I didn't wish to know any deeper, so I excused myself. I worked on the flower beds behind the fences, relaxly humming some random pop song.

I always like flowers because my mom's influence. And like veggies because of circumstances.

My grandparents lived in suburb. They planted all kind of vegetables. In our childhood, us three siblings spent our summer holidays with them. After I lived independently, they sent me vegetables and eggs and sometimes meat. I never starve.

That's why, even if I couldn't wear Chanel nor drive BMW, no biggie! I can buy it myself in the future, I thought. Or... that was the original plan.

"What kind of flower will you plant?" asked Ibil, cutting my depressing thought.

"Lavender. And... maybe Sunflowers surrounding the house will be nice. I saw sunflower fields near neighbor village, I will bring the kids later." I could already imagine bright yellow filling my eyes.

"You shrunk the house... for sunflower?" Ibil looked at me in disbelief.

"Of course not! Am I retarded? Now that there's some space in the backyard, we can raise cow or something. Magic bag you gave me is really convenient, there is no need for storehouse anymore."

Ibil nodded, sipping some warm water from leather bottle.

"By the way... when will the baby born? I'll ask the village chief to recommend midwives." I suddenly remembered.

"I'll be ready in two months. It's been three years, times sure fly fast." Ibil sighed.

I perked my ears. Turning my head, I saw Ibil packing her sewing tools.

"Th... three? Umm, ordinary human pregnancy is about 9 to 10 months. Demon race... 3 years?" I wanted to make sure.

"Minimum standard is 15 months, for common people. The higher the power we posses, the longer. That's why demon royalties are scarce, because pregnant is troublesome." (Ibil)

"Three years without magic, is indeed trouble. So... have you prepare the name?"

"Name... Right! We need to talk. Not here." She's sounded urgent.

I put my gardening tools aside, and cleaned myself.

Ibil and I talked in Ibil's room. There were only bed and baby crib. Ibil closed the door and locked it.

"I almost forget, you lost your memories." She led me sitting on the bed.

The mattress was hard. I should buy the new ones asap.

"I don't think Zaq will be here in the near future. So... you'll be the one naming the baby." (Ibil)

"Huh? Sorry, I don't get it."

"Name is very important for one's life. You can send curse without knowing the person position, just need name and blood." (Ibil)


"When the baby's born, you need to write the name on baby's chest. I'll give you the pen later. Nobody else must know the baby's name. Do you understand?" (Ibil)

"Okay. So what's the name?"

"I had prepared, but... I'll let you add the name." Ibil smiled sincerely.

"Seriously? Then... I should give a good name. Hmm... what should I call you...?" I put my hands on her stomach.

It's warm. There's a life in there.

"If you're a girl, I'll give the name... Ariel. If you're a boy, I'll give the name... Michael. Wah!" I gasped, there's a movement! I could feel it on my palms.

Ibil chuckled, "It seems, he likes the name."

"Really? Mikey, is it really you? You like the name I give? Oh my god... I can't wait till next two months! I hope it's really a baby boy." I laughed excitedly.

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