
  Chapter 492 of Earth Immortal, the end of the 17th century! 【Two in One】

At midnight, a bright moon is in the sky.

Yuehua sprinkled silver frost, covering the sea of ​​blood.

Lu Qingfeng, with white hair and old age, sat on the altar, opened his eyes, opened his mouth and said softly, "Le'er wake up!" At the end of the ninth life of Ao Le, thousands of foreign demons and evil spirits attacked. Instead of tempting each other with various cravings for sound, color, and deliciousness, they poisoned each other with plucking hair, rotting bones, sore heart, extreme pain and itching, and bad smell. It is a hundred times more powerful than what it was before.

Being muddleheaded, miserable.

A familiar voice came to my ears.


In the chaotic mind, like the opening of chaos, there is an explosion in the clear sky, and all the past memories are remembered——

Childhood Wujiang suffering.

Minjiang got married when she was young.

Then the husband and wife are partners.

...... Original appearance, clearly visible.

It is Lu Qingfeng.


Ao Le's mouth was slightly raised, and he was happy at first sight.

The memory before and after turning the wheel is all remembered.

I was shocked and my soul became clear. All the pains and sorrows have receded, and the ninth generation is like smoke and dust, remembering everything that has gone through the calamity, and immediately realizes it. All experiences, all good deeds and great wishes are in the heart.

Only for future practice.

The Primordial Spirit is bright.

Then jumped out of the golden wheel and landed on the altar.

It always feels like the Primordial Spirit is so powerful that World's All Living Things is in control. Between the breath and the fingers, countless powers can bloom. Standing in the void, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is clear, as if bowed, comprehend at will.


Ao Le was very happy. Her aptitude was dull, and she had never been so close to Dao Original.

It is a joy to be close to nature suddenly.

Unable to understand.

Just came out.

I didn't even have time to see Lu Qingfeng, I saw two golden hazes pulling, and I immediately saw the blood sea fake Dragon Transformation Pond in front of me, Divine Dragon wandering into a human form.

Closing his eyes and hanging the curtains, he sits in the same position and does not move.

It's just that the gas engine is very different.

Haven't looked closely.

In the dimness, I could only see a silhouette above the altar, chanting mantras in one hand.

I gradually feel that the golden haze is getting more and more prosperous, like something with quality, the whole body is tied up, and I can't move. After about a few moments, he suddenly rushed towards the original seat.

On the head of the fleshy body, the golden haze pressed harder and harder, and the body sank only with the light below.

Looking down, the gate of the original body suddenly cracked open, knowing the essence of God. The golden haze above pressed down again, and heard a familiar voice: "Primordial Spirit returns to its original body quickly, it will take a while to grow. According to what I have taught, I will focus on my inner vision, return to the emptiness, and it will have its own magical effect. God, block the vitality."

It was Lu Qingfeng who spoke.

It's just that this voice sounds thick, and if you listen carefully, it's weak and dry, which is rather strange.

"Husband voice--"

I didn't have time to think about it.

Ao Le suddenly felt darkness in front of his eyes, and his body sank. The baby born from Primordial Spirit had returned to his orifices, and he knew that the nineteenth great achievement was accomplished. How dare you relax, stick to Husband's instructions, meditate, and sit up.

The Primordial Spirit fell into the fleshy body in an instant, and when there were countless mystery, countless surprises came. The whole movement method has been transformed long ago, and all the gains are in the heart.

Although there are thousands of promotions, there is a kind of all gains in control, all deserved.

A movement method gathers forces to form an extremely mysterious and abstruse indescribable thing.

Like fog, rain and wind.

Slightly inductive, there is a wonderful point rise in the mind, Ao Le opened his eyes, his eyes were bright and surprised, and exclaimed——

"Earth Immortal dao fruit!"

The physique and face are pearly and jade-like, the glow of divide light, and the Immortal Root of fairy bones.

Such as this treasure.

Not only has it become the Earth Immortal dao fruit, but also the indestructible and indestructible body of Earth Immortal.

Ao Le couldn't help but rejoice.

However, the words have not fallen, and the joy is uncertain.

