
  Chapter 474 Where is the God of Jiuyang Mountain? !

"Yao elder sister."

Zhou Yujing listened to Lu Yao's words with a look of fear on her face, and continued, "I didn't mean to ignore Xiao big brother just now, I just came back, and I want to talk to him. Father and mother go home first. Just now, Senior Brother and I were still talking about going to see Uncle Lu and Auntie."

"I'm afraid that the evil law has been broken, so I'm going to investigate?"

Lu Yao listened, sneered, turned her head and looked towards Lu Xiao, "Did you see clearly? The words of this woman from the outside are the most unbelievable, her face has become faster than Caixia in the sky, so be careful in the future. ."

Lu Xiao remained silent.

The dynasty below ignored Lu Yao's words, and stood in the air, like a mortal couple respectfully said, "Junior is the daoist of the Treasure Vase Sect, I don't know the names of the two seniors, maybe Junior will come from the teacher. I've heard of it before."

The more ordinary Lu Qingfeng and Ao Le are, the more the dynasty knows that these two are definitely not weak. With his Third Stage, the cultivation base of Heaven, Earth and Human, the three souls of Heaven, Earth and Human are only one step away from entering the Third Stage. Even more tyrannical than his teacher.

How dare the dynasty be neglected.

"Aquarius daoist?"

"I haven't heard of it!"

With his level, I'm afraid he may not know the name of Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng is a high-ranking person and has been famous in Chunshen and Jiuzhou more than 50,000 years ago. But after all, the level is too high, time has flown, and even Primordial Spirit Shinichi may not have heard his name.

Not to mention the little Third Stage daoist.

It's called Dongxuzhou, but it has several points of possibility.

However, seeing the cautious appearance of the dynasty, Lu Qingfeng finally knew why the Aquarius Sect could exist for so long without being discovered.

"Move out of your teacher?"

"No need to bother."

"I'll move him in right away."

Lu Qingfeng smiled, waved his sleeves, and immediately a silhouette fell from the air, falling in front of Chao Dynasty and Zhou Yujing.

The two hurried to look at it, and they were shocked, "teacher?!"

I saw the person wearing a black-yellow daoist robe, holding a jade bottle in his hand, and fell to the ground Can't get up. He barely raised his head, his face terrified.

He is cultivation in the mountains.

Suddenly Heaven and Earth change, and it falls here, knowing that there must be an extraordinary expert approach. He tried to look up, his whole body was bound, and he couldn't get up, but at first glance, he saw the love disciple Dynasty and Zhou Yujing, the newly acquired dísciple a few years ago, standing in front of him.

My mind changed rapidly.

Immediately there was speculation.

"It must be these two scoundrels who offended Expert!"

Aquarius daoist was so angry that he just spoke up.

But Zhou Yujing took the lead.

That week Yujing saw the teacher being photographed, and the complexion changed.


Bending his knees, he knelt down on the ground, and said sadly, "I neglected Brother Xiao, if Uncle Lu wants to vent his anger on Brother Xiao, he can punish Yujing. Please spare teacher and Senior Brother. , everything is Yujing's fault, it has nothing to do with them!"

While crying, he kept kowtowing to Lu Qingfeng in the sky.

peng peng peng!

His forehead hit the ground, blood oozing out.


"You still dare to argue now!"

Lu Yao saw it at a glance, but she didn't believe it at all, and she felt contempt in her heart.

Lu Xiao was beside him, his face was blank and his thoughts were rolling in his heart. Zhou Yujing kept kowtowing in front of him. In a trance, he seemed to see the little girl in front of him and behind him again, calling out 'Xiao big brother', and he felt dull for a while, "Why is this?"

"What a white lotus flower."

Lu Qingfeng was bored when she saw Zhou Yujing's attitude. thoughts move, from the daoist's hand, the jade bottle falls into the air.

"My treasure bottle!"

jade bottle daoist panicked. This treasure bottle is the treasure of his life, and most of his strength is on the treasure bottle. If something goes wrong, even if he escapes his life today, he will be miserable in the future.

Lu Qingfeng ignored it.

At the click of a finger.

The mana poured into the jade bottle, and the jade bottle shattered.

In an instant——

"pu! ”

Aquarius daoist opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his expression quickly wilted, and his face even more ferocious and desperate color.

And just after the bottle was broken, one after another nether shadow rushed out and fell into the air to manifest silhouettes one by one. These silhouettes are similar in pairs, male or female, and they are all pairs of Dragon Phoenix twins.

“Monster Dao kills his life and cultivates evil methods.”

“Be punished!”

Lu Qingfeng’s voice is silent, and he will see you as soon as he says a word. The blood-spitting treasure bottle daoist had a frightened face, opened his mouth and shouted 'forgive your life', but the next moment turned into flying ash and dissipated with a 'bang'.

Lu Xiao and Lu Yao's eyes widened, even holding their breath.

Totally didn't expect, the doctor's benevolent father still has such a decisive side.


My heart was pounding, and I was momentarily stunned.


Zhou Yujing, who was kowtowing, paused.

Dynasty was even more frightened and fell to his knees, shouting loudly, "This thief cultivation has nothing to do with me, I don't know anything, please forgive me!"

cultivation Teachers whose base reached the Third Stage were all killed at will, how could the dynasty dare to have the slightest idea, and hurriedly knelt to the ground, begging for mercy.

Zhou Yujing also came back to his senses and said sadly, "Uncle Lu, you watched me grow up, I really don't know what Monster Dao did, Uncle Lu knows it!"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and said nothing.


