
  Chapter 699 Bamboo Bamboo, I have another insight!

One night, three watch.

Six ears sneakily opened their eyes under Azure Bamboo. Leaning on his side, he moved his ears to the west, his little face wrinkled into a ball, as if he was eavesdropping on something.

"There are no more six ears here?"


"Silly stone monkey, how do you know I have six ears?!"


Liu Er seemed to hear funny words, bared his teeth, grinned and laughed whispered.

Not much to say.

Continue to listen.

All of a sudden as if drunk and stupefied.

After a long time, I just woke up and turned around.

The thief glanced at Ximian with a guilty conscience, and then quietly glanced at Azure Bamboo beside him. Seeing that no one noticed him, the monkey relaxed and chuckled with his eyes closed and fell asleep.

second day early in the morning.

Lu Qingfeng was still in cultivation, when he heard the monkey shouting: "Bamboo, Bamboo, I have another insight in the cultivation yesterday, so let me tell you!"

Six ears are smart.

Always draw inferences from other facts and get close to the Tao.

These thirteen years.

Although Lu Qingfeng taught the six-ear cultivation, the six-ear cultivation Dafa often has other insights. Telling it to Lu Qingfeng will make Lu Qingfeng gain a lot.

Let his cultivation advance.

Listening to Liu Er's shouting, he was about to shake the branches and leaves, and said crisply: "I'm listening, you say it."


Liu Er pretended, hummed to clear his throat, put his hands behind his back, and pointed at Azure Bamboo: "You are destined now, I also like to say. Since I know my Liu Er is powerful, come close and listen carefully. , when it is time to teach you the wonderful way of longevity."



Lu Qingfeng 'crash-bang ' shakes the branches and leaves , I know that these six ears have learned such words from nowhere, and they feel majestic and deliberate.

Have a heart to laugh at him.


Lu Qingfeng shook the branches and leaves violently and asked, "I'm a bamboo, how come I'm so close?"


The monkey heard this, With a stagnant expression, he glanced at Azure Bamboo up and down, sighed waved his hand and said, "Good bamboo, hurry up and transform, you can't walk or jump, and you have to water and loosen the soil every day, how can you live without me? ”

Lu Qingfeng cultivated these days.

I have gone through several rounds of Heavenly Tribulation over and over again, strengthening many Great Divine Ability. Now it is the cultivation base of the 8th Heavenly Layer robbery, and in another two years, it will be able to return to Heavenly Immortal again.

It's too late to change shape.

In order to accumulate information.

This monkey is so stupid that he doesn't understand it, so he has to urge Lu Qingfeng to transform earlier, so that he will not need to water and loosen the soil every day.

Lu Qingfeng is naturally reluctant to say.

Monkey was determined to show off, and could not wait for Lu Qingfeng to speak, so he took two steps forward and approached Azure Bamboo, and said in a low voice, "I have been cultivating Dafa for days, and I have finally gained something. Talk to you in a low voice, you don't want to spread it out."

Does the Fa not pass on the six ears?

It doesn't matter whoever says this, but teaching the monkey in front of him sounds hilarious.

Lu Qingfeng saw Liu Er sneaking, and knew that he was like that.

Doesn't count.

"Hurry up!"

urged and listened quietly.

"Hurry up."

"Watch your head!"

Six ears murmured, but still put his mouth next to Azure Bamboo, and immediately Tell Lu Qingfeng about his 'final gain', 'realized' method and proven Divine Ability.

Lu Qingfeng heard it——

"Good six ears."

"It's really mysterious!"

But see that " The Twelve Capitals heavenly demon Divine Law has been changed almost beyond recognition by Liu Er. It focuses more on polishing the fleshy body and contains infinite mystery, which is different from the original method.

Lu Qingfeng took part in the study quickly.

"Miao Miao Miao!"

Cultivation now.

It's another three years.

Another day.

