
  Chapter 360 Minjiang Dragon Palace Prince Consort!


Lu Qingfeng was stunned, looked at the door to close the hall, shook his head and came to the bedside, sitting beside the woman.

The red clothed woman seemed to be frightened, and even moved to one side, but only moved less than an inch or two away, and Lu Qingfeng laughed for a while.

"You are a small dragon girl in the Minjiang Dragon Palace, and your strength is many times greater than I do. I should be afraid of you, why are you so afraid of me."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, looked towards the newly married 'lady' who bowed her head and didn't dare to speak, quite a bit didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Longjun caught his son-in-law."

"It's really beautiful!"

The seventeenth world has been counted, but this world is the most absurd.

"Longjun chooses a son-in-law in view of luck."

"Lan Feihu holds a 'Luck Watching Treasure' and sees my luck as a dazzling red light, and brings it back immediately. "


"Longjun Minjiang looks at it again with 'following the mirror', and I show azure luck. According to what the columnists in the great hall said at that time, Youth athletes, this life is expected to be able to reach the Fifth Stage."

Lu Qingfeng's mind subsided, and when he was drunk, all the scenes in the great hall were all over in his mind.

Suddenly, everything was clear-

Longjun chose a son-in-law, sent Lan Feihu and other Generals to the world, searched for the big destiny bearer, and 'brought' him back to the Dragon Palace. As soon as Lu Qingfeng came out of Reincarnation Pond, he was met by Lan Feihu and captured the Minjiang Dragon Palace.

The sixteenth generation of Lu Qingfeng has accumulated a body, and the luck of this life is unknown.

In the Dragon Palace.

He was lucky enough to overwhelm the teenagers and young people brought back by other generals, and was successfully chosen by Long Jun.

swift and decisive.

Dressed in red.

Lu Qingfeng was sobered up by a magic trick, already wearing a big red flower on his chest and a groom's crown on his head. all around is full of guests and friends, and there are gongs and drums outside——

The salute is imminent.

In the blink of an eye, I was already in the bridal chamber.


In the bridal chamber, on the bed.

Lu Qingfeng and Minjiang small dragon girl were silent for a while.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and looked at the shy and timid little dragon girl, completely different from what he had imagined.

As the daughter of Minjiang Longjun, she has three elder brothers.

Even if it's not cunning, it should be playful and lively.


"My name is Guangyuan, what's your name?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at the timid appearance of the dragon girl, a little funny, she should speak first asked.

"Ao Le."

Under the red hijab, there was the faint voice of a small dragon girl.

"Ao Le."

"Good name."

Lu Qingfeng praised and felt that his relationship with the small dragon girl was a step closer, so he asked directly , "Do you know what 'Youth Games' means?"

Youth Games.

Fifth Stage.

Lu Qingfeng still vaguely remembers the sound of exclamations and suck in a cold breath coming from above the great hall when the azure light appeared.

Apparently rare.

Even the Minjiang Dragon Palace was shocked.


The small dragon girl was silent for a while.

After a long while, she slightly shook the head, spit out the aroma, "I don't know."


He bowed his head and said nothing.

Lu Qingfeng was a little disappointed and looked at the small dragon girl.

Don't ask questions.

My thoughts are flying.

"I was on Primordial Spirit in my previous life, and I was expected to hit the Great Ascension True Immortal Realm."

"It's a pity."

Looking back at God World, Lu Qingfeng is still I feel a little pity.

But don't be discouraged.

“this life—”

this life has a bizarre start, but for now, it doesn’t seem like a bad thing.

“Dragon Clan is rich all over the world. The Minjiang Dragon Palace is in charge of the Minjiang River’s billions of aquatic species, and the Water Element is vertical and horizontal, and the entire Qi State territory should be snorted by the Minjiang Dragon Palace.”

“As the Dragon Palace Prince Consort If there is a cultivation, there will be no shortage of resources."

Lu Qingfeng has no anger, hatred, grievance, etc. towards 'Dragon King's arrest of his son-in-law', but he has a strong identity towards 'Dragon Palace Prince Consort'. It does not exclude, at least, this 'lady' is not a domineering person.

