
  Chapter 666 The Devil Child is born!

What a doll.

The flames are haunted.

It's like a devil boy came into the world!

The 'flame three-pointed knife' in his hand is playing like a tiger.

This is no ordinary soldier.

It is Huang Feng Great Saint who went to the Supreme Sun Star in person, and received the essence of the Great Sun for thousands of years and the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire gold refining.

Weighs five thousand pounds.

The tip of the knife is divided into three branches, the shape of 'mountain', the middle branch is slightly higher like a sword, the two wings are slightly lower, and the edges are sharp on both sides.

There is a triangular iron spear at the rear of the handle.

Knife in hand.


Or tie or twist.

Really skilled and brave.

The little dolls fight against the Great General, or hold, hold, or frame, or cut or stab, and the generals who are crushed will be defeated and have little strength to fight.


"Kongsun Xiaoer, you can't even fight a baby, why don't you go home and get milk!"

The three kings of Baoxiang meet Xianqin General 'Gongsun Qi' shot, this was a surprise.

But then I saw Gongsunqi fighting with the little doll, and all his moves were suppressed.

The little doll looks pink and tender, but the martial arts are really good.

hehe haha ​​some tricks down.

He knocked Gongsun Qi upside down and flew out.

The three kings of Baoxiang laughed loudly.

"unable to withstand a single blow!"

"Who else is going to fight?!"

The little doll defeated Gongsun Qi, and also Do not chase.

The wheel knife stalked, and there was no armor, just a bottle gourd Yeer war skirt around his waist, bare feet, akimbo, and looked around in a dignified manner.


"Good devil boy."

Qin Zhen holds the sword of the emperor, Motionless As Mountains.

Seeing the attitude of the little doll, the baleful aura affects the mind and looks irritable. Obviously, it has been bred for too long in this 'Tiger Roaring Valley' and has been contaminated with a lot of baleful aura.

The demon is haunted, and the nature is ferocious.

But with a small body and bare feet on his hips, he looks smart and cute.

I couldn't help laughing.

"General Meng."

Qin Zhen watched Gongsun Qi's loss to the Fire Doll, but he was not annoyed, and looked towards the other General beside him.

"The last general will lead the order!"

Meng Mae stepped forward with his mace in hand and killed the little baby.

Kongsun Qi knew that the doll was powerful, so he stabilized his figure and rushed forward regardless of the fingers numb.

"I want to live the devil boy, not the bottle gourd."

Qin Zhen's words were heard clearly.

Go left and right to attack.

But I see Meng Yang's double mace strike, owl, stab, point, block, grid, chop, frame, intercept, blow, sweep, lift, cover, roll, and press.

All kinds of martial arts are displayed one after another, and I don't dare to neglect at all.

That Gongsun Qi held the long sword fiercely, opening and closing the murderous aura Ling Ran.

" 嘁!"

"You have no strength in your hands, so come and hit me?"

The little doll laughed, holding a 'flaming three-pointed knife' Makes the tiger a breeze. Either pick or smash, all Peiran descends vigorously.

That Meng Mae and Gongsun Qi attacked, but they also protruded from the left and the right, and could not gain the slightest advantage.

After dozens of tricks.

It is even more dwarfed, showing a failure.

"What a doll."

"This martial arts is natural, and he can fight and learn, and he has suppressed the two generals of Xianqin!"

Taoist Zimei and Wu Ping did not enter the venue.

Watching the magic children fight.

The second general is in a state of embarrassment.

A moment of amazement.

Especially Wu Ping.

He knew that Gongsun Qi and Meng Mae were not weak, and even he might not dare to say that they could suppress them by fighting alone. If he were to command the army in the middle, the strength of the second general would increase sharply, and he would never dare to underestimate the enemy.

"Just now."

"It's not inferior to Earth Immortal. With such talent and footwork, I will definitely achieve a lot in the future!"

Taoist Zimei also exclaimed.

There is no doubt about the strength of Gongsun Qi and Meng Mae.

Only martial arts.

This devil boy is no different.

