"I'm used to sleeping on the ground anyway."


After sighing countless times, Duanmumo opened his eyes and looked at the lightless ceiling.

Standing up, Duanmumo came to Xia Yan and picked her up.

He put Xia Yan on the bed like a princess hugging her, and then Duanmumo himself sat on the bed.


There was a snicker, and then Duanmumo covered the two of them with the quilt: "Sleep!"

Sharing the same bed and quilt, Xia Yan twisted her body, adjusted her posture, and slowly pressed against Duanmu Mo's body.

Both of them are now wearing loose bathrobes, which can expose a large amount of skin with a little movement.

At this moment, Xia Yan's fair legs stretched out from her bathrobe and hooked on Duanmu Mo's legs.

The skin of the legs is delicate and silky, and the soft feeling is close to Duanmu Mo's calves, and the jade feet are also close to Duanmu Mo's feet.

On the warm and comfortable bed, the hotel room is filled with a faint scent of aromatherapy, gradually spreading with the confusing atmosphere.

——Duanmumo's breathing didn't change at all, it was still so steady...but he turned over, facing away from Xia Yan.

With a smile on her face, Xia Yan continued to lean against Duanmu Mo, stretched out her hand and hugged him around his waist.

The toes were clasped on Duanmu Mo's legs, moving slightly like playing a piano, playing a beautiful love song, or asking in a low voice.

"--What are you doing?"

On the bed, Duanmu Mo's voice sounded calmly, like a calm pool of water.

"I like to sleep with something~"

Xia Yan said softly. Her long black hair, as smooth as a waterfall, spreads behind her back, which is completely different from the ponytail she usually wears. Now she lacks a hint of neutral handsomeness, and is replaced by more softness and charm.

"Just hold the pillow. There is an extra set of pillows and quilts in the closet in the room."


"Then can't you restrain yourself?"

"No." Xia Yan said, burying her face behind Duanmu Mo, breathing behind him, and her soft body was almost close to Duanmu Mo's body.

——What a troublesome woman... No, it’s a girl.

Duanmumo opened his eyes helplessly and suddenly turned around:

"——I also like to sleep with something in my arms."


Amidst Xia Yan's exclamations, her body was hugged by Duan Mumo, unable to move.

Duanmumo's legs clamped Xia Yan's legs, and his hands hugged her arms and body tightly. The breath and warmth from Duanmumo suddenly filled Xia Yan's body.

Xia Yan's eyelashes trembled slightly like butterfly wings, and her red lips exhaled warm breath in surprise, blending with Duanmu Mo's breath.

Her soft body trembled slightly in Duanmumo's arms. She was immersed in Duanmumo's warmth. After a few struggles, the sheets rippled like waves with her movements.

"This posture..."

The roles between active and passive were reversed, and Xia Yan's face suddenly turned red. She couldn't even raise her head and could only bury herself in Duanmu Mo's chest and imagine his expression at this time.

His body began to heat up, and his fair skin revealed an attractive pink color: "Although I'm a little anxious, it's okay now..."


Before she finished speaking, Xia Yan heard breathing coming from the top of her head - to be precise, it was a faint snoring.

"Hello? Hello!"

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then started struggling, her movements became more and more intense, but even so, she still couldn't break free.

"——Don't lie, you must not have slept! Hey!"

Xia Yan shook her body vigorously, but Duanmu Mo's snoring remained steady.

After struggling several times to no avail, Xia Yan collapsed in frustration, and used her barely able head to hit Duanmu Mo's chest to vent her anger: "Ah - damn it!"

The more she vented, the more Xia Yan's physical strength was depleted. Soon, her body lost all strength and she fell asleep in anger.

Volume One: Chapter 155: Divine Dance

——The next morning, the sun shines through the hotel window and onto the girl in the room.

The girl lay on the soft bed, curled up together, and breathed slightly:

"It's too urgent...Yu Zhi...this is a misunderstanding..."

Jingle bell bell—

She didn't know what kind of mess she was dreaming about, but a bell rang. Xia Yan suddenly opened her eyes and sat up from the bed.

"Um...what's going on?"

She covered her head and looked impatiently at the alarm clock not far away.

The alarm clock was specially placed on the table not far away. If you wanted to turn it off, you had to leave the bed.

Otherwise, if it were placed on the bed cabinet, Xia Yan would definitely turn off the alarm clock and go to sleep.

Wearing a somewhat messy bathrobe, Xia Yan reluctantly walked out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. Only then did she find some nutritious breakfast on the table, and a note next to the breakfast.

"'I have to go out for something, and I've prepared breakfast for you, remember to eat it.'...What are you doing?"

Seeing this, Xia Yan sighed and looked at the dried clothes on the chair.

Sitting on the bed, Xia Yan raised her head and looked at the ceiling, thinking constantly.

"What was the content of the dream just now..."


"Mr. Duanmu."

——In front of the damaged street, Shen Wuyin looked at the workers who were busy in front of him. He suddenly noticed the approaching footsteps and turned to look at the visitor.

"Didn't I keep you waiting long?"

Duanmumo stepped forward with his windbreaker pocket inserted and looked at the ruins she just looked at.