"Bamboo, Bamboo, I have a feeling again!"

Liu Er came and realized seven Twelve Transformations, which became more and more mysterious. Out-of-law incarnations are also diligent and increasingly different.

"Not bad!"

Lu Qingfeng added his income to his own dive ability, and he gained a lot.

A moment of joy, meditative comprehend.

In a few days.

"Bamboo Bamboo..."

The six ears have gained something, changing the 'cloud top step' a lot, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, and there are millions of miles in one vertical apart, compared with his cloud top step, it is not too much.

Lu Qingfeng tried it and found it amazing.

"Liu Er, you are so smart!"

Another compliment.

A few more days.


Liu Er also realized the 'Three Heads Six Arms', 'Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation 'divine ability from the heavenly demon transformation.

Lu Qingfeng was immersed in cultivation, habitually boasted, and went to study.

Spring returns to summer solstice.

Lu Qingfeng has not fully grasped these diving abilities and magic tricks.

"Bamboo bamboo..."

This monkey is self-taught again, and realizes the dives such as 'Danshan chasing the moon', 'call the wind and summon the rain', 'overturning the river and overturning the sea', etc. ability.

this time.

Lu Qingfeng finally felt something was wrong.


"Bamboo, what are you staring at me for?"

The monkey is under the Azure Bamboo, his eyes are flickering, his hands are nowhere to be placed, and some are uneasy. Comfortable, no longer triumphant.

The breeze blows.

Blowing the leaves of Azure Bamboo.

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Er and said crisply: "Tell me honestly, these methods and diving abilities are really what you realized by yourself?"

"Is that still fake? "

The monkey straightened his chest and raised his head to assert himself.

It looks like it has several points of 'righteousness'.

But Lu Qingfeng had been with him for twenty-six years, and he knew what he wanted as soon as the monkey pouted.

I didn't notice at first, that's because the cultivation progress has been very fast these years, the cultivation base cultivation rapid progress, and I am immersed in all kinds of mysterious comprehend, so I was fooled by the monkeys.

But at this time, I was shocked, and I thought about it again and thought about it carefully, how could I not know!

"I have to be tough."

Lu Qingfeng's thoughts moved.

In the past few years, the various methods and divide abilities that the six ears have broken apart are brought together.

The attribute panel is immediately recognized -

Sect Lord Level: 89 Arcane Art.

Great Divine Ability: Seven Twelve Transformations.

Great Divine Ability: Extrajudicial incarnation.

Great Divine Ability: Somersault Cloud.

Great Divine Ability: Three Heads Six Arms.

Great Divine Ability: …

All but 89 Arcane Art are Great Divine Ability!

Just that.

There is still a gap between Great Divine Ability and Great Divine Ability.

Many of the Great Divine Ability cultivated by Lu Qingfeng have just been strengthened to the Great Divine Ability level.

Only Five Colored Divine Light, Yun Dianbu, Inverted Taixu Glazed Wall, etc. became the Great Divine Ability and were strengthened several times by Lu Qingfeng.

However, the Divine Ability that Liu Er stealthily learned is much more mysterious. It is equivalent to the Great Divine Ability level, and it has been strengthened eight times or ten times.

Although not as high as the Supreme Divine Ability, it is also rare in Above the Heavens and Under the Earth.

It's no wonder that even he thought it was mysterious, and he spent a lot of time and couldn't fully understand it.

“89 Arcane Art.”

“72 Transformations.”

“Extrajudicial incarnation.”

“Somersault Cloud.”


Lu Qingfeng counted a handful of his fingers, looked at the monkey who was unconvinced, and suddenly laughed angrily: "Okay, I'm very capable, it's hard for you to know how to cover up. ."

Was called by Lu Qingfeng to break the foundation of divide ability.

The monkey wilted suddenly, and said with a frown, "I'm just angry, Bamboo, you always think I'm not as good as a silly stone monkey."


