
  Chapter 604 Fighting outside the mountains, Great Saint shows its power!


Ancient Era, the great witch 'Wu' was ordered to manage 800 volcanoes, and accidentally contaminated a kind of strange insect that lived in the lava deep in the volcano. The strange insect feeds on the flesh, bone, marrow and even the soul of the great witch.

Every time, it will cause severe pain.

The strange insect is born with two sharp pincers, and even the body of the great witch is difficult to compete with. It can also change from reality to reality without being restrained.

There is almost no restraint method, which is difficult to eliminate.

The formidable power is not large, and there are many restrictions on reproduction. The number is extremely rare. The bone marrow, flesh, and even the head of soul thought, etc., can't keep up with the normal growth and growth rate of the witch.

So not fatal.

But only one thing—


The pain of hard to describe!

'Wu' screamed in pain for forty-nine days and night, and it was finally unbearable. The dignified sorcerer could not endure the pain, so he self-destructed himself to find relief.

Terrorized the ancients.

The strange insect is like an ant, as small as a grain of rice, because it makes a faint sound of tiger roaring when it eats and swims, and because the big witch 'Wu' indirectly killed the strange insect's mouth, so the world calls this strange insect It is called——

'Yan gnaws Wu ants'!

The great witch 'Wu' died by self-destructing, and he also blew up the ancient strange insect into powder. Only a trace of bloodline was left behind, and it evolved into today's 'Yan Yan devouring Wu ants'.

Although it no longer has the power of the ancients, it still has a three-point power, the pain of bite, and the immortal of longevity are all terrified, not mortal cultivators can endure.

The so-called 'penalty of yanxian' is exactly the penalty of gnawing and gnawing by ants, and it is one of the most severe punishments in Xianfan.

Celestial Court Lei Bu's exorcism and killing Jinglei once wrote "strange insect Heart Sutra", listing the world's 7482strange insects, among them the most powerful and strange 360 Five types of Strange Insects were ranked, and the "Strange Insects Name List" was established.

The six-winged golden silkworm ranks ninth.

Yan gnawing Wu ants came in second, ranking tenth!


“Divine Firmament Faction used twenty-five pegasus to tie Third Junior Brother’s head and limbs respectively, each five pegasus combined force, a total of five directions were used together, Tear off Third Junior Brother's torso, limbs, and head, and suppress the six Dragon Vein."

"Take the larvae of the 'Yanwu ants' and place them on the six bodies. The larvae continue to grow and grow, and the pain continues to intensify.”

“Now at the foot of Dameng Heduo Mountain, you can vaguely hear the roar of beasts, and it seems that the Eighteen Levels of Hell is hidden, which is where the head of the Third Junior Brother is!”

Lin Ye clenched his fists tightly, his lips were white, and his eyes were full of pain and hatred.

These years.

Every time I think of Wen Guang, Lin Ye feels like thousands of insects and ants are biting all over his body. She couldn't imagine how tortured it was, so she could only devote all her energy to cultivation, hoping to rescue him as soon as possible.

Because of this, before 100,000 years ago, she was only the Transcending Tribulation Peak cultivation base, but in the past 10,000 years, the cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has become the Great Ascension Peak.

“Divine Firmament Faction.”

Lu Qingfeng's eyes are calm and deep like deep pools.

Looking up to the north, with your palms open, there is a pocket divine sword glowing with nether glow blood light, lying quietly in the palm of your hand.

"This knife—"

Lin Ye took a look, and suddenly he felt scarlet, and the infinite anger filled his heart, as if he wanted to Fight Heaven and Earth to destroy the world. Such a fierce soldier, Lin Ye dared to look more, and quickly looked away.


"What a weird knife!"

His chest heaved and he gasped, and finally came to life. Not daring to look at the knife, Lin Ye raised his head and looked at the teacher, only to see that the boy's face was white and red, and at this moment, he was reflected by the magic knife, and the blood light shone faintly, adding a three-point evil charm.

Seeing the teacher looking out of the mountain, Lin Ye's heart moved, and he couldn't help but look to the north of the sky.

The northern sky.

The Immortal Master of Zhengqing holds a sharp sword in his hand, and a golden tiger under his crotch is running continuously, exuding terrifying baleful aura.

Hum chi.

The white clouds are scattered for thousands of miles.

Below the clouds.

Daoist Jiyuan carried his hands on his back, his long hair flying like a fairy. Immortal Crane under his feet hummed softly, fluttering his wings and galloping no less than the golden tiger above.

The two headmasters marched hand in hand, heading south.

The former face is like frost, and the cold is pressing.

The latter is laid-back, without the slightest smell of fireworks.

