
  Chapter 453 Ming Xiu plank road, dark Chencang!

"Please also ask the two Masters to break the formation."

Seeing this, Xun Tiange spoke out to the two Taoist priests who were wearing daoist robes.

"This array—"

"Xun Zun will wait a moment."

Chengfeng and Liu Bi are at the side, each taking an astrolabe and two eyes Release the Profound Light and stare at the Great Mountain Formation, the deduction and calculation keep on. But the more he counted, the more anxious, his face was flushed red, and a layer of fine sweat was oozing out of his forehead.


The Formation is exquisite, and the two are under a lot of pressure.


Xun Tiange is slightly frowned, and has a bad feeling in his heart.

Chengfeng was still calculating, but Liu Bi took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "This mysterious formation is only an extrapolation and calculation, but the true meaning of subduing demons came, and the thunder resounded throughout the Sea of ​​Consciousness. , interferes with Poor Daoist's calculation. To be honest with Poor Daoist, the beauty of this formation is that Grandmaster Mu Yang of Heavenly Star Sect came in person, so he may not be able to understand it."

tone barely fell.

"pu! ”

Chengfeng's face turned red, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. Into powder.

Xun Tiange saw this.

With one palm, he suppressed the thunder inside and outside Chengfeng's body, stopping the riot.

After a while.

While riding the wind to restrain the mind and drive away the thunder, I was already scorched black and exhausted.

"Chengfeng is arrogant, I'm going to trouble Xun Zun." Chengfeng suppressed the injury, his face was shocked and ashamed, "This is a dangerous formation that cannot be broken by Chengfeng, so let's go!"


Ride the wind and hide her face.

"Poor Daoist will not show his ugliness anymore, and go with Cheng Fellow Daoist Feng."

When Liu Bi saw Cheng Feng leaving, he gave Xun Tiange a wry smile, and also said goodbye and left.


The two Formation Masters left one after another, and Xi Yunzi, Su Muzhe and others couldn’t help looking at each other in blank dismay.

"It's a pity that Heavenly Star Sect doesn't want to swim in muddy waters. If Grandmaster Mu Yang is here, with his Formation accomplishments, he will be able to break through the battle."

Miao Dao Po With a sigh, he shook his head.

It is easy for her, Xi Yunzi and Su Muzhe to borrow treasures from Immortal Sect, Liuchen Temple and Goddess Peak, but breaking the formation requires Heavenly Star Sect Array Grandmaster to come in person, trouble is not small . Xun Tiange went there in person and invited Mu Yang to the Grandmaster, but he was rejected. He went to visit several other Grandmasters, but all of them declined.

No way.

You can only invite two loose cultivator Formation Masters at will. Brace oneself came to Jinshan, but fell into such an embarrassing situation.

"It's okay."

"Since the Evergreen Monster has shrunk to the top of the mountain, I'll clean up its minions first!"

Xun Tiange's eyes Deep cold, completely unaffected.

When he took a step first, he put the magic sword on his back and dropped it in his hand, volleying a sword in the sky, as if heaven and earth were like heavenly punishment, he moved towards Liuyiren and slashed.

"It's bitter!"

The Liuyi people complained in their hearts, but there was a slight chill in the golden hoop above their heads. Recalling the pain in the prison, the Liuyi people were heart trembled and did not dare to step back halfway. step.

Bracing oneself, grabbing the 'Six One Soul Gathering Banner', the yin wind swept the evil spirits and howled, and went to Xun Tiange to greet him.

What about Xun Tiange and the others?

Aoki Valley is at the helm, looking at the entire Three Mountains and Nine Waters, Peak exists. As soon as he made a move, it was like a sky falling. A sword fell, making people feel terrified.

The Liuyi people rolled up the yin wind, and the evil ghost screamed in the yin wind, and collided with the magic sword of the singer Xun Tian.

There are many evil spirits, but they will die if they touch them, and they will be injured if they touch them.

The Liuyi people's heart sinks to the bottom, when inwardly shouted is bad --

It's a stab!

In the suicide mountain formation, the thunder flickered into a net, covering Xun Tiange.

The sword is slightly blocked, and the formidable power is reduced.

“This formation is really powerful, no wonder the Evergreen Demons are fleeing to the Eastern Sea.”

