
  Chapter 357 The gods look at me! Pretty God World is over! [Six thousand characters chapter] (960)


The strong Spiritual Qi assaults the senses, which makes people relaxed and joyful.

Lu Qingfeng feels the surging mana in the body, the penetration of Divine Soul, and the Golden Core Perfection.

A look of joy suddenly appeared on his face——

Name: Lu Qingfeng (Guangyuan Taoist)

Race: Human

Faction: Zhenyuan Mountain

Title: Master of Zhenyuan Mountain, Ancestor Master of Guangyuan, Number One Powerhouse of Eternal World

cultivation base: Core Formation ·Golden Core Realm

Level: 13Level 20 (112W/112W)

true essence: slightly

life essence: 3440/24200

root bone: 4

Merit: Unknown

Karma: Unknown

cultivation technique:

Yellow Court Scripture Third Layer [Characteristic: Derivation (three layers); Heaven Dominating Law (three layers); Karma Elimination (three layers)];

Luofu Sword Manual (Supreme level) 1216th-layer;

Twelve capital heavenly demon Divine Law (mysterious level) one hundred and twelfth 16th-layer;

yellow robe true art (mysterious level) one hundred and twelfth 16th-layer; ) One hundred and two 16th-layer;

Red Dust Eternal Art (Righteous Level)Third Layer;


divestial ability:Blood transformation Soul Method, Golden Blade Soul Killing Method, Frozen Water Method, Water Dragon Art, Vajra Mantra, Thunder Palm, Cloud Top Step, Toxic Clavicle Piercing Heart Small Asura Method, Heavens Listen, Earth Watches Dafa, Heavenly God Sha, Heavenly demon flame, all heavenly demon deification blood flying body Dafa, earth pole element magnetic annihilation Destruction Sword qi, open mountain piercing method, transformation, External Body In carnation , Divine Divine Light

Great Divine Ability : Shadow Transformation, Void Condensing Swordsman, Magical Silk Wrapping Spell, Great Firmament Cave View, Seven Animals Xiaoyanshenshu, Taiyin Due Robe, Great Sun Quiet Divine Light, Small Thousand Thunder Prison, Nine Heavens Heaven and Earth Reversal Dafa, Invisibility Technique, Invert Taixu Glazed Wall, Five Colored Divine Light, Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Essence Magnetic Extinction Divine Light

Equipment: Second Rank Immortal Artifact, Sanyang Yiqi Sword (First Rank Immortal Artifact), Dragon Whale Mountain (First Rank Immortal Artifact), Golden Centipede Bamboo Staff (First Rank Immortal Artifact)

Occupation: Pill Refinement Master (seventh rank ), Artifact Refinement Master (seventh rank )

Refinement: Slightly

Animal Control: Slightly

Some insights , Twenty years in a hurry.

Lu Qingfeng just reached the Golden Core Peak a hundred years ago. Through "Red Dust Eternal Art" Third Layer Perfection, Divine Soul broke free from the shackles of life essence, in an instant, and fell into the state of sudo enlightenment.

Walk the material plane.

Incarnate the twelve heavenly demon gods.

Divine Soul, mana, fleshy body are infinitely improved, and realm is continuously improved. So that after reaching the Golden Core Peak, the process of constantly comprehending and polishing the Golden Core to nourish the Divine Soul and fleshy body for a hundred or even hundreds of years has been greatly shortened in just twenty years.

Lu Qingfeng sensed the Golden Core, sensed his own cultivation base and state, and there was a message coming from somewhere—

“Ten years later.”

"Primordial Spirit dooms!"

This is the last level of Core Formation's promotion to Primordial Spirit. Once you pass the 'Primordial Spirit dooms', you can immediately become Primordial Spirit.

As for the realm now, it may be called --

Half-step Primordial Spirit!

Lu Qingfeng's eyes are bright, standing between Heaven and Earth, his face is sometimes happy and sometimes emotional, complex and changing.

"The sixteenth generation."

"Nine thousand two hundred and twenty-four years."

