
  Chapter 368 A Hundred Years of Time 48 training generals arrived.

Qianli Yuanhu, in the Changshan Islands, began a huge military training.

48 generals, who are proficient in water, practice water aquarium.

The rest practice the spirits of the mountains.

Whether it is aquarium or sprite, cultivation is a method of superficial life. Once from the First Realm body refinement, the promotion to the Second Stage is a matter of with no difficulty.

When you transform into a human body, you can form an army.

For example, the Minjiang Navy is the elite who have reached the Second Stage.

In terms of battle strength alone, it can even be compared with the immortal dao Spirit Void cultivator in melee combat, and those with better aptitude can achieve the Second Stage after decades or even decades of cultivation. Compared with the immortal dao Spirit Void, it takes hundreds of years of cultivation to be achieved, which is undoubtedly fast.

Although he has completed the Second Stage of the Dao of Life, there are only more than two hundred years of life essence.

But the immortal dao method is kept secret. For example, in the Minjiang Dragon Palace, there are only a family of five such as Long Jun and Ao Le.

Secondly, immortal dao has extremely high requirements for aptitude, and there are few cultivators trapped in Fetal Breath Realm and Acquired. On the other hand, the threshold is much smaller. No matter how bad the aptitude is, as long as you study hard and practice hard, you can still reach the level of bright energy and dark energy in the Body Refinement Realm, which can be compared to the Foundation Establishment's air bleed and Foundation Establishment's condensate cultivator to a certain extent.

Live a wonderful life.

It's weird.

immortal dao is tough.

In the realm of Xianqin, it is the life path cultivator that has the most. Lieutenant soldiers, mountain and wild monsters, water aquariums, and monsters from all directions are mostly the fate of cultivation.

Of course.

There are many cultivators, First Realm and Second Stage are like clouds and rain.

But there is only one who is able to complete the Third Stage, and the difficulty is only three points easier than immortal dao Core Formation and sexuality.

For example, none of these aquariums and monsters in Yuan Lake have been cultivated into the Third Stage, and the strongest refining is only the Six Soul and Seven Souls of the Second Stage.

Yuanhu Shuijun recruited troops, and the responders were like clouds.

One day.

There will be 30,000 spirits and 100,000 aquatic species to vote.

Lu Qingfeng welcomes all who come, and divides it into 48 battalions, each of which will be drilled by the generals.

Time passes.

A hundred years have passed.


Minjiang Dragon Palace.

Turtle Prime Minster presented the memorial, "Your Majesty, this is a new one from Prince Consort."

"Why is it him again!"

Long Jun rubbed his eyebrows, glanced at the book in Turtle Prime Minster's hand, waved his hand and said, "I won't read the book, it's just asking for food. Whatever he wants, he will send it to him."

"This time the amount is relatively large, so you need to check it out."

Turtle Prime Minster handed the book to Minjiang Longjun.


Minjiang Longjun listened, and lightly exclaimed took a look at the book.

The blue face and red beard trembled slightly——

pa! Throwing at the case, looking towards Turtle Prime Minster with both hands at the desk, he said angrily, "What kind of method is this evil cultivating, what kind of soldier is training, do you still want to evacuate my Minjiang Dragon Palace?!"

The case is spread out——

Two million catties of pig iron.

500,000 catties of copper.

One hundred thousand catties of gold.

Agate Dendrobium.

Dendrobium Jadeite.

Pearl Dendrobium.

There are 30,000 fire paulownia trees.

Demon Barrels of Blood.

Twenty monster cores.

The long list is endless.

When Minjiang Longjun saw it, his anger rose again, and he was about to smash the book with a wave of his sleeve.

"Your Majesty, calm down."

Turtle Prime Minster hurriedly reached out and grabbed it, "Prince Consort is not someone who doesn't know what to do, since the book has been handed over, it must be after careful consideration. The lake is far away, remote and dangerous, and the Younger Highness is also in the Yuanhu Lake. It is also a safe move for the Prince Consort to train more troops."

