Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 221: Mercenary Exchange Event

Several days blew past like the wind for New Branch City. 

The rising tension stifling the air had shifted entirely in these last few days. On this specific day, the intense stench of battle permeated all throughout New Branch City.

It was bright early in the morning, and numerous groups of cultivators and Mages were already filling the streets of the City. There weren't any ordinary residents of New Branch City in these groups. 

Every group that walked was affiliated with at least one of numerous Mercenaries groups inhabiting the City. 

These squadron groups stuck close to each other, not even daring to get too close to another different Mercenary squadron group.

Although, every squadron group was following the same route, slowly shuffling towards the back of the City. 

On every Mercenary group member's face, they all dawned the utmost serious expression. 

Today is one of the most important in these Mercenaries' lives, after all.

For as today was the start of the Mercenary Exchange Event! 

Every Mercenary group had their own thoughts, plans, and schemes ready to put in action for this year's competition. They all, of course, wanted to attain the best results possible.

Everyone's fighting spirits were at an all-time high. Tension pumped up the Mercenaries' bloodstreams, ready for even the slightest kick of action. 

Way at the far back of every Mercenary group squadron, trailing ten feet behind them, were three masked figures and one causally relaxed woman.

These four were entirely in the range of all Mercenaries groups squadrons Heavenly Spirit Senses, yet they all went practically unnoticed. It was like if one didn't directly look at them, they simply had no presence to be aware of.

The four were Darcel, Aniela, Masami, and Snow Angel leader Bella. 

Compared to all other Mercenary groups, they didn't have that tension-filled fighting spirit that was roaring to be unleashed.

Bella was simply taking this monumental day as another Sunday stroll. She even had a slight smile encompassing her face, more so eager to get this day over with so she could go back to relaxing. 

Relaxing while cultivating with her Darkness Soul link had admittedly become a favorite pastime of her.

And while neither Darcel, Aniela, or Masami felt tension filling their veins. They did have a genuine curiosity towards this Event as they were slightly lost in their own thoughts while walking. 

Over the past days, they learned everything they could about the Mercenary Exchange Event. And their main curiosity lay in the various valuable treasures and goodies they could gain here. 

The trio felt a bit more agency to increase their cultivation faster, seeing as Masami's grandmother potentially knows where they are.

Moreover, Masami was assured that when Kassidy goes back to her sect, her grandmother would most certainly have the means to know what had occurred down there. 

For as strong she, Darcel, and Aniela was, they all knew they couldn't match even a percent of Nomyia's abilities.

And if Nomiya were to personally come down to collect Masami, there's simply nothing they could do about it, which would put a huge wrench in all of their built-up plans. 

Precise determination filled the trio's minds at this thought, making them hopeful of finding a good enough treasure.

Even though their cultivation wasn't increasing, it didn't mean either of the three got lazy. They had continuously spar in the Qi Haven Space, sharpening every aspect of their battle senses.

To make it completely even when sparring, Darcel had even suppressed his level by one, making it anyone's game to win these sparring sessions. 

Although most of the time, Darcel ended up taking the win.

And whenever he had won, Darcel was graciously rewarded with quite pleasurable prizes from both Aniela and Masami's heart and body. 

Though it doesn't really matter who won since it would always dissolve into love-making after sparring.

While Darcel practiced with his girls, he didn't neglect any of his Darkness servants. He made sure all of them, including Kassidy, were diligently cultivating masking their presence. 

The ones that had the most outstanding results were Bella, Kassidy, and Raven Sako.

Unsurprisingly for Darcel, they all got insanely proficient in masking their presence in these several days. Darcel expected at least for this to happen, considering they all have very quiet personalities that majorly prefer time to themselves.

Although these three servants were far ahead of the pack, it didn't mean the others were that majorly behind. 

The rest, even including his weakest servants, Lauren and Abby, all could completely hide their presences against cultivators stronger than them.

Besides his Darkness Servants progress, Darcel also began to go over how intriguing the rules for the Mercenary Exchange Event were. They had gone against his own expectations on what Mercenaries do when competing against each other.

The rules were simple. 

The first round of the Event was the Hunting Competition. In it, every Mercenaries group is supposed to show off their teamwork in efficiently hunting Spirit Monsters and treasures.

Every Mercenary group squadron has one Mage Badge that is used to record the Spirit Monster they took down and the rank of the treasure collected. 

And at the end, when all Mercenary group squadron combined their Mage Badges, whoever has the highest density of energy will win.

It sounded extremely simple, but Darcel had learned that the place where they would go is absolutely nothing like the Wild Snow Land. He found out it's apparently an independent realm filled with monstrously powerful Spirit Monsters and dangerous traps.