The monkey was a little aggrieved, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

"When did I think you were inferior to the stone monkey?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at the monkey and realized that his tone was too heavy just now.

Although these six ears are successful in cultivation, the temperament of the child has not changed. He steals the Great Divine Ability like a gift, and then discloses it to him, but in exchange for a scolding, the monkey naturally feels wronged.


Whether it is cultivation technique or Great Divine Ability, he has a lot on him, although it will be slightly inferior to the personal transmission of Bodhi Ancestor Master, but it is better than not sticking to cause and effect and not causing trouble.

If you study hard and practice hard, you may not be weak in the future.

The monkey is stronger——

"But I'm not as good!"

The monkey bowed his head loudly and said with a crying voice: "The stone monkey is worse than me. Cultivation is even later, and I have already cultivated Heavenly Immortal for more than a year. I have been practicing hard for all these years, but I have been surpassed by him. Bamboo, you must think that I am not as smart as the stone monkey!"

He said, Monkey felt even more aggrieved.

As if abandoned, the tears rolled down and I burst into tears.


Lu Qingfeng listened to the monkeys howling, and rushed to appease: “I don’t think so. That stone monkey cultivated in the fairy mountain, Spiritual Qi gathered, Sun and Moon Essence can't enjoy the energy of the stars, and he often listens to Saint's sermons. One day of cultivation can be worth a decade or a hundred years from the outside world, so it is very fast."

Lu Qingfeng also didn't expect , the monkey will be so concerned about this matter.

More didn't expect.

The stone monkey worshipped the Bodhi ancestors for only ten years, but he has already cultivated Heavenly Immortal.

It's no wonder that these six ears are a little weird these days.

It turned out to be because the stone monkeys made too much progress and were compared, and the heart of comparison was traumatized.

You must know that this Stone Monkey's seven-year Foundation Establishment has only really begun to study art in just three years!

"It's so scary!"

"As expected of the Great Saint!"

Lu Qingfeng sighed in his heart.

On the face of it, he didn't show it, pretending to be snorted, and said to the monkey: "You cultivated in this outer world, and you have cultivated Heavenly Immortal in thirteen years, which is only ten years slower than that stone monkey. After careful calculation, He's not as good as you."

This is true.

It is also naturally raised, Heaven and Earth Nurtured.

Six-eared and stone monkey cultivation is very fast. Under the same conditions, Liu Er would not necessarily lose to Stone Monkey.

Right now.

It is better to say that Lu Qingfeng is not as good as Bodhi Ancestor Master, not so much as a stone monkey with six ears.

"Of course I can't compare to Master Bodhi Ancestor!"

Lu Qingfeng is also righteous, but he won't say it.

Looking at the six ears.

He sighed.

Now this gap is not bad. After this stone monkey has entered the Dragon Palace, gone to the underworld, and made a riot in the Celestial Court, he will steal countless delicious food and wine, guard himself and steal countless defections, swallow countless Golden Cores, and Was thrown into Eight Trigrams Furnace by Lao Jun and refined once.

So down.

But I don't know how much to throw away the six ears.

"I don't know how Liu Er can have such a diving ability in the future, and fight against the stone monkey."

"Why was he killed by a stick in the end?"

Lu Qingfeng was puzzled and couldn't figure out why after pondering for a long time.

"Is he really not as good as me?"

In a trance, a voice came.

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu'er, saw the monkey finally raised his head, there was a new light in his eyes, and suddenly smiled: "It's not as good as you."

The monkey heard it.

In spite of the snot and tears hanging on his face, he was also chucked.

This guy is very coaxing.

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Er and secretly said, "It's not advisable to just focus on cultivation. It's time to take him out to practice, and use those Heavenly Immortal and Monster King to find confidence."

Visit the four continents.

Lu Qingfeng thought of three places in an instant.

"The first stop is here!"

In my mind.

The Azure Bamboo swayed into youth.

(end of this chapter)

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