
  Chapter 405 The two worlds merge, the army of heaven is coming!

Southern Border.

In the Suoyue Pond in Changdi Mountain, a bright moon dazzled, and a great formation was shrouded in all directions. Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged in the middle.

“The Yushan faction.”

“He is in charge of the general election.”

Lu Qingfeng raised his mouth slightly, “The three Ancestor Masters of the Yushan faction are decisive. ."

He was promoted to Primordial Spirit, immediately killed Jianzhang, Gongsun Luan, and Xunfeng Great Demon, and even deliberately imitated Gushang Celestial Court Three Great Immortal Sects.

Demon God changes.

It is not difficult for the "Twelve Capitals heavenly demon Divine Law" to be promoted to the Supreme level.

And the Yushan faction was so coincidental that shortly after he killed the three, the election was held.

If Lu Qingfeng's expectations are not bad——

"The position of headmaster, I'm afraid it has already been decided by default."

Lu Qingfeng smiled even more.

Gu Shang cultivator entered Chunshen Jiuzhou, one by one concealing their identities strictly, not daring to reveal the slightest. The peak genius in Ryugu and Celestial Court is even more so.

No one knows, once the identity is revealed, Chunshen Jiuzhou Immortal Sect Demon Sect will respectfully greet them or kill them with hatred.

In this case.

Even if the Yushan faction wants to surrender, it is difficult to find a person of sufficient weight.

The various illusions created by Lu Qingfeng intentionally or unintentionally became the only choice for the Yushan School.

"However, the specifics will depend on the results of the general election."

"Let's focus on this first."

"When the election is finalized, Blood Spring Demon Sect should have made plans earlier."

Lu Qingfeng pondered, closed his eyes for cultivation, and focused his energy on the election of Yushan Sect's headmaster.

Thirty-four years later.

The top of Yushan Mountain.

Lu Qingfeng is carrying both hands, the gorgeous brocade robe fluttering in the wind, the clouds rolling and spreading under his feet, just like Immortal God.

A pair of dark eyes, looking towards the sky.

There is one person on each side of it.

On the left is a beautiful woman with a crown, dressed in a red gauze and a hibiscus crown, with a cold look on her face.

It is Yunluo.

On the right is Ichitoyo, a handsome young Taoist, with eyes watching nose and nose watching heart, Motionless As Mountains.

It was the other person Lu Qingfeng met except Yunluo during his apprenticeship with Ronghong.

Named 'Ao Zhen'.

The three stood side by side, all looking out into the sky.

Not a word.

I don't know how long it took.


between Heaven and Earth There was a buzzing sound, and people were in it, and it seemed to be shaking up, down, left and right. But if you look closely, the figure has not swayed half a minute.

It feels really weird.

When Lu Qingfeng, Yunluo, and Ao Zhen saw this, two words suddenly blurted out in their hearts-

"Come on!"

Primordial Spirit A cultivator, even those who have not really transformed into Primordial Spirit, such as the Divine Transformation Realm and the Divine Soul, are extremely powerful, and are extremely sensitive to various subtle changes between Heaven and Earth.

Heaven and Earth hummed.

Void Shake.

The three clearly felt that Heaven and Earth's qi machine was changing. To elaborate, with their cultivation, they are far worse.

It's just a familiar, long-lost aura that asserts the senses from all over the void, all over the place.

Take a deep breath.

Relaxed and joyful.

"Seven hundred and forty-three years, the day has finally come."

Lu Qingfeng revealed Profound Light.

He's been waiting too long for this day.

If you count the five hundred years that Avatar has entered, it is more than 1,200 years.

Several plans.

Now it's finally time to harvest.

Beyond Yushan.

Chun Shen Jiuzhou.

In the Unbounded Frontier, Heaven and Earth changes cannot be sensed under the Primordial Spirit. However, each Primordial Spirit cultivator had a feeling and looked up at the sky.

On the top of Jiuzhou and the four seas.


The sound of tiger's roar dragon's cry came first.

Then one after another golden light Tianzhu descended from the sky, one after another.




one after another golden light Earth seems to have bursts of roaring. Looking at it, the height of the golden light is more than absolutely zhang, and the number of pillars is no less than ten million.

