"What is your purpose!"

Holding the pendant on her chest, Yuzhi rushed forward quickly and transformed into the posture of the magical girl Huangyi. Strength and physical fitness once again filled her body.


The two swords collided, and sparks burst out in all directions.

The two of them took a step back at the same time, and then Huangyi heard Cangyi's cold voice: "It's still the same... I can't feel any consciousness from your sword."

"What the hell are you talking about..."

"——You are too weak."

Before she finished speaking, Cang Yi sheathed the sword, and an unpleasant feeling instantly occupied Huang Yi's heart.


As the blade was swung out, a vertical sword energy shot towards Huangyi with an electric arc. She could only immediately dodge to the side and distance herself from the sword energy.

"This move..."

"What disappoints me the most is that you are so well protected. How many battles have you experienced? How many battles have you faced that you couldn't win alone?"

Cang Yi's words continued to come in coldly:

"All you know how to do is slash blindly with the sword. You don't even know how to use your true power."

Cang Yi continued to sheath the sword, and several sword energy shot out. Huang Yi's pupils shrank, and he ran away in embarrassment, but Cang Yi's words couldn't help but come out in his heart:

"Real power?"

But as she paused, more sword energy was shot out, and Huangyi could only watch Cangyi's movements while dodging away.

But as time passed, Huang Yi also felt the rapid decline of his body's physical strength, and his dodge movements began to slow down.

"It's simply not possible to continue like this..."

Huangyi gritted his teeth and stared at Cangyi.

The only way to end this battle now is to defeat Cang Yi.

But the dense sword energy made it impossible for Huangyi to break through, so he had to find another way.

——Feeling the sword energy that made his hair stand on end, Huang Yi had a feeling.

For some reason, the power of Huangyi and Cangyi were very similar, so under this continuous sword energy, she could also vaguely feel the energy composition in the sword energy.

"If you use another kind of sword energy, they can cancel each other out..."

Following Cang Yi's movements, Huang Yi injected energy into the sword while dodging, then sheathed the sword and poured all his strength into it.

Soon, Huang Yi felt tired engulfing his body and had to stop.

But fortunately, Cang Yi's movements seemed to stiffen at that moment, and his sword swings were no longer so quick.

There was no time to think about why, Huang Yi could only seize this opportunity and release his power to the greatest extent.


A purple sword energy was thrown out and collided with Cang Yi's sword energy. The two thunder and lightning were instantly entangled and exploded.


The air wave spread out and blew the exhausted Huang Yi away. He smashed into the seat on the edge in a panic, and the pieces were broken into pieces.

When the explosion ended, Huang Yi raised his head and looked at the figure standing in the explosion, leaning on his sword.

"No way..."

Before he could feel the joy of learning a new move, a look of despair appeared on Huang Yi's face.

Cang Yi seemed to be unscathed, but just when Huang Yi thought she was bound to lose, she turned around and walked towards the door.

The surprise took over his heart. Huangyi looked at Cangyi blankly, his heart full of confusion.

Doubtful, he blurted out subconsciously: "What are you doing? Why don't you defeat me?!"

Hearing her question, Cang Yi stopped and turned his head:

"This is just the beginning, Yuzhi."

Huang Yi couldn't help but feel nervous when his name was called again, and then he heard Cang Yi continue to say:

"When everything you cherish is destroyed, what can you, so weak, do to protect you?"

After saying that, she tapped the ground with her scabbard. The ripples dispersed and the previously damaged things were automatically repaired.

——Watching her leave, Huang Yi finally dispersed and transformed, kneeling heavily on the ground and panting.


Looking at the intact building, Yuzhi climbed up with difficulty and walked out of the stadium.

Holding her knees, Yuzhi panted for a while and slowly left the place.

The body is exhausted, but the mind is full of thoughts:

"Why...Cangyi would do this? Who is she?"

Fighting with herself for no reason, and leaving without any reason, in the end, the result of this battle was that she roughly learned her moves.

How could Yuzhi know what she was going to do when she said confusing words such as "Everything will be destroyed", "This is all your fault", "If it weren't for your cowardice"... What.

Feeling confused, Yu Zhi slowly left here with the exhaustion of his body.

"——Okay, from now on you should maintain regular exercise and a healthy schedule. Don't do strenuous exercise right after dinner like other students. That's it, dismissal!"

At the end of the physical education class, the teacher glanced at Huizi who was sweating profusely but clutching her stomach in pain, clapped her hands and said.

Looking at Huizi in a funny way, Yuzhi suddenly felt peaceful inside.

——It would be nice if I didn’t have to fight monsters.

Going to school every day, going to see Mr. Duanmu at his office from time to time, and growing up little by little with the desire for the future, such a life is too addictive.

But soon, the smile on Yuzhi's face gradually faded.

Cangyi's words rang in her ears, as if she knew something, and couldn't help but make Yuzhi feel worried.

