
  Chapter 346 Destroy Luo Gu!



pu! Demon God was shattered immediately, turned into blue smoke, white smoke, yellow smoke, and submerged into Lu Qingfeng's body.

No one has been cultivated for three or five years, and it can't be used again.

"What an Immortal Artifact!"

"What a bell for a soulless soul!"

Lu Qingfeng was not surprised but delighted.

While thinking.

The remaining three Demon Gods, Zhu Rong, Jumang, and Gonggong, continued to pounce.

Zhu Rong Demon God's envoy sent twelve flaming fire god flags of Dutian, the blazing flames flew, and the immortal array was set up to cover Luo Gu.

Jumang Demon God controls the growth of all things. From the ground and the void, countless vines grow, entangling Luo Gu.

The Gonggong Demon God set off an angry wave that seemed to overturn the world and drown Luo Gu.

“lesser dao!”

Luo Gu frowned, holding the soulless bell and shaking violently. The dim light was even worse, and the ringtone became clearer.




The three Demon Gods of Zhu Rong, Jumang and Gonggong also instantly turned into light smoke and submerged into Lu Qingfeng's body. The twelve-pole Dutian Fire God Flag fell to the ground, the aura was weak, and the spirituality was already damaged.


Lu Qingfeng was even more surprised when he saw it.

While stroking the palms and applauding, above the head, the Blue, Yellow, Red, Black and White Five Colored Divine Lights soared into the sky, swaying like the Great Ancient God Mountain. The small copper bell in Luo Gu's hand suddenly brushed down.

"This is—"

When Luo Gu saw the dive light and the flow of five colors, the first thought came to the legendary Supreme Divine Ability and the Saint. Under the invincible Great Bright King Peacock!

"Not good!"

I was shocked at the thought.

Holding the copper bell is about to step back.

But Lu Qingfeng was first confused by the six Demon Gods, and then caught off guard to take out Five Colored Divine Light. Where is the opportunity for Luo Gu to respond? !

The thought just came to me.

Five Colored Divine Light has fallen.

Luo Gu only felt a lightness in his hand, stretched out his hand and saw that the soulless bell was no longer in his hand.

ding ding ding~ !

Dang dang dang!

There was a jingle sound in front of him, Luo Gu looked forward, and the eye socket was completely cracked in an instant.

I saw the Daoist Guangyuan holding a copper bell, shaking it at will, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's not a bell of the dead, what is it! ?

"Good thief!"

"Return my Magical Artifact!"

Luo Gu was furious.

With the long sword behind his back, he leaned forward, opened his mouth, and exhaled a cloud of white breath.


"Fly into a rage out of humiliation."

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

This man has a soulless bell in his hand, and he is still a little bit afraid, so he can only defend against it. But unfortunately, his down and out of the Divine Light restrained Ferdinand, but Lu Qingfeng's Five Colored Divine Light, but he conquered the Magical Artifact of the world.

Even Immortal Artifact, who was born with the restriction of Tiangang and created pure Yang, as long as he is still within Five Elements, can't escape a brush.

Sure enough.

Five Colored Divine Light is down, and the bell is in hand.

"Poor Daoist has been cultivating under the teacher for 100,000 years. From the Antiquity Spirit Treasure Luo Luo Bell, he realized the diving ability ' Luo Luo Divine Light '. If he hadn't been addicted to it, he would have already attained Earth Immortal dao fruit. ."


"And teach you the true power of diving ability!"

Luo Gu's eyes shot cold light, vitality The throughput is actually going to cast the greatest power of divide ability at the Golden Core level. I thought he was a peak genius originally, but he went astray because of his diving ability and delayed cultivation.

Fortune and misfortune depend on, and misfortune is where fortune lies.

Although he failed to achieve Earth Immortal dao fruit, he realized 'divine light' when he was in True Immortal Realm, and cultivated to the level of Great Accomplishment.

At this time, regardless of the consequences of Divine Soul and fleshy body being overwhelmed, it is the first time to fully motivate the mortal world.