In golden light.

The flags are fluttering, and the Generals are wearing gorgeous golden armor, surrounded by multi-colored lights, burly bodies, and holding various weapons. Behind these Generals, there is Armored Soldier, which is densely packed.

Like celestial troops and generals.

I don't know the number.

They stepped on golden light, and there were thousands of auspicious clouds under their feet, covering Xihuazhou, Xiyuanzhou and Chunshenzhou in the middle of Chunshen Jiuzhou.

"Golden Great Dao spreads out on the cloud."

"This is the ancient army of Shang Dynasty!"

Lu Qingfeng and Ao Zhen looked at each other and saw the same thing. The pupils contract slightly.

All recognized that this is the celestial troops and generals in charge of the Celestial Court of Gu Shang.

Choose a dísciple from Northern Sea 'Jiuzhen Immortal Sword Sect', Southern Sea 'Bihai Youxu Palace', and Jiu Shishan 'Fighting Heaven's Gate' to be a soldier.

We also recruited the Quartet powerhouse from the entire ancient Shangbuzhou.

The ultimate achievement is the Celestial Court of the Celestial Court in the ancient Shangbu Continent, making the Demon become terror-stricken at the news.

The Great Demon and the Great Demon of the Primordial Spirit Level can be easily captured or killed by sending a heavenly general with 3,000 heavenly soldiers.

This time.

A total of 300,000 celestial troops have come, and their imposing manner is strong enough to sweep the world.

Three continents.

Xihuazhou is full of mirages, and the Demon Gods, each as tall as a thousand zhang, rise from the sky, walk the sky and the world, and step on the land of Xihua.

There are eight thousand.

With a wave of a big hand, a gust of wind swept through, stirring absolutely.

“The Mirage Demon Sect, the Mirage Demon God.”

The Mirage Demon Sect is one of the four Peak Demon Sects in Chunshen Jiuzhou. Illusions, delusions. This mirage Demon God is not born or raised in the ground, but the Mirage Demon Sect is born with a mysterious secret technique and a heavy array.

Put thousands of creatures into the formation to support them.

Either torture or temptation.

Evolving all kinds of emotions to the extreme, after reaching the peak, it was swallowed by the magic mirage Demon God.


The Magic Mirage Demon God has the ability to build illusions and shake people's hearts with every gesture.

It is one of the backgrounds of the Mirage Demon Sect occupying Xihuazhou.

Released now.

Eight thousand mirage Demon God fought with one hundred thousand heavenly army.

The dim light flickered.

Thousands of illusions, or the mountains of daggers and seas of flames, or the palaces of Immortal Court, spread out in the sky like a mirage.

To cover the heavenly army.

The Heavenly Army isn't bad either.

The 100,000-strong celestial army formed great formations, one after another rays of light were scattered, and pieces of Magical Artifacts were released, with heaven and earth nets.

bang bang bang!

Eight thousand Demon God looked strong, but once they fought, they obviously fell behind. They were not the opponents of the ancient Shang Tianjun.

"Ancient Shang Tianjun."


From Xihua Continent, a roar resounded through Heaven and Earth.

Immediately after, five dim light flashes rose into the sky, sweeping Heaven and Earth and smashing the 100,000 Heavenly Army.


“Celestial Court Decree.”

“Slay the Demons!”

Mysterious sound.

Huang Huang is like a bell.

From the golden light pillars running through Heaven and Earth, magic swords, lightning seals, sticks, etc. suddenly came out.

White light, blue light, golden light flicker.

There are ten paths in total, fighting with the five dim lights.

The three of Lu Qingfeng watched as the rays of light flashed and disappeared. But it is out of the Chunshen world, and the impudent fight goes.

"The five dim lights should be the five True Immortal Old Ancestors of the Demon Sect of the West China Continent."

"golden light, blue light, white light."

"golden light, blue light, white light."


