
  Chapter 731 Xuan Ningzi, you senior brothers are in trouble, go to Azure Dragon Mountain!

Canglan Mountain.

Not old fashioned.

On the top of the mountain, a four-cornered pagoda with a height of 19 feet stood, with rays of light flashing, and there were bursts of rumbling sounds, swaying and about to fall.

Shangchun Daoist sits cross-legged in one corner.

The mana surged, trying to suppress the pagoda. The great formation of the mountain gate opened, and True Immortal and Primordial Spirit settled in their respective positions and controlled the formation, covering the top and bottom of Canglan Mountain.

Other triangles in pagoda.

Each person sits cross-legged, blessed with mana.

These three people have different appearances, but they are all Peak Earth Immortal, cultivation profound, profound mana, much stronger than Daoist Sangchun.

They are the three generals in the Yuanjun Palace.


Under the pressure of the immortal art of the four peaks, the rumbling sound in the pagoda gradually subsided. The Daoist Sangchun relaxed, stood up and bowed to the three of them, saying: "many thanks Three Daoist Brothers come to help!"

Daoist Changsheng, Situ Qian, and Daoist Tieyu fell into the pagoda of the public guests.

The master and disciple, Kuyu and Xingyun, fell into the hands of Lin Ye.

Lin Ye is worried about losing.

Why isn't the Daoist wounding spring not afraid?


On the one hand, he opened the great formation, stuck to the mountain gate, and suppressed the pagoda. On the other hand, he sent people to the Yuanjun Palace to seek help from his colleagues.

The Palace of Yuanjun is not as good as the Marshall Mansion, and there are only six generals under the Yuanjun, the Duke of Siming.

Except for two people.

The rest of the three arrived.

Shangchun Daoist has self-awareness and knows that this is not because of his good relationship. If the three of them can come, I am afraid that they have nothing to do with Siming Gongbin Yuanjun.

Among the three.

Except for Ling Su, the oldest qualified, the other two looked a little bad and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Shangchun Daoists are more certain in their hearts.


No one will have a good face if they are dragged into the water for no reason.

Shangchun Daoist is also helpless.

Isn't he himself suffering?

Ling Su had no likes or dislikes, and said, "The three have Immortal Artifact by their side, and the public guest Pagoda can trap them, but for a while, they can't do anything. Please hurt me too. Chun Fellow Daoist opened a door, let this Ling in, and killed these three thieves as soon as possible, so as to avoid future troubles!"

Ling Su's voice was steady.

The words spoken contain baleful aura murderous aura!


Daoist Sangchun said, brows frowned, not even think, and refused: "Though these three people are reckless, they are also Tianhe gods. There is a little conflict. It doesn't matter, if it is killed, I'm afraid that True Monarch Tianpeng will come to be held accountable, then who can afford it?"

This is one of them.

One more thing.

He is still in the hands of Junior Brother, Martial Nephew, and seven or eight disciples. If you kill the hostages at this time, doesn't it cut off the way for these people? !

Shangchun Daoist naturally refuses to obey.


The other two gods listened, and at this time they also joined in, saying, "Shangchun Fellow Daoist is right, Brother Ling must not be reckless."

They knew.

This Ling Su is a trusted confidant of Si Ming Gongbin Yuanjun. At that time, the other four generals in Yuanjun Hall and many Earth Immortals all left, but Ling Su and another general named 'Xun Shanzi' remained unshakable.

Ling Su's actions are somewhat similar to that of the Duke of Siming, Bin Yuanjun.

They dare not let it come.

Ling Su saw that all the three were against it, and his face darkened, "Being beaten at the door, I have to look ahead."

But in the end he didn't dare to be hard.

Have no choice but to give up.

When the atmosphere was awkward, there happened to be shouts from outside the mountain.

Shangchun Daoist moved his ears slightly, his eyes showed a hint of joy, and he did not pretend to be gloomy: "They are back!"


cloud sky.

The palaces are clustered, jasper makeup.

Siming Gongbin Yuanjun sat cross-legged in the inner hall, eyes closed for cultivation.

She has suffered a lot over the years—

First, she was hit by the Heavenly Retribution Asura sneak attack, which was hit hard for 100,000 years.

Later, he was hurt by the samādhi dive wind, and then he was banished to Nielongtan for three thousand years, suffering a lot.

But these sufferings.

It also gave her a different understanding of cultivation. At this time, the cultivation has always been rewarded. After achieving Heavenly Immortal, the cultivation base that has been stagnant for a long time has also loosened a little.

It made her heart full of haze recently, and finally there was a little more light.

This day.

Cultivation as usual.


Siming Gongbin Yuanjun suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes burst with cold light, and his face suddenly turned cold. The vertical eyes on the forehead are open, and they shine in the distance.

I saw a blood light shining, and three fairy lights burst out.

Immediately after.