Looking back sharply, I felt a lot of emotion.

Lu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, and scenes flashed in his mind——

In reality, from Shangyang Kingdom to Weeping Swamp, and then from Juyun Mountain Range to Xuanyuan water environment.

Qingshan, Qingyu, Yue Miaoyin, Yue Lingxi, Zhou Yuan, Zhou Su, Gu Buyan...

One person, one thing.

What I saw, what I thought, all passed by.

There are in-game, from Heavenly Fox World Dark Sand Town to Bright Spirit World Yuan Yishan.

In the Red Mist World, Fufeng Mountain is the mountain god.

The immortal first under the heavens in the evergreen world, who has been oppressive in the world for 200 years, True Immortal bowed his head.

The golden silkworm in the world of heavenly witches goes against fate, and the sea of ​​blood rises and falls in the world of five directions. The accumulation of black Star Realm two generations, three thousand years of starry sky refining heart.

Daoist Huang Luo, Wang Pan, Tie Daoist Yu, Han Lin, Ren Changsheng, Lin Feng, Liuzhi...

And then from the Galaxy World to the God World.

To this day.

Already half-step Primordial Spirit.

Before and after the sixteenth century, nine thousand years in a flash.

"The final Primordial Spirit is in sight."

Lu Qingfeng's thoughts are flying, and he sees a golden core in dantian, and a wisp of Divine Sense in it. This is the rudiment of Primordial Spirit. After entering the Primordial Spirit First Realm 'Divine Spirit' realm, it is to cultivate the Divine Soul one after another divine sense, and finally the dive sense is derived from thousands of Primordial Spirit, which is Primordial Spirit Second Stage 'Divine Transformation' realm.

The mana and diving ability are not comparable to the Golden Core Realm.

Lu Qingfeng divine sense spreads eighty miles instantly.

Within eighty miles, everything is in my mind. Different from the previous cultivator's spiritual sense, it is only a vague sense. It is different from 'Heaven Prying' and 'Heavens Listen, Earth Watches', which is a technique of magic and diving ability exploration.

The divine sense is like the eyes, even clearer than the eyes.

The Primordial Spirit really has a thousand and ten thousand senses, and is in the sense of a thousand miles and a thousand miles, all in its in front of one's eyes. The divine sense moves, moves in the void, and can travel thousands of miles away in an instant.

It is an invincible diving ability that can only be possessed after reaching the Primordial Spirit realm -

Void Shift!

Some Nethers call it 'teleport'.

Lu Qingfeng's thoughts moved, and immediately split open space, the dive sense hooked the place under his feet with the place where the dive sense sensing limit was 80 miles away. A carry, with a squeak, is like the Dijiang Demon God breaking through the air, landing in a place 80 miles away.

"Good diving ability."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes brightened.

With his profound background, the Divine sense of being promoted to Primordial Spirit will definitely be far beyond the ordinary Primordial Spirit Shinichi, so he can move farther and sense a wider land.


Expect the enemy to come first, naturally fight every battle without defeat.

Even many ways of escaping and moving are inseparable from the help of dive sense. The stronger the divine sense is, the better it is.

"The realm of the Primordial Spirit is the beginning of the real manifestation of my divine ability."

Lu Qingfeng crossed over ten Seven Sects divine ability and twelve Great Sects in his mind. Divine Ability, full of expectations.

Suddenly this time.


Lu Qingfeng suddenly felt his heart palpitate.

On a whim!

Looking around, I suddenly realized that this sudden enlightenment, unconsciously came to Heaven Realm.

Heaven Realm.


"Not good!"

Lu Qingfeng didn't think about it, he shook his body and turned into the Demon God of Emperor River. With a flutter of wings, he would split open space and return to matter boundary. However, the Heaven Realm space is infinitely more stable than the material world. Even the half-step Primordial Spirit, even the Emperor Demon God, has a momentary stagnation.

A short-term stagnation is death.