I saw above the altar, a white haired old man walked out of the altar, and the old man's face was filled with joy. Ao Le glanced at it, and the joy in his heart suddenly receded like a tide.

A heart is cold and silent.


My eyes were dazed, and all of a sudden, sour and remorse flooded into Ao Le’s heart. Collapse.

Thousands of words, but in the end, only one sentence came out with a crying voice: "Husband lied to me!"

Full of joy to be certified Earth Immortal and be able to be with Lu Qingfeng for a long time.


When we meet again, Lu Qingfeng is already old and his life is exhausted. Ao Le's newfound Earth Immortal's eyesight, he can see at a glance-

Lu Qingfeng's lifespan is coming to an end.

Primordial Spirit, fleshy body.

All on the brink of extinction.

I can still talk now, but I just hang with my heart, but it is difficult to move half a step.

"Husband lied to me!"

Ao Le saw it at a glance, but couldn't bear it any longer.

Tears welled up in my eyes, as if the thread was broken. Just stand, just watch. Look at Lu Qingfeng's pale hair, look at the wrinkles on Lu Qingfeng's face, look at Lu Qingfeng's trembling body...

It was possible to support both heaven and earth a real man just a moment ago, but now it's old age , no more dive ability.

Ao Le's eyes were flushed, with endless pity, endless sorrow and endless regret in his eyes.

“It will take an infinite number of calamities to become Earth Immortal from the Primordial Spirit.”

“How can it be easy?!”

“I’m so stupid!”

"I'm so stupid!"

Ao Le cried and blushed, and couldn't help but feel remorse. In fact, over the years, I have relied on Lu Qingfeng too much, worshipped him too much, and trusted him too much. Seeing Lu Qingfeng's eloquent words, and knowing Lu Qingfeng's temperament, he even thought from the bottom of his heart that he would accompany Lu Qingfeng for a long time.

So much so.

Completely didn't expect, the gap between Primordial Spirit and Earth Immortal is more than cloud mud. Doing this heaven-defying move will bring disaster. This doom does not fall on the person who receives the law, but on the person who practices the law, Lu Qingfeng.

The results were obvious—

She was certified Earth Immortal.

But Lu Qingfeng was doomed and was dying.

"The three immortals are harassing, and this is the only way to do it."

Lu Qingfeng is on the altar, his white hair is swaying in the breeze, and his body is thin like a gust of wind. Blow down, far away from Ao Le. Seeing Ao Le sobbing, more regrets. With pity in my heart, I hurriedly explained, "I have good fortune, so I will be fine."


Suddenly had a feeling in the heart again.

Pointing to the sky with one finger, he said with a smile, "Today, Le'er achieves Earth Immortal.

wu wu wu !

The clear skies rained blood, and Heaven and Earth wailed. Heaven and Earth are all over the place, and there are feelings both inside and outside of the ancient war-

"Earth Immortal falls, Heaven and Earth mourn together?!"

Look at the sky again.

"I am Earth Immortal!"

"Undying and Inextinguishable!"

Fighting King's face flushed, his energy changed violently, The fire has damaged the foundation, and it has not been completely recovered. Just when Lu Qingfeng's fingers, it is difficult to suppress the blood of the devil that entangles Divine Soul, dao fruit and even the fleshy body.


A light sound, both shocked and angry, turned into fly ash and dissipated. No matter how high the cultivation , how much the hole card is, it is still Earth Immortal after all. Suffered by Lu Qingfeng as a real immortal cultivator, with a life span of 100,000 years, and executed the Great Divine Ability incantation, there is no reason to survive.

This mantra is less than a day away.

dignified Gu Shang First Immortal, and thus fell.



One yuan Ancestor Master and golden light Ancestor Master all opened their eyes, their eyes were full of horror, and they opened their mouths to speak .

Of course——


Before making a sound, the body turned into a bubble, and it disappeared above the sky.

Each one of Lu Qingfeng has 50,000 years of life essence, and now he is also following the footsteps of the King of Heaven.

wu wu wu.


Three immortals fall.

Heaven and Earth play a sad song.

Ancient mourning all over the world.

