six dísciples including Xuan Ning and Xuan Cheng widen their eyes, and the three of them were secretly amazed.

Lu Qingfeng moved his thoughts and retracted his Divine Soul thoughts.

Yuntai Shilian.

Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged, eyes closed and focused on cultivation. In front of him, the three-foot-tall Bajing Building went up and down, and the rumbling sound inside was constant. Lu Qingfeng ignores him and takes care of his cultivation.

After the advent, the surroundings changed, and the 30 million EXP was never fully consumed.

This time, beheading Augustine, capturing Nahum, can finally shock the abyss and let him rest. You can use this time to convert all 30 million EXP into a cultivation base.

With the help of EXP, Lu Qingfeng cultivation base is climbing steadily.

Time passes.

The early stage of the virtual core.

The middle stage of the virtual core.

The late stage of the virtual core.

The cultivation technique has been thoroughly understood for a long time, and has been cultivated many times. No matter how much this life is cultivated, Lu Qingfeng feels a long-lost comfort.

In addition to cultivation.

Visualize the golden blade of killing the soul, and keep the thought of slaying the devil.

The Third Layer of the Eight Views Building, in the Four Seas.


"Let Lao Tzu go out!"

The waves rose, and Nahum roared. The violent state has long since subsided, and his voice seems a little weak.


From above the four seas, a golden light appeared and arrived in an instant.

Nahm was not given any time to deal with it.

Fall down!

"Little golden blade, also want to kill Lao Tzu?!"

Nahum laughed wildly.

His fleshy body is strong, and even Augustine couldn't trap him in a state of rage. This time, although Lu Qingfeng took it away with Bajinglou, he is confident that he will be able to escape sooner or later. When attacked, all clay chickens and pottery dogs in front of the fleshy body poured with iron.

However, the next moment --


The golden blade fell without cutting the fleshy body, as if phantom swiped through Nahum directly . The golden blade slaughtered the soul, causing Nahum's Divine Soul to suffer from lingering pain, and could not help roaring in pain from the depth of one's soul.

"soul attack!"

Nahum's eyes showed a terrified look, he stretched out his palms, and the armor fragments fell on his hands, distressed and shocked, "It's even a godsend. Even armor can't resist!"

This is a soul defense magic tool.

Wear on the soul, you can be immune to any curse and soul attack. But when the golden blade fell, it directly shattered the 'God-sent God Armor'.

Nahum looked up.

Seeing that there is no second golden blade, come again, just relaxed, all around scene changes, from the four seas full of sea water, suddenly appear in the boundless fire area.

The Third Layer goes into the Fourth Layer.

Growing lotus flowers in True Fire!

The roaring True Fire burns, placing the panic-stricken Nahum in the middle of the fire.


Rao is Nahum's fleshy body is strong, and it is also burning and hurting, screaming constantly.

Lu Qingfeng casts one hit 'golden blade slaying the soul', after putting Nahum into the True Fire realm.

One side cultivation.

Visit the golden blade from time to time and chop it down suddenly.

True Fire refines, golden blade kills souls.

Nahum was miserable.

Time flies, two years in a blink of an eye.

as usual.

Two years is not worth mentioning for the eternal abyss of Heavenly Retribution.

But in the past two years, it has been a changeable situation.

The Grand Duke of Guangyuan suddenly emerged, first beheading the Grand Duke Augustine of Thorns, and then occupying the Great Rift Valley of Thorns, erecting Zhenyuan Mountain, and proclaiming it to all directions.

Countless people, countless abyss races, and countless abyssal creatures are curious.

They all came to Zhenyuan Mountain.

More than cultivators, more than powerful creatures.

Within one hundred thousand li, there was also an ordinary person who heard Xuanyin and rushed to the Zhenyuan Mountain in his heart. step by step, walking on the abyss.

I don't know how many ordinary persons died on the road.

I don't know how many people died in the mouths of various monsters.

But there are still people who are unwilling to give up this extremely rare opportunity and head towards Zhenyuan Mountain.

The cultivator is fast.

But in the territory of hundreds of thousands of li, there are fast and slow. If you want to cross this hundreds of thousands of li, the formal mage and the official warrior comparable to the Foundation Establishment are not enough.

Only reaching archmage Level 1 will you have a three-point confidence.

The fifth-order archmage of the earth, sky, stars, silver moon, and scorching sun has the power not weaker than the Spirit Void cultivator.


Hundred thousand li is rampant, still dangerous.

Only at the lord level can you be considered safe. A lord-level powerhouse can only be born in a place with a radius of thousands of miles and several thousands of li. As long as he doesn't fight, even Baron of the lowest rank is difficult to kill.

Especially if you're on the run.

Or curious.

Or go for it.

The lord-level powerhouses converged towards Zhenyuan Mountain.

hundred thousand li The earth is in turmoil, with the Yuanshan Mountain in Baili Town as the center, dozens and hundreds of cultivators and ordinary persons of Human Race or other races gather every day.

