
  Chapter 456 same sect slaughter one another? !

"The formation is broken."

"That is Daoist Aoki!"

"Chang Qingzi is not in the formation?!"

"No wonder!"

In all directions, there are Taoists standing in the void, the Great Demon living on the top of the mountain, the giant monster lurking in the seabed, and the monks and nuns hiding. One after another's gazes gathered from all directions towards Jinshan.

They see.

In the middle of the mountain, the Taoist Qingmu lives in the middle, the five prisons are arranged with the five poles, the golden light, the compassionate, the Su He, and the Zhou Yang, the complexion of the four people are different, or heavy, or dignified, or panic, or despair.

Only the Taoist Aoki smiled lightly.

I don't care when I see the big formation falling apart.

Besides them, there is no one else. Three years ago, the great divine prestige outside Jinshan, the Peak powerhouse Changqingzi who suppressed Qingmugu Volcano and Fenghanzi in Jinshan, has not seen the silhouette.

The crowd finally understood.

Why did Daoist Aoki refuse to defend.

Without Changqingzi's help, only a Taoist Aoki and Master Golden Light, etc., where would Xun Tiange's five rivals be.

Just don't know.

"Why did the Primordial Spirit in Aoki Valley become extremely angry?"

Someone frowned, looked towards Jin Shan, and wondered in their hearts, "Could it be the evergreen child—"

Zhu Yang was in the distance, clutching the blood flame knife in his hand, his face was ill, his eyes were flat, and he landed on a mountain island in the distance. On that island, on the top of the island, stood a burly man with golden eyes.

Zhu Yang cast his eyes, and the big man with golden eyes seemed to feel something, and also looked at Zhu Yang.

A voice came from my ear, "Brother Jin Tong, would you like to talk to Zhu and help the two Fellow Daoists?"

The big man with golden eyes, namely Zhu Yang The golden light in the eyes of the 'gold pupil' in his mouth flickered, and he grinned and said with a smile, "Brother Zhu has come here to make a decision, and this king can trust him."

Zhu Yang slightly dissented.

My feet moved suddenly.

A flash, when the Five Prisons Xuanlei Subduing Devil Great Formation shattered, came to the middle of the mountain and landed in front of Daoist Qingmu, "In Xiazhuyang, I came here to help Fellow Daoist Mu. "

Jin Tong followed closely from behind, crashed down, said with a big smile, "This king, Jin Tong of Funiu Island, also came to join in the fun."

"Ghost Immortal Zhuyang."

"Monster King golden pupil."

Lu Qingfeng was slightly surprised when he saw the two of them. This was unexpected, I thought that I would have to make a few more moves to hold the main body back.

Now it seems that the back-end is also saved.

He was in Eastern Sea, and he had already heard about Zhu Yang and Jin Tong Monster King's reputation. These two are not comparable to Master Golden Light, Liu Dao, etc., but the real Peak powerhouse in Eastern Sea.

Take Eastern Sea several times.

No more than one palm can match the two of them. There is no one who can surpass these two.

With the help of the two, Aoki Valley is nothing to be afraid of.

“many thanks to the two Fellow Daoists for helping each other.”

Lu Qingfeng bowed to the two of them.

Zhu Yang smiled weakly, his face pale.

Golden pupil Monster King said with a big smile, "Aoki Valley lives in the Nine Waters and Seven Gorges, but they come to Eastern Sea to make troubles. They can't bully their fellow Eastern Sea fellows, thinking that Eastern Sea has no one!"


Turned his head and looked towards Xun Tiange outside the array.

Lu Qingfeng also looked outside.

The Subduing Devil Great Formation of the Subduing Devil Great Formation was established in a short period of time. Although he had the ability to reach the sky, he did not have enough time, so his power was limited.

Being attacked by the three eighth rank Magical Artifacts, including Chiwuzhu, Jinbi Shenfeng, and diamond stone lotus divide throne, together with the five Primordial Spirit powerhouses, Lu Qingfeng expected that they could not support it. .

