As the Spirit Monster Hawk's aura increasingly surged, the small space around it started to become a bit distorted. 

Its pure raw energy belonging to the tenth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm only grew with each passing nanosecond.

The Spirit Monster Hawk wasn't just a peak Heavenly King; it had a rising prowess that was quickly growing to surpass any mere ordinary tenth level Heavenly King. 

The three Crow Leaders and Darcel's group were increasingly taken by surprise with this surge of power.

However, besides erupting their bloodline powers just to gain balance, neither Darcel, Aniela, or Masami had any drive to help the Crow Leaders. They only curiously watched the battle happen.

And As the yellow hue in the beasts intensified, it snapped open its colossal mouth.


An ear-piercing screech blasted from the Spirit Monster hawk, discharging its immense raw power! 

Numerous snowy trees fell over, the ground quaked a bit, and minor distortion of spatial space around the Spirit Monster Hawk was ripped open.

"Tch! Damn!" 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami all had to legitimately cover their ears with Qi barriers as they brazenly cursed the Spirit Monster. 

That beast screech and power actually made them all experience a sharp ringing in their ears.

Up in the sky, the Crow Leaders didn't have such an easy time defending their ears like Darcel's group. The Crow Leaders underwent the painful process of their eardrums bursting open, causing their ears to bleed a bit.

"Ahh! Fuck!!" 

The Crow Leaders violently cursed as they wearily put their hands to their bloody ears. 

Just their battle before, the Spirit Monster Hawk didn't erupt with this kind of tremendous power. This prowess wasn't anything a mere Spirit Monster should ever cultivate to!

It took all three Crow Leaders off guard, and the beast tenth level Heavenly King aura had cleanly shredded right through their own Heavenly King auras. 

As the three Crow Leaders held their ears, they felt their visions become a bit fuzzy.

That screech did more than just pop their ears as the three Crow Leaders felt a bit of daze wrap up their consciousness. 

While the Crow Leaders tried to deal with Spirit Monster Hawk's surprising surging power, the beast had already stood up on its large talon.

Without giving the Crow Leaders a chance to react, the Spirit Monster hawk took one flap of its mighty snow blue wings. 

Immense power flowed through the Spirit Monster hawk's snow blue wing, making it glow an intense blue shine.


In the instance, the Spirit Monster hawk took one flap of its wing, two giant tornadoes made from Wind Qi blasted right up at the three Crow Leaders!

"Wh-wha?!" The Crow Leaders all quickly snapped back to reality.

A considerable pressure weighed down their bodies as the Wind Qi tornadoes stormed straight at them. The three Crow Leaders only had a second to form a golden Fire Qi barrier that shrouded around all three of them.

The three Crow Leaders combined powers blared down at the Wind Qi tornadoes, attempting to halt their movement. 

However, the Crow Leaders had shockingly underestimated the Spirit Monster hawk again.

The two Wind Qi tornadoes utterly shredded through the Crow Leaders Heavenly aura field bursting from their golden Fire Qi barrier! And in the next split second, the two Wind Qi tornadoes swallowed up the three Crow Leaders.

"Shit! We need to keep on increasing your power!" 

Crow Theo shouted to his fellow Leaders as his and their hands were ignited in a brilliant golden light. 

While they were wrapped up in the Wind Qi tornadoes, they still managed to keep up their golden Fire Qi barrier.

Safely inside the golden Fire Qi barrier, they could avoid any potential damage the Wind Qi tornadoes could've seriously dealt to them. Yet, at the same time, their movement was locked in by the Wind Qi tornadoes.

Unless they could thoroughly and utterly overpower the Spirit Monster Hawk's prowess, they would need some time to escape the tornado entrapment. 

The Wind Qi tornadoes sent the three Crow Leaders several miles higher in the skies, getting them temporarily out of the area.

With them gone, the Spirit Monster hawk gave another flap of its vast, mighty wings and rose several feet into the air in one fluid movement. 

