
  Chapter 715 Heavenly Master Second please! 【Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

"...God-catching generals are resolute and resolute, with great talent, closed-door cultivation in Star Sea World for thousands of years, breaking the formation, and rescue the fellow dozens Earth Immortal. The head Qin Zhen killed. The end general, General Dongfang Soshen and General Yang Sector Soshen were able to save their lives and turn around safely this time, thanks to General Catching God pulling strongly against a crazy tide.”

Supervisor Marshall Mansion.

Zhang Weiyu, the Marshal of the Superintendent of Heaven, sat on the head, and the General of the Fire God was reporting, and he was full of praise.

Not to mention that he was in the Xianqin realm and later in the Guangyuan realm, he was more concerned by Lu Qingfeng. In terms of cultivation, Lu Qingfeng's current diving ability is no less than that of the superintendent of the sky before him.

It's even better than the potential.

The Fire God General knows how to deal with it, and also knows what to say and what not to say.

Marshal Jiantian listened, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that the little boy who was only True Immortal at the beginning, who was given away by him as a god at will, has become Heavenly Immortal, and can be on an equal footing with him, and he is even more contemptuous at this moment.

Anyone will be angry.

Zhang Weiyu is no exception.

"Since they are going back together, why not see the General?" Zhang Weiyu said solemnly.

Zhang Weiyu divine might be vast, and cultivation base cultivation is above the General of Yanshen.

So drink and ask.

Immediately, the Fire God General was under heavy pressure, and he hurriedly said:

"reporting to the Marshal."

"The General of the God of Fire will help the late general and return to the Earth Immortal world. Afterwards, just leave on your own, without knowing where to go."

Facing his immediate boss.

General Yan Shen saw that Marshal Jiantian was obviously angry, and he didn't dare to help Lu Qingfeng any more, just casually confessed.

"Leave alone?"

Zhang Weiyu frowned, although he was dissatisfied, he didn't want to show too much in front of his subordinates.

In any case, that pure boy is already immortal, and I am afraid that he will not be wronged in his Marshall Mansion in the future.

But he is a Heavenly Immortal after all, so there is no need to offend him for nothing.

Thinking about it.

Zhang Weiyu suddenly thought of Huang Fengling: "Is he looking for his big brother?!"

It is very possible.

But even Heavenly Immortal, what can help against such a big battle in Huangfengling? Even if he went, it was just a mess.

"This boy is a gracious boy."

Thinking of this.

Zhang Weiyu's anger dissipated a little.

The sworn big brother was really suppressed by Buddhaism Bodhisattva. It would be heart-wrenching if the General came to him at the Marshall Mansion in a leisurely manner.

Nowadays, although his actions are disrespectful, he is in the end with a lot of loyalty and affection.

Such a character has this relationship in the Marshall Mansion, and if he asks for something in the future, maybe he will not refuse it for the sake of this friendship.

In the future, there will be more First Layer contacts.

I also think that this pure boy has cultivated Heavenly Immortal dao fruit in a short period of time.

Zhang Weiyu has a plan in his mind.

"Perhaps it was because of his big brother that he returned to Huang Fengling." Marshal Jiantian said.

“His big brother?”

General Flame God was puzzled for a while.

He just came back, and it is not clear what happened to Huang Fengling.

Between doubts.

Marshal Jiantian didn't explain, but said, "General Yanshen has worked hard all the way, so go back to rest first. When General Hushen returns, this Marshal and Marshal Soshen will add up to the four. General please."

"many thanks, Marshal."

"The last general retire!"

General Yanshen's attitude changed before and after seeing Marshal Jiantian , I couldn't figure out the reason, so I retreated.

Just out of Marshall Mansion several dozen li.

I saw a flash of light in the distance, coming in an instant. The rays of light dissipated, revealing the figure in the middle, it was the Guangyuan Immortal Emperor.

"Your Majesty—"

The Fire God General was about to call, when he suddenly remembered that this was the Earth Immortal world, he stopped quickly, stepped forward with a smile, and said respectfully: " Catch God General."

