The yellow-eyed woman was as indifferent as ever while tearing her hand right into Masami's heart. 

Initially, she really didn't think much of Masami. Besides her bloodline and her connection to Darcel, there wasn't much to care about her. But, getting a far better feel of what's lurking inside her did cause a slightly bigger interest to rise in the yellow-eyed woman's mind. 

"So she even has that? Hm. I suppose saving you would actually be worth it. And besides, you are forever connected to Darcel." The yellow-eyed woman spoke out loud though she was sure Masami didn't even understand what she was saying.

Admittedly, from all the hell and loneliness she's been through, talking to herself quickly became a strange norm for her.

And like she expected, Masami truly couldn't hear anything of what the yellow-eyed woman was saying. Not when there was a tremendous pain coursing through her body and soul!

Just like Darcel and Aniela, Masami realized this was what actual hell is. 

Nothing she experienced in the Chaotic hell trials could compare to this unfathomable pain. She wanted to unleash blood-curdling screams from the unbearable pain, yet no sound came from her mouth.

Inside her body, the yellow-eyed woman's overwhelming energy drilled into her Martial Veins. 

Specifically, inside Masami's Martial Veins, there were batches of Darkness Essence. And the yellow-eyed woman's energy mixed in with her Darkness Essence.

Inside of Masami's soulscape space, the yellow-eyed woman wasn't surprised to see the Chaotic Shard in her soul's core. She had immediately sensed it right upon the first contact into Masami's chest.

And like Darcel and Aniela, the yellow-eyed woman took the precaution to avoid the Chaotic Shard part of her soul's core. Also inside Masami's soul core was the Darkness String of Darcel's Darkness Soul link.

After a few seconds, the yellow-eyed woman savagely tore her hand from Masami's chest, letting her blood spray all over her. 

Masami's eyes closed shut as her body collapsed to the ground as she was a doll without string. The yellow-eyed woman indifferently looked on to Masami's slightly twitching body, knowing that she would survive this. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami all laid in the pool their own blood, dying the snow in a chilling crimson color.

There wasn't the slightest look of care or remorse in the yellow-eyed woman's gaze over the brutal scene. She only looked back at Darcel and Aniela while saying, 

"Your family….they certainly are cruel. But one day, you all will be back and stronger than anyone had ever seen. Now then…."

The yellow-eyed woman snapped her hand and affected the spatial space for a few miles. Around this whole area, the yellow-eyed woman created an invisible barrier that would prevent anyone from coming here until Darcel, Aniela, and Masami fully awoke.

Nobody on this Mortal Planet would be able to identify the power the yellow-eyed woman use. It would genuinely be invisible to them.

With her work done, the yellow-eyed woman took one last deep look at Darcel. "I wonder how long it will be until our next meeting." 

After saying her final piece, the yellow-eyed woman vanished from sight, disappearing into the far unknown. 



Darcel and Aniela shrieked as their eyes burst wide open. Fear was frantically hammering their chest, and their mind was all chaotically scrambled. 

They both started to heavily hyperventilate as their eyes were unfocused in their surroundings. 

Immediately upon their consciousness returning to them, the duo had vividly recalled that yellow-eyed woman's hands plunging into their hearts. 

And their last sight before anything went dark was her cold, indifferent face.

That one moment left a deep scar inside Darcel and Aniela's minds that wouldn't be leaving them anytime soon. 

Suddenly then, Darcel and Aniela went rigid. They were beginning to realize something. If they're dead, then surely they shouldn't even have a conscience. 

And if they were back in the snowy forest maze, they should be experiencing that hellish pain of having their hearts pierced into.

But as Darcel and Aniela became more aware of their current state, they realized they weren't experiencing any pain. On instinct, they reached towards their chest and didn't feel any blood or hole.

Their eyes quickly gazed down their bodies and didn't see any spot of injuries. In fact, even their previous wounds were magically healed up. 

And then, at the exact same time, Darcel and Aniela looked towards each other.


Aniela didn't even say Darcel's name as she flung herself into his chest. Her arms tightly wrapped around Darcel's chest as she pushed her whole weight into his body as if she was afraid he would disappear.

Tears were threatening to pool from her eyes as an immense wave of relief passed through her entire being. 

"Ohhh, Darcy! I thought we were dead for sure! I thought we would never wake up again! I thou-"

"Don't worry. None of those nightmare thoughts you had aren't going to become true." Darcel warmly interrupted Aniela and began lovingly stroking her long white hair. Immense relief washed over Darcel as well.

Although they just went through hell, Darcel and Aniela couldn't be happier. The thought of never being able to see each other again would be a pain even greater than death. 