Its attention had now fully turned on Darcel's group. 

A great wildly feral look burst within in its yellow hue eyes, staring specifically at the trio. 

"Oh? Get ready, guys!" 

Aniela called out while still rubbing her ears. She quickly sobered up a split second, becoming nearly instantly ready for battle.

Darcel and Masami instantly sobered up as well, tensing themselves for a great fight ahead. With how their ears still had some residual ringing after all this time already, the trio knows this will be a worthy fight for them.

They were even a bit impressed on how this beast could entrap three other tenth-level Heavenly Kings with nothing but pure power. 

As the trio crossed their gazes with the Spirit Monster hawk, the beast's tremendous aura ferociously crashed down on them.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt their eyes widened just a smidge. 

It was only tenth-level Heavenly King prowess, yet this specific beast prowess was no joke. 

Immediately Darcel's bloodline arm Darkness glow intensified. Aniela's bloodline arm began to increase its white Light shine, and one of Masam's fox tails started to explode in a harsher blue brilliance. 

But before any one of them could unleash any kind of attack, the Spirit Monster Hawk was even faster!

The Spirit Monster Hawk's wings gained an instantaneous powerful blue glow as its Heavenly Qi chaotically stormed all over the area. 


In the very instance, its wings glowed, the beast shot out dozens of large blue feathers straight at the trio.

The vast blue feathers effortlessly tore through the area's space, crossing nearly thirty feet in just a span of a second! 

"Tch!" Darcel, Aniela, and Masami clicked their teeth as they were forced to switch up their attacks.

At the same time, they erupted with their bloodline states full power! 

Each of them instantly formed a Qi barrier right before the Spirit Monster hawk's vast blue feathers pierced through their bodies.


All of the Spirit Monster hawk's large blue feathers exploded on impact, clashing against Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's Qi barriers. And in return, Darcel, Aniela, and Masmai's Qi barriers were shattered into a million pieces.

Unlike the three Crow Leaders, neither Darcel, Aniela, or Masami had the means to set up a protective Heavenly aura field around themselves. Meaning they had to take on the Spirit Monster hawk's attacks all head-on.

Seeing their Qi barriers so easily shattered didn't dissuade the trio but only fueled their raging fighting spirits! 

Right when their Qi barriers were destroyed, Darcel, Aniela, and Masmai simultaneously shot off towards the Spirit Monster Hawk.

The Spirit Monster Hawk narrowed its eyes, flapped its wing, and crossed over forty feet backward. However, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami speeds were equal to the Spirit Monster Hawk.

Though the beast crossed a considerable distance back, the trio was right on its tail. 

At the same time, Darcel and Aniela took a massive leap up towards the Spirit Monster hawk while Masami began to fly right at it.

As Aniela rapidly closed the distance between her and the beast, her bloodline arm began to lit up in a radiant white shine once again. 


Aniela was just about to release her soul stunning flashbang when a burst of blue covered her whole vision.

From the Spirit Monster hawk's eyes, it blasted out a blue Wind Qi blade towards Aniela as it sensed a tremendous amount of danger rising from her. 

This Wind Qi blade didn't have the beast full overwhelming prowess, but it had made up for it in instantaneous speed.

It had surpassed even Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's speed! 

Only because her dangers senses screamed at her, Aniela instinctively used the energy rising in her bloodline arm to try to form a Light barrier in front of her.

Her Light barrier could only get halfway completed before the Spirit Monster hawk's Wind Qi blade crashed right into her. 


Nearly all of Aniela's Light barrier got destroyed as the Wind Qi blade sent her shooting back towards the ground.

While quickly shooting towards the ground, Aniela had to grit her teeth as she felt a stinging sensation travel through her body.

It was the sensation of actual pain! The Spirit Monster Hawk's powerful energy storms through her body in an attempt to break her from the inside out.