"It's the powerhouse of the Celestial Court Fifth Stage of Gushang."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes were bright and serene, seeing through the endless rays of light, and seeing one after another silhouette inside. One after another wrote down, and waves rose in my heart, "In Xihua Continent, the five True Immortals of the Mirage Demon Sect are monopolized. The Celestial Court of Gushang sent ten True Immortal series powerhouses of the Fifth Stage, the golden road is paved, and the Xiyuanzhou and Chunshenzhou, is there no less than thirty Fifth Stage powerhouses from Ancient Shang Celestial Court this time?"

This thought.

It's really shocking.

It should be known that since the Celestial Court of Gushang can send more than 30 Fifth Stage powerhouses, and if you count those who stay in Gushangbuzhou, I am afraid that there will be no less than half a hundred.

And Gushangbuzhou is not the only party in Celestial Court.

Outside Celestial Court.

There are still three Dragon Palaces, and there are still Demon forces.

According to this calculation, the Great Ascension True Immortal series powerhouse of the entire ancient Shangbuzhou——

“Too many!”


"In the Xianqin world, there are eight other continents besides Gu Shang."

"If you add it up, there are so many True Immortal powerhouses in the Xianqin world. Under the savage God World."

Lu Qingfeng thought of the 3,600 Spiritual Gods in the Heaven Realm in the savage God World, his eyes penetrated the secret, and he saw Heaven Beyond the Heaven's top ten True Immortals , the five True Immortals of the Demon Sect besieged the mirage.

I didn't dare to stare for too long, so I quickly retracted my gaze.

Sanzhou golden light is bright.

One hundred thousand celestial troops descended on Xihuazhou to fight against the Demon Sect.

One hundred thousand heavenly troops descended on Xiyuanzhou and collided with 'Golden Peng Mountain', the overlord of Monster Race lineage in Xiyuanzhou. From the middle of the Western Yuanzhou, Golden Peng Old Ancestor led the two True Immortal Monster Kings under his command to fight against the eight True Immortals of the Celestial Court.

The last 100,000 heavenly troops descended on Chunshenzhou.

In Chunshenzhou, the 'Dukong Sect', one of the six Great Immortal Sects of Chunshen, which is as famous as the Yushan School, the Seventh Patriarch of Dukong set off an infinite azure light, covering the entire Chunshenzhou, bringing ten Wan Tianjun is isolated.

The twelve True Immortal statues of the Celestial Court of Gushang came out together, leading the Seven Patriarchs to the sky.

The chaos broke out.

“Chunshenzhou, Xiyuanzhou, and Xihuazhou are the three most outstanding continents in the Chunshen Jiuzhou.”

“Gushang Celestial Court all in one breath——”


Lu Qingfeng watched the chaos in the three continents, and had a clearer understanding of the Celestial Court in his heart.

Can occupy half of the ancient Shangbu Continent Divine Dao, whether it is Shanghe, Eastern Sea, West Sea Dragon Palace, if it is singled out, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with it.

Yu Mountain.

The breeze was blowing.

Yunluo stared at the three continents in the west, his eyes moved slightly, his eyebrows furrowed.

After a while.

Looking at Lu Qingfeng, on the plain face, it is rare to show annoyance and shame.

The look changes.

Yinya bites bitterly, "You really aren't the golden light Ancestor Master Direct Disciple!"

Lu Qingfeng was paying attention to the Three Continents War, and suddenly heard Yunluo's crisp voice, slightly surprised, " Senior Sister has wronged me, I never said that I was under the sect of golden light, I don't know where this came from?"

Ao Zhen listened, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, "Junior Brother should be One yuan Ancestor Master Direct Disciple in Jiuzhen Immortal Sword Sect."

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips and laughed at Aozhen.

Yunluo is coldly snorted, "There are seven dísciples under the teacher, and I am the last. Forty-one honorary disciples are all Fourth Stage and Fifth Stage."


"Aren't you from Yuyao's True Immortal Sect in Jiuzhen Immortal Sword Sect?"

Ao Zhen suddenly froze, and the words popped out before he was shocked Come back to God. Pointing at Yunluo with round eyes, he said, "You are the seventh dísciple that Master Ancestor One Yuan received on the shore of the Northern Sea 900 years ago, Su Mu, known as 'Young Sword Immortal'?!"

(end of chapter)

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