
  Chapter 464 The cold essence is in hand, True Form is photographed!

"The three of you wait."

"I have no grudges with the three in the past, and I have no grudges in the past, so it's better to stop here. The three have something to ask for, and the old woman can't do it!"

The old mother of Guishan has been operating Guishan for a long time, and there are cultural treasures such as the Northern Sea under the Guishan, and there is also a great opportunity of First Layer.

She really didn't want to run away.

So hurriedly spoke up.

Lu Qingfeng, Zhu Yang, Jintong Monster King listened and looked at each other.

In the end, it was Zhu Yangdang who said, "I'm waiting here, just for the cold marrow."


It is safest to get the 'cold marrow' first.

"Cold marrow."

When the old woman heard this, Kameyama felt relieved, but her face showed pain, "Although the old woman has cultivated in the Northern Sea, But among the cold springs in the sea, the cold marrow is also rare, and it is difficult to have a drop in thousands of years, this-"

"Will you give it?!"

Golden pupil Monster King listened impatiently, and with a sudden swing of the iron rod in his hand, shouted at the old mother Kameyama. There is a big disagreement, and it means to make a move.

When the old mother Guishan saw this, her face became even more bitter, and she quickly said, "Although the cold marrow is rare, I also have two drops in my hand. I just hand over the cold marrow, and the three must promise to return it." Yuangui Divine Sword ' and 'Jellyfish Mysterious Yin Mirror', and don't kill me."


The old mother of Guishan looked towards Lu Qingfeng.

Zhu Yang and Jin Tong Monster King heard this and looked towards Lu Qingfeng.

The 'Yuangui Divine Sword' and the 'Jellyfish Xuanyin Mirror' are both first-class treasures in the world. It would be a bit embarrassing for him to hand them over to Lu Qingfeng.


"This mirror is returned to its original owner."

Lu Qingfeng held the Yuangui Divine Sword and put the Jellyfish Xuan in the other hand. The mirror is thrown forward.

The 'Jellyfish Mystery Mirror' was returned.

Mother Kameyama hurried to catch it, treasure was lost and found again, so much joy. It's just that compared with Yuangui Divine Sword, although the jellyfish Xuan Yinjing is also a treasure in the world, it is a lot worse. The old mother Guishan took the treasure mirror, and her eyes couldn't help looking towards the Yuangui Divine Sword in Lu Qingfeng's hand.

"Don't think about the Yuangui Divine Sword, hand over the cold marrow quickly, I'll retire immediately!"

Lu Qingfeng lifted the Yuangui Divine Sword behind him, looking Somewhat impatient.

When the old mother Guishan saw it, she knew that the Divine Sword of Yuangui was indeed too tyrannical and fell into the hands of this person. Although my heart was aching, I didn't dare to push too hard, so as not to ruin the major event.

“Fellow Daoist——”

The old mother Kameyama smiled bitterly, and when she stretched out her hand, two drops of crystal clear and near-transparent popped out, sending out bursts of cold halo liquid.

Zhu Yang's eyes lit up.

It didn't make a move.

"Cold marrow!"

Lu Qingfeng took out a jade bottle and pulled it by hand, and a drop of cold marrow immediately fell into the bottle. Take a closer look, it is extremely cold, it is the hard-to-find 'cold marrow'.

Gold pupil Monster King did the same, collecting another drop of cold marrow.

"It's done!"

Seeing that the cold marrow was in hand, Zhu Yang's heart was mostly settled, and the sickness on his face even dissipated a lot. Deliberately retreated directly, refining 'Revolving Yang True Water', and immediately said to Lu Qingfeng and Jintong Monster King sound transmission, "The old mother of Guishan is very good, and she has been cultivating in Guishan for four thousand years, and no one knows that in the deep stream. What kind of tricks are hidden in it, it's better to go back, and it won't be too late to get rid of her when Zhou Quan comes again."

Jin Tong Monster King hearing this, he also agreed in his heart.

Although most of the reputation of the old mother of Guishan is created by the Divine Sword, but the cultivation has been going on for a long time, and her own strength should not be underestimated.

Not only Zhu Yang.

Gold pupil Monster King also doesn't want to be too pushy, just relying on the white section to grow branches.