After colliding head-on with the Great Mountain Formation, Xun Tiange knew about the Subduing Devil Great Formation 'Great. secretly said in one's heart, although the sword's momentum became more and more fierce, it was still limited after all.

“hu hu!”

Liuyi people were able to resist a little.

Cooperate with the Great Mountain Formation and fight Xun Tiange.

Even so.

It is also Xun Tiange who has a great advantage.

I'm afraid I'll be able to solve the Liuyi people before Yue Zhong defeats Ci Xin.

Xun Tiange made a move.

The rest of Miao Dao Po, Xi Yunzi, and Su Muzhe stopped watching and ran out one after another, fighting each other.

Miao Dao Po has a crush on Su He, 'Miao Yin Broken Soul'.

Su He sat cross-legged in the void, playing the violin with one hand, while the silver hair fluttered in waves of fairy tunes and magic tunes directly hit Miao Dao Po. And Miao Dao Po stands in the air, like a towering green tree, Motionless As Mountains. In the void, the fallen leaves fluttered, the branches danced, banging or entwining, fighting with Su He.

"What a tough Aoki Dafa!"

Su He frowned and fell down.

Xi Yunzi to Master Golden Light.

Master golden light casts spells with one hand and holds a handful of 'Earth Lung Poison Vulcan Sand' in the other to deter. Xi Yunzi held a magic sword and was afraid of Shensha, so he did not dare to rush in.

But even so, Master Golden Light was suppressed.

Su Muzhe against 'Henglian Vajra' Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang was running Xuan Gong, and golden light appeared all over his body.

Dang dang dang!

Su Mu covered the sword qi and the spells slammed on Zhou Yang. However, the golden light does not scatter on the body, but it can still support.


Also at an absolute disadvantage.

The top 10 Primordial Spirit battles, and all sides are completely defeated.

It won't take long for this to continue, as long as one of the five Primordial Spirits in Aoki Valley, including Xun Tiange, can take the lead in solving the opponent, they can establish a winning position and help the same sect four to defeat the other four. Primordial Spirit solve it and win.

The situation is not very good for the Jinshan side.

But in the mountains, Lu Qingfeng was in charge of 'Subduing Devil Great Formation', but he didn't panic. Even when he was fighting outside the mountain, his eyes brightened.


The Eastern Sea is full of mountains.

The war begins.

And far in the Yellow Maple Gorge between Yellow Maple Valley and Luoying Lake, there is a silent silhouette, bypassing Qingmu Valley to guard the Great Mountain Formation, and entering the Qingmu Valley Mountain Gate with no difficulty .

“Aoki Valley.”

Lu Qingfeng stepped in, a smile on his face.

The Great Mountain Formation that shrouds Aoki Valley is actually not weak. Even before it really unfolds, it has the ability to warn. The Primordial Spirit cultivator sneaks in and must be immediately discovered. Ordinary cultivators do not even need to run in a large array. If they fall into the trap and trigger the formation, they will immediately lose their heads and lose their ability to resist being bombarded by the wind and fire.

But Lu Qingfeng Formation is very accomplished.

In the realm of Xianqin, even entering and leaving the West Sea is easy. Little Aoki Valley is nothing difficult.

Enter Aoki Valley.

Lu Qingfeng found a place to sit down and look at the Four Directions Mountain water.

Seeing the peaks and peaks in and out of various places, there are formations that are bright or dark. In the streams and rivers, battles were also buried. The formations of mountains and rivers are independent of each other, and they echo each other. Three or five hills and three or five rivers form a more mysterious and tyrannical formation.

Take a closer look.

It was only then that I discovered the huge Huangfeng Gorge. The small formations are like rain forests, the big formations are surrounded by small formations, and the First Layer is the First Layer. Even if the Formation Master comes in and can break through the three 5th layer formations, it is impossible to break through hundreds of thousands of formations.

In such a complicated and mysterious formation, if there is no proper way to step into it, it will be like a tangled mess.

It's really a mess.

These mountain gate arrays are constantly built and supplemented by the Primordial Spirit cultivator and Formation Master of Aoki Valley from generation to generation. Hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, continuous optimization and supplementation, and the final achievement.