A burst of rays of light flickered, and there was a rumbling noise, and the scene of debris flying around could be vaguely seen.

"Shu Zian dares to destroy my magic weapon?!"

Siming Gongbin Yuanjun abruptly stood up, stepped out, and went straight to the sky.

the other side.

The Tianhe branched off and flowed endlessly. A battleship sailed, Lu Qingfeng, Xuan Ningzi, Xuanyu master and disciple stood on the deck.

A hundred years in the world.

Lu Qingfeng has also been in God World for a hundred years. During this period, he took control of the starry sky of God World, and set up the Stars Great Array next week. Together with the formations laid down by the gods, he blocked the entrance and exit of God World.


Yin Taisui and Liutong Venerable will no longer be able to get their hands on God World.


He preached three more times in God World.

Smoothly promoted to Heavenly Immortal Realm world, and reached the peak of Heavenly Immortal First Realm 'reflection' in one fell swoop. Just one step away, you can be promoted to the Second Stage 'Yan Dao' realm.

Not weak.

Not just him.

Everyone who listened to the lectures also made progress.

Earth Immortal has sprung up a lot, as has True God. Among them, Xuan Ning and Xuan Yu were originally Earth Immortal Peak, and this time they achieved Heavenly Immortal in one fell swoop.

I was brought out by Lu Qingfeng and wanted to be trained in the Tianhe.

As for the other dísciple.

The gods in God World are pretty much the gods, but Lu Qingfeng never cleaned it up, so it's hard to take away all the backbones of Guangyuan Immortal Sect.

And these dísciples have just entered the cultivation base, just stay in the God World for more time, and enjoy the cultivation by the environment surrounded by gods.

It will be useful in the future.

The master and disciple were speechless all the way.

Lu Qingfeng closed his eyes and rested his mind, comprehending the different mysterious aspects of Heavenly Immortal in the present time and space.

Xuanning and Xuanyu are the first time out of God World, looking at the vast Tianhe, the boundless void, and the vast Great Desolate, all of which are a bit novel.

Never mind talking.


Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes with a move in his heart.


Xuan Ning and Xuan Yu noticed that they all looked at the teacher in front of them.


"What happened?"

Xuan Ning asked aloud.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "You senior brother and senior sister are in trouble."


Wrapped up his sleeves.

You will see two pictures appear.

One is the swift escape of light, among the rays of light, a Goddess is glaring and burning with anger.

The other is a place with mountains and rivers.

Earth Immortal brawl.

One of them was holding a blood light magic knife, one blade after another smashed the four-cornered pagoda. More than a dozen Earth Immortals fight in one place, and the heaven falls and earth rends.

"Luofu Sword Manual."

"Yellow robe True Secret."

"The Heart Sutra of the Five Thunders of the Prison."

Xuan Ning and Xuanyu looked towards this second scene, and at a glance they recognized the cultivation techniques performed by Earth Immortal. The two even saw that there was actually a Taoist person whose cultivation was "The Twelve Capitals Heavenly Demon Divine Law".

Immortal Artifact collision.

Divine ability to sway.

The battle was fierce.

Come to think of it, these are her senior brother and senior sister in the teacher's mouth. Although the cultivation base is not as good as hers, it is also a personal biography. As long as the entry is before her, she has to be humble and small, and she will be called 'Senior Brother' and 'Senior Sister'.

Xuan Ningzi looked at the second picture.

Seeing an Earth Immortal covered in dirt, battered and exhausted, being besieged by several True Immortals, he hesitated for a moment before asking: "teacher, this—"

Others A few people either have Immortal Artifacts on them, or use the Dafa and divine abilities taught by the teacher.

Only this person.

There is neither Immortal Artifact nor a cultivation technique.

Being besieged by True Immortal is a shame for Earth Immortal.

No wonder Xuan Ningzi asked.


Lu Qingfeng was also looking at the black robed man who was covered in dirt and embarrassed. After a while, he sighed: "This is your Eldest. Senior Brother, don't take it lightly after seeing it!"

"Eldest Senior Brother?"

Xuanning and Xuanyu were all shocked when they heard this.

In God World.

Xuan Ningzi is naturally a well-deserved elder disciple.

After coming out of God World, I also know that there are other senior and junior brothers. But it didn't expect, this black robed man is actually the head of many dísciples under the teacher's seat.

In trance.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes swept across Xuan Ning and Xuan Yu, and finally landed on Xuan Ningzi, saying, "You cultivate "The Twelve Capitals heavenly demon Divine Law", with powerful mana. I was Heavenly Immortal at first, but I was not weak. I went to Azure Dragon Mountain for my teacher."


Xuan Ningzi answered the order.

Lu Qingfeng took out another golden wheel with his backhand, with Six Paths Gate on it, each with its own magic, divided into 'Heavenly Dao', 'Humanity', 'Beast Dao', 'Asura Road', 'Hungry' Ghost Path', 'Hell Dao'.