It's time to take Lu Qingfeng's life and take back the soulless bell.

"It wasted my vitality in vain."

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this, "It doesn't matter. I lost Immortal Artifact and broke Dao Heart. Even if I return to True Immortal in the future, I will live forever. The Tao is hopeless. Instead of wasting your time, let the Poor Daoist give the Fellow Daoist a ride, and do a good deed to create a good relationship.”

while speaking .

Lu Qingfeng put away the soulless bell with one hand, causing Luo Gu to become more and more angry, and while using Yun Dian to step forward, the great sun died out and the divine light reappeared——


Without dodging or avoiding, Lu Qingfeng let the lonely light fall on his body, and was directly eliminated by the Taiyin Du'e robe.

It is also the Core Formation cultivation base.

Although Luo Gu has become a Golden Core and will 'divine light' cultivation to the level of Great Accomplishment, Lu Qingfeng is not weak. The 3rd-layer Astral Fiend, the 4th layer cultivation technique, one of the Supreme and the three mysterious levels, surpasses Luo Gu by a lot. A movement method will never weaken him, or even stronger.

And the Great Divine Ability 'Taiyin Du'e Robe' also reached the Small Accomplishment stage early.

Great Divine Ability vs Lesser Divine Ability.

Small Accomplishment vs Great Accomplishment.

Lu Qingfeng even had a big advantage, but the Taiyin Du'e robe swayed but never shattered.

It is not easy to be invincible.

Look at Luo Gu.


Luo Gu saw that the Divine Light was blocked, his eyes were round, and his face was shocked. Lift a mouthful of mana, but without any defensive diving ability. Seeing that the great sun was dying, the Divine Light wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

"pu! ”

The mana runs with Ultra Grade spells, but where can it withstand the 'Great Divine Divine Divine Light' that has been strengthened to the Great Divine Ability level.

With a bang, Luo Gu was blown upside down and flew out, blood dripping in the air.

Lu Qingfeng kept walking.


The Great Divine Ability 'Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Essence Magnetic Extinction' enhanced from the 'Great Five Elements Elements of Yuan Magnetic Extinction Light Needle' and the Great Divine Ability divine light ' shot in unison, heading straight for Luo Gu.

If it is implemented, there will be no vitality.


Really implement.

Luo Gu opened his mouth to spurt blood, blood energy turned into mist, and Golden Core shone with mighty mana. Born and experienced half a record of the Great Sun Quiet Divine Light, half a record of the Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Essence Magnetic Extinction Divine Light.

The next moment.

The body was shattered, leaving only a golden light shining, Profound Light bursts, pure and peaceful Golden Core smashed away. The speed is extremely fast, and there is no trace in an instant.

After seven generations, Lu Qingfeng was reincarnated as True Immortal.

"struggling on whilst at death's door."

"Why bother."

Standing in the air, seeing the golden light go away, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help shaking his head. It is very important to cultivate the fleshy body on the cultivation path. Even if the Great Ascension True Immortal loses the fleshy body, it can only be turned into Loose Immortal, and the road has been bumpy since then.

Little Golden Core cultivator, fleshy body broken is even more difficult.

It would be better to simply reincarnate.


There are thousands of obstacles in the cycle of reincarnation. Luo Gu was originally the Great Ascension True Immortal, and he was protected by the god of the year, the Taisui, so he could be safe. If you die in the savage God World and reincarnate by yourself, you are afraid that forever will sink.

I don't dare to take risks but I can understand.


Lu Qingfeng looked away, and saw Ferdinand pick up the twelve-pole Fire God Banner and come to him respectfully.

"Clean up the mess."

"Go back to Zhenyuan Mountain later."

Lu Qingfeng waved his sleeves and put away the twelve flags , leaving a sentence to escape.


"Salute to the headmaster."

Ferdinand answered loudly and bowed to say goodbye.

When Lu Qingfeng left, he got up and looked towards all around ——

First he was chased by Luo Gu, then Luo Gu fought against Lu Qingfeng, and beat the red land several in the dark thousands li , countless undead dissipated among them.