As soon as empty city strategy sang for three days, Lu Qingfeng was already satisfied.

My heart is full of joy after looting Qingmu Valley, Lu Qingfeng said to Xun Tiange and others with a smile, "It seems that you all know."

As far as the mountains go.

Xun Tiange was in front, Miao Daopo, Su Muzhe, Xi Yunzi, and Yue Zhong were at the side.

Among them, Yue Zhong held the Jinbi Shenfeng in his hand, his face was pale and bloodless. Obviously, he shot in anger before he could suppress the poisonous fire and bloody flames. Even if there is Leng Yundan now, after this battle, I am afraid that it will take decades to recuperate to get rid of this poisonous fire and blood.

Although Yue Zhong was injured, he didn't stop, staring at Lu Qingfeng angrily, angrily said, "Evergreen monster, quickly hand over the hollow god willow, otherwise I will teach you flying ash annihilation!"


The hollow god willow is the foundation of Aoki Valley, which is far more important than tens of millions of Spirit Stones and countless books. Yue Zhong couldn't imagine what kind of punishment he would suffer if he was known by Master Ancestor from the upper realm and lost the hollow god Liu in their hands and ascended to the upper realm in the future.

"Hollow God Willow?"

When Zhu Yang and Jin Tong Monster King heard this, their brows were raised, and their hearts suddenly came to an end.

It's no wonder.

It turns out that Changqingzi actually went to Aoki Valley when Aoki Valley was almost out of its nest to besiege the mountains, and even stole the hollow god Liu.

Now that the news came, the Aokigani Primordial Spirit was exposed.

Anyone who is qualified to watch, who is not a Primordial Spirit cultivator? Everyone knows so much, how can one not know the name of Aoki Valley Hollow God Willow.

"The Hollow God Willow is heavily protected by Aoki Valley and is located deep in the core of Aoki Valley. In the early years, there were many demonic path experts who wanted to force or sneak in, but they were not stopped by the great formation in the end. Retreat in spite of difficulties. That is to fall into the battle and be bombarded to death."

"Aoki Valley has been prosperous in recent years, and I have never heard of anyone who dared to attack Hollow God Willow."


"This evergreen child—"

The Eastern Sea cultivator looked towards everyone in Aoki Valley, and seeing Xun Tiange and the others' faces were hard to see the extreme, but they were able to understand.

It's just a shock in my heart, this Changqingzi is really so powerful that he can snatch away the hollow god Liu also.

I don't know what method was used.

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing when he heard Yue Zhong's clamor, "Poor Daoist is here, just come and kill."

Having been entangled with Aoki Valley, they are already mortal enemies.

Returning the hollow god willow is to harm oneself and help the enemy. Such a stupid move, Lu Qingfeng would not take it.

Yue Zhong heard this, his eyes were cold, he didn't look at Lu Qingfeng, but looked towards golden light Master, Ci Xin, Su He, Zhou Yang, gloomily said, "You wait. If the four of them don't want to follow in the footsteps of the June 1st Monster Dao, why don't they leave quickly?!"


Ci Xin, Su He, Zhou Yang and other three Take a look.

I saw that the Great Mountain Formation was broken, and the Liuyi people were beheaded, and it did mean to escape. But now, there are Zhu Yang and Jin Tong Monster King standing up, barely able to resist Aoki Valley. As long as that person returns, this crisis will be resolved.

It would be a disaster to escape at this moment.

The three of them were silent, keeping their feet still, ignoring Yuezhong.

It was the Master Golden Light, with a big shiny head, and loudly said to Yue Zhong, "Don't talk too much, I vow to live and die with the mountains today!"

Gold on the head Hoop cool.

Master golden light did not dare to hesitate, his voice was loud and his stance was firm.

"Good good!"

"All courting death!"

Yue Zhong was in a hurry. The superior plundered.

"There are four of you."

