With the others agreement, I changed the training ground to be a new garden. I wished to buy some farm land, but unfortunately we're broke. Roona has earth magic, so we only needed a day to soften the earth.

Ar and Feena helped with their magic water. Ibil taught Rooga to read. Everybody's busy.

I? Don't worry, I helped too of course. I made some compost from leaves, fruit scraps, and pieces of rotten wood. My memory always been good. Glad that I was such a good student, my teachers should be proud of me.

"We will plant Mango, Orange, and apple. The old little garden will be for our consumption only. And... Ibil?"

"Yeah?" (Ibil)

"Your shadow guards... how many still alive?"

"Why you ask?" (Ibil)

"Tell them to show up and help. This house is too big. So many useless spaces. For they who aren't here, we don't need to care. So... why don't we made some cutting like... half of it?"

And so, two demons joined the group. They looked like ordinary human for me, except their stamina. Let's named them, Bodyguard A and B. I heard there were three more, but they're not in a condition to move around.

"I thought it's weird. There's no one working, but no one starving too. Sigh... it's been hard for you guys."

"No, we could only hunt in nearby areas. We let Princess down," Bodyguard B said nervously.

"Thank you for saving Princess at that time. We owe you." Bodyguard A must be the leader. He has stern face and aura of strictness.

"It's okay. Alright, now you follow me!"

I didn't really want to change the house, just minimizing it.

"The 5 rooms were okay, but too big. Make it half."

"The kitchen was okay, but too big, make it half."

"The dining room was unnecessary, just place the table in the kitchen. No, wait! It's the other way around. Merge the kitchen to the dining room. And the kitchen... still make it half, I see Ibil and Rooga like to craft, let it be their play... I mean, work space."

"The living room is really too big. It's not like we have any guest. Make it half."

"I want a gate in front yard. Make fences... it can wait. We need more wood."

"Hmm... okay, enough for now. Any question?" I turned, looking at sweating A and B.

"H... how... long..." B stuttered.

"As soon as possible."

The good thing about this world, you wouldn't be starving even if you had hollow pocket.

I went to village chief to request help. I didn't have money, but I could give an apple per person per day. To my surprise, there were many who came, ten or more young and old men. Maybe they're coming because of my influence. Or maybe they're just good people.

I felt bad to give just an apple. So, I let B went hunting some chicken.

Day one, we had chicken soup.

Day two, we had chicken stew.

Day three, I made meatballs. Of course, chicken meat.

And the forth day, hualaaa~~~ we had our brand new house. We partied with all the villagers. This time, we had barbeque. With chicken, mushrooms, and some fish, and of course our prided fresh vegetables.

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