
  Chapter 585 Brother Zhu, what is the price of 'Bright-Sight Spirit Water' here? 【First update! 】

This ominous beast is born with eight feet, and the eight feet glow with dim light, like a sharp long knife, which is daunting. The whole body is cast like iron stone, which is even more tyrannical. A pair of eyes are very cold and severe, and you can tell fierceness at first sight.

Although he is only the size of a yellow dog and his Qi is only equivalent to the Core Formation at the beginning of Jin Jin, his ferocity is unusual.

Lu Qingfeng saw the ominous beast, his eyes lighted up, "Is this the strange beast 'Eight-legged Sabre Chi' that Brother Zhu subdued?"

On the way.

Zhu Yang told him in detail the entire process of development that was chased and killed by the ten beasts Vajra, of which the 'eight-legged sword' was the main reason. Seeing this strange beast with obvious characteristics, Lu Qingfeng couldn't recognize it.


Zhu Yang nodded, then he stretched out his hand to check where he was, and took a giant python out of thin air. The giant python swallowed the clouds, looking extremely terrifying. But curled up in front of this eight-legged sword cub, shiver coldly.

“The eight-legged swordfish feeds on snakes and pythons. This Xuanyin beauty anaconda has a good taste and is the favorite of the eight-legged swordsman.”

Zhu Yangchong Lu Qingfeng explained.

Waiting for the eight-legged sword to pounce, he cut the Xuanyin beauty anaconda into dozens of pieces, and then rushed to the eight-legged sword and said, "Let's eat it aside."

The eight-legged sword chi has a vicious appearance, but is extremely obedient.

Huh huh huh.

The Xuanyin beauty boa cut into dozens of pieces is transported to an empty stone chamber in Cave Mansion and devoured quickly.

"The eight-legged sword has great potential, and is naturally compatible with killing, with Blade Dao inheritance flowing in the bloodline. Once an adult, it is Primordial Spirit Peak. If there is a chance, it is also easy to achieve the True Immortal level. "

"Brother Zhu is very lucky."

Lu Qingfeng took his eyes away from the Eight-legged Sabre Chi and said to Zhu Yang with a smile.

This eight-legged sword is a strange beast, although it is a bit more ferocious, its temperament is violent and low-minded. But it is precisely because of this that he can concentrate on killing and studying Blade Dao.

Clear comprehension This is the way, but it is much easier than the ordinary cultivator.

It can be described as blessed by heaven.

Controlling this beast, as long as it is carefully cultivated, Zhu Yang may be able to appear as a True Immortal helper who is good at fighting.

It's really good.

"Brother laugh."

"It's just a trick."

Zhu Yang also smiled.

Obviously, he also knew that once the eight-legged sword was cultivated, it would be of great help to him.

The two chatted from the eight-legged sword, and then talked about their future plans.

"In the small Dragon-Tiger realm, the Pill Dao lineages such as Qingmu Valley are all headed by Danxia Mountain. Among this mountain, it is said that there is a cultivation of Taoism. Ten thousand li or so travels around the mountains, starting from three mountains and nine The old Ancestor of Xun’s family, north of Xunzhen, is standing behind the water.”

“In addition.”

“The Wuxiang Temple in the west of Mount Landa is the The source of the Liuchen Temple in the Three Mountains and Nine Waters."

"Brother Daoist has a grudge with Qingmu Valley and Liuchen Temple in the lower realm. This time, Danxia Mountain and Wuxiang Temple will not give up. To be on the safe side, It's better to leave the small Dragon-Tiger realm as soon as possible."

Zhu Yang soared for four hundred years.

The knowledge of the enemy that Lu Qingfeng provoked was limited to four hundred years ago.

I don't know, apart from Qingmu Valley and Liuchen Temple, that is, Danxia Mountain and Wuxiang Temple in the small Dragon-Tiger realm, the person in front of me also offended the Black Dragon True Monarch Chilianshan, Jiuri Ridge Fire God Palace.

Even because of the inheritance of Jiuyu immortal in Heavenly Tablet Secret Realm, Fairy Maiden Zi Ling in Qijue Mountain and Plum Blossom Sanren in Ningbiya Plum Blossom Cave are inseparable.

More than that.

Lu Qingfeng also has several points of cause and effect in winning Yuanguicheng, and the Ice and Snow Divine Palace in Little Cold Mountain.

That's it.

In the small Dragon-Tiger realm, most of the Great Influences are at odds with each other, and the small half are unknown to me. But only in terms of being a 'Heavenly Dao person', Lu Qingfeng only has some friendship with Han Linger, the third disciple of Ancestor Master Qin Feng in Tongtianxia Gorge.