"It seems."

"As long as Xianqin is not allowed to advance its territory into the Divine Ruins Sea, Xianqin is still far behind on the Peak expert."

The Taoist Zimei saw the biggest problem in Xianqin from Gongsunqi and Meng Mae. It is also more certain that as long as there is a natural danger in the Sea Territory, it will not be easy for Xian Qin to win the remaining four seas and two continents.

It's even whimsical.

Relax for a while.

Stay tuned for The Great War.

Xianqin party.

The two generals joined forces, but they were not opponents of the magic boy.

That Qin Zhen is slightly frowned.

"Two generals."

"Fei came to help each other."

Sima Fei, a scribe and the prime minister of immortal Qin, saw this and went up with a smile In front of him, he was holding a scroll of bamboo slips.


The bamboo slips are unfolded, and there are countless characters on them, shining golden light, and derivation of mystery. The shackles did not know where they came from, so they went to the magic boy locks.

"Good shameless!"

The magic boy shouted furiously upon seeing this.

“get out of my sight!”

The flaming three-pointed knife in his hand shook, knocking Gongsun Qi and Meng Jiangong upside down.

Turn around and face the letter and the shackles.

Step forward barefoot.

Holding a three-pointed knife in one hand and a small fist in the other, he punched his nose twice in a fit of rage.


"This doll—"

Everyone was stunned when they saw the boy's movements.

One by one, they were either startled or laughed, and the Pipa Fairy said more distressedly: "Good baby, you smashed your nose and bleed some blood, but you made the elder sister distressed for nothing!"


The devil boy won't listen.

Two punches and an incantation.


I opened my mouth, and fire spewed out of my mouth, smoke burst out from my nose, and flames erupted from the gate.

Hiding the sky and covering the earth in an instant.

Set the shackles and the tablet on fire.


"Burning again!"

The demon boy rubbed his nose and took a few snorts, only to see the red flames and fires burning Sora, burnt the front and back up and down.

The four sides were fascinated by the fireworks, which was really a prophecy.


"good good!"

"fire and burn again!"

The devil child in the end doll temperament, Seeing the world on fire, I was really happy.

Never move the knife.

He clenched his fists, walked around with little bare feet, raised his little head, and circled triumphantly.

"Who are you elder sister?"

"very ugly person!"

When the magic boy saw Pipa Fairy, his face was wrinkled, obviously disgusted Extremely, when he opened his mouth, he spewed out a mouthful of pipa Fairy, "Burn you to death!"

The flames swept through.

Straight to cover the lute Fairy.

People were in the middle, choking on the fire avoidance art, but they were still burned with fireworks, unable to defend their position, and suddenly panicked: "Good younger brother, I'm about to use the dive ability!"


"If you want to hurt me, how can you forgive you?!"

The magic boy Fang was born, but he can discern people's hearts.

Ignoring the Pipa Fairy's plea for mercy, the burned Fairy jumped into the Divine Ruins sea in a panic.

I don't know where to go.

"What a powerful magic flame!"

Seeing Pipa Fairy fleeing, Earth Immortal was also shocked.

Especially the two old monsters in Black Pine Mountain.

All of them are black pine, and they are most afraid of flames.

Seeing the magic power of flames, at this moment, I don't even dare to fight. I don't entangle with the three kings of treasure elephants and jump out to occupy.


The devil boy laughed and didn't chase after him.

After burning the pipa Fairy, he turned his head to look at Qin Zhen who was wearing a dragon robe, and stared at him: "It's you! You actually got someone to beat me, hum."

"Look at the burning!"

What a devil boy.

What a vengeance.

I know those two Generals, and the scribes who took action after that were their subordinates. Immediately remove the treasure bottle gourd from the head, open the mutter incantations in the mouth, and see thousands of flames spewing out of the treasure bottle gourd.

The scorching flames blazed into the sky, and the majesty was red all over the place.

But it is like a steamer flying up and down, like charcoal dust dancing east and west.

The magic power is ferocious.

The flames covered Qin Zhen.

“Your Majesty!”

