
  Chapter 711 Third Brother? ! 【Ask for a monthly ticket! ]

Huang Fengling.

Yellow wind Great Saint wind, neither fast nor slow.

On the other hand, Bodhisattva, Lingji in the sky, has no waves on his face, but there is a dignified look in his eyes.

"This old Monster Dao is so diligent in his line of work, his samadhi dive wind is even more powerful, and he doesn't move the Buddhist soldiers. It seems that he can't be restrained now!" Lingji felt Huang Feng's fierceness, and frowned inwardly. .

Think back then.

When the Huang Old Feng demon just fled, even if he didn't use the Locking Wind Bead and wyvern, Lingji would have the upper hand.

However, despite the ups and downs of several degrees of cultivation, this Huang Feng Great Saint has no weak Lingji in the cultivation, with the blessing of the samadhi dive wind, when it comes to battle strength, it is probably still above the Lingji.

That is, I am afraid of the Locking Wind Bead, afraid of the wyvern rod, and I have not used all my strength.

Lingji performed Dafa and had the help of the monks. Only then could he be temporarily suppressed and trapped in Huangfengling. But if it is like before, sitting on the small Mount Meru and trying to control the yellow wind Great Saint, it will be difficult.

Lingji looked at Huang Feng below, shouted: "The old monster is not meditating in Huangfengling, and he wants to go out for disaster?!"

Huang Feng Great Saint hearing this, loudly Said: "The empty mouth is innocent, Lingji, you are in vain for Buddhism Bodhisattva!"

He has been practicing asceticism in Huangfengling for all these years. A few days ago, his cultivation made great progress, and he asked himself whether the cultivation was still higher than Lingji. Coupled with the fact that the Third Brother Azure Bamboo fell outside when he conquered the devil, and there was no news of his life and death, it also made Huang Feng Great Saint anxious.

To get out of trouble.

To get rid of Buddhism.

Huang Feng Great Saint has made many attempts over the years, but he has been subdued by Lingji with the help of two treasures.

So after a long period of time, I have been practicing asceticism in Huangfengling, improving my cultivation and comprehend divine ability, hoping that one day I can be free from the wyvern and Locking Wind Bead.

But that's not enough.

Even if Lingji is not an opponent, even if the treasure is no longer a threat.

Behind Kelingji, there are Tathagatas and Buddhaism. He wants to be at ease, easier said than done? !

It just so happens.

60,000 to 70,000 years ago, a green fox demon came to cast with a pure bamboo.

Huang Feng Great Saint saw that this green fox demon was just like him. He only stole the Spiritual Mountain sesame oil and escaped because he didn't want to be bound by Buddhism, so he was softhearted and accepted it as a Second Brother.

But didn't expect.

The pure and pure Dharma bamboo brought by Qinghu has great good fortune. It was the first cultivation in thousands of years to obtain the Tao and emerge from the form.

Great Saint Huang Feng was overjoyed.

He knew from the green fox demon that this pure Dharma bamboo was invited by Sitting Arhat from the little Sect Lord of Black Wind Mountain and had some origins with Heavenly Dao Religion.

Huang Feng Great Saint is worried that there is nowhere to go, nowhere to go, and now there is dawn.

If you can protect this pure Dharma Bamboo and cultivate Heavenly Immortal.

Perhaps there is hope, following this relationship, to join the Black Wind Mountain lineage.

As far as he knows, in the Heavenly Dao Religion, there are many people like him who have become immortals and will not be treated differently.

On the other hand, don't teach.

For example, the teachings are the most aloof, and they don't look down on such a group of hair and feathers.

Such as Section Cult, although it was once a thousand immortals, education for everyone, irrespective of background. But after the conferred gods and calamities, they did not fall.

The last calamity was revived.

Few of them are accepted.

Secondly, there are many dísciples. Even if he joins Section Cult, he may not be taken seriously. I am afraid that he is in a state of stocking and cannot protect him.

Third time, and the most important point, that Buddhist Tathagata was the Section Cult Eldest Senior Brother in the early years, and I am afraid that no Section Cult dísciple will offend the Tathagata for him.

The remainder.

Such as Flower Fruit Mountain, such as Jilei Mountain, etc., or detached, or far inferior to Buddhism.

Not a good place either.

Thinking about it.

Only Black Wind Mountain, only Heavenly Dao Religion.


Huang Feng Great Saint pressed the treasure on Qingjing Boy, first recognized him as the Third Brother, and then made many shots to run for his future and cultivation.

Without this motive.