Lu Qingfeng felt the tingling of his four wings, and when he passed the dive sense, he saw that the four wings behind him were stirring the space, but the square space was like a single piece of iron, the power of anti-shock , shattered the four wings behind Lu Qingfeng's back and nearly cracked, drenched with blood.

"It's over!"

Lu Qingfeng's heart sank to the bottom.

Look up.

The brilliance of the sky appears—

The holy one who shines on the back grows a wing, wearing a holy light white robe, holding a scroll in his hand.

Having a Warhammer, the muscles are bulging and feeling full of power.

A man with a wand in hand, surrounded by various elements, and a wise old man with a haggard face.

There is an ice-cold girl who is as cold to the bones as the cold winter comes, and with white hair like snow.

There are...

The powerful existence of each person comes, and the pressure of Lu Qingfeng is difficult to move.

"In the name of my god of light—"

"In the name of my god of strength—"

"In the name of my god of magic In the name—"

"In the name of my Bitter Winter Goddess—"

"In my name—"

Above the heavens, three thousand six hundred mighty statues Spiritual God, with indifference, hatred, or killing intent, all cast their gazes to Lu Qingfeng.

Sound of God.

"The gods of God World!"

Lu Qingfeng's thoughts moved, and the sound of the judgment of the gods was still stirring in his ears. Twelve Demon Gods exploded in the body, and the Divine Soul began to collapse, causing the fleshy body to disintegrate.

The sky is shining brightly.

Heaven and Earth begin to freeze.

Heaven and Earth, matter, void, soul!

Everything is stagnant.

However, nothing could stop Lu Qingfeng, and the dive sense moved——

bang! Lu Qingfeng then Divine Soul died. Even the blood essence that remained in the material world, as a life-saving backhand, turned into fly ash and dissipated at this moment, and did not dare to keep it.

Both die.

The Divine Soul disappears immediately, the savage God World can't stop it, and the Heaven and Earth gods can't stop it.

In the Supreme Primal Chaos Space.

Leaving the gods in the sky alone stand in great numbers, with stern faces and cold eyes, but there is a Spiritual God looking down at the place where Lu Qingfeng Divine Soul all perished, brows slightly wrinkle.


[Due to player self-destruct, now dead, please choose reincarnation/resurrection]


next moment.

Lu Qingfeng appeared in the Heavenly Retribution Abyss First Layer, the original watcher's lair, and his face was a little ugly.

Look up at the sky.

Sweeping through the void, it seems that you can see the Heaven Realm, where the Heavenly God spirits gather, among which the Light God, the God of Magic, the God of Strength, the Goddess of Winter, etc. are all legendary in the material world. Eternal True God. Lu Qingfeng glanced at it and recalled at this time that the Eternal True God that had just appeared was not even less than ten. The rest are also immortal True God.

"What a big battle!"

Lu Qingfeng's face was blue and his eyes were full of anger.


The gods of the savage God World, who do not know what method to use to figure out where he is, all descended at the moment when he unconsciously entered Heaven Realm due to sudden enlightenment.

Block the escape route.

In that case, 'Shelling Dafa' is completely useless. Lu Qingfeng didn't even dare to try the method of Rebirth from a drop of Blood after the nine-turn avatar training, lest the Divine Soul be captured, immediately destroy the Divine Soul, fleshy body, and the remaining blood essence, self- destruct and die.

Only by relying on the system and dead space, can Lu Qingfeng be sure to escape the blockade of thousands of Spiritual Gods.

Fortunately, the gods have frozen Heaven and Earth, but Lu Qingfeng divine sense has been born. Motivated by a touch of dive sense, twelve Demon God bursts, and the dive ability self-destruct method motivated by mysterious cultivation technique, even if it is an eternal Divine King, it is difficult to stop and reverse.


【Name:Lu Qingfeng】

【Root Bone:1】

Prmordial Spirit is in sight, because of death Resurrection, the root bone fell to 1 point again, and after the cultivation, although it is not a big problem, the cultivation speed will inevitably drop a bit.

Long term.

The impact is not small.

"The secrets of God World have long been disturbed by the 'God of Taisui', and all the methods of calculating the secrets are useless."