For as long as they could remember, they've been so close-knit together and always got through any deadly situation. No matter how close they were to death, they always managed to get out of that situation. 

But after meeting the yellow-eyed woman, it put a lot of things into perspective for the duo. Changes were rapidly happening in their minds without them even realizing it.

But more than anything, they were simply happy to see each other again. 

And at the same time, Darcel and Aniela immediately recalled another significant lover in their lives. Aniela snapped up in Darcel's lap as her eyes frantically searched her surroundings.

"Ahh!! Where's Sami….ah? Wait, where are we?" 

As Aniela became fully aware of their environment, questions started to plague her mind. 

Darcel as well became puzzled when taking in their surroundings.

They no longer were in the snowy forest maze. Right now, they are in a strange mixed color space. Darkness, white Light, and sickly yellow colors all clashed against each other in this space.

The feeling they got from this odd place was very peculiar. It was a mix of sensations they couldn't precisely identify. 

But before the duo could think further on where they are, two otherworldly voices boomed into their ears.

"Well, would you look at this? That mixed spawn really did help us out. It was a bit unnecessary as I'm sure we would've figured something out. But the gesture is there."

"Mixed spawn? A bit of a harsh term. But I suppose it isn't wrong. And her help did far more than you're giving credit for." 

There has never been a time in Darcel and Aniela's lives where they were so in awe by somebody's voice. But whoever was talking, they both sounded incomparably ethereal and divine. 

Before these whole traumatic events, Darcel and Aniela had too much pride to bow to anyone. However, those divine voices would've nearly made them want to prostrate on the spot.

That would all hold true for versions of Darcel and Aniela that haven't met the yellow-eyed woman face to face. 

Now, Darcel and Aniela really didn't have that overwhelming pride to back up their stubborn mindset. They both readily identified the figures speaking to them are at a level that they're nowhere close to achieving. 

Experiencing what it's like to truly die and having your loved ones painfully stripped away from you caused a tremendous impact on Darcel and Aniela's mental state.

As they were going through various mental changes, Darcel realized that the first voice that spoke sounded incredibly familiar to him. His mind instantly recalled his most profound dreams, and his head snapped up.

At the same time, Aniela also snapped her eyes forward as she felt an unexplainable sensation wash over her. It was like being in the presence of the divine.

The ones that had appeared before the duo were two hooded robe figures.

Neither Darcel nor Aniela could see their actual appearance, but they had distinct features otherwise. The hooded robe figure on the left wore black clothing and had the longest black hair they had ever seen before.

The hooded robe figure on the right wore all white clothes and similarly had the longest white color hair that far surpassed Aniela's hair length. 

Both hooded robe figures floated several feet in the air, yet both of their hairs fell all the way to the ground.

Despite their hairs being so long, it was stunning to gaze upon. Darcel and Aniela felt like they were watching starry black and white ocean pool out of the figure's hoodies.

While Darcel and Aniela remained still in sudden awe, the black robe figure's gaze trailed the duo up and down. 

After scoping them out, the black robe figure had said then, "The mixed spawn also was right about your foulness. That organization warped you far too much, leading you two to be absolute failures as angels. I would've given it a year before we combusted."

Darcel and Aniela went rigid at the black robe figure's words. Aniela clutched on Darcel's slightly tattered clothes harder while Darcel attempted to process what they had just said.

Neither Darcel nor Aniela knows what the black robe figure means by them being angels. They always had some guesses about their bloodlines but never thought too deeply about it since it always got the job done for them.

But the possibility of one day combusting in the future certainly made Darcel and Aniela worry. They wanted to ask what the black robe figure meant, but right then, the white robe figure started talking.

"They may be too ruined to become pure Angels. But the yellow one unintentionally helped out in another department. As they are now, they can become Neutral Angels."

Immediately after the white robe figure talked, both long hair figures blurred and appeared right in front of Darcel and Aniela's faces. 

The black robe figure was in front of Darcel, while the white robe figure stood in front of Aniela. Without giving the duo any time to process anything, both hooded figures touched their foreheads with a single finger. 

Darcel and Aniela blinked their eyes as a slew of warm energy flowed through their heads. But after a split second, that warm energy vanished. 

The hooded robe figures took their fingers away, leaving Darcel and Aniela utterly confused. 

The black robe figure added to their confusion by saying, "Boy, that mixed spawn ruined our Darkness Soul link a bit. Until you either grasp Magical Power or increase your Cultivation, I will advise you to not use it. Now then, away with the both of you."

Darcel and Aniela didn't want to leave as they still had a truckload of more questions. And this may be their only opportunity for a while to learn anything more about their origins.

But as the black robe figure ordered it, the duo couldn't stop their consciousness from fading away.

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