It is the Six Paths immortal treasure that Lu Qingfeng took from Qin Zhen——

Six Paths of Reincarnation!

"That person's cultivation is profound, and you are probably not an opponent. When fighting her, this treasure was taken out, just open the Yin Division reincarnation, and demote her into the Six Paths, there is no need to worry about anything."


Lu Qingfeng handed the golden wheel to Xuan Ningzi and said in his mouth.

The four Ming Gongbin Yuanjun killed him in the past, and the hatred is not small.

In Earth Immortal, there is some friction.

Now that he has suddenly risen to a high position, he is the true monarch of Tianpeng.

But this time, it was a coincidence that this person delivered it to the door himself.

Lu Qingfeng doesn't mind playing hard.

Instruct Xuan Ningzi to pass on her method of tracking and tracing, and inform Azure Dragon of the location of the mountain, Lin Feng and the others' names and identities.

Let her go.

Xuan Ningzi received Spirit Treasure and set up an escape and went straight to Azure Dragon Mountain.

On Nine Heavens.

Among the Tianhe.

The Canopy Water House.

Lu Qingfeng golden immortal art sits cross-legged among the stars, surrounded by three hundred and sixty-five star flags.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes released Profound Light, and his hands kept pinching and printing, endlessly bursting out of mystery. When the flag is running, it secretly transports its diving ability, but it disrupts the secrets of the Azure Dragon Mountain area, and blinds the secret of Si Ming Gongbin Yuanjun.

Azure Dragon Mountain.

Earth Immortal battle, heaven shaking, earth shattering.

Lin Ye and the others arrive and return the hostages to each other.

That Ling Su took the opportunity to make a move, and the Earth Immortal fought together.

Shangchun Daoist couldn't, so he raised the 'gongbin pagoda' and wanted to repeat the old trick. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was already prepared, and he charged with a knife to smash the pagoda of Gongbin into pieces.

His 'Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Sword' is Spirit Treasure.

Although the public guest pagoda is powerful, it is nothing but fourth rank Immortal Artifact.

You can still win against the same level of Immortal Artifact and cultivation. But against the Spirit Treasure, which is beyond the limit, after a collision, without the mana protection of Si Ming Gong Bin Yuanjun, a Taoist wounding spring alone cannot hold this blade.

It shattered instantly.



Lin Feng didn't dare to use it anymore. This 'Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Sword' is weird, contains Blood Fiendish Qi, even Earth Immortal, will be affected when used.

When borrowing Spirit Treasure, Zhang Shu specially instructed.

Lin Feng didn't dare to be careless.

Now that the public guest pagoda is broken and there is no threat, I simply put the magic knife away.

He holds the Eight Views Tower in one hand and the fairy sword in the other. He threw the Bajinglou in his hand into the air. However, he saw that there was someone on the other side who was already prepared, stretched his hand into his arms, took out a ball of spun yarn, and ran towards the Bajinglou, wrapping it in an instant, entangled it in one place, and it was difficult to capture the person.

Lin Feng was helpless.

The only thing I can do is take the Bajinglou, attack with the immortal sword, and fight with that person.

But after all, he is a newcomer to Earth Immortal, and he is against these gods who are not just in name only, but also in reality. All of them are characters from Peak Earth Immortal. How can they be opponents?

Even if Dafa is powerful, proven Divine Ability.

It was also downwind for a while.

"Senior Brother."

"I'm here to help you!"

Wen Guang held Da Youhuan in his hand, with yellow light shining all over his body, and joined the battle. lock up. The senior and junior brothers joined forces, which barely stopped the decline.


The melee started.

There are five Peak Earth Immortals, including Daoist Sangchun and Daoist Kuyu, and there is only Daoist Xingyun, the newest Earth Immortal.

And Lin Feng is here.

Lin Ye, Wen Guang, Zhang Yang, Changsheng Daoist, Situ Qian, Tie Yu Daoist, including Lin Feng, are all new Earth Immortals. When it comes to cultivation mana, it is far inferior. But with many enemies and few enemies, plus everyone has the Great Divine Ability, and the third rank and fourth rank Immortal Artifact in hand, they can barely stabilize the situation.

It's just the 'corrupt people'.


If I want to help, one is injured, the other is the lack of magic, and the third is that the Magical Artifact is mediocre.

It doesn't work at all.


A group of seven or eight True Immortals from the ancient sects will come up, some people use the Five Decay Techniques, some hold Magical Artifacts to attack, some people sacrifice magic techniques.

The dignified Earth Immortal was beaten by several True Immortals, and there was almost no way to fight back.

It makes the corrupt Taoist feel ashamed and angry.

Do your best to suppress the injury.

Not long.

Being the first to show up!

(end of this chapter)

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