"Know your senses?"

"A safe move. ?!"

The red beard of Minjiang Longjun trembled, his eyes widened, and he pointed to the east and said angrily, "For the past 100 years in Guangyuan, how much treasure he has to travel from the Minjiang Dragon Palace will not be mentioned for the time being. It doesn't matter how much money is corrupted and retained. Just saying that this lord named him the Water Lord of Yuanhu, who governs 7,000 miles of water, and sways hundreds of thousands of li evil monsters. Let's see, in the past 100 years, he has been out of Yuanhu for half a century. Step?!"

"You know how the outside world is talking about it?"


"It's all said that this gentleman has captured his son-in-law for three hundred years, and in the end I caught an old turtle with a gluttonous and lazy head!"

The more he said, the more angry he was, he was really blowing his beard and staring, his blue face flushed red.


Turtle Prime Minster, clutching the book, smirked when he heard this.

Shrinking the head of the turtle?

Isn't this 'pointing at the monk and scolding the bald man'.

Longjun Minjiang saw that Turtle Prime Minster didn't make a sound, he looked up, saw his expression, and immediately realized, "This gentleman is confused."

Turtle Prime Minster shook his head, "The things that Prince Consort wants seem to be a lot, but they are not precious. If these resources can be piled up to build a Fourth Stage expert, and ten times more, what's the point of your lord?"

"Fourth Stage?"

"Even if it becomes Fourth Stage, I'm afraid it won't change the cowering temperament."

Mentioning 'Fourth Stage', Minjiang Longjun finally calmed down.

Turtle Prime Minster said with a smile, "Prince Consort cultivation talent, Dragon Palace and even the territory of Qi State, who do not know?

Earlier addicted to pill concocting, refining, Formation, military training and other foreign objects have been trapped in the Soul Congealing Realm for 38 years, and have never been able to break through the Soul Soul Realm. The prime minister of Qi State, Zhuge Yan, splashed ink on the Golden Throne Hall and sang "Huang Guangyuan", which spread all over Qi State in one day.

Even in the Dragon Palace, Prince Consort was impeached for embezzling food and salaries in the name of military training. , clamoring to dismiss the Prince Consort as snowflakes, and the ministers were furious.

But what was the result?

The prince supports it.

Prince Consort Resolutely, give up 'sex' and cultivate 'life'.

In just three years, I broke the First Realm body refinement and entered the Second Stage for soul training.

And then condensed one soul every three years.

Twenty-one years, the seven souls have been refined.

In another seven years, the third stage of the life path 'casting pill' has been achieved.

The Quartet questioned, and all were dumbfounded.

"Huang Guangyuan" is a shame for Zhuge Yan's life.

Prince Consort Ren Yuanhu Shuijun will be a hundred years old, and he will only be in the Dragon Palace for a hundred years. In the coming year, from the cultivation of mortals who don't know anything, to the third stage of life - Dan casting.

Six years ago, it reached the second stage of 'holding Dan', smelting the seven souls, As long as you hold on to the pill.

According to this trend, at the most hundreds of years, the Dragon Palace will definitely add another Fourth Stage cultivator.

It is also a good thing to have a more stable temperament.”

Talk about Lu Qingfeng.

Turtle Prime Minster sighed in his heart, and his tone was quite passionate.

Although this Prince Consort, who was captured by your husband and his son-in-law, has a warm temper, a low profile, and a love for money, his innate talent and courage are truly amazing—

At the age of sixty-four, he abandoned his nature and cultivated his life. In just sixty-two years, he achieved the Second Layer of the Dao of Life. Even if it is not distracted by many foreign objects such as pill concocting, weapon refining, military training, etc., it is unknown that the third layer and even the fourth layer have been achieved at this moment.

This talent.

With the great work of Zhuge Yan, the prime minister of the Qi State, "Huang Guangyuan", it also spread throughout the Qi State, adding a lot to the Minjiang Dragon Palace.