In the Ancestral Dragon Abyss, the Dragon Transformation Pond shone with Spirit Treasure, and mysterious burst out. The three dragon ancestors were sitting around, each meditating and comprehend. Feeling suddenly, Qi Qi looked up at the sky and saw a rain of blood falling from the sky.

Shanghe Old Ancestor waved his hand, and the scene thousands of miles away came into view.

Dou Zhan Tianwang's eyes were filled with resentment, and he flew into ashes.

One yuan Ancestor Master sword qi soared into the sky and fell sadly.

The golden light Ancestor Master's eyes were round, and his grief and anger were silent.

The three Earth Immortals fell into the dust together in one day and turned into dust.

Old Ancestor in Xihai couldn't hold back any longer, and exclaimed in exclamation——



More than Zu Longyuan.

The Jiushi Mountain where the Battle of Heaven is located.


“Shuzier dare?!”

A demon monkey able to support both heaven and earth, pounding his chest and stomping his feet, making a vibrating sound roar. Rolling the wind and thunder, it swept to the south.

Northern Sea Nine True Domains.

In the direction of Jiuzhen Immortal Sword Sect, Bai Changqing said sadly and silently in his eyes, "teacher."

next moment.

It also turned into sword light and went straight to Chunshen domain.

Southern Sea.

Blue sea secluded palace.

Situ Zhan ascended to the sky with a sad face, "teacher has no competition with others all his life, he has been certified Earth Immortal Undying and Inextinguishable, but he fell into the hands of Guangyuan for Human Race immortal dao."

She thought of teacher exhortations.

Looking at Chun Shenyu in the south, "Teacher forgive me, forgive the disciple for not obeying orders!"


Thousands of azure flickering, sea wave overflowing heaven, came crashing toward Chunshenyu.


Earth Immortal fell, and all the Earth Immortals in this world were alarmed. Fighting Tianmen, Jiuzhen Immortal Sword Sect, and the remaining three Earth Immortals in Bihai Youxu Palace were either extremely angry, grief-stricken, or sighing, all of them rushed to Chunshenyu.

The Great Saint of Beiyin and the Great Saint of Psychic are watching from afar.

There is a silhouette in my heart, which is buried deep and difficult to remove.


The four directions have nothing to do with Lu Qingfeng.

Earth Immortal fell.

Heaven and Earth Elegy.

In Lu Qingfeng's ears, it became a tribute to Ao Le's achievement of Earth Immortal. Listening quietly, a pair of eyes that gradually lost their diving light looked towards Ao Le with a smile.

Seeing the latter crying silently.

It is both pity and laughter, "I am a mysterious creature, an alternative Undying and Inextinguishable. Sixteen years later, you can find it at Hidden Dragon Mountain, the former capital of Fenglin Daoya. At that time, I was a mortal body, and I would like to rely on Le'er, the Earth Immortal, to become a true Cointreau."

Lu Qingfeng and Ao Le were amused and relaxed.

After many trials and tribulations, Ao Le finally became Earth Immortal. From then on, in the Xianqin realm, it is difficult to have any threats. Among the ninth worlds of the wheel, all the calamities that should befall him have been borne by him. The ninth generation has accumulated and has deep roots. Earth Immortal is only the starting point. Carefully practice in the future, and it is hoped that you will be promoted to Heavenly Immortal.

As for Lu Qingfeng.

Although it promises the fate of the ninth world, it is in the "Great Desolate". When the catastrophe comes, it's just one encounter in the Reincarnation Pond, and it can come back sixteen years later.

No fear at all.

this life.

He is dying.

More execution of curse and killing, unable to revive.

But after reincarnation, sixteen years later, you can return to the world.

At that time.

You can stay with Ao Le forever and never separate.


Looking back on this life, Lu Qingfeng couldn’t help showing a smile on his face when he thought of meeting and acquainting with Ao Le.

All the burdens in my heart were put down, and the mind that had been tense for an unknown number of years was relaxed. He cursed and killed three Earth Immortals one after another. His lifespan was exhausted, and backlash came, and it was unbearable.

He was relieved.

Only two sentences left in time.