Lu Qingfeng looked at the old mother of Guishan, but he was determined to eliminate the evil. It's just that Zhu Yang and Jin Tong Monster King are all deeply withdrawn, so they don't force it, "It's fine."

With his current strength, it is not difficult for him to outperform Mrs. Kameyama. But she is proficient in water escape, and in this local world, no one can stop her if she wants to escape. If the snake won't die, it's better to keep her in Guishan, and when the cultivation progresses in the future, there is complete assurance to kill her again!


The three exited Kameyama.

Go out of the turtle mountain.

Flying across the Northern Sea.

Above Nine Heavens, Lu Qingfeng stood in the golden carriage, and rushed to Zhu Yang, who was walking through the clouds, "It's not too late. The two Fellow Daoists might as well go to my mountain, and take this 'Revolving Yang True' as soon as possible. Water 'How did you train?"

Zhu Yang and Jintong Monster King looked at each other, and they all responded, "Okay."

Golden Eyed Monster King is impatient.

Having got the cold essence, I have been impatient to see 'Revolving Yang True Water'. Zhu Yang is calm, but after all, he has only three hundred years to live, but he is the most eager one among the three.

Want to make it sooner.


The three of them quickly fled to the Eastern Sea.


In the middle of Kameyama.

“hu hu!”

“These three killing talents are finally gone!”

When the three of them left, Kameyama’s mother was relaxed. Grabbing the 'Jellyfish Xuanyin Mirror' in his hand, he thought of 'Yuangui Divine Sword' and 'Hanjui' for a while, his face twitched, revealing a hideous look, "Zhu Yang, Jin Tong, Dutian! After my mother, I will cultivate Dafa and get treasure. , I must avenge today's revenge!"

The killing intent in my heart was full, and the hatred rushed into the sky.

The old mother Guishan looked beyond Shenjian, gnashing teeth, and turned back to Shenjianshui Palace.


The Eastern Sea is full of mountains.

When the three of Lu Qingfeng were rushing back, a white clothed swordsman came outside Jinshan.

"This is all the mountains—"

Xun Tiange pressed the escape light, looked towards the archipelago in front, and raised his brows slightly.

Through Lu Qingfeng's technique of 'Two Realms and Ten Directions Vajra's Great Collection of Mantras', the mountains and rivers were changed. There are mists and mists that permeate the four directions, hiding all the mountains in the Eastern Sea, and no ordinary cultivator can see them.

Xun Tiange's cultivation base is extremely high, able to penetrate the fog and see all the mountains and islands. But if you look closely, you will find that there are countless dangers in it, like a fierce appearance, deterring all the little Demons.

Even a powerhouse like Xun Tiange didn't dare to step into it rashly.

"What a good monster Dao!"

Xun Tiange was shocked, and he was a little more afraid of Lu Qingfeng.

Stopping all the way out of the mountain, Xun Tiange didn't hide his traces, swaggered in and said to the mountain, "Aoki Valley Xun Tiange asks for a meeting, I have something important to discuss with Fellow Daoist."

The voice is loud, reaching into the mountains.

The fog in the mountains suddenly separated the road, and Aoki King Cauldron Avatar stepped out.

“Xun Tiange.”

Lu Qingfeng looked towards Xun Tiange, seeing his face as usual, he knew in his heart that it must be a hidden evil, but said with a smile, “Here comes Tiange Fellow Daoist , but the Ancestor Master in the north of your town has already prepared a hundred immortal crystals and made a special trip to send it?"

"Fellow Daoist knows that the number of hundred immortal crystals is huge, and the Ancestor Master can't be in a while. It is difficult to get it together. Therefore, Tiange was specially sent to come to the mountains, please Dutian Fellow Daoist for two years."

"Five years later."

"Hundreds of immortal crystals are here. ."

Xun Tiange secret voice transmission, obviously unwilling to let outsiders know about such coercion.

Lu Qingfeng listened, seeing that Xun Tiange was reluctant to speak up, he immediately nodded and said, "Five years is five years. However, if you still can't get immortal crystals after five years, don't blame Poor Daoist. Don't say anything!"

"It's natural."

"Tiange farewell."

After Xun Tiange got Lu Qingfeng's words, he didn't stop and turned around leave.