Powerful Spirit Monsters and traps that could even significantly threaten and or kill tenth level Heavenly Kings! 

And there was even recorded history of numerous tenth-level Heavenly Kings falling prey to the dangers that lay within this independent realm.

This is why teamwork is majorly crucial here, as going off alone would get one kill without even knowing how they die. 

Darcel found it intriguing how the City Lords of New Branch City can make these brash Mercenary groups come together so well.

Aniela's train thoughts differ from Darcel's. After not speaking for a few minutes of walking, she suddenly turns her head over to Darcel and Masami. 

"Things have been pretty silent these days. But….I can't help but wonder if the yellow-eyed woman will come here." There was still evident hope in Aniela's tone. 

Ever since that moment, she became increasingly assured in wanting to meet the yellow-eyed woman. Just like Darcel, because of the sensations in her blood, Aniela was sure that woman wouldn't hurt them.

"Hm. If she does come here, she'll certainly make the fights far more interesting for us." Masami snorted, still having the same distrustful tone about the yellow-eyed woman. 

She just couldn't get over that terrifying sensation no matter how hard she tries.

Darcel had already raised his hand when Masami finished talking, telling the girls, "Well, she's not here now, so let's just-hm?" 

He had abruptly stopped talking as his attention quickly shifted towards the skies. Aniela, Masami, Bella, and everyone else's attention also shifted towards the sky. 

Everyone there sensed a frighteningly unfathomable aura descending down to them, covering across the whole New Branch City. 

This immense aura commanded absolute respect and submission in nearly everyone's senses.

Even Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were affected by this tremendous aura. Their eyes instantly lit up, recognizing this powerful aura belongs to a Grand Sage cultivator! 

Darcel and Aniela specifically felt their blood boil a bit, wanting to instinctively challenge someone so powerful.

For so long, every fight they have been a part of had been too easy for them. They needed some sort of challenge, and this Grand Sage actually got their bloodlines roaring. 

However, Darcel and Aniela still retained their rational minds.

They quelled their battle-hungry instincts, quickly returning to their calm state. 

Darcel briefly peered his eyes over to the numerous Mercenary squadron groups. All in their eyes, there was the utmost respect for the Grand Sage descending down towards them.

Looking back up, Darcel saw a sight that matched the unfathomable aura covering them. 

It was a handsome man descending from the skies who carried a noble allure. The man wore elegantly designed bright blue robes, had a face that emitted a charming radiance, and long jet ink-black hair. 

As this handsome man got close, Darcel had quietly hum. "Hmm, so this is one of the City Lords here….not too bad."

After getting over their initial shock, neither he, Aniela, nor Masami were too terribly impressed. Even Bella kept a causal, relaxed smile while in the graceful presence of the Grand Sage City Lord.

When the City Lord was a few miles above the whole City, he stopped and began addressing every Mercenary group squadron. 

"Greeting Mercenaries. Seems like, for this year, everyone's even more pumped up to fight. Well then, we all waited long enough. It's time for the Mercenary Exchange Event to begin!"

His voice loudly echoed throughout the whole New Branch City, booming out for thousands of miles. And when the City Lord finished talking, a black robe Mage appeared right beside the City Lord.

All Mercenary group squadrons remained silent. Their fists were clenched as they knew the true fights would start in just mere seconds. 

The black robe Mage, when appearing, immediately pointed his Magic Staff towards the edge of the City.


A Magical blue beam soared out of the tip of his Magic Staff, striking towards seemingly nothing. 

But when the Magical blue beam reached the City's borders, 


It was like there was an invisible wall as the sound of glass shattering loudly echoed in everyone's ears.

Blue sparks tore through the air and quite literally ripped open space here. It took all of a few seconds for several large blue teleportations wormholes to magically appear out of thin air!

Tensions and nerves explosively increase for every Mercenary group squadron. Their eyes intensely focused on the teleportations wormholes, never taking their gazes off it for even a split second.

The air became heavily thick, and the silence was suffocating. 

A light smirk curved up the City Lord's lip. "Begin!!"

Immediately when the City Lord gave the signal, everyone Mercenary group squadron blasted off towards the teleportation portals. 

In just a couple of seconds, nearly all group squadrons had rushed in these portals, disappearing from sight.

Masami smirked while reaching out towards Darcel and Aniela's hands. "Alright, let's get this party started!" 

"Indeed." Darcel and Aniela simultaneously grabbed on to Masami's hands.

"I'll be right behind you, for now, Master," Bella said as she began stretching her arms. 

At the same time, they had flown up with the bottom of people, dashing right in the teleoperations portals as well.

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