In the realm of Xianqin, there is the 'Celestial Court', and the system is strict.

Cultivation alone is bound to be limited and troublesome everywhere.

With the identity of 'Dragon Palace Prince Consort' and the protection of Minjiang Dragon Palace, at least in the early stage, it can be stable for cultivation.

The starting level is high enough to understand the Xianqin realm faster and easier.


Lu Qingfeng turned his head, looked towards the small dragon girl whose head was about to be buried in her chest, and couldn't help blinking, "How to get along with this person in the future is a problem."



The alcohol that had completely subsided rose again in the mind, not as violent as before, but this time it seemed to be slightly drunk, like a dream but not a dream, like waking but not waking up. There was a burst of heat on his face and heart, and even more dryness between his lips.


Lu Qingfeng realized that this must be the means of Dragon King or other powerhouse envoys of Dragon Palace.

The original thought, immeasurably self-satisfied as a superficial couple.

Now, it doesn't work.

The drunkenness is surging, wave after wave. Lu Qingfeng raised his head, looked towards the small dragon girl who sat down with his head down and pinched the corners of his clothes with both hands and was so nervous that he couldn't resist the drunkenness in the end.

"Husband, please have pity."

Da Hong was overjoyed, and a soft and cowardly voice came from Lu Qingfeng's ears, followed by a night of spring breeze.

Early morning.

Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes, his head was a little swollen, and his chest was stressed.

Look down.

Blue silk like a waterfall, scattered behind his head. Slightly turned his head and looked down, a face with delicate features appeared in front of him. His face was pale, with a hint of ruddy. Not thin, her face can't be called chubby, only slightly rounded and a little more cute.

He buried his face on Lu Qingfeng's chest, peacefully and quietly, snoring lightly, and his breath hit Lu Qingfeng.

Feel it again.

This small dragon girl has her whole body curled up in his arms, her skin is smooth, even the most luxurious brocade silk can't compare.

Lu Qingfeng watched quietly, feeling a feeling he had never felt before.


Can't tell.

I don't know how long it took, and the outside rays of light became more and more dazzling. Seeing the small dragon girl's long eyelashes trembling slightly, Lu Qingfeng revealed a pair of big watery eyes. Touching Lu Qingfeng's eyes, he was confused at first, but then his eyes widened and blinked, as if came back to his senses, and shyly buried his head in Lu Qingfeng's arms.

Don't dare look up.


Lu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw it.


“Meet the Dragon Lord.”

Long Palace great hall, Lu Qingfeng dressed in a brocade robe, bowed to the Minjiang Dragon Lord, loudly said .


"You and my little sister are already married, so you still haven't changed your mind?"

The third highness of the Minjiang River was beside him, looking at Lu Qingfeng winked and teased loudly.

The small dragon woman is beside Lu Qingfeng.

Today she is wearing a moon white top and a long skirt with a green belt around her waist. There is only one hosta on the head, and there are not too many carvings and embellishments.

The face is slightly immature, and the age is almost the same as that of Lu Qingfeng. At this time, it shows a bridal temperament.

Really moving.

Hearing Third Brother's teasing, his little face turned red, and he pursed his lips and did not dare to make a sound.

“My youngest son-in-law, Guangyuan, meet the Royal Father.”

The son-in-law of the dragon king, equivalent to the half son of the dragon king, is the same as the daughter of the small dragon. '.


Minjiang Longjun seemed to be reserved, only complied, and then looked towards third highness aside, "Guangyuan is new to the Dragon Palace, Ao Lie, you lead him to get acquainted around with him. , choose the way of 'life'."


third highness Ao Lie cup one fist in the other hand responded, and the shiny armor on his body collided with a crisp sound.


In the Dragon Palace.

Ao Lie and Lu Qingfeng walked side by side.

Along the way, maids, shrimp soldiers and crab generals all saluted respectfully, calling them 'third highness' and 'Prince Consort'.

Ao Lie was used to it, turned his head and looked towards Lu Qingfeng, "Royal Father caught my son-in-law, my brother-in-law and my little sister got married in a hurry, can you be dissatisfied?"

This third highness is really the name speaks for itself , no cover up.

If you have something in your heart, ask it directly.