Lu Qingfeng watched Xun Tiange go away, shook his head with a smile, and turned around.

In ten days.

Aoki Valley.

Stars in great hall.

Miao Dao Po, Su Muzhe, Xi Yunzi, Kuang Tianqi, Xun Bai and other five people sat cross-legged each, but Yuezhong was attacked by poisonous fire and blood flames more than ten years ago, although he took Leng Yundan, At this moment, he is still seriously injured and is in retreat.

Since 12 years ago, Lu Qingfeng sacked Qingmu Valley and defeated the Primordial Spirit in Qingmu Valley. Dao slavery.

Aoki Valley has lost his face and face, and Miao Daobao and others are all suffocating anger in their hearts.

The hall was silent, and no one made a sound.

Not long.

From outside the hall, Xun Tiange strode forward.

Miao Dao and other five people stood up suddenly.

Then Kuang Tianqi was the first to greet him, anxiously said, "Is it possible?"

The other four also got up and all looked towards Xun Tiange.

But Xun Tiange raised his hand and typed out a page of the gold book, floating up and down in the air. On the golden page, there are strange symbols painted all over it, which makes people feel heart palpitations at a glance. The golden light faded, revealing a silhouette of a person, looking closely, it was quite similar to Lu Qingfeng.

“Monster Dao True Form is here.”

“This life is over!”

Xun Tiange pointed to the sky, voice said solemnly.


Su Muzhe praised and continued, "True Form was photographed by 'Book of Burning God', but as far as Primordial Spirit cultivator is concerned, few people can escape I will cast spells together, and I will definitely be able to burn the demons and essences to nothing!"

The Book of Burning Gods!

This was bestowed by Master Ancestor from Upper Realm Zhenbei, who threatened to be a cultivator under True Immortal, but if True Form was photographed, he would die. And the spellcasting is concealed, even if the distance is thousands of miles, it only takes 27 days of worshiping the True Form day and night, and the Burning God Book can be activated, burning the Primordial Spirit Divine Soul of the person who was photographed in the True Form, and will no longer survive.

There is no defense against the terminal, and it is sinister and vicious.

Xun Tiange went to the mountains to see Lu Qingfeng, talking about Xianjing is false, and secretly using the means to shoot Lu Qingfeng True Form is the truth.

Hurry back after success.

is about to cast.

"Hold on."

But Miao Dao raised her hand to stop, seeing everyone's eyes cast, slightly frowned, "The Burning God Book is activated, no matter where Monster Dao is, 27 After a few days, the Primordial Spirit will dissipate. This person still has the four treasures of Aoki Valley and the hollow willow willow. With the Five Colored Divine Light, I don’t know how much treasure has been collected. But the treasure may be hard to find."

Cursing to kill Lu Qingfeng.

The first is to cut off the calamity and prevent the mortal world from being wiped out.

The second is to secure the mountain gate in order to recapture the treasures, the hollow god willow and other things.

The former is important.

But the latter is equally important.

"This statement makes sense."

Xi Yunzi heard this, nodded agreed, and said, "I heard that Monster Dao, Ghost Immortal Zhu Yang and Monster King Jin Tong went out to Eastern Sea together. , is now missing. Simply the True Form has been photographed, so don't rush to do it. It is better to wait for Monster Dao's real body to appear, and then cast a spell to kill Monster Dao to regain the treasure in one fell swoop."

The Primordial Spirit cultivator is difficult to trace. Searching.

Even in Qingmugu, it is difficult to keep track of Lu Qingfeng's whereabouts, and it is not known that Lu Qingfeng, Zhu Yang and Jintong Monster King went to the Northern Sea.

"That's true."

"Then wait a little longer, go to track down the whereabouts of Monster Dao first, and then trouble my mother-in-law to follow him outside the mountains. Once you find Monster Dao's real body turns back, or Avatar goes out from Jinshan, let me know at any time."

Xun Tiange nodded, looked at Po Miaodao, and said.

"Leave it to me!"

Miao Dao's wife nodded agreed and flew to the Eastern Sea.

In the great hall of the stars, in addition to Xun Tiange guarding the Burning God Book, the others were also busy, looking for Lu Qingfeng's real body.


Two months later.

(end of this chapter)

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