"This Heaven Realm God, how can I figure out my whereabouts in advance?"

Lu Qingfeng glanced at the root bone attribute, browses tightly frowns.

Although Root Bone 1 does not delay the follow-up cultivation, it is not fatal, but at this moment, a hazy air shrouds his body, and the blood light haunts his mind, which is what really makes Lu Qingfeng desperate.

"Being targeted!"

Tianji confusion.

The gods of the God World have a way to figure out his whereabouts from the chaos of heaven, and the self-destruct is still locked after the resurrection, which is beyond Lu Qingfeng's expectations.

I thought.

This life, luckily came to God World, great opportunity is right in front of you. Coupled with the chaos of heaven, Heaven Realm and the material world are isolated.

It's really a good time to fish in troubled waters.


Lu Qingfeng stirs up the storm in the material world, sweeping all over the world. I don't know how many temples have been broken, and countless Spiritual God believers have either surrendered and merged into the immortal dao of Guangyuan, or hid in the corners and corners.

The power of the Heavenly God spirit in the Nether was almost pulled up by the roots by Lu Qingfeng.


These Spiritual Gods can imagine the senses of Lu Qingfeng.

But Lu Qingfeng was not afraid of the confusion.

Who would have thought—

“The god of the age-old king Taisui has such a great reputation, but—”

Such a power to personally disrupt the heavens , was even found a loophole by the savage God World Spiritual God.

Lu Qingfeng miscalculated.

Too much trust in this Celestial Court righteous god.

Sensing the blood light in the heart, in the big sleeves, seven birds and feathers in hand, devote oneself to luck, observe the traffic, and calculate the cause and effect.


Divine light flashed in my heart.

A mighty Spiritual God who has a good reputation in the material world and a high status among the gods of the God World, but has never appeared among the gods in the sky this time ——


"God of Destiny!"

"It is said that the God of Destiny is in charge of the fate of all life and holds the 'Fate Clay Tablet'. Under the cover of the wall, figure out when and where I will enter Heaven Realm, there is only this god."

Lu Qingfeng flicked the ashes from his sleeves, combed the entire process of development up and down, and shook his head with bitterness on his face. .

It's also that he's too ostentatious.

Thinking that Man God World is in chaos, and he has the Great Divine Ability to cover up his own secrets, and no one in Man God World can plot against him.

I don't know that ants look up to the sky.

The material world has been rampant for three thousand years, but he was plotted against early, waiting for him to fall into the trap. Just like just now, step in, and the Heavenly God spirits will come together.


"Xuanning and the others are fine."

Lu Qingfeng senses all of you dísciple, and senses many of Zhenyuan Mountain's ascension to Heaven Realm disciple, although there were casualties, most of them were still alive and kicking.

"So to speak."

"Under Primal Chaos Heaven, the gods of God World are extremely limited, and they can only concentrate on dealing with one or several people. .And in the material world, I have established the Guangyuan lineage, which has the greatest potential. Of course, I am the first choice for the gods to shoot."

After some thought, it became completely clear.


The gods of God World have been waiting for three thousand years, only to kill him, instead of finding and killing the immortal dao cultivator one after another who has ascended to the upper realm before that, it shows that this method can only be used Once, or the cost of using it once is too high, even Eternal True God cannot use it frequently.

"It's so good."

"After thousands of years, with Xuanning's aptitude, maybe they have been promoted to Great Ascension True Immortal Realm, even if they are found, it is enough Self-defense."

Lu Qingfeng calmed down.

One more thought——

"I can't wait for God World."

Lu Qingfeng sighed.

The great opportunity is in front of him, but Divine Soul and the blood light in his heart are strong. Once he steps into the Heaven Realm again, the gods of the Heaven Realm will come together, and the situation will be repeated.

Hiding in the material world and trapping the Golden Core Realm is just a waste of time.


"Just go."

this life.

From the Milky Way to the God World, Lu Qingfeng's intention to achieve Primordial Spirit and Great Ascension True Immortal is to achieve Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal dao fruit.