Seeing Ao Le open his mouth, weeping like pear blossoms in the torrential rain, but he couldn't hear anymore, and even the silhouette of Ao Le became more and more hazy in his eyes.



Ao Le cried out in a mournful voice, at this time came back to his senses from regret and rushed forward Want to hug Lu Qingfeng tightly. However, he put his arms around——

hu hu!

The person in his arms has turned into smoke and dispersed, and hugged the futile.


“Husband, don’t leave Le’er!”

Ao Le panicked, with extreme sadness and fear in his heart. Her mana is running, and her divine sense is sweeping the world. She wants to search for the traces of Lu Qingfeng, to find the soul of Lu Qingfeng.

However, Lu Qingfeng's situation is special.

After he died, he immediately fell into a chaotic space, and even Heavenly Immortal and Golden Immortal would be hard to see, let alone Ao Le who became Earth Immortal.


Ao Le cried out in grief, but no trace of Lu Qingfeng could be found.

“Sea of ​​blood!”

She thought of the sea of ​​blood.

Lu Qingfeng has blood sea Avatar, Undying and Inextinguishable, must be in the blood sea.

The divine sense swept across, searching the sea of ​​blood inch by inch.

The sea of ​​blood is dead silent.

No sound at all.


The number of Immortal Tribulations created against the sky is not small, and the Earth Immortal backlash is huge.

Coming together, not only Lu Qingfeng's deity died, but First Layer's heavy Avatar also collapsed.

To be completely erased from this world.

Blood sea Avatar also perished naturally.

“Yu Mountain!”

Ao Le was deathly pale, only his eyes were blood red, he swept his body and went straight to Yushan.


"I wonder which Fellow Daoist came to my Yushan?"

Above Yushan, Quang Ninh True Immortal lowered his body, with three eyes in his eyes. In horror, he looked at the woman who came with the wind and the fire. The woman was wearing a long light purple dress, her body was full of breath, and her face was stunned like a madman.

When I saw True Immortal in Quang Ninh, I felt that this woman was quite familiar, but it was hard to think of it for a while. Looking more closely, I saw that his Qi machine had already surpassed True Immortal.

“Earth Immortal?!”

He was horrified.

Before he thought, he saw the woman rushing towards him without looking at him.

Flick the sleeves—


The Quang Ninh True Immortal will fly several tens of thousands of li.

"pu! ”

When the True Immortal of Quang Ninh was severely injured, it immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood. For no apparent reason, I saw the woman rush into Yushan and head straight for the Headmaster Cave Mansion.

Break the Cave Mansion with one blow.


The woman glanced at Cave Mansion, her voice was mournful and flustered, and she flew away for a moment.

"This is—"

Quang Ninh True Immortal wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes full of surprise and suspicion.

Flying back to Mount Yu, I saw that in the Cave Mansion, where Luo Fuzi cultivation is in charge, there are ninety-nine swords arranged.

Stunned at first sight.

Looking at the woman's direction, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and Quang Ning True Immortal's eyes suddenly widened: "That's Guang Yuan's wife, Ao Le?!"


Ancient Shangbuzhou.

In the original Qi State Fenglin Dao Realm, there is a fairy mountain called 'Hidden Dragon Mountain'.

Hidden Dragon Mountain is winding and lush with green trees. From a distance, it looks like a dark-colored Black Dragon, and there is another peak protruding, as if Immortal God descended to conquer the evil dragon, hence the name.

In recent years.

There are also rumors that there is a female immortal in the mountains, the most kind-hearted, often giving to the world. Over time, deeds have spread, and after several derivations, there are many versions.

But most call it 'Fulong Holy Mother'.

This day.

A ray of light flew fast, and flew straight towards Hidden Dragon Mountain. Looking closely, I saw that in the midst of the light, there was a man who looked pale, with a delicious and pretty woman holding a serious wound and bleeding.

“cough cough!”

The light escaped very fast, the man was seriously injured and coughed up blood, said with a smile, “Xiaoer don’t mind me. I was injured by Monster Tiger, The fire mana has penetrated into the heart, and even immortal can't cure it. You quickly put me down and escape by yourself. There is hope for revenge in the future."