Sixth rank Profound Abyss is at hand.

Refining Augustine and his army of thousands of abyss are full of strong energy, which has raised the strength of Ghost General Yin Soldier to the extreme.

Seventy-two ghost generals are comparable to Golden Core daoist.

Three thousand six hundred Profound Abyss Yin Soldier, all not weak Spirit Void Peak.

Suppress the Quartet.

This is the seventy-two dukes, and even the seventy-two grand dukes. The imposing manner swept through them so that even a lord-level powerhouse would not dare to cross the thunder pool. The two-year period has not yet come, and the Grand Duke of Guangyuan has not released it, so he does not dare to step into the territory of Zhenyuan Mountain.

Three thousand six hundred Profound Abyss Yin Soldier, Spirit Void Peak, equivalent to the scorching sun archmage in God World.

In the eyes of Lu Qingfeng.

Lord level can't be considered anything, and archmage is even more of an ant.

But looking at Heavenly Retribution Abyss First Layer, archmage is also a side powerhouse. Independent Mage Towers can be built. A radius of several dozen li, a hundred li or so boundaries are all first-class and powerful.

The lord ruled thousands of miles.

archmage is regarded as Baili Zun.

The deterrent power of the sun archmage, even if it is not comparable to the lord, is not too much for ordinary abyss cultivators.

"There are so many powerhouses under his command, what is the origin of this Grand Duke of Guangyuan?!"

"It is no wonder that these powerhouses can kill Augustine and occupy the Great Rift of Thorns. Valley."

"The Grand Duke of Guangyuan is much gentler than Augustine. If he can join his subordinates and get guidance, maybe he can be promoted to the lord level!"

Outside Zhenyuan Mountain, absolutely thousands of Either they have been waiting for a long time, or the hundreds of abyss people who have just arrived see more than 3,000 powerhouses standing in the sky for two years, their hearts are horrified, confused, and looking forward.

"Seventy-two dukes!"

A white jade skeleton with Ghost Fire flashing in its eye sockets, it can be seen that it belongs to the Undead Race. As soon as it arrived, it attracted a lot of attention from all over the world. However, the Grand Duke Guangyuan was intimidated, and Ghost General Yin Soldier suppressed them, but no one dared to do anything.

Two years.

Anyone who does anything within a thousand miles of Zhenyuan Mountain will be punished by Ghost General Yin Soldier. The circumstances were serious, and they were even killed on the spot.

Within a thousand miles, the atmosphere suddenly became peaceful.

The white jade skeleton raised his head, looked towards the 72 Heavenly Ghost General and the 3600 Profound Abyss Yin Soldier, feeling a familiar and strange life aura.


"Not like."

The white jade skeleton Ghost Fire trembled slightly, as if thinking about something.


The Ghost General Yin Soldier moved in unison. Thirty-six Dutian Ghost Generals led 1,800 Profound Abyss Yin Soldiers down and arranged in front of Zhenyuan Mountain. And Zhenyuan Mountain, which has been shrouded in clouds and mists, has also opened up thirty-six extremely spacious Baiyun Avenues from all directions.

Like the ladder of heavenly ascension, it is laid out.

From the cloud to the depths, it fell on the outer edge of Zhenyuan Mountain.

Clouds and mists roared.

Ladders are laid out.

The majestic imposing manner caused a commotion outside Zhenyuan Mountain.

Immediately after.

From the Zhenyuan Mountain, the melodious and loud sounds are like Heaven and Earth, and Daoist sings loudly——

“He wears a blue gauze scarf on his head, and floats on the back of his head. Ye,

Three lights on the front of the forehead, and the sun and moon in the double circle behind the head.

The daoist robe is emerald yin and yang, and the double sash is tied at the waist.

Wearing a pair of shoes on the clouds, the stars are timid at night.

Without riding and boating, you can travel anywhere in the world.

The Great Thousand Worlds will arrive in an instant, and the rocks will be rotten and pines will be withered. One autumn.

Go to the Mountain Tiger to fall to the ground, and go to the sea to kneel and pick up the Flood Dragon.

With one heart and one mind, all the worries of the road will be spared, and both hands will make up for the lack of Heaven and Earth.”

The melodious and loud sound is in the ear.

In the depths of Zhenyuan Mountain, after the clouds open.

A Daoist robe dressed in a daoist robe of sun, moon, yin and yang, with a faintly discernible figure, sitting cross-legged on the cloud platform on the top of the mountain, bursts of Dao Rhyme emanated. The mouth is like a dragon, the clouds and mists follow, and the sound of the Dao resounds like the Yellow Bell Great Sound, surging out-

"The two-year period ends, and Zhenyuan Mountain will open."

"Those who are destined can come to my door!"

The Formation covering a mountain was removed, and Heaven and Earth were one of them.


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(end of this chapter)

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