I thought a lot about where to go outside of God World—

Although in God World, I offended the two great powers in the upper realm.

But among the Great Desolate, there are countless great powers, and there are also many who are not afraid of these two. For example, in the galaxy world, the Poison Dragon Venerable who sent him to the God World is a good place. Or join Celestial Court, join Section Cult...


Achieve Heavenly Immortal in God World, and then join another world.

Even if Yin Jiao and Liu Tong hold grudges, as long as Lu Qingfeng has a strong backer, he will not be afraid. Maybe even if they defected to these two, they would be able to let go of the previous suspicions, and they might not be able to keep him out.


After Lu Qingfeng achieved Heavenly Immortal, his powerful cultivation technique and many diving abilities did not necessarily weaken these two Great Desolate abilities.

Of course, these all are delusional at the moment.

Under the effect, the whole game is lost.

The gods of God World are watching, peeping from the void, no matter how capable Lu Qingfeng is, he will not be able to enter Heaven Realm silently under the blockade of a group of True God and Divine King.

The savage God World Heavenly Immortal road was cut short the moment he stepped into the Heaven Realm.

"It's God World."

No more thought.

Lu Qingfeng flickered and appeared in Zhenyuan Mountain in the next instant.

"Quiet Cloud."

"Send my order—"

"From now on, the god of light, magic, strength, Bitter Winter Goddess... Waiting for 3600 Spiritual Gods to be Evil Gods, but those who believe in Evil God will be expelled from the four realms."

"Those who are lurking in the four realms, kill without mercy!"

"Those who are good at spreading Evil God believers, kill without mercy!"

"Burn all the books that record Evil God, dare to hide and spread, kill without mercy!"


Jingyun came and landed on the gimbal, listening to the 'kill' orders spit out from the mouth of Master Ancestor, heart trembled, but didn't know the heavenly What the Spirit of God has done to cause Master Ancestor, who has always been indifferent, to be so furious.

Words fall into my ears.

There are three hundred and eighty 'kill without mercy', which block all the beliefs of the gods. Once executed, not to mention trouble will completely vanish, it can also make believers of gods in the material world only hide in corners, and it will no longer be a climate.

"Respect Master Ancestor!"

Jing Yun respectfully responded.

Lu Qingfeng raised his hand and a copper bell fell in front of Jingyun. Jingyun glanced at it, and her pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

"This is the 'Bell of Lost Souls'. It should be in the material realm. Guangyuan will teach Magical Artifact, which will be passed down from generation to generation.

Jingyun quickly took over the 'Bell of Lost Souls' and said yes.

Lu Qingfeng's thoughts move again——

Three Yangs and One Qi Sword.

Golden Centipede Bamboo Staff.

Dragon Whale Mountain.

A total of five Immortal Artifacts fell into the air, with a wave of their sleeves, they disappeared in all directions.

But it fell into the five most talented dísciples among the three generations, and the Shaoyang sword fell into the hands of Jingyun.

Don't wait for Jingyun to thank you.

Lu Qingfeng faded away, disappeared.

Jingyun looked forward and saw the place where Master Ancestor left, on the lotus pedestal, hundreds of Magical Artifact lights flashed straight to the bullfight.

The minimum is also the fifth-order Magical Artifact!

Stunned for a moment.

Thirty years later.

In Heaven Realm, I don't know where.

A big river is galloping, and the water is full of smoke and clouds, and it is difficult to see too far. A flat boat was sailing on the river, and on the boat was an old man in a mink suit, burying his head in the boat, playing with dozens of lumps of mud.

These mud blocks originally seemed to be one body, but somehow shattered. At this moment, the old man kept piecing together, and his hands were withered, but he still couldn't put them together.


The old man raised his head suddenly, staring into the void.

In the Divine Soul, from nowhere, endless blood threads entwined in a sudden, tightened suddenly, circle after circle. The old man frowned, withered hands trembled slightly, and stretched out his hands in the void, as if to tear the bloodshot.

