
  Chapter 705 is against the sky! Against God! Against God! 【Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! ]

Out of Peach Garden.

And halfway through.

Meet a barefoot Great Firmament.

I don't know if Goku coaxed the Barefoot Great Immortal or the Barefoot Great Immortal coaxed Goku.

In short.

The barefoot Great Immortal turned to the Hall of Tongming.

Wukong took the Yaochi Treasure Palace and went straight to the Tusita Palace.

When passing the way, he simply did not do either, and he took away all the jade liquor agar, fragrant mash and fine wines, delicacies and delicacies that the Queen Mother wanted to treat the immortals, and swept them all away.

Then I went straight to Thirty Three Heavens and came to the Palace of Lihentian Tusita.

I can't see Laojun when I enter, and there are no traces of the four.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or a coincidence.

At this time, Laojun and the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng happened to be preaching on the Zhuling Dan Platform in the three-story pavilion.

"It's really not there!"

Wukong glanced at the five bottle gourd Golden Core first, waved his sleeves, and immediately ate with Lu Qingfeng and Liu Er. . There are also bottles and jars, bottle gourd Shengdan, one after another to collect, a little identification, just like eating fried beans with the two of them.

"My grandson is going too!"

Only then did I leave the Tusita Palace satisfied.

Afraid to stay at Heavenly Palace.

At the moment, I didn't follow the old path, so I took a stealth trick from Xitianmen and escaped. Press the cloud head to return to Flower Fruit Mountain. But seeing the flag flashing and the halberd shining, it turned out that it was Ma, the second marshal of Liu and the four generals, Beng and Baer, ​​and the 72 caves Monster King leading the 72 caves Demon Soldier to practice martial arts there.

"Let's go!"

Wukong first dispersed all the 72 caves Monster King, and gathered the monkeys in the mountains, there were more than 84,000 mouths. Among them, there are 47,000 unnamed immortals in the Life and Death Book.


"And close your eyes!"

Wukong didn't have time to talk to these monkeys, so he asked them to close their eyes , and made a sleepy trick to change thousands of sleepy insects, making all the more than 84,000 mountain monkeys fall asleep.

That's when I shook my ears.

threw away The two grains of sand are Lu Qingfeng and Liu Er.

"Excuse me, brother!"

Wukong bowed to Lu Qingfeng.

Although Stone Monkey is strong, he has no treasure except for a Golden Cudgel, and he has no diving ability to collect people. If you want to leave with Monkey Monkey Sun, you can only rely on Lu Qingfeng.

"It's easy to say."

Lu Qingfeng thoughts move, and a pink doll pops up at the moment.

He has a blue bottle gourd on his head, wearing a blue revealing blouse with bottle gourd leaves around his waist. It's not anyone else, it's Lu Qingfeng who made Lanwa, one of the seven bottle gourd Avatars, good at Space Divine Ability.

Looking at Liuwa's mouth.

With a bang, all the more than 84,000 mountain monkeys were swallowed into their stomachs.


Hiccupped and wobbled into a blue bottle gourd.

Lu Qingfeng took the bottle gourd and handed it to Wukong, "Your monkeys and grandchildren are all in this bottle gourd. When you reach a safe place, you can come out with a single call."

"many Thanks brother."

Wukong took it and thanked Lu Qingfeng busyly.

Lu Qingfeng waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to see the outside world, and said: "Me and Liu'er are going to find a place for cultivation. You should go quickly. Celestial Court will launch troops soon, fearing Flower Fruit Mountain It's hard to survive up and down."

The three were in one place.

A target is large and easy to expose.

Second, Lu Qingfeng also worried that Wukong would not be able to escape in the end, and implicated him and Liu Er.

He told Wukong clearly.

It's about life and death.

"Old Sun save it!"

Wukong nodded.

However, he shook his body and shook off 84,000 hairs, each of which turned into a monkey in the mountains, and another hair turned into a Monkey King, exactly similar to Wukong.

“This is—”

Lu Qingfeng looked towards Wukong.

Wukong laughed and said: "I'm going to mess up this deep water, so that I can get out. Lao Sun will use the name of 'Nine Great Saints' to take my six big brothers And summon the Monster King from all directions to hold a 'nectar event' in Flower Fruit Mountain, but you should see, when the heavenly soldiers come, these Monster Kings are fighting or fleeing!"