Jiyuan Daoist's clothes fluttered and looked at the Southern Border: "Yunqing and Yunde are not on the table, but the wild Chiyin and Heixia are not shallow, even if it is me, out of the way. Dahao can't even try to capture him alive."

"That Daoist—"

In his mind, he remembered the scene outside Qibao Mountain from Daoist Cheng Jin—

The Taoist, casually, captured four sixth rank powers in succession, all of which were no more than one move.

"At least it's the realm of flying!"

Earth Immortal four realms: dust removal, immortal fate, standing, flying.

Earth Immortal of longevity is free from disasters and disasters, Undying and Inextinguishable, and cultivation is even more in units of ten thousand years and one hundred thousand years. So even if they are Earth Immortal and belong to the same realm, the battle strength may be as different as heaven and earth.

If you count the differences in cultivation technique, Immortal Artifact, and diving ability, the gap between the strongest and the weakest is even bigger.

Even so.

Not to mention Yunqing and Yunde.

That Chiyin and Heixia are also authentic sixth rank Demons, even if they break into Dahao rashly, relying on the favorable location, Daoist Jiyuan would not dare to boast about capturing them alive.

Out of Dahao is even more so.

"Capturing him with his backhand?"

Daoist Jiyuan shook his head and saw Immortal Master in the sky, "I am afraid that I will return without success."

Thinking in my heart, I am also thinking about how to deal with that person later.

No words all the way.

fast as lightning.

Not long ago, Qibao Mountain was already in sight.

"It's here."

Through the clouds, Daoist Jiyuan could only see a Zhurong Idol flame, Demon God, hovering over the Qibao Mountain. In front of the Demon God, a cauldron hovered, and there was a thud inside. With every bang, there are waves of heat waves rolling in. As the heat wave spread, there were also shrill screams.

"Fighting fire makes immortals."

"What a dragon crossing the river!"

Seeing this scene, Daoist Jiyuan's eyes shone brightly. Not in a hurry to drive the crane down, just take a short rest in this cloudy sky, as if waiting for something.

next moment.

Jiyuan Daoist laughed lightly.


I saw the Immortal Master who was riding the golden tiger above. When he saw the scene below, he was angry when he stepped on it. Round eyes, long hair dancing wildly. Before he could make a move, he slammed the Golden Tiger, and it was really Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain, rushing straight to Qibao Mountain.

several hundred li in the blink of an eye.

Outside Qibao Mountain, even Daoist Chengjin and Daoist Yuanshan didn't react when they saw the Daoist from Tianwai riding a golden tiger, holding a sharp sword, and attacking with a sword——


sword light goes straight to the bullfight, with the potential to shatter the Seven Treasures Mountain.

"Divine Firmament Headmaster!"

Cheng Jin and Won San saw this power, the complexion changed, and their bodies flickered and quickly avoided the edge.

Inside and outside of Qibao Mountain, one by one cultivator cultivation is far inferior to this Maoshan Erdao, and it was not until the sword light came near that he reacted. For a moment, their hearts were broken, they set up the escape light and raised the wind and fog, and then they ran away.

View from the sky.

I saw Demon God like a big sun, and a sword from the west was about to cut off the Golden Crow, and one after another silhouette shot out from the fire, like a goddess scattered flowers.

What a gibberish.

Fortunately, most of the cultivators expected that Qibaoshan would not be calm in the future, so they retreated a lot. Only a part of Qibaoshan cultivators and some cultivators who were friends with Qibaoshan came to help boxing, or had a little friendship with Qibaoshan remained.

Most of the latter two are thinking about what they are thinking, and don't ask themselves.

At the moment, the cultivators with speculative purposes are so fierce that they suddenly become hozens, and their minds are so shocked that they care a lot and flee for their lives!


Chengjin and Wonsan have the highest cultivation and the fastest movements, and they are not the goal of Zhengqing Immortal Master. , just saw this scene.

"A group of grasses on the wall."

Daoist Aunt Cheng Jin was lightly snorted and disdainful.

Wonsan Taoist was fascinated by the style of this sword.

The sword light is shining, and it will come in an instant, and it will kill the Demon God with a bang.

But just when the sword light was just a few feet away from the top of Zhurong Demon God's head, from the Qibao Mountain, a touch of blood light came first and bloomed leisurely.

Half the sky was dyed blood red.


A loud bang like splitting heaven and earth apart.

Cheng Jin and Wonsan watched the sword light shatter, and the blood light not only traced back along the way the sword light fell down—

golden light flashed wildly.

If Zheng Qing Immortal Master was hit hard, he flew upside down several hundred li.

"pu! ”

His chest hurt, he couldn't help opening his mouth, blood spilled into the sky. The Divine Sword in his hand suffered a blow, and the 'clang clang clang' collapsed dozens of gaps.