"If it weren't for his cultivation, I would have demoted him from the position of Yuanhu Shuijun long ago. Go back to the Dragon Palace to avoid embarrassment."

Thinking of the progress of Lu Qingfeng cultivation, Minjiang Longjun finally calmed down.

Turtle Prime Minster smiled without saying a word, knowing in his heart——

What Minjiang Longjun said was heartless, but when the Prince Consort cultivation base was stagnant, he resisted the criticism inside and outside the Dragon Palace, The almost blatant greed of the Prince Consort turned a blind eye, and never dismissed it.

It shows the respect and love for Prince Consort.

Minjiang Longjun glanced at Turtle Prime Minster's handbook and said impatiently, "Send it to him quickly and tell him that next time you don't get to the level of 'inner core gen True Aura', don't sway. Qingyuan Lake hundreds of thousands of li evil monsters, don't bother me again!"

"He's not ashamed to lose his head for a hundred years, and I will blush for him!"


The Turtle Prime Minster responded, and stepped back respectfully with the book in hand.

It’s winter.

The sky was raining and snowing, and the ground was three feet of snow.

Void heights.

There is a dive light traveling between.

With Qiqianli Yuan Lake as the center, the bounded thousand li is either rain or snow, sunny day, strong wind, or shade. The land is vast and diverse.

A sudden gust of wind and dark clouds gathered.

Lightning and thunder, the sky was low and depressed to the extreme.

The divine light stopped, revealing the silhouette, the Grade 4 water god robes dissipated, and wearing azure clothes, it was Lu Qingfeng.

A hundred years of Yuan Lake.

A hundred years for God.

Cultivation for a hundred years.

Home migration gas nourishing body.

For a hundred years, Lu Qingfeng has been in charge of Yuanhu Lake, exercising the priesthood of water king, in charge of hundreds of thousands of li rain, thunder, floods, tides; in charge of shady and cool climate, weather changes; in charge of snow, hail , Frozen, Frost...

And cultivation of sex, destiny, immortal dao.

“Nurture the spirit with the time of the day, nourish the qi with the land, and nourish the essence with people.”

Essence, Qi, and Spirit are sublimated and different from ordinary people.

It is truly extraordinary.

The immortal dao is in the air, with three points of Spiritual God majesty and three points of martial artist killing.

"One hundred and ten years."

Lu Qingfeng looked up at the sky and couldn't help but smile when he saw the thunder brewing.

Cultivation in the Xianqin world also has a hundred and ten years.

The immortal dao has not been repaired for the first ten years.

After arriving at Yuan Lake, start cultivation. With the divine position, the blessing of luck, and the lack of resources, Lu Qingfeng's strength advanced by leaps and bounds. In just a hundred years, it was created from nothing and built into Spirit Void Peak.

Today is four Nine Heavens calamities, about to step into the realm of Core Formation.

It's really fast.

Even if it weren't for a lot of delays along the way, a hundred years could be reduced by another twenty years.

Even now.

The way of life is faster than immortal dao in cultivation speed, and Third Stage is compared with immortal dao Core Formation Stage. However, from a hundred years of cultivation to the Third Stage, only a few peak geniuses in the world can do it.

In Qi State, apart from 'Yuanhu Shuijun', I have never heard of this and the others.

"After Core Formation, many chores will be much more convenient."

Lu Qingfeng's thoughts flashed for a hundred years.


Heavenly Tribulation is brewing, and it's finally happening.

Lu Qingfeng is very familiar with it, soaring into the sky and submerging into the clouds, fleshy body Transcending Tribulation.

Out of the sky.

A sword light pierced the sky and fell outside the robbery cloud.

The sword light fell and a person appeared.

This man looks middle-aged, dressed in a white clothed daoist robe, with a sharp look like a sword. After falling, he carried his hands on his back and did not see any movement.

From the west, two more brilliances came. Wrapped in wind and thunder, whistling.


It landed in the air, and it made a sound like a landslide and a crack in the ground.

It was Lan Feihu and Yuan Bi.

(end of this chapter)

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