"Flame God General."

Lu Qingfeng looked at Flame God General and also nodded with a smile.

Back to Earth Immortal.

This Fire God General is no longer the 'Lei Xiao Emperor', one of the nine Great Emperors of Guangyuan Immortal Court, nor is he Supreme's 'Guangyuan Immortal Emperor', the two are just colleagues.

It's hard to say much about this past, and it will be troublesome to go deeper into it.

Whether it is Lu Qingfeng or Yanshen General, or Yang Sector Soshen General and Dongfang Soshen General, they are very tacit understanding and will not speak.

Seeing that Lu Qingfeng was elegant and easy-going, the General Yan Shen took advantage of it and said in a low voice, "The marshal asked about the general just now, and then guessed that the general was in a hurry to return to Huangfengling, so he didn't say much."


“many thanks, General reminded.”

Lu Qingfeng Chongyan God General cupped the hands.

I've talked about this.

It's time to enter Marshall Mansion.

Before moving, I saw auspicious clouds falling in the distance, and the Thunder Fire all turned away.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head to look and saw clearly that the person who came was not someone else, it was the Sa Shou Jian Sa Heavenly who was known as 'the wind and thunder are within a short distance, and the demon is cut under the gang'. Master.

"This old guy."

"Previously guarding the mountain gate at Black Wind Mountain, this time it is replaced by Marshall Mansion!"

Lu Qingfeng Press the footsteps, enter in no hurry, and wait for Sa Shoujian to arrive.

"Little Great Saint."

"Meet again."

Sa Shoujian came with his feet on the auspicious clouds and landed outside the Marshall Mansion. Looking at Lu Qingfeng full of smiles and greeting.

"Little Great Saint?"

General of the Flame God was beside him, he was surprised when he saw the person coming, he didn't have time to think about it, he paid respect and said, "Sa Heavenly Master ."

This is one of the four Heavenly Masters in the Tongming Hall in front of the Jade Emperor.

Speaking of persons.

Let's not talk about these divine generals, even the Marshal of Supervision and the Heavenly Monarch of the Thunder Department are still a notch lower, only slightly lower than the Commander of the Eight Departments.

The Fire God General doesn't dare to neglect.

It's Lu Qingfeng.

Seeing the person who came, he just cupped the hands and said, "The daoist travels to and fro, it's really hard to run for the Great Heavenly Venerate."

Sa Shoujian rushed to the flame god General only is nodding.

I heard Lu Qingfeng's words but said with a smile: "It is a blessing for Poor Daoist to run for Your Majesty."


General Yan Shen listened and bowed his head silently, admiring it tightly in his heart.

Lu Qingfeng also said with a smile: "No wonder daoist can be trusted by Great Heavenly Venerate, thinking of the humerus."


I didn't want to spend much time with Sa Shoujian outside, so I just said: "The daoist is here to supervise the Marshall Mansion, there must be something important, and this Great Saint happens to have something to find the marshal, why not join us?"


"This is the Great Saint?"

The Fire God General listened and watched, shocked in his heart, and secretly said, "This pure boy is so bold."

It's really rude to be so arrogant and call himself the Great Saint when facing the Heavenly Master.

Immediately, there was a burst of envy: "Having Huang Feng Great Saint those characters as a big brother, I am not afraid to face the four Heavenly Masters. It is much stronger than Heavenly Immortal cultivation alone."

This Yanshen General, including the Soshen Marshall Mansion and the two Soshen generals, still think that Lu Qingfeng is only Heavenly Immortal cultivation.

The former saw Lu Qingfeng get big in front of Master Sa Heavenly.

I was terrified for a while.

I was jealous for a while.

Lu Qingfeng and Sa Heavenly Master did not pay attention to the little god general. After Lu Qingfeng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to lead Sa Heavenly Master to enter Marshall Mansion, but listened to Sa Heavenly Master Path: "Poor Daoist is here. Not looking for Marshal Zhang, but for the little Great Saint."