"No..." The two stood side by side in front of the ruins. Shen Wuyin lowered his eyes, and then sighed softly: "I didn't expect Mr. Duanmu that you would come to Fengchuan City. Obviously this city It was damaged just yesterday.”

"Some personal matters."

In response, Duanmumo just smiled faintly.

"Then let's go." Without asking what the private matter Duanmu Mo was talking about, Shen Wuyin took Duanmu Mo away from here.

This morning, Duanmumo contacted Shen Wuyin, hoping to use her family's connections to find a suitable room, so the two made an appointment to meet here.

"Many places in Fengchuan City have been severely damaged, but fortunately there are still some places that have not been attacked by combatants."

Shen Wuyin said and took Duanmumo to a nearby hotel.

"Although this is not a hotel owned by Shenwu Group, my father is the largest investor here."

He shook his head at the waiter and declined the service. The two of them walked inside the hotel.

"The service in the lobby is also top-notch. People staying here can order food here, or call the waiter to bring it to you. There is also a swimming pool behind the hotel, where you can also relax."

The two came to the lobby of the hotel, where dining tables were arranged, and many people were eating here.

But what is different from Shen Wuyin's impression is that the atmosphere here now is less elegant and deserted than the last time she arrived, and more replaced by noise.

Because most of the people sitting here to eat were busy and brought their families with them, Shen Wuyin's eyes caught the play between the children and the sadness and sorrow on the faces of the adults.


A sad look appeared on Shen Wuyin's face, her steps paused slightly, and she sighed with a long breath:

"Because of the 'opener', many people are homeless and can only live here... It would be great if magical girls could work harder."

"They've done their best."

Glancing around, Duanmu Mo spoke calmly.

"——Not enough."

Shen Wuyin whispered: "If we could pay more attention to other places, the combatants wouldn't have caused so much damage yesterday."

Hearing this, he turned his head slightly and looked at Shen Wuyin.

Shen Wuyin said in a low tone: "——Magical girls are very powerful compared to humans, and every move may cause more serious damage. The aftermath of the battle, the damage to the building... a little bit If you are not careful, you will cause more serious damage than a weirdo.”

Duanmumo shook his head: "You have too high demands on them."

"Mr. Duanmu, you don't understand." Shen Wuyin said silently: "This is something that magical girls must pay attention to. If the damage they cause is more serious than the monsters, then at that time, will people be afraid of the monsters or the magical girls? ?”

Hearing these "rebellious" words, Duanmumo frowned: "This sentence is not like Yin's style."

"...My father told me." Shen Wuyin said silently.

——No wonder.

"—I heard someone discussing me?"

Duanmumo was about to say something when he felt someone walking towards him, and then a powerful voice sounded.

Shen Wuyin and Duanmu Mo both turned their heads and looked at the person who made the sound.

"Father? Why are you here?"

Shen Wuyin showed surprise, while Duanmumo observed this person's appearance.

Although Duanmu Mo was too lazy to remember what happened three years ago, he still regained some of his impressions after coming into contact with Shen Wuyin.

Compared with him three years ago, Shen Wuyin's father has become more energetic, and his movements also reveal a high-ranking temperament.

It’s hard to imagine that the guy who was lost and had low self-esteem three years ago would become like this.

"Recently, several companies have joined forces to discuss business with me, and the location is right here."

The man nodded and looked at Duanmumo: "Who are you?"

"... Duanmu Mo, he runs an office." Duanmu Mo simply greeted him.

"Duanmu Mo..." He thought for a moment, suddenly showed a bold smile, stepped forward and patted Duanmu Mo on the shoulder:

"It turns out you were the one who saved my daughter three years ago. Shenwu Group is deeply grateful to you."

Duanmumo's movements changed too much. He looked at him and responded. He glanced at the man as if he was observing.

"——My daughter has told you that you came to Fengchuan City to see my daughter for something? If you don't dislike my curiosity as a parent."

With a harmonious smile on his face, the CEO of Shenwu Group greeted Duanmumo cordially.

"It's just a personal matter." Duanmumo said simply:

"I plan to stay here for a while, but the hotel rooms are almost full, so I hope to find Miss Yin...Shenwu for help."

"That's it." The man suddenly realized and looked at Shen Wuyin:

"Yin, entertain him well - Mr. Duanmu is free tonight, right? Our family didn't thank you properly three years ago. How about we have a dinner together tonight?"

He showed unimaginable enthusiasm, which made Duanmu Mo feel a little weird.

"I don't care." However, Duanmu Mo didn't care about the other party's plan, and nodded as if he agreed.

"Then it's settled. I'll let Yin take you there in the evening, and then I should leave."

He didn't stay in front of Duanmu Mo for long. He quickly looked at his watch and said goodbye to Duanmu Mo.

"Then goodbye, Mr. Shenwu." Duanmu Mo also waved and watched him leave.

... After a while, Shenwuyin whispered: "Did you just agree to it?"

"What's wrong with this?"

Putting his hands in his pockets, Duanmu Mo smiled and looked at Shenwuyin and asked.

"...Nothing, it's just that it's rare for my father to treat others so enthusiastically."

Shenwuyin shook his head, turned and left the hall, and said as he walked with Duanmu Mo:

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