It can be called the top-level formation of Human World, which is enough to ensure that Aoki Valley will never enter when it is prosperous, and that it is not afraid of strong enemies attacking the mountain when it declines. It is the foundation of Aoki Valley's inheritance.


Lu Qingfeng Formation is deep and unmeasurable, and also has 'cloud top step', swept Nine Nether, stepped on the sky, wandering and uncertain, free between Heaven and Earth. With the Great Firmament Cave View, in the world, there is probably no battle that can stop Lu Qingfeng.

In and out, it's like a smooth road.

Looking back from the four directions, Lu Qingfeng's true essence surged, his hands clasped together, and five black qi fell around him, it was the five ghosts.

“Evacuate Aoki Valley!”

One thought moved.

The five ghosts got excited, turned into human figures and bowed to Lu Qingfeng, and immediately turned into black smoke and fell into the four directions.

After Lu Qingfeng practiced the "Five Ghosts Carrying Dafa", most of them used to carry themselves for the purpose of traveling. This time, when Master Aoki Valley was provoked, it was the time when the 'Five Ghosts Carrying Dafa' really showed its power.

The five ghosts are fast and silent, and the formation outside the Aoki within the valley is completely powerless.

The five ghosts sneaked in, looking for the qi in the dark, and came to a majestic mountain. Formation is shrouded inside and outside the mountain, and dísciples come in and out from time to time, all showing joy.

Lu Qingfeng looked up through the five ghosts.

I saw dozens of magnificent buildings on the top of the mountain, with the words 'Hidden Scripture Pavilion', 'Hidden Scripture Pavilion', 'Lingku', 'Hundred Soldiers Pavilion' and so on.

This is where the treasure house of Aoki Valley is located.

Huangfeng Gorge was in heavy formation, Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes, and the Great Firmament hole swept over, and he saw that this First Layer formation was vaguely integrated, dividing the 2nd layer formation eye of yin and yang.

One of the formation eyes is this mountain.


Lu Qingfeng did not hesitate.

The five ghosts turned into smoke, along the gaps of the mountain and Formation, and disappeared into Baofeng without being noticed. Above the Aoki Treasure Peak, the Hidden Scripture Pavilion, Tibetan Law Pavilion, Baibing Pavilion, etc. are all appearances, but there are few treasures inside.

The Spirit Stone, Spirit Bead, Magical Artifact, spiritual medicine, mineral material, Spirit Pill, various methods, etc. accumulated by Aoki Valley for countless years are not in these halls and pavilions, but all in the mountainside. middle.

The mountain belly is hollowed out and the expansion space is isolated from the inside and outside.

The big and small formations are complex, and they link the entire Aoki Valley to the Great Mountain Formation. It is impossible to enter into it silently. If you want to forcibly break in, you must first break the mountain gate.

And even if breaking the formation, there is at least one Primordial Spirit cultivator in the treasury.

When so.

Xun Tiange waited all over the Eastern Sea, but he still left Kuang Tianqi to sit in the Aoki Treasure House and take charge of the great formation of the mountain gate. Although its cultivation base is not high, it is only Divine Transformation Realm, but once a big formation is launched, even if the Integration Realm powerhouse comes, it will be defeated and run away, or even die here.

It can keep Aoki Valley and Aoki Treasure House safe.


I never expected to meet someone like Lu Qingfeng in this world.

"Five ghosts can't open people's doors, and take people's property without breaking people's boxes. How can a small Formation stop it!"

Lu Qingfeng's mouth was slightly raised.

There are battles that can block the five ghosts.

But it also depends on what kind of battle it is.

The Aoki Valley Grand Array is obviously still a little short of heat.

Push the book, "The Great Demon King of Rebellion", if you are interested, you can go and read it.

Introduction: Literary Edition: Immortal has entered the stage ahead of schedule, with a tranquil fragrance and fragrance.

Except the spotlight that broke the darkness, the unforgivable sin, the crown of thorns.

I also need the BGM that makes the stars tremble, the breeze that makes the night fade away, and the majestic flower that clots blood.

Popular version: The terminally ill teenager Cheng Mo, obtained the father's mysterious relic, survived and grew all the way, from the second year of high school to the Great Demon King, was warmed, melted, and gradually approached the truth about this world. ...

(end of chapter)

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