The magic sword that originally taught the gods was horrible.

The Immortal Master's golden tiger under the crotch turned into a golden light at the moment when the blood light hit, and enveloped Zhengqing Immortal Master.


Cheng Jin and Won San moved their throats and their mouths went dry.

Others don't know, how can they Immortal Masters not know that the Divine Firmament Faction Golden Tiger is trained by secret technique and fed by dynastic luck. The prosperous dynasties such as Dameng and Dahao have been established for thousands of years at least, and more than 10,000 years at most. After all, they cannot escape the reincarnation of the dynasty.

For thousands of years, it is impossible to raise such a golden tiger.

I am afraid that it will take several dynasties to rise and fall, and tens of thousands of years of secret technique sacrifices to cultivate such a climate.

Once it's perfected——

The human spirit is full of luck, and the golden tiger has infinite power.

It can attack and defend, and can ward off all evil monsters.

Chengjin and Wonsan are facing each other, and they can only escape with hope.

Now it's gone!


The two were shocked to see.

But it wasn't enough to be shocked, the blood light didn't stop, it flashed six times in the blink of an eye.



bang! 'Boom' with a loud bang. Zheng Qing Immortal Master was smashed upside down, like a sandbag, there's no resistance.

The tiger's roar dragon's cry emanated from the robe on his body, full of grief.

"Bai Na's Demon Clothes!"

Cheng Jin and Won San didn't turn their attention for a moment.

Even Tier 5 True Immortal can only see the blood light and golden light shining on the field, and turn to several thousands li in the blink of an eye, but cannot see the inside.

But Cheng Jin and the two could barely see a few traces:

The young Taoist wears an azure robe, with an Azure Bamboo branch on his head holding a bun, and one hand hold on his back Blade slashes at will to bloom blood glow.

It may seem like there are no rules, but it is not.

Chengjin and Wonsan's cultivation is limited and can't see the fame, but seeing the miserable appearance of Zhengqing Immortal Master, he knows how powerful this young Taoist is.

With seven collisions in seven consecutive rounds, Zheng Qing Immortal Master first broke the golden tiger in his crotch, and the sword in his hand was torn apart.

Then there are golden tigers and golden dragons rushing out in the vestments to resist the terrorist attack.

Six attacks.

Cleave three golden tigers and three golden dragons.

This time.

The Divine Firmament Faction has been disappeared for 200,000 to 300,000 years.

It doesn't stop there!

Zheng Qing Immortal Master's hand was comparable to Immortal Artifact's magic sword, and it was broken in the second round. Then he took out a jujube core, a tin can, and a fan one after another.

After a collision.

The jujube core is turned into powder.

The tin cans fly out of the sky.

It's another three treasures.

Unlike Golden Tiger and Golden Dragon, as long as the Divine Firmament Faction is inexhaustible, it will be replenished sooner or later.

But the latter three treasures are damaged. If there is no great opportunity, the Divine Firmament Faction may have to permanently lose the three treasures.

The number of qi and the background are cut off by 30%.

It's a pain in the ass!


Daoist Cheng Jin and Daoist Yuanshan were fascinated and overjoyed.

Take a closer look.

I saw that the blood light on the field subsided, and the Taoist in front of the young Taoist finally stood firm with disheveled hair drenched with blood.

Wearing a hundred robes to conquer demons and holding a five-bright fan in hand!

It looks like a madman, but it is extremely miserable.

It is Zheng Qing Immortal Master!

On the other hand, the young Taoist, with long hair and neat clothes, put away the blood light Divine Dao with his backhand, and the azure light flashed in his hand, and there was an Azure Bamboo stick in his hand.

Step forward.

deng deng deng!

The straight-hearted Zheng Qing Immortal Master complexion greatly changed retreated again and again.

"Divine Firmament Sword."

"Curse Date."

"Iron Can."

"Divine Firmament Faction Three treasures were damaged, and even the Golden Tiger and Golden Dragon were beheaded seven times, this Taoist is so fierce!" The headmaster of the dignified Divine Firmament Faction, who is a top figure in the entire humanitarian field, has such a miserable time, which is really heartening.

Daoist Aunt Cheng Jin couldn't help smacking her tongue when she looked at Zhengqing Immortal Master's staggering appearance, like a frightened bird. Taking a closer look, Zhengqing Immortal Master's 'Bai Na Fu Demon Clothes', which had inherited from an unknown number of years, broke seven holes in a row, and the 'Five Ming Fans' in his hands were also burnt to black.

If this fight goes on for a few more rounds, the two treasures of the Divine Firmament Faction trump card will probably have to go to the three treasures of the Divine Firmament sword.

(end of this chapter)

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