Lu Qingfeng paused and looked towards Sa Heavenly Master, "I don't know this Great Saint. What did you do, and trouble daoist to run again?"

"Little Great Saint is joking."

Sa Heavenly Master shook his head, said with a smile: "Your Majesty cherishes talent, can't bear it I saw the little Great Saint idle cloud wild crane wasted away, so Poor Daoist ordered the little Great Saint to go to heaven."

"Your Majesty?"

"The Jade Emperor ?!"

When General Yan Shen heard this, he was shocked and couldn't hold back for a long time, his face changed abruptly, he looked towards Lu Qingfeng, and he was a little dumbfounded: "It's just Huang Feng Great Saint Third Brother, it's also worth Your Majesty Send Sa Heavenly Master down to earth and invite him to become an official in person?!"


It really subverts the world view of General Fire God.

Lu Qingfeng was also a little surprised, didn't expect the Jade Emperor to be so sincere.


Then Master Sa Heavenly said again: "What is the little Great Saint still hesitating about? It's rare that Your Majesty values ​​so much, so don't let it go. Is it possible, the little Great Saint still wants to worship Black Wind Mountain? Or maybe the four are empty, and you want to escape into Buddhism?"


Hearing these words, Lu Qingfeng suddenly laughed.

It turned out to be the news that he was rejected by the Black Wind Mountain and besieged by the Eighteenth Arhat. No wonder it was so coincidental that he ran into this Heavenly Master again in front of the Marshall Mansion.

this time.

He really couldn't refuse.

Black Wind Mountain does not accept him.

Buddhism wants to take him.

Here, if he offends Celestial Court again. In the Three Realms, there really is no place for him.

Seeing the pure boy laughing, Master Sa Heavenly laughed and said, "Your Majesty said, as long as the little Great Saint is willing to go to heaven, he will never be neglected."


Looking at Lu Qingfeng, calmly, waiting for a response.

"The little god is terrified."

Lu Qingfeng straightened his clothes, looked terrified, bowed to the sky, and said respectfully, "I didn't expect Your Majesty to show such love. , how dare you refuse again? This is the daoist, thank you Your Majesty!"


"Little Great Saint is really a wonderful person!"

When Master Sa Heavenly saw this, he burst out laughing.


Because it was too late to report, Lu Qingfeng went to heaven with Master Sa Heavenly.

This side.

The Fire God General stared blankly at the two of them leaving, but did not respond for a long time.

I only felt that the clouds were filled with fog, and I could hear and see clearly, but at the moment I was still like a fool, as if I didn't see anything and didn't hear anything.

At this time.

A majestic god with a black crown, soap and Zhu Lu strode out.

The Fire God General woke up, hurriedly stepped forward to see it, and said, "Marshal."

It was the Superintendent of the Sky.

"Just now, the goalkeeper reported that it was Master Sa Heavenly and General Catching God coming, why didn't they disappear?" Marshal Jian Tian looked around, but there was no trace of the two, and asked General Yan Shen.

He was doing business in Marshall Mansion.

I am fascinated.

Suddenly, the gatekeeper General rushed to report in a hurry, saying that Master Heavenly of the Tongming Temple was outside, and there was also the God-catching General.

So I hurried out to greet me.

didn't expect a step too late.

General Yanshen was confused, and his heart was also uncomfortable. He immediately sent Lu Qingfeng first, and Sa Heavenly Master came second. The content of their conversation and their attitudes were word for word. Marshal Tian repeated it.

Then stared at Marshal Superintendent.

I thought I could get some answers from the marshal.

But I saw—

“Little Great Saint?”

“This Great Saint?”

“Your Majesty dear? Ordered Sa Heavenly Master to call him an official?!"

"Or a second request?!?!" General appearance of God.


"So the marshal didn't know either."

The Fire God General felt better.

Before I could think about it, I heard the command from Marshal Jiantian: "Go to Huangfengling, find out the situation, and report quickly!"

General Yanshen looked solemn, Busy answering the road——

"As you bid!"

Ask for a monthly ticket!

(end of this chapter)

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