However, Aniela's bloodline powers quickly destroyed the Spirit Monster hawk's energy inside her body, using quite the sum of Qi energy to do so. 

A bit of blood dripped from Aniela's mouth as her bloodstreams were getting increasingly pumped. 'Now this is a fight!'

At the same time, Aniela was sailing towards the ground, Darcel strutted his bloodline arm forward. Though he felt an immense surge of rage seeing Aniela get thrown back, he had to focus on this crazily powerful beast first.


Numerous Darkness tendrils shot out of Darcel's hand, shooting right towards the Spirit Monster hawk at immense speeds. 

This time, the Spirit Monster hawk couldn't counterattack as it had just shot out that Wind Qi blade towards Aniela.

Darcel's Darkness tendrils cut right through the Spirit Monster hawk's Heavenly aura, wrapped up its colossal body, and swiftly interjected his lustful Darkness energy within it.

The Spirit Monster hawk felt its Heavenly Qi become heavily disrupted as an overflow of lustful energy invaded its bloodstreams. 

However, instead of getting quickly weakened, the beast's eyes turned even more feral!


The Spirit Monster hawk's body intensely struggled within Darcel's Darkness tendrils. It was about to fly up with Darcel still attached to it. 

But before something significant could happen, Masami was already ten feet away from the Spirit Monster hawk.

Her blue firefox cloak claw brightly shines as an immense influx of power surged out of her. 

"Fox Claw!" 

Masami erupted a vast blue firefox claw from her palms and blitz it straight towards the Spirit Monster hawk.

Since its protective Heavenly aura got destroyed by Darcel's Darkness tendrils. Masami's firefox claw met no resistance as it violently struck the Spirit Monster hawk!


Blood pooled from the Spirit Monster hawk's vast chest as it got sent further up into the skies. And even as Masami's Martial skill struck it, Darcel's Darkness tendrils remained on its body.

But as it sailed up, Darcel had immediately cut off his connection towards his Darkness tendrils. 

When it seemed like they landed a direct hit on the beast, the Spirit Monster hawk went against all expectations again.

Before either Darcel or Masmai had the chance to think again, the Spirit Monster hawk forcefully stopped itself, pushing past the immense searing pain, and locked its feral eyes on Masami.


The Spirit Monster hawk's wings burst with an intense blue light once again as it unleashed a Wind Qi razor whirlwind specifically at Masami. 

Masami's Spirit Sense exploded with immediate danger.

Her three foxtails instinctively covered her head as the Wind Qi razor whirlwind furiously crushed down on her.


Masami grunted while experiencing the full brunt of the Spirit Monster hawk's colossal power.

The Spirit Monster hawk's Wind Qi razor whirlwind swept up Masami, shooting her straight towards a huge tree and causing her to violently crash right in it.


"Damn!" Masami shouted while blood spit from her mouth. 

She for sure felt something crack from her back as she got smacked hard in this random tree, forming cracks all over the tree.

And just like Aniela, the Spirit Monster hawk's powerful energy attempted to invade and make a further mess of her internal body. But in a similar manner as well, Masami's bloodline powers quickly destroyed the invading energy. 

Though she had just experienced an actual injury, Masami couldn't stop her excitement from growing. She missed the intense feeling of battle like this.

But right then, Masami and Aniela from below felt their Darkness Soul link violently pulsate.

"You! Enough of this!" With Aniela and now Masami getting hurt right in front of his face, Darcel felt his rage near a boiling point. 

Even though he knows they would be excited in a fight like this, Darcel couldn't help but feel his rage surge over seeing his girls actually get hurt.

In a surprising turn of events, Darcel manages to remain floating in midair. Though he was still only in the True Soul Core realm, Darcel's rage-filled bloodline power allowed him to stay afloat just for a little bit.

And as he remained in the sky, Darcel's matched his rage-filled gaze with the Spirit Monster hawk's insane feral gaze.

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