By Ox Demon King Waiting for the Six Great Saints to deceive him will make Wukong cold and hate it the most in his heart.

Before leaving.

Don't forget to make a pit.

"It's good!"

"This is good!"

Liu Er is just watching the fun and doesn't think it's a big deal. He plucked a vellus hair from his body, took a breath, and turned into the 'Qigu Great Saint' King Tongming, who was exactly similar to him.

"I'll join in the fun too."

Lu Qingfeng saw this, a strand of hair was cut off from his head, and it floated down and turned into an azure clothed daoist. Pure King of the Great Saint 'Azure Bamboo, no one can tell the difference.


The three brothers looked at each other and laughed out loud.

Not much to stay.

In separate ways.

Wukong took a group of monkeys and monkeys and did not know where they went.

Over the years, he has traveled all over the world with somersaults. As far as hiding places are concerned, it is far from what Lu Qingfeng knows about Lu Qingfeng.


Lu Qingfeng was well prepared for this day.


"Northern Entirely Reed Continent!"

Lu Qingfeng greeted Liu Er and drove towards the north.

Great Desolate has been expanding since its inception.

For hundreds of millions of years, I have not known the height of the sky, the thickness of the earth, its boundaries, and its vertical and horizontal dimensions!

After the great catastrophe, the Great Desolate was broken and divided into four continents, called 'Earth Immortal'.

It is the home of all immortals and the source of all saints.

Four continents: One is East Victory Divine Continent, one is Western Ox Continent, one is Southern Gaze Division Continent, and one is Northern Entirely Reed Continent.

East, West and South not to mention.

The Northern Entirely Reed Continent, although they like to kill, only because of their livelihood, their temperament is clumsy, and they do not do much practice; the barren mountains and unruly rivers are mostly rampant with the giant beast of the ancient Great Desolate Era.

Immortal God All Buddhas are rare, except for the ancient ominous beast, most of them are the hiding places of evil spirits and demons, and the most is shelterer evil people and accept wrongdoing.

Lu Qingfeng has seen Wukong since Cangmang Mountain. He went to the Northern Entirely Reed Continent, searched for the land, laid down 12 Heaven Divinity Fiend Great Array, and gathered baleful aura as a hiding place.

It has been one hundred and seventy years since he was in the 'Great Saint of Purity'.

Among them fifty years on earth and one hundred and twenty days in heaven.

More than a hundred years have passed.

This place has evolved into a dangerous land, Danger Land, even if the ominous beast, even the evildoer, even the devil, would not dare to break in rashly. Fuse together with the earth, it is even more difficult to detect.

This day.

Two flashes of light flashed past and entered the battle.


"Can Wukong escape?"

Liu Er sat in the mountain, looking up at the sky, his ears trembling slightly While snooping, he asked Lu Qingfeng in his mouth.

"I don't know either."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head.

If he came to the world of Journey to the West for the first time in his dream, Lu Qingfeng must be sure: Saint plot against, no matter how Wukong tossed it, it would be inevitable.

But in the last Black Wind Mountain, even Zhou Qing Saint, who had not yet attained enlightenment, collapsed in the middle.

Compare that.

This Great Saint does not take the Journey to the West, and it does not seem to be a major event.

But when I think of Buddhism, Taoism, and demons, all three parties are plotting against the stone monkey, and Lu Qingfeng has no confidence.

Unable to determine.

Six ears listened without speaking.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I have eaten the peach, swallowed the Golden Core, and just completed the Golden Immortal. It is important to be fast and stable. I will pass on your Supreme Divine Ability again, so as not to show traces and be punished by Celestial Court. Figure it out."

Turning the conversation.

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his hand and landed between Liu Er's eyebrows and passed on the Supreme Great Divine Ability 'Upside-down Taixu Glass Wall'. Before he could chew, he helped him master it with the help of enlightening Dafa.

This is safe.

Seeing the six ears immersed in cultivation, Lu Qingfeng glanced eastward, thinking in his heart, and closed his eyes, falling into cultivation.


The words are divided into two parts.

The Three Saints escaped on this side.

Flower Fruit Mountain is a collection of Monster Kings.