Ordinary people are caught in the Dragon Palace and forced to marry a woman they have never met. Ao Lie's question is not without reason.

"Third Brother is joking."

"How many people in the mortal world can't ask for his marriage to the little prince of the Dragon Palace and Gao Pan as his son-in-law. Guangyuan is lucky and extremely happy, how can he be dissatisfied."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, neither humble nor arrogant.

Although this remark has been modified, Lu Qingfeng has no dissatisfaction in his heart.

It is to his advantage to marry a wife as a son-in-law of a dragon. Besides, a sweet wife, beautiful and alluring, shy and charming, with a quiet temperament, is exactly the type that Lu Qingfeng likes.

Although the way of getting married is a bit bizarre, Lu Qingfeng takes it lightly.

In the future, we will get along well, the husband and wife will be harmonious, and the relationship can be cultivated. In "Great Desolate", there is also company that will not be lonely.

As for feeling humiliated, not afraid of the powerful, rather die than submit...

It's too hypocritical.

Suicide and reincarnation will waste sixteen years, which is unnecessary.

"I hope you really think so."

Ao Lie was suspicious, and said with a serious face, "If you are known to me, you dare to despise the little sister, I will definitely I'll take your cramps and peel off your skin, take out the Divine Soul, and put it in the secluded Soul Lamp to burn for thousands of years!"

"Ao Le is my wife, and you should feel sorry for yourself."

Lu Qingfeng Don't be afraid, say it with a smile.

Ao Lie listened, the fierceness on his face disappeared instantly, and his face changed so quickly that he couldn't react. Seeing him blinking, watching Lu Qingfeng look up and down, said curiously, "You brat, if General Flying Tiger hadn't figured out the bone age, the second brother and Royal Father would have penetrated the soul. I really can't believe that a sixteen-year-old boy could I have such a state of mind."

"I can feel that General Flying Tiger, Royal Father and Third Brother treat me with no malice."

"Naturally I am not afraid."

Lu Qingfeng smiled.

It is not uncommon for the Dragon Palace to have means.

But he was reincarnated, both fleshy body and soul, at the age of sixteen. With the strength of Minjiang Longjun, I am afraid that I will not be able to see through the 'Reincarnation Pond 'mysterious that spreads all over the Great Desolate Myriad Realms, nor can I see Lu Qingfeng in the depth of one's soul, the 'old monster' who has been hiding for more than 9,000 years of cultivation. 'Mind.

Ao Lie walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger in front of him. Hearing Lu Qingfeng's answer, he felt reasonable.

Walking in the Dragon Palace.

While leading Lu Qingfeng to familiarize himself with the layout of the Dragon Palace, Ao Lie sighed and seemed to be muttering to himself, "...Royal Father was born in East Sea Dragon Palace, and fell in love at first sight with his mother who was born in West Sea Dragon Palace. It's a pity that the queen mother had a marriage contract and secretly married with the Royal Father, and it was finally discovered.

At that time, the queen mother was pregnant with a younger sister. West Sea Dragon Palace came to find, and the Royal Father took me with my big brother , the second brother was deposited at his friend Tuojiang Longjun. He hid his mother at another friend Wujiang Longjun. He led the pursuit of West Sea Dragon Palace alone. Unfortunately, the mother and queen were found by West Sea Dragon Palace. Before leaving, a little sister was born.

Royal Father was outside, followed by West Sea and Eastern Sea, and the mother was brought back to West Sea Dragon Palace.

The little sister has been in Wujiang Dragon Palace since she was a child He grew up in middle school, although Wujiang Longjun was protecting him, but Wujiang Longjun's seven children were really scoundrels. Seeing that the younger sister had no father and mother, he repeatedly bullied him.

Waiting for the Royal Father to escape the pursuit of the two dragon palaces. , defected to the Dragon King of Shanghe River, settled down in the Minjiang River, and brought his little sister back, that's how he behaved."

Lu Qingfeng didn't know what Ao Lie said about the Minjiang Dragon King at first.

I heard the back, but it was clear.

One million words is not easy.

Has a friend said before that one million words should be rewarded to the Silver League——

Friends, please start your show

(end of this chapter)

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