A side scene is revealed in the sky——

Qingshan Between the green water, a man and a woman have messy clothes, and the woman's face has a trace of flushing after the incident. It is Zhou Yujing and Wang Chao. . Zhou Yujing snuggled in the arms of the dynasty, and said coquettishly, "I heard that the teacher is searching for the Dragon Phoenix twins and refining the treasure bottle. There is a pair in Qingcheng, where I was born. It is better to go back and secretly capture them and give them to the teacher. How is it?"

"Very good!"

"Qingcheng is in a remote location, and I lost two little fellows, no one would care!"

Dynasty His eyes lit up, and he rubbed Zhou Yujing's chest, causing the latter to be shy again, and then he said with a big smile, "If this is good for aptitude, the teacher will definitely be rewarded, if you give him a Spirit Pill , maybe I can break through the Soul Condensation Realm and be promoted to the One Realm!"

The two laughed.

Get out of Qingshan Green Water immediately.


The screen disappears.

The blood on Zhou Yujing and Wang Chao's faces was gone.

That Dynasty turned pale and said anxiously, "senior! senior! It was Zhou Yujing's slut who bewitched me, it was she who bewitched me, and I was taken advantage of!"

Zhou Yujing sat slumped. On the ground, blood oozing from his forehead, his face covered with blood, he lost his soul for a while, and came back to his senses for a while, his face showed a look of horror, realizing his own situation, he hurriedly kowtowed to Lu Qingfeng, "Uncle Lu, spare your life! Lu! Uncle, spare your life! Yujing knew it was wrong."

Said, she kowtowed to Lu Xiao again, crying and begging, "Xiao big brother Xiao big brother, please forgive me. I was obsessed for a while, I really Not a human being!"

The cry was miserable.

Lu Qingfeng ignored it, turned his head and looked towards Lu Xiao, and said loudly, "There is good in this world, there is evil, there is truth and there is false, there are all kinds of beautiful things, and there are many evils. Cultivation path, you must uphold good intentions in your heart, but you must also see through evil. Don't do evil things, and don't be hurt by evil people."

Looking at Lu Xiao, he seems to understand.

Lu Qingfeng was not in a hurry, and then said again, "The task of eliminating evil is complete, such as those who will kill people for no reason, die without regret."

The voice fell.

Zhou Yujing and Dynasty's eye sockets were all torn apart, and before they could raise their heads, they felt their hearts and hearts torn apart. They instantly turned into fly ash, and together with Divine Soul, they dissipated Human World.

Lu Xiao widened his eyes.

Lu Yao also held her breath.

Three living people just disappeared in front of their eyes, and their cognition has been greatly impacted over the years. For a time, even Lu Yao couldn't get used to it quickly.

Lu Qingfeng kept on, shouted at Heaven and Earth: "Where is the Jingguo City God, where is the Jiuyang Mountain God?!"

He fell.

Between Heaven and Earth, there is an aura.

I saw the two Spiritual Gods with panic on their faces, came hurriedly, bowed in front of Lu Qingfeng, and shouted, "Little God pays tribute to the emperor!"

Lu Qingfeng and Uncovered Godhead.

It is hard for mortals to see.

But a body of qi fell into the spiritual eyes of these two gods with the highest rank in the kingdom, and they knew immediately, and they were all terrified. They belong to Shanghe Divine Dao, but Jingguo is only a small country, and their rank is no more than Grade 5. In the presence of the Grade 1 gods such as Lu Qingfeng, even in front of the Kanchi Demon, who is in charge of good and evil, he is shiver coldly and fearful in his heart.

"These two people dressed up like the Jingguo City God and Jiuyang Mountain God. These are the great gods who are worshipped by incense throughout the Jingguo."

"They were afraid when they met their father. It's like this?"

Lu Yao's eyes were full of rays of light, and her eyes sometimes looked at the two Spiritual Gods, and sometimes they looked at Lu Qingfeng, only to feel that in one day, Heaven and Changes in Earth turning upside down.

My heart is confused, I feel both pleasantly surprised and a little nervous.

Looking at Lu Xiao again.

It was a little dull, but the two gods appeared, and the father showed his power, but woke him up from the complexity of Zhou Yujing's death, his eyes looked towards father, his eyes widened, "Kan impeaching the gods?"

Lu Qingfeng is not angry.

flicks with the finger, and there are two auras that fall into the eyebrows of the two gods.

"God forgive me!"

"It was my negligence that made the demon almost harm the two Highnesses!"

That City God, Mountain Divine Heart Frightened, he bent his knees and knelt in front of Lu Qingfeng. Jingguo Monster Dao almost killed the children of Kangai Shenjun, these two little gods were not only terrified, but desperate to the extreme.

This is such a great god.

Even blowing one breath is enough to kill dozens or hundreds of little gods like them, how can you not be afraid?

Seeing the two of them.

Lu Qingfeng looked dignified and said in his mouth, "Since you two are in charge of the Divine Dao of the Jingguo, you have the responsibility of investigating the good and distinguishing the evil. How can you neglect your duties?"

"I order you The constant speed will be investigated by the national landscape and city, and if there is a monster or Monster Dao in trouble, immediately report it to Patrol Envoy, and the Kangai God Division will send someone to deal with it."

The messenger of good and evil.

Grade 4 Spiritual God, the Lord seeks good and investigates evil.

"Abide by the decree of the king!"

The two gods hear this, and this is relaxed. Fortunately, this Divine Sovereign is not a murderous person, nor is he an unreasonable person. Otherwise, once they are angry, there is no reason for the two of them to survive.

"It's time to go."

Lu Qingfeng ordered to go on, which is a little reward for staying in Jingguo for 18 years. Without further ado, he performed the 'cloud blowing method' and led Lu Xiao and Lu Yao to the sky.

(end of this chapter)

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