First came the Ox Demon King and the six Great Saints.

Their original intention was to use the Monkey King to abandon the brother, the pretext of God being an official, and never communicate with the Monkey King from now on, so as to avoid Wukong's suffering and the unrighteousness and unbelief of the six brothers who did not listen to them. name.

But I'm really curious about the 'nectar event' held at Flower Fruit Mountain, and also that the monkeys are called the 'Nine Great Saints' and are all the Monster Kings. If they don't come, I'm afraid they will suffer tongue.

So came here.

Beyond the Six Great Saints.

Wukong also ordered 72 caves Monster King to go to all directions and invite all kinds of Monster King.

In a few days, there will be four other continents including East Victory Divine Continent, Southern Gaze Division Continent, Western Ox Continent, Northern Entirely Reed Continent, Eastern Sea, Western Sea, Southern Sea, Northern Sea and other four seas , Counting seven hundred and twenty-six monster kings, they came to Flower Fruit Mountain one after another, which can be regarded as the prosperous world of Monster Race that has not been seen in Earth Immortal for thousands of years.

Those who have not been invited also come here because they want to meet the nine Great Saints and share their prosperity with all the Monster Kings.

For a while.

There are more than 1,200 Monster Kings gathered in Flower Fruit Mountain.

After the arrival of the Monster Kings.

To see that the Great Saint Qitian, who had defeated the Celestial Court Celestial Soldiers, was a generous person.

Jade liquid nectar, fragrant mash wine, various delicacies, and countless delicacies. This is all purchased by the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother to hold a feast of peach peach and entertain the Heavenly God Buddha.

But it was all taken away by Wukong, and the lower world came to eat and drink with these Monster Kings.

The atmosphere is lively.

Nine Great Saints.

A group of Monster Kings.

One by one, the cups were changed, and they were all drunk. Noisy and noisy, but few discussions on business.

Wait until hazy sober.

Suddenly I heard the 'Great Saint of Qigu' loudly shouted from the Ranked Eighth of the Nine Great Saints: "What's wrong! Celestial Court saw us gathered here and sent celestial troops and generals. Coming!"



"How can this be good?!"

The timid Monster King was frightened on the spot, crying and crying for a while, which was annoying.

Nine Great Saints.

Ox Demon King and other six heard the words of the six ears, and the smell of alcohol dissipated on the spot, dispelling the drunkenness, and a heart suddenly raised, and they guessed the mind of their ninth brother. .

Stunned on the spot.

Just drink and ask.

But it was shouted first by the 'Clean Great Saint' Azure Bamboo King: "How about Celestial Court?! Time of Immemorial, I am the master of Monster Race, and now Celestial Court is just a leak. Now I have a lot of monsters in the Monster Race, and the Monster Kings possess great magical power. There are also eight Great Saints, including Ox Demon King, Snake Demon King, and Monkey King. They are all Peak powerhouses in the world. Why should I be afraid of Celestial Court?! Not only Don't be afraid, and even counterattack Celestial Court, drag the old Jade Emperor off the throne of Jade Emperor, and let the Great Saint of Pingtian take a seat first!"



Ox Demon King was robbed and put on a high hat and put on the shelf. He was suffocated in one breath and immediately flushed.

Sun Wukong didn't wait for the Ox Demon King to speak, then shouted: "I'm waiting for the Nine Great Saint same qi, connected branch, this will raise the flag, oppose the Celestial Court, and rebuild the Immemorial Celestial Court. , restore my Monster Race glory!"



There is a Monster who is unknown and knows the depth of Celestial Court King was bewitched on the spot, followed by Sun Wukong, followed by Lu Qingfeng, and shouted together to rebel against the sky and rebuild the Immemorial Celestial Court.

They have been oppressed by the Celestial Court for too long, and they already have a desire in their hearts.

is now freed.

The voices faded first.

In a short while, it was mountain cry out and sea howl, and the six Demon Kings of the horror all changed color.

Just now—

The east wind is blowing.

The drums of war.

Qi Long Dong Qiang Dong clang!

The heavenly fairy light shines, and the heavenly soldiers are coming!


PS: It’s the end of the month, and the monthly pass is doubled. Demon Monk asks for the next monthly pass, thank you so much!

(end of this chapter)

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