"I understand the strange man's method of action." Duanmu Mo unscrewed the water bottle and poured it towards the place where the medical equipment of Shenwu Group should be placed.

The water fell on the ground. Under the sight of the three people, the water slowly spread outward, leaving strange lines, and finally spread out.

——The water in the water bottle did not gather on the ground where the important equipment should be placed, but all flowed out. Looking closely, there was an imperceptible bulge on the ground.

Duanmu Mo was too lazy to keep the secret, so he returned the water bottle to Fujiki and said, "Isn't this already there? Some weirdo has the ability to change the ground, leaving this slight bulge, but the ground has not been damaged throughout the process."

"--In short, there are two weirdos, one of whom sneaked into the ground like swimming and took all the instruments away, and the other used electricity to disable the camera, so that you can't detect their actions."

Neither of them understood what Duanmu Mo was saying, but his tone didn't sound like he was lying, so Fujiki thought for a while and asked hesitantly:

"Then...where is the evidence?"

His purpose was not to know the truth of the matter, but to find real evidence that could at least convince others that these were the actions of the weirdos.

"Dig down from here, or find something to detect, maybe the things you lost are inside." This bulge certainly couldn't be generated out of thin air, there must be something hidden underneath.

"Dig it directly..."

"If it doesn't work, there are other ways." Duanmu Mo touched his chin and smiled.

"What is it!" Hearing this, Fujiki suddenly became excited and asked.

"I need your help on this." Duanmu Mo said with a malicious smile.


The next day, another truck drove over and once again moved a pile of containers into the warehouse.

Then, Fujiki notified everyone to conduct safety tests on medical equipment. As long as there are no problems, they can be officially put into use in a few days.

...... Everything went in the normal direction until late at night.

——A head popped out of the sea and looked at the warehouse in the distance strangely.

"What's going on? I have clearly hidden them all. Could it be that they quickly transported new equipment?"

With doubts, he dived into the sea again and swam towards the warehouse.

Approaching the beach, he stretched out his hand, and the ground in contact with his palm changed to some extent, making him blend into the beach.

Continuing to swim in the sand, the land in contact with it became harder, but it still did not hinder his movement.

Swimming through sand, soil, and concrete, he finally approached the ground. He paused for a moment and felt the breath on the ground.

There was no footsteps, which was good.

What is needed to swim under the ground is not vision, but the most sensitive hearing. Any sound coming from the ground cannot escape his hearing.

Swimming to the blind spot of the camera in his memory, he slightly poked his head out from the ground and planned to observe the situation on the ground.

——But the next moment, a spicy feeling filled his eyes.

"Uh! Tear gas?!"

In the almost closed space, the feeling of pain filled his brain. Under torture, he unconsciously covered his eyes and struggled to roll on the ground.

"It's your mother's trap, damn!"

Roaring, he decisively dived deep into the ground.

"Drop stun bombs and blow the weirdos out."


First there was the sound of footsteps landing, followed by the sound of an ominous conversation.


There was a loud noise on the ground, and five sounds poured into his ears, and more intense pain than before came.

Like a struggling fish, the weirdo suddenly jumped out of the ground, closed his eyes and covered his ears and struggled: "Damn it! How dare you trick me!"

--Look carefully at the appearance of this weirdo, his whole body is full of gray scales, his upper body is a hideous human figure, and his lower body has a fish tail.

Similar to the mermaid in the story, but the appearance is really hard to be described as "beautiful".

"Start attacking!"

Opening his eyes with difficulty, the weirdo saw several humans wearing strange armor, firing bullets at him.

"Do you think these can defeat me!"

Standing up with a roar, he ignored the bullets fired by these people, grabbed the container beside him and lifted it up.

"Huh?" The weirdo looked at the small container, which was actually empty.

"Go to hell!"

Filled with calculated anger, the weirdo grabbed the boxes and smashed them at the humans around him.

They were hit by the boxes and smashed heavily against the wall on one side.

The crazy weirdo was venting his anger like this - even if he was tricked, this weirdo was still strong. After a few rounds, he beat these armored humans to the point where they completely lost their fighting power.

... But he forgot that this was not a place where he could vent his anger for too long.


The fireball broke through the warehouse and hit the weirdo, sending him flying backwards even heavier than those people.


Shouting in pain, the weirdo turned around and looked at the burning figure behind him.

Crack, crack, crack...

Magical girl Yuhi clasped her fists and pressed her fingers, making a crisp sound: "Bullying ordinary people is nothing, come and fight me."


In the warehouse where tear gas still remained, Yuhi moved her body and grabbed the weirdo's tail.


With a strong tug, Yuhi smashed the weirdo to the ground and beat him over and over again.

At the end, Yuhi suddenly threw upwards, throwing the weirdo high in the air.

Then, she took a deep breath, and her fist slowly ignited a blazing flame.

"Give me...break!"

——The timing was perfect, just when Yuhi punched forward, this weirdo also landed in front of her, hitting the blow firmly.


Lying on the ground, the weirdo opened his eyes wide and looked at the obvious mark of a fist where he was hit.

The mark began to spread, and the flames instantly burned from his body. In his screams, this weirdo's life was easily ended by Yuri.