——If these precious daily lives are threatened by destruction, am I capable of protecting them...

Volume One: Chapter 86: The God of Desolation


In the sewer, Poison sullenly destroyed and vented everything around her, but even so, she still couldn't calm down her anger at the moment.

"Cangyi, Neville - one or two, as if they are specifically targeting me!"

The key to the underworld was taken away, and when he wanted to attack Huangyi, he was interrupted by Neville's chaos.

After experiencing all kinds of troubles, Poison Man believed that he had undoubtedly failed, but these failures were all caused by those two people. If it hadn't been for those two people, he would have played with those two magical girls.

"Now that things have come to a point, can we only seek help from that adult..."

Thinking with a calm face, Du Man couldn't help but feel fear when he thought about what he would do next.

If you use that method, you will undoubtedly reverse the current situation, but in this way, your own life will also...

——There is no time to think about it anymore, it is just the loss of vitality. If it fails, the consequences will definitely be more terrifying than the loss of vitality.

He quickly sat down and made a decision. Poisonous Man put his hands together and began to murmur.


At the same time, Duanmumo stood in the quiet library, scanning the books on the shelves.

"Historical Collection of Jindai City", "History of the Development of Magical Girls", "Ancient Faith: Magical Girls"...

Duanmumo casually took out the book and read through it one by one, frowning deeper and deeper.

Finally, he sighed and put the books back to their original positions:

"In the end, there was still no progress."

Suddenly, Duanmumo seemed to feel something and raised his head to look at the electric light on the ceiling.

The bright light suddenly flickered a few times, and then the surrounding area became silent, as if even the sound of breathing became lighter.

Duanmumo glanced at some people on the seats. They didn't know when they lay on the table and fell into a deep sleep.

Immediately, the sound of footsteps sounded around Duanmu Mo.

There was no trace of panic or anxiety on his face. Duanmumo was still looking for useful books, but he said:

"Always appearing and disappearing without anyone noticing. Is this a tradition for people in the future?"

On the other side of the bookshelf, Cang Yi appeared in front of Duanmu Mo, stopped, and looked at Duanmu Mo quietly through the mask.

"What are you looking for?"

A cold voice sounded, and Duanmu Mo said calmly:

"I'm really curious about the 'that adult' Du Man talks about, so I came to investigate."

Turning his head, Duanmumo looked at Cang Yi, suddenly stared carefully for a while, and asked:

"Why are you so tired? Did Yuzhi do something?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he paused and said, "No, it was you who did something to Yu Zhi."

Duanmumo didn't see the news about magical girls fighting monsters. Even if Yuzhi's school had to have physical education classes, it would be impossible for him to be so tired. Coupled with his understanding of Cangyi, it was only possible that she was looking for trouble with Yuzhi again. .

Cang Yi didn't speak, just nodded silently.

Sighing, Duanmumo took out a book and continued to read:

"Are you sure Huang Yi can really grow like this? Even if you want her to become powerful, is it too much?"

"I know the limits of 'my' best. If she cannot become stronger, when the crisis really comes, she will not even be able to protect herself..."

"——Okay, okay, I'm not interested in the riddle you told me at all."

Did he find the information he wanted? Duanmumo shook his head and put the book back:

"Why do people in the future like to tell riddles so much? Why don't we just be honest?"

"You don't understand, Neville." Cangyi said calmly: "To this world, I am an afterimage from the future. Once the details of the future are told in detail, it will only make the situation worse."

"Oh? How could it be worse?"

Duanmumo became interested, raised his eyebrows and looked at Cang Yi and asked.

"..." Cang Yi turned his head and looked at the sleeping person on the table not far away, and the water glass next to him.

"The falling of the water glass - if this really happened in the future that I experienced, and I told you that the water glass would break off the table now, there would only be two scenarios."

As if remembering the past he had experienced, Cangyi's words became sad:

"Either you tried your best and couldn't change its shattering; or you kept the water glass, but what was shattered was the head of the person next to the water glass."

Hearing her tone, Duanmumo suddenly understood. It seemed that she had actually experienced something similar.

If you think about it carefully, the words she said were really vague. Whether it was the future disaster or the misfortune of others, none of it was clearly stated.

"That's really pitiful for you."

Duanmumo is not someone who likes to tell riddles like this. If he keeps saying this kind of words, it will really stifle him.

"The time travel in this world is a bit too abstract, with so many side effects, I kind of miss the Knight's Pen."

"......What's the meaning."

"Nothing, you continue."

In this regard, Cang Yi just sighed: "Although I cannot disclose things that are not yet clear in the future, I can still speak out about the facts that have been established in the past."

"What's the use?"

Facing Duanmumo's inquiry, Cang Yi turned his head, looked at the bookshelf through his mask, and finally pulled out a book.

"This is what you want."


Taking the book, Duanmumo glanced at the title.

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