The little bamboo demon with the trifling True Immortal level, who just transformed into shape, how could he be brothers with the dignified Huang Feng Great Saint? !

But Huang Feng Great Saint is not all plot against.

Although his motives were impure when he wanted to use the pure boy to worship Black Wind Mountain, he was sincere towards this Third Brother, making an all-out effort.

this time.

His Third Brother was lost, Huang Feng Great Saint was anxious to find it, for fear that even he himself would not be able to tell the difference, has several points of plot against, and has several points of brother's love.

It was just that Lingji was trapped in Huangfengling.

This is the conflict with Lingji.

"Do you still need to argue?"

Lingji looked at Huang Feng Great Saint, shouted: "It is not easy for the Tathagata to read your cultivation, and he has spared your life many times. Unexpectedly, you are an old monster. Instead of being grateful, I feel resentment. Today I will ask you, are you willing to take refuge in my Buddha? If you are repentant, I will accept you as a disciple. If you are unwilling, I will capture you and go to Spiritual Mountain, and ask the Tathagata to descend Dafa and hold you down. Under the Five Fingers Mountain, you will never get out!"

Lingji is impatient.

I was ordered to detain Huang Feng Great Saint for countless years. Although Huang Feng Great Saint was trapped in Huangfeng Ridge, why is he not sitting on Mount Meru all day long?

Seeing that Huang Feng's Great Saint cultivation is constantly improving, his diving ability is becoming more and more Great Accomplishment, but he is stagnant and gradually surpassed.

Even Buddha Bodhisattva is a little out of balance, and he doesn't want to let Huang Feng Great Saint continue his cultivation.

If you are a teacher.

It will promote his luck, all his merits and virtues, and it is nothing to spare his life.

If still unruly.

I'm afraid it won't be able to influence it no matter how long it is, so it's better to send it to the Tathagata early and suppress it.

"Accept me as a disciple?"

Huang Feng Great Saint couldn't help laughing out loud, and sarcastically said: "Your Lingji is just a treasure given by the Tathagata, You are not as good as me. In terms of cultivation, you are not as good as me. In terms of diving ability, you are not as good as me. Where did you come from, you dare to ask me to worship you as a teacher?!”

Huang Feng Great Saint laughed wantonly .

Heavenly Lingji complexion ashen.

Seeing the white lotus in the yellow wind, the 1,280 volumes of the "Bao Wei Jing" are always difficult to gather, unable to gather into the Bao Wei Mountain, to suppress the Huang Fengling, and the Huang Feng Great Saint.


"If it's only like this, it's still hard to escape the doom!"

Lingji's eyes didn't move, he put his hands together, and said silently in his mouth Incantation, I saw the golden light of the wyvern treasure stick that had been hanging above my head, and it swept to the Huangfeng Ridge below.



roar! Dragon, with two claws on the wheel, he is going to catch the Great Saint of the Yellow Wind.


Huang Feng Great Saint had suffered from this Buddhist soldier earlier, how could he not be on guard?

"Waiting for a long time!"

But seeing Huang Feng's eyes flickering, Great Saint turned his head in a hurry, opened his mouth three times while looking at the ground, and exhaled, It was about to blow out, and suddenly, a yellow wind blew up from the sky.


The wind in Huangfengling was so strong that it swept into the jungle, rolling up mountains and rocks in the sky, and obscuring Heaven and Earth.

In an instant.

Formidable power is more than ten times higher? !


"What a yellow old Feng demon, it turns out that he has been hiding!"

Huang Tianhua saw it and called out hello.

Mu Yuanyi's cultivation base is still shallow, and when I look at it from afar, I can only see that the Yellow Wind Ridge is full of yellow wind, a golden light descends from the sky, and there is a faint roar of a dragon.

But in an instant, it was blown out of the Yellow Wind Ridge.

A whimper was heard, and it was still being blown, and it was unknown where it was going to blow.

In the wind.

Not controlled.

Even Lingji is difficult to control for a while.

“No wonder he dared to take action.”

“Samadhi divided wind has been cultivated to this level by him, and he can’t even bring down the wyvern staff, so he is unwilling to be detained again.”

Huang Tianhua looked at Huang Feng's fierceness and was also shocked.

Ask yourself.

If he faced this kind of yellow wind, although it may not be able to hurt his life, it is inevitable that his face will be red and he will suffer some injuries.

Once you meet, it is better to leave early.

It was Yang Ren.

Seeing Huang Fengqi, he shook his head and said, "The Divine Wind is powerful, but Lingji still has a Locking Wind Bead in his hand. That old monster can blow away the wyvern rod, but it cannot blow away the Locking Wind Bead. Wind Bead.”