"Vulnerable." After clapping her hands, Xihi snorted, turned around and left.


"Thank you so much, Mr. Duanmu, I didn't expect that this method can really draw out the weirdo!"

In the office, Duanmumo looked at the client in front of him with a smile, and shook his head lightly:

"This is my job - let's not talk about it anymore. What happened to those medical instruments? Have they been found?"

"I found it, I found it, just where you said it was. I didn't expect that he really just buried these instruments, and even after a rough inspection, there was no damage." Fujiki smiled with a smile on his face, and shouted to Duanmu Mobiao. Thank you from the heart.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Duanmu. I have already sent you the commission fee. Here is my business card. If there is anything you need my help with, I will do my best."

"Mr. Fujiki, you're welcome."

"Then...I'll go back first. I have to deal with these follow-up matters, so I'll take my leave."

Tengmu left with a smile, and Duanmumo waved goodbye.

——After the door closed, Duanmumo's smile faded and he drank a cup of tea leisurely.

"So, this commission is over. How much money did you make~" The bed curtain opened, Xia Yan was lying on Duanmu Mo's bed, looking at Duanmu Mo with a smile and asked.

"——Is it over?" Duanmumo looked at her with a smile and asked.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment: "I've already killed that weirdo? Although I didn't catch another weirdo who discharged, it's over, right?"

"——Just hiding the medical equipment, not for money, and not intending to destroy it. Is the merger between two weirdos just for this little thing?"

"What's that going to do?"

"Just think about what this can do - if the medical equipment is missing, the biggest harm will be to the high-ranking patients in the nursing home; and the second biggest thing will be to use high technology to treat these high-ranking patients in order to obtain profits. The Shenwu Group.”

If the weirdo acted openly and killed all the people in the nursing home, it would not cause much harm to the Shenwu Group, because people would blame the weirdo, just like this Fujiki.

Only by quietly disturbing the Shenwu Group and making people think that the Shenwu Group is not taking good care of it can we give it the biggest blow.

Duanmumo drank a cup of tea and shook his head: "Judging from these clues, it is estimated that some weirdo is going to take some targeted action against the Shenwu Group... This is not like what a weirdo will do when his brain gets hot. things.”

"Oh?" Xia Yan became interested: "So, you smell the atmosphere of conspiracy?"

Putting down the cup, Duanmumo stood in front of the window and looked at the scenery outside the window. He stretched and said, "Whether they want to destroy or something else, I just hope they don't affect my life. That's enough."

Volume 1: Chapter 143: Three people gather

Not long after the commission was completed, Duanmumo thought for a while and made a call:


"This is Shenwuyin, Mr. Duanmu, what can I do?"

Shen Wuyin's voice came from the phone. Before leaving, she exchanged contact information with Duanmumo and Yuzhi.

"Yesterday I received a commission about your Shenwu Group."

——"Your Shenwu Group". Upon hearing this, Xia Yan, who was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, suddenly realized that the other person was not Yu Zhi, and turned her head curiously.

Immediately afterwards, Duanmumo informed Shen Wuyin of all the entrustment, and the latter was silent for a while.

"——Finally, I think some weirdo is targeting your Shenwu Group, so I'm here to remind you."

"...So that's it." Shen Wuyin said, standing alone by the window of her residence, looking at her spacious swimming pool.

"I will tell my father. Thank you for informing me, Mr. Duanmu."

She had learned a rough idea about the beach in Jindai City not long ago, but she didn't know the details. It was only after Duanmumo reminded her that she learned about the current situation of the Shenwu Group.

Although Lingyin is protected here in Fengchuan City, there is nothing that can be done in other places.

Moreover, judging from Duanmu Mo's words, there are no clues about this weirdo who wants to murder the Shenwu Group.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Wuyin frowned and thought: "It's obviously not something a weirdo would do... Could it be them?"

--Not knowing who the "they" Shen Wuyin was talking to herself about was, Shen Wuyin then called her father.

The call was hung up quickly, and she was not surprised. He should be dealing with important matters now, so she put the phone aside and opened a book to read.

She didn't answer it until the phone rang again: "Hello, father."

A hard and cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "I have another meeting later, just tell me if you have anything."

"The medical equipment on the beach in Shenshiro City was hidden by a weirdo."

"I was dealing with this kind of thing in the meeting just now." Shen Wuyin's father's tone became puzzled: "The information has not been made public yet, how do you know this?"

"Three years ago, I was rescued by someone when I was kidnapped, and I met him again recently. He was also entrusted to solve this matter when he returned to Shenshiro City."

"Really..." Hearing this, Shen Wuyin's father fell silent for a rare time.

——He stopped and looked out the window in the corridor: "...I will remember this favor. What's his name?"

"Duanmu Mo, who runs the Duanmu Office in Shendai City-and he also told me that the weirdo's actions are very strange, and it seems that he is planning to target the Shenwu Group."


After hearing this, the voice on the other side was silent for a long time.

After a long while, he replied: "I know, I will remember this information. Is there anything else?"

"I will also go to Shendai City recently, as Lingyin."

"Okay-when you go there, invite Mr. Duanmu to dinner in the name of gratitude, and say that the Shenwu Group will remember his kindness."

"I will."

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