However, the hands fell, and the Divine Soul stabbed after a pull.

It got tighter and tighter.

The old man immediately stopped moving, got up from the boat, and looked at the river surface. Through the long river, he saw the shatter void, falling into the nameless place in the abyss, First Layer, in the material world.

In the wild mountains.

A rotten old man dressed in a yin-yang daoist robe happened to look up, his eyes interlaced with the old man.

"Since I have escaped."

"Is it bad to live?"

The old man on the boat spoke slowly, his voice ethereal.

"Don't worry about the fate of the Divine King."

"This dive ability, called 'Devil's Twisted Silk Curse', is what Poor Daoist gave back to the Divine King before he left. A small gift."

Lu Qingfeng was hunched over, with loose skin, long and withered hair, and even his eyes were a little dull, but a smile appeared on his face.

Thirty years.

Finally became the realm of Primordial Spirit. After stepping on it, I realized that at the moment when the material world was repelled, Lu Qingfeng resolutely cast the 'Magic Demon's Twisted Silk Spell', and the target was the old man on the boat—— Fate Divine King.

This life has the remaining 24,300 years of life essence. Such a lifespan, comparable to two Primordial Spirit cultivators.

Under the curse.

Even if the fate of the Divine King is comparable to Earth Immortal, it will be a big loss.

Lu Qingfeng smiled, holding back his anger for thirty years, and finally vented a little.


The Divine King shook his head, "Can't kill me."

Lu Qingfeng was still smiling.

He naturally knows——

With the cultivation base he first entered Primordial Spirit, even if he consumes more than 20,000 years of life essence and cursed with the Great Divine Ability, it is the Great Ascension True Immortal If there is no proper method, the cultivation base should be stagnant and regressed, and the serious one will fall.

But for the Divine King, a fate comparable to Earth Immortal, it is difficult to lethal.


"Poor Daoist is satisfied after being disgusting."

Lu Qingfeng saw that the Divine King's face was calm, and he didn't seem to care about the curse at all. Fa Jiashen didn't say much, just smiled, seeing that the force of the material world's repulsion was getting stronger and stronger, and immediately stopped lingering.

No more talking to the Divine King.

The two newly entered Primordial Spirit Realm absolutely have more EXP, and put all four dive abilities such as 'Desolation Divine Light', 'External Body Incarnation', 'Transformation', 'Cloud Top Step' and so on. In "Red Dust Eternal Art".

While thinking.

More than 200 million EXP was consumed.

The four dive abilities can be upgraded to Great Divine Ability.

"Red Dust Eternal Art" has been promoted from Righteous Level to Mysterious Level.

Before it was too late to check, Lu Qingfeng finally glanced at the Divine King and saw the broken mudboard on the boat under his feet. The smile on his face disappeared before it disappeared.

River of Destiny.

On the boat of destiny.

"Totally dead."

The Divine King looked around, and his face finally changed a little. Above the Divine Soul, the blood threads are getting tighter and tighter. Close your eyes and stare, dive force surging, refining bloodshot.

One refining, but ten on Divine Soul.


The Divine Soul has been covered with bloodshots, the Divine Force is obscure, the Divine Soul dirt, the fate of the Divine King's eyes that can see through the fate of all lives, but also into turbidity.

I'm afraid even Lu Qingfeng himself didn't expect it.

The realm of Primordial Spirit, the life essence of more than 20,000 years, the eternal Divine King in the cursed God World, can not only disgust this fate Divine King. According to this trend, the bloodshot gradually penetrated into the depths of the Divine Soul, and even dragged a Divine King of Eternal Undying into the bottomless Star Realm, completely falling asleep, and even falling.

The Ship of Destiny, carrying the Divine King, sailed into the depths of the River of Destiny.

The eternal Divine King, who controls the fate of all the gods in God World, does not know if he can control his own destiny.

But that's all.

No longer affiliated with Lu Qingfeng.

6,000 words, this is a big chapter. Ask for a monthly ticket.

One more chapter.

Currently due (9/60)

(end of this chapter)

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