Locking Wind Bead is also a treasure bestowed by the Tathagata.

Before this Buddha turned into a Buddha, he was known as 'Daoist Abundant Treasures'. After entering the Buddha, there is a more incarnation, said 'Multiple Treasures Tathagata'.

When it comes to the amount of treasure, I am afraid that only the interpreter Yun Zhongzi can match it.

Yun Zhongzi is not among the Twelve Golden Immortals, but he is also great and famous among the Three Realms.

It is said that the original Heavenly Dao Religion master, before he attained enlightenment, cultivated in this Taoism, and was the best at refining treasures. Yun Zhongzi has a wide range of contacts, recognizes the treasures of the heavens, is also a master of Peak refiners, and likes to imitate treasure.

Fake magic weapons from his hands, some of which are not even as powerful as the real ones.

There will be no shortage of treasure on the body.

Just that.

The treasures on Yun Zhongzi's body are mostly fakes, but the treasures on the Tathagata's body are all real treasures.

Like the wyvern staff.

Such as Locking Wind Bead.

It's just two of the many treasures that are inconspicuous, and can be given to Lingji to conquer the demon.

The Locking Wind Bead has a very narrow use and has little effect, but it naturally restrains the Yellow Wind Great Saint. Just take out, no matter what the wind is in the world, it must be fixed.

The samadhi dive wind is no exception.

Sure enough.

Seeing that the wyvern staff is about to be blown away.

"How dare you show your power?"

Lingji frowned, put his hand in his arms, and took out an object and threw it on the spot. It is an egg-sized bead surrounded by azure light. It's not something else, it's the Orb of Dingfeng!

A treasure is out.

The wind suddenly slowed down in Huangfengling, and there are great signs of stagnation.

"Not good!"

When Huang Feng Great Saint saw this, he secretly said something was wrong.

Don't hesitate, busy cultivating for tens of thousands of years, the Great Divine Ability 'golden blade Soul Killing Method' that has already entered the threshold.

The golden blade flashes.

Cleave the orb straight.

But listen-


The Locking Wind Bead shook three times, causing the wind to pick up again. But it was only shaking, and seeing that it was necessary to stabilize again.

“The diving ability is not bad.”

“However, the comprehend is not enough, and the cultivation is not deep.”


Yang Ren and Huang Tianhua could see it clearly, and they also thought it was quite subtle when they saw the mystery contained in the golden blade.

If it can be cultivated to a very high level, I am afraid it is not weaker than the samadhi diving wind.

It's a pity that Huang Feng Great Saint has just comprehend this divine ability. Mysterious is not bad, but its power is limited. It can only slightly affect the Locking Wind Bead, but it can't break the treasure.

Huang Feng Great Saint also knows his own situation.

So I didn't think about it.

At the same time as taking out the golden blade, a gust of wind blew up and went outside the Yellow Wind Ridge. Since the Locking Wind Bead can't be helped, and I'm afraid of the wyvern treasure stick, I simply take advantage of the blockade to escape first, and then escape first.

Huang Feng stayed and rose, rose and stayed, stayed and rose again.

Three changes.

Lingji had already grasped the wyvern treasured stick, and when he thought about it, the incantation in his mouth kept coming, and he saw the wyvern treasured stick that flew through the air once again manifested the Eight Clawed Golden Dragon, facing the yellow wind among the yellow winds. Great Saint caught again.

this time.

No momentum.

It's not that easy to run away in a panic and want to blow the Golden Dragon away.

"There is no escape!"

Huang Tianhua shook his head and sighed for Huang Feng Great Saint.

Yang Ren held the five-fire and seven-bird fan in his hand and looked down, hesitating for a while, but after all, the fan didn't come out.

And at this time.

Just as Huang Feng Great Saint was about to be captured, an azure light in the distance seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and came out horizontally. Stop, swipe down at the Orb of Dingfeng.

For a moment.

Two treasures disappeared.

The azure light and golden light dissipated, revealing an azure clothed daoist.

Surrounded by Monster King, Immortal God, Bodhisattva all unknown.

Only Huang Feng, Great Saint avoided a catastrophe, was surprised and delighted when he saw the person who came, and said in surprise: "Third Brother?!"

New January, still the same During the double monthly pass period, Demon Monk asked for the next monthly pass.

PS: It is said that the accounts of the Alliance Leader card and the Membership Card can also be published in this chapter, but you need to comment with pictures, you can try.

(end of this chapter)

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