Two will panic.

Sima Fei frowned and stretched out his hand to retrieve the tablet, but seeing that the bamboo tablet had been burned and charred in several places, he felt distressed again.

The fire is fierce.

No matter whether it was Gongsun Qi, the second general Meng Mae, or Sima Fei, none of them dared to enter rashly.

Being focused.

I saw a man holding a sword in the flames, splitting the flames, and walking out. The sword of the day was shining brightly, and it was so magical that the raging flames could not be approached.


"Can you avoid fire with this sword?"

The boy was neither annoyed nor ashamed, but instead stared at the sword of the Son of Heaven and blinked. Looking at it non-stop, it looks like he stepped forward to study it carefully.

"The sword of the Son of Heaven commands the world, do not dare not obey."

"You are also in the world, so how can you burn me?"

Qin Zhen looked at the demon boy and said with a smile.

What is the devil boy's orders to the world, do not dare not obey'. Seeing that the Emperor Sword could block the flames he spewed out, he found it interesting, opened his mouth and said, "Can you lend me a play?"

He raised his head.

looked towards Qin Zhen.


"Why not?!"

Qin Zhen, the size of the child, didn't care, and threw the sword of the emperor in his hand at the demon boy go with.


The magic boy stretched out his little hand and took the sword.

He turned it over and over in his hand, and then opened his mouth and spit fire to burn it. Seeing that the flames did not burn out, he cut them with a three-pointed flaming knife with his hands.

clang clang clang!

The fire star is flowing in all directions.

The sound is constant.

But the sword in hand is still not bad.


The devil boy was not convinced.

Putting the flaming three-pointed knife aside, holding the sword in two small hands, gritted his teeth hard, trying to break it. But with all his strength to suckle, he almost closed his eyes, but he couldn't break the sword.

“hu hu!”

The devil boy is convinced now.

He threw the sword away with a flick of his hand, and hummed tiredly, "Your sword can avoid fire, and my three-pointed sword can set fire, not much worse."

This It is unconvincing.

Qin Zhen listened funny.

Where would you argue with the doll, just say: "There are 36,784 Divine Weapons in my immortal Qin treasure house, each of which is amazing. If you are interested, feel free to check it out. , it's okay to pick two pieces that are pleasing to the eye and take them."

What a great Emperor of Immortal Qin.

This is a blatant abduction.

The three kings of Baoxiang couldn't bear it the most, and shouted on the spot: "Good boy, don't be fooled. This person is the most vicious and vicious, where there are many Divine Weapons, it is clear that they want to deceive you. Laochao, steam it and eat it!"

Seeing that the magic boy is powerful.

The three brothers couldn't fight each other, but they didn't want to be deceived by Xian Qin so easily.


The magic boy was hearing this, instantly alert, and said crisply: "I am the monarch of flames, I am not afraid of fire or heat, but I can't steam it well!"






The three treasure elephant kings were hearing this, all stunned, completely I couldn't tell what was going on in this little devil boy's head.

I was speechless for a while.

On the other hand, Daoist Zimei responded quickly, and said in a loud voice, "He doesn't want to eat you, but to make you into a Spirit Treasure, trapped in the treasure bottle gourd and can't come out to play!"

Not only is the treasure like the Three Kings.

The Taoist Zimei is even more aware that Xianqin must not be allowed to get this devil boy. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to deal with whether it is harvested for your own use or made into Spirit Treasure bottle gourd.

So he spoke quickly.

"Refining me?"

"Trying me?"

That's it.

The devil boy stared at him and became angry on the spot: "Then I can't go to see the baby with you."


Looking around with a three-pointed knife.

Looking at who was like trying to kill him.

Snort twice.

Muttered, "They want to hurt me. Humph. I'm going to play elsewhere!"


Using the knife into flames, he drilled into the depths of Xuzhou, like a rabbit, sneaking and disappearing in a blink of an eye.


Leaving a group of Earth Immortals to confront each other, all of whom dare not chase.

looked at each other in blank dismay.

(end of this chapter)

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