It is not useful at critical time.


Looking around, it is really full of enemies.

"Brother Zhu is very right."

"Poor Daoist is thinking this."

Lu Qingfeng said.

Zhu Yang heard this, frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "It is close to the small Dragon-Tiger realm, and in the west there are many Buddha cultivators, so it is not easy to hide. The situation in the small secluded capital in the east is chaotic. It’s dangerous, but if you’re talking about hiding, it’s the most suitable.”

Zhu Yang has never left the Little Dragon-Tiger Realm since his ascension, but he listened and asked questions about the east and west sides of the Little Dragon-Tiger Realm. The second realm is somewhat understandable. The intention at this time is to suggest that Lu Qingfeng go to the 'Xiaoyoudujing' to the east.

"Little secluded capital?"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head.

This realm is adjacent to the small Dragon-Tiger realm. Although the two realms in the Nine Nether realm are extremely far apart, it is difficult to communicate with each other, and even True Immortal is difficult to know the recent situation in the neighbors. But for the Great Influences such as Fire God Palace, Chilian Mountain, and Danxia Mountain, once they are exposed, it will not take long to know.

The distance is still not enough, which is not appropriate.

"The spiritual realm is vast, and the mountains and rivers are mostly Great Demon Great Demons, and it is difficult to fly. Even if you go to neighboring areas, if you travel alone, the Primordial Spirit cultivator is hopeless, only True Immortal can fly away. It can only be possible in a hundred years. There are routes between different realms, but the price is high, and most of them are controlled by the Great Influence. ."

Zhu Yang frowned, looked towards Lu Qingfeng and said, "I don't know what other plans my brother has?"

The immensity of heaven and earth.

Usually flying away, really slow.

As in the Earth Immortal world, if there is no Great Divine Ability, ordinary True Immortal would not even think about going to and from the four continents. For example, in the Azure Dragon mountain area, most True Immortals are only active in that area, at most a million li.

Also known as Celestial Court Palm Controlling Heaven and Earth, the Thunder Department is in charge.

The Marshall Mansion and General's Residence where Lu Qingfeng is located can only use the authority of Heaven and Earth to dispatch troops to come and go.

Idle True Immortal has never been so convenient.

The same is true for the spirit realm.

Zhu Yang came early and knew the difficulty.


Lu Qingfeng laughed, pointed to the east, and said, “Poor Daoist doesn’t stop at any part of the Nine Nether realm, ready to go to the Foreign Domain battlefield cultivation.”

“Foreign Domain battlefield?”

Zhu Yang was puzzled.

He has soared for four hundred years, but he doesn't know where and what the name of this 'Foreign Domain Battlefield' is.

“Brother Zhu doesn’t know?”

Lu Qingfeng was hesitant to see Zhu Yang’s doubts.

"I don't know."

"However, this spiritual realm is vast, and only in the small Dragon-Tiger realm did Zhu know sporadically. This Foreign Domain battlefield sounds like it is in the Foreign Domain , I don't know what this 'Foreign Domain' refers to?"

Zhu Yang said, looking towards Lu Qingfeng and asked, "Where did Daoist know about the 'Foreign Domain Battlefield', and how do you know how to get there?"

"This Foreign Domain Battlefield Poor Daoist is also from—"

Lu Qingfeng saw this, and he was about to get the information about 'Foreign Domain Battlefield' from Han Linger in detail. Come.

Foreign Domain battlefield.

This 'domain' refers to both the 'spirit domain' and the 'realm', which means that the Nine Nether world Foreign Domain is even the battlefield of the Spirit Foreign Domain.

According to Han Linger.

There are many demons in the Foreign Domain, coveting Heaven and Earth --

"The ruthless and cruel are the demons, and the cunning and vicious are the spirits."

Therefore these Foreign Domain Demons, all of them are violent, cruel, cunning and vicious. For example, the star-sucking demons outside the world of mountains and rivers sneak in from the defensive gaps of the Foreign Domain battlefield.

It is about to subvert the world at every turn.

In the Foreign Domain battlefield, there are countless monsters such as star-sucking lords and star-sucking demons, hiding the sky and covering the earth. I don't know when it started, the Great Influences of the Spirit Domain have surrounded the Foreign Domain in all areas, with Celestial Grotto, Blessed Land, battlefield, Dojo, hundreds of millions of cultivators, laying down a heavy line of defense.

For example, Foreign Domain in the Nine Nether world has seven lines of defense.

The further you go to the periphery, the more dangerous it is. But at the same time danger comes with opportunity. For example, Chao Jue, the son of Fire God Palace Fire Crow who died at the hands of Lu Qingfeng, practiced in the Foreign Domain battlefield. His battle strength was superior and the cultivation speed was very fast, and he accumulated a net worth comparable to True Immortal.