There are even lord-level undead.

"immortal dao!"

"immortal dao!"

Ferdinand's eyes were hot with Ghost Fire, and he was finally determined with a scepter in his hand.

The outermost edge of the abyss.

A golden light flashed across, and above the Golden Core, a Taoist man dressed in a moon-white daoist robe appeared, but it was Luo Gu.

The figure is illusory, obviously just a Divine Soul.

“Five Colored Divine Light.”

“The Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Essence Magnetic Extinction Divine Light.”

“The Great Sun Divine Divine Light. "

"Taiyin Du's robe."

Luo Gu's face was ugly, and there was remorse in his eyes.

I thought that the dive ability Great Accomplishment, Immortal Artifact was in hand, and it should be an invincible level in the material world. Who would have thought of being crushed, even Immortal Artifact was taken away, and the fleshy body was shattered.

The reincarnation of God World is a great opportunity to spread Taoism.


The road is cut off, and there is little hope of reaffirming the True Immortal, let alone the Earth Immortal dao fruit.

“this child!”

“Who is this child?”

“Great Bright King Peacock? Monarch butterfly? divine ability, why have I never heard of this character before?"

"Guangyuan! Guangyuan!"

Luo Gu urged the Golden Core to move forward in secret, while suppressing the violence in his heart, Crazy, looking up at the sky, "Could it be that there is something wrong outside God World?"

It's a pity that God World is isolated from inside and outside.

It is not easy to send them to reincarnation. If you want to communicate internally and externally, you can't do it until you achieve the Great Ascension True Immortal.


Zhenyuan Mountain.

Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged on the cloud platform, under the mountain, only one head was exposed during Nahum's suppression.

The infinite force suppresses the whole body, causing him to bear unimaginable pressure all the time, but it is kept at a certain degree, so that his fleshy body and even the skeleton are constantly crushed and healed. Souls are also being repressed and tortured repeatedly.

Horrible to see.

Lu Qingfeng was deaf and happy. As soon as he turned his hand, a small bell fell in his hand——

【Immortal Artifact: Bell of Lost Souls】

【Rank: Second Rank】

【Description: Yin Jiao, the god of Tai Sui, imitated the Antiquity Spirit Treasure 'Luo Luo Bell', which can be shaken by hand when it is used, which can make people lose their minds and tremble. ]

[Status: under seal]

"Yin Jiao bestowed the 'Bell of Lost Souls' to honorary disciple True Immortal Luo Gu, seals the power, only a trace of pure yang protects Luo Ancient God Soul reincarnation. After six hundred years, the seal of Immortal Artifact has not been completely lifted."

Lu Qingfeng rubbed the copper bell, his face full of joy.

Every immortal dao Magical Artifact has levels.

Ordinary talismans, one of which is not completely prohibited and cannot be placed on the table.

The above is the Magical Artifact of Earth Demon, one to seven 12th layer Earth Demon is forbidden, which can be divided into eighth rank, and its power cannot be generalized. The strength of the eighth rank Magical Artifact, only the Great Ascension True Immortal can exert its full power.

On top of the Earth Demon Magical Artifact, the seven 12th layer Earth Demon prohibits Perfection, derives pure Yang, and achieves the First Layer Tian Gang prohibition, which is the Tian Gang Magical Artifact.

Also known as 'Immortal Artifact'.

This 'Bell of Lost Souls' is an Immortal Artifact, and it is a Second Rank Immortal Artifact. It contains ten First Layer Heavenly Astral restrictions, and its power is unimaginable.

"trifling imitates Immortal Artifact, Golden Core's urge to repair, and sealed state, all have the power of eighth rank Magical Artifact. It's hard to imagine what Antiquity Spirit Treasure should be like. Power!"

Lu Qingfeng's pair of spiritual eyes carefully looked at the 'Bell of Lost Souls', the more he understood, the more surprised and delighted he was.

(end of this chapter)

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