The man was seriously injured.

Just a few sentences, coughing several times in succession, and interrupting several times.

Finished off and on.

Yi Xiao's face turned solemn, said solemnly, "Don't talk nonsense! I'll take you to Hidden Dragon Mountain. I heard from Royal Father earlier that it was the 'Fulong Holy' in Hidden Dragon Mountain. Mother 'has great magic power, but it is not inferior to the Peak immortal of my Shanghe Longzu. Sitting on Hidden Dragon Mountain just to wait for the return of my husband, is the most affectionate immortal in the world, and even more so One's kindness and kindness."

"If there is a lover who sincerely bows before the Hidden Dragon Mountain, they will surely be rescued by the Holy Mother. Although Brother Yun is seriously injured, even the sword Dan is broken. But as long as the 'Fulong Holy Mother' 'If you take action, you will be able to recover completely."

Yi Xiao said, thinking of the various legends of the 'Fulong Holy Mother' in Hidden Dragon Mountain, and he was also a little apprehensive.

Severe injuries such as the shattering of the Sword Pill, I am afraid that even immortal may not be able to treat them at will.

She has no relationship with the 'Fulong Holy Mother', and even heard that Fulong's Holy Mother has some connection with the 'Guangyuan Immortal Sect', which is located in Chunshenyu in the south. And Guangyuan Immortal Sect and Shanghe did not deal with it.

She is Dragon Clan, begging to come to the door, and there is very little hope that she will be able to invite the Holy Mother to move.

It's just a last resort.

Yi Xiao can only try to find anyone or anything in a crisis and grab the last straw.


Qin Yun heard this and knew what Yi Xiao was thinking. Although he didn't quite believe in the existence of the so-called 'Fulong Holy Mother', he persuaded him at this time. , Yi Xiaoding couldn't listen.

Then secretly sighed and remained silent.

Escape light quickly.

Soon to Hidden Dragon Mountain.

“Yi Xiao asked to see Fulong Holy Mother Empress, Junior’s husband was seriously injured by subduing the demon, and his life was in danger. There is no way out, please Empress also have mercy!”

Falling at the foot of the mountain.

Yixiao carefully put down Qin Yun who was dying, and kneeled respectfully, said respectfully to Hidden Dragon Mountain, and kowtowed to the ground.

Three steps and one prayer.

Nine steps and one tap.

Doesn't cast any magic, just reveals it with a single heart.

and until nine days later.

Yixiao's knees have long been ground, and the flesh and blood are consumed, revealing the bones. The blood on the forehead was blurred, and even Yi Xiao's consciousness was a little hazy.

In a trance.

The sky seemed to have rained down, the forehead and knee injuries were immediately recovered completely, and the mind was restored to sobriety and calmness. Looking at Qin Yun, who was already in critical condition, his weak Qi quickly grew. The broken sword core and the scattered mana also condensed in an instant.

Yi Xiao and Qin Yun looked at each other.

The two had surprises in their eyes, and they were even more grateful.

I was about to pay homage to Hidden Dragon Mountain when I saw Heaven and Earth change and landed outside the mountain.

"Qin Yun (Yi Xiao) thanked Holy Mother Empress life-saving grace!"

The two knelt outside the mountain.

It took another full nine days before I got up and left.

In Hidden Dragon Mountain.

A Li Ying sits cross-legged on a rock in the mountains, with a thin body and a sad back. Endless sadness, loneliness and entanglement, it has been quite sad against a beautiful woman.

Only in one pair of eyes, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Women are like rocks, immobile.

Two figures swept up in the distance, another man and a woman, and landed in front of the mountain. When they came, Qin Yun and Yi Xiao were still kneeling outside the mountain. When the two saw it, they knew the whole sequence of events.

"It must be the mother who couldn't bear to see the couple parting, and descended to Dafa."

The handsome, slightly straightforward man glanced at Qin Yun and Yi Xiao, Guess.

The two walked past Qin and Yi.

The latter two are also Golden Core Realm, but they didn't notice it at all.

The two crossed.