Cultivation is sharpened in battle.

The priceless and unique rare treasure increases in strength.

spirit pill and marvelous medicine gain cultivation base.


Everyone who fought and survived on the Foreign Domain battlefield was a leader of the same rank.

When Lu Qingfeng decided to use the 'Eight Wastes Avatar' to go out of the Three Mountains and Nine Waters, Han Linger suggested that Lu Qingfeng go to the Foreign Domain battlefield to hone. With Lu Qingfeng's cultivation base, although there is no need to sharpen the cultivation by combat, the foreign Domain's priceless and unique rare treasure, spirit pill and marvelous medicine are also attractive to Lu Qingfeng.

Even go to the Foreign Domain to fight and make connections.

This will be of great benefit to him in the future against Fire God Palace, Chilian Mountain, Danxia Mountain, Wuxiang Temple, and even Qijue Mountain and Ningbi Cliff.


Lu Qingfeng came out with 'Tian City' this time. If it was shown in the small Dragon-Tiger environment, it would be strong, but it was too conspicuous after all. Once released, it must be spread to the Quartet, and it will be discovered by the enemy in a short time.

Not so.

It's better to go to the Foreign Domain battlefield and give it a try.

With his 'Eight Wilderness Xuan Huo Jian' and 'Tian City' in hand, Peak True Immortal is not afraid. As long as he is given some time to realize all the designs and visions of Battle City in "Great Desolate", he can even compete against Earth Immortal.

At that time.

Even Avatar is of great use.

"That being said, this 'Foreign Domain Battlefield' is really a good place." Zhu Yang's eyes lit up after hearing this.

He is in the lower realm, rising from the low, and he has achieved today's achievements after countless experiences, and he has never been afraid of challenges. When I learned about the 'Foreign Domain Battlefield', instead of being afraid, I was very interested.

“Brother Zhu also has an idea?”

Lu Qingfeng looked towards Zhu Yang and asked.

"Naturally there is."

"It's just that the situation of the 'Foreign Domain Battlefield' is still unknown and how to get there."

Zhu Yang said.

Lu Qingfeng laughed immediately, "It is not difficult to go to the Foreign Domain battlefield. For example, Fire God Palace, Ice and Snow Divine Palace, Danxia Mountain, etc., every once in a while, Primordial Spirit cultivator will be recruited in loose cultivator. Even real immortal cultivators, together with their own Primordial Spirit and True Immortal dísciple, are sent to the Foreign Domain battlefield. One is to replenish the soldiers, and the other is to experience their own dísciple.”

“After two years, the line will reach the sky. Gorge will recruit loose cultivators and send them to the Foreign Domain battlefield. Poor Daoist has some friendship with Fairy Han in the first-line Tongtian Gorge. With her recommendation, it is not difficult to win the election. And after arriving on the Foreign Domain battlefield, with the relationship of Fairy Han, he can also invest in Fairy Han. Fairy Han is under the command of the two Senior Brothers."

"The two hold a battle city each, and the soldiers under their command are quite powerful."

"You and I went, too. It won't be smeared in the eyes and used as cannon fodder."

Seeing Zhu Yang's move, Lu Qingfeng added another fire.

Zhu Yang has excellent innate talent.

In less than two thousand years, the Peak powerhouse was built into three mountains and nine waters.

Three thousand years, it is already Primordial Spirit Peak cultivation base.

The future is boundless.

Don't talk about Earth Immortal, as long as you don't fall in the middle, at least Peak True Immortal has his seat.


In addition, he also has an eight-legged sword, once he grows up, it is also a Peak True Immortal battle strength.

He and Zhu Yang are old acquaintances and have First Layer affection. Today, I saved his life again, and I am even more kind.

Go to the Foreign Domain battlefield together, and it will be much more convenient to be alone in the future.

As long as it's a fluke.

Zhu Yang can become Earth Immortal, which is even more great.

"Thanks to the Taoist brother, Zhu is willing to go with the Taoist brother to the Foreign Domain battlefield." Zhu Yang got up and rushed to Lu Qingfeng cup one fist in the other hand, saying solemnly .


"Foreign Domain is much more interesting with Brother Zhu around."

Lu Qingfeng smiled, thinking, When I wanted to discuss the details with Zhu Yang, I suddenly thought of something, and I couldn't help asking Zhu Yang, "Brother Zhu, is there a 'Bright-Sight Spirit Water' for sale in Qingming Mountain, and what is the price?"


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(end of this chapter)

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