Seeing Yue Zhong attacking, Lu Qingfeng turned his head and spoke at Cixin, Su He, Zhou Yang and others.

"Senior is polite."

The four of Cixin didn't dare to suffer, they responded, looked towards and swept forward.

bang bang bang!

The four of them worked together to block Yuezhong.

Although Yuezhong has a treasure in his hand, he can be severely injured and his strength has been greatly reduced. The four Primordial Spirits, such as the kindness and compassion, can barely resist Yuezhong and Jinbi Shenfeng.

"Senior Brother."

"I'm here to help you!"

Seeing this, Miao Daobao jumped out and joined the battlefield.

Lu Qingfeng chuckled and said to the Golden Eyed Monster King in front of him, "Please also invite Golden Eyed Fellow Daoist to take action."


" It's easy to talk about it! This thief old woman will be handed over to this king!"

The Golden Eyed Monster King laughed loudly.

Stepping forward, holding an iron rod in hand, he stopped Miao Dao Po.


The two immediately fought together.

"So brave!"

Xi Yunzi and Su Muzhe saw this situation and flew out together, and flew towards Lu Qingfeng. Thirty-six Vajra were in front of them, and the mirror of chaos covered their surroundings, and the two of them had to step into the mountain in an instant.

Zhu Yang is about to shoot.

On the side, Lu Qingfeng waved his hand slightly, "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, these two, let them deal with the same sect."

"same sect?"

Zhu Yang's heart started, but he didn't understand what it meant. I saw two figures emerge from the Thunder and Lightning Examination Prison and the Huoguang Meteor Prison among the Five Prisons. Looking closely, the pupils suddenly contracted.



This surprise is no small matter.

The people who came out were actually the two Primordial Spirits of Aoki Valley, who were suppressed in the middle of the mountain three years ago. It seems that everything is business as usual now, but each has a golden hoop on their heads.

"This is—"

When everyone saw it, they suddenly reacted and hurriedly went to see Master Golden Light. I saw that there was an exactly similar golden hoop above the head of the golden light master. Thinking back again, there seems to be such a golden hoop on the heads of the Liuyi people just now.

I thought it was Magical Artifact at the time, and thought it was decoration, but I didn't care.

But right now—



“What are you two doing? , why don't you take down the Evergreen Monster quickly?!"

Xi Yunzi saw the two of them suddenly stop, opened his mouth and scolded the two of them, feeling bad in his heart. Su Muzhe also stopped and looked towards Huanzi and Feng Hanzi, his brows furrowed for a while.

Shout out.

I saw Huanzi and Fenghanzi with shame on their faces.

Glancing at each other, clenched the teeth, and immediately swept away at Lu Qingfeng from behind. Among them, Huanzi held a magic sword, but not a starsand sword, and slashed towards Lu Qingfeng. Feng Hanzi rolled up the cold wind to freeze and shatter Lu Qingfeng.

Zhu Yang sees the browsers tightly knit, unknown why.

"Good opportunity!"

Xi Yunzi and Su Muzhe were overjoyed. The feet move together, taking advantage of the situation to attack back and forth.

But at this time——

"Mima Mima Mima Mima Roar!"

Lu Qingfeng pinched the nameless seal in his hand and said incantation in his mouth nonstop.



The Huozi and Feng Hanzi who shot at Lu Qingfeng fell to the ground, the magic technique dissipated suddenly, with their hands holding their heads in pain, rolling all over the ground was obviously unbearable.

When I fell down, I had to endure for a moment, and a roar came from the depths of my throat-



The voice was hoarse, and the voice was higher than the voice, causing the two of them to be full of grimness, and the blue veins on their faces burst out. As soon as you see it, you can feel how much suffering they have suffered.



Xi Yunzi and Su Muzhe stopped their bodies for the second time, looking towards Huanzi, Fenghan Son, I felt my mouth dry for a while, and I didn't know what to say when I opened my mouth.

It's Friday, so ask for a recommendation ticket!

(end of this chapter)

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