Looking up and seeing the woman on the mountain, the two looked at each other and immediately started walking up the mountain. When she got to the woman, the worry on her face faded, and it was replaced by a bright smile.

The woman who came up the mountain with a sword in her hand was full of heroism, and took a few steps to the woman who looked like a rock. The two have several points of similar appearance, the former stepped forward and said crisply, "Mother, Lu Xiao and I are here to see you."

Lu Xiao was behind.

Looking at mother who I haven't seen for a long time, my heart is complicated. He is not good at covering up his thoughts and tries his best to hide, but in the end he has an unsightly forced smile on his face, "Mother."

"Yaoer Xiaoer."

Ao Le is in a trance , Seeing the arrival of the children, his eyes showed a little agility, and he said with a smile, "You are not in Chunshen for cultivation, but come to Hidden Dragon Mountain for what."

This smile has long since disappeared. The charm of the past.

Lu Xiao and Lu Yao looked at each other.

In the end, Lu Yao said, "My daughter knows that my mother likes to be close. However, Lu Xiao and I were just promoted to Primordial Spirit Integration Realm a few days ago. We are very happy, and I came here to announce the good news to my mother."

"Integration Realm."

"Not bad."

Ao Le's face became more serious, and he looked at Lu Xiao and Lu Yao, slightly Nodding, said softly with a smile, "Over 16,000 years of achievements in Integration Realm, although not as good as your father, but much better than Wei Niang."


Ao Le paused and was a little lost.

Seeing this, Lu Xiao knew that the mother must be thinking of the father again, and couldn't help but persuade, "Dad said back then that he would return in 16 years, and now it has been 16,000 years. Why is my mother here? It's better to stay with us at the Hidden Dragon Mountain than to Huichun Shen, or to stay with Lu Yao at Hidden Dragon Mountain."

Lu Xiao was really distressed when he saw his mother like this.

The current year.

When father Guangyuan was still alive, mother was totally different.

But since 16,000 years ago, father fought against the sky and killed three Earth Immortals one after another, pushing mother to Earth Immortal, and suffered backlash.

Since then, it will be dead and will never return.

The mother looked everywhere, like a madman.

In addition, he fought on Douzhan Tianmen, Jiuzhen Immortal Sword Sect, Bihai Youxu Palace, slaughtered dozens of True Immortals, and fought fiercely with the three major Earth Immortals for 16 years.

Since then, sitting in Hidden Dragon Mountain, the first class is 16,000 years!

"16,000 years."

Ao Le listened, not knowing what to think, the corners of his mouth showed a radian, but there was a rare smile on his face. She looked at Lu Xiao, who was worried, and looked towards Lu Yao, who stared at Lu Xiao who was rather annoyed. She couldn't help saying with a smile, "You father possess great magical power, never lie. If you say you will come back, you will definitely. Come back. If he does not return in 16 years, I will wait for him for 160 years, 1600 years, 16,000 years. Even 160,000 years, 1.6 million years, I can wait.”

"Earth Immortal life essence is immeasurable."

"Sooner or later, I will meet him, Hidden Dragon Mountain."

Lu Xiao and Lu Yao listened, Heart can not help but sigh.

Ao Le's eyes were firm, and he looked towards the son and daughter, "You should also have a good cultivation, lest your father return, but only a mother is left."

"Yes, Mother."

Lu Xiao and Lu Yao bowed their heads in response, taking advantage of the situation to ask mother for many questions about cultivation. Second, talking with mother and resolving loneliness is what the two of them want.

But three days later.

The two were still kicked out of Hidden Dragon Mountain.

The two siblings walked out of the mountain and looked back. They saw Hidden Dragon Mountain with green vegetation and flowers blooming in all seasons.

On the top of the mountain.

Ao Le is wearing a light purple dress, sometimes sad and sometimes happy. Sit and watch the sun rise and the moon set, and the clouds rise and disappear.

Ten years.

One hundred years.

The previous 16,000 years were like a day, without moving a single minute.

The years after that --

The same is true!

The two-in-one chapter will be together at night, don't wait and don't rush.

(end of this chapter)

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