Darcel, Aniela, and Masami immediately stopped once they took one step into the hazy white mist. The incredible Qi energy they felt on the outside tremendously increased in its vibrant richness!

Throughout their bodies, the trio felt like they were getting washed under a warm waterfall just from the aura of this treasure energy. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masam just had to take a big whiff of the fragrance scent on instinct.

"Haaah….to think something would smell this good in a play like this. No doubts about it now; a great treasure lies before us!" Aniela had sparkles in her eyes as she felt warm shivers from just inhaling the rich scent here.

Masami's foxtails were swishing around in excitement on their own. Her body was showing she was eager, though her eyes narrowed around the scenery they were in. She began to scratch one of her fox ears as it twitches in slight confusion.

"Yea, this energy is great and all but, where the hell are we supposed to go? This damn mist is too thick even for my eyes." 

As she brought their attention to it, Aniela and Darcel focused on their surroundings.

Their eyes narrowed in slight confusion, trying to peer through the hazy white mist but to no major success like Masami. 

Darcel began rubbing his chin, saying, "Well, from what I can just barely make out, the environment hasn't changed. But I have no clue what path we should take. And I'm betting any careless move would just separate us."

Aniela and Masami could only agree with Darcel's assessment as they stayed rooted to his side. Although they all have greatly enhanced visual perception, none of them could see more than ten meters ahead in this hazy mist.

The trio tried to expand their Spirit Senses further out now that they were in the mist, but they were met with failure there. There was still some invisible force blocking their Spirit Senses paths, forcing them to come up with a new plan.

As they were in the mist, the trio thought some kind of energy would be leaking out in here. But, just like with that invisible force, there still wasn't any spek of hostile or dangerous power.

There was only that incredible Qi energy here. The trio stood still for a few seconds, quietly accessing the situation. They had a mind in trying to track the Qi energy and followed it towards the source.

But, it was like the Qi energy was everywhere at once. In this area, that Qi energy was seemingly infused in the air, making it impossible for it to be traced back. 

And even then, it wasn't like the trio could rely on their Spirit Sense to trace the Qi energy that far away.

After a few seconds of zero progress, Masami began to knit her eyebrows in apparent slight frustrations. She raised her hand as a sudden idea streaked into her mind, and she decided to do it on a snap decision.

Innate Qi began to gather in her palms as the temperature quickly raised around her. "Ah? What are you doing, Sami?" Aniela questioned her as she and Darcel's attention gathered on her.

They didn't believe she was going to just randomly fire off attack as there wasn't any foe here, nor was she foolish like that. A genuine sense of curiosity swelled within them as they both believed that maybe she had a sudden epiphany.

Before answering, Masami's whole right palm ignited into a blazing blue flaming aura. The bright glow of her brilliant surging flames was actually making it a bit easier to see in the hazy white mist.

A slight satisfied smirk curved up Masami's lips as her eyes could make out more of the scenery. Without looking at Darcel and Aniela, she told them, 

"I don't think I've ever told you guys before. But my fox flames hold various niche abilities because of my bloodline. And one of those is clearing out any smog or fog to make it easier to see. I never found a reason to seriously practice on these abilities....but I guess it's useful now."

Darcel and Aniela felt mildly surprised over that. They raised their eyebrows and wondered if their own black flames could do the same. 

Although when Masami mentions it being bloodline specific, they let her handle it. Moreover, she proved herself correct as they could see the trees more clearly in the hazy white mist. 

It was such a peculiar ability, Darcel had to ask, "Out of everything you told us about your family, I wouldn't guess they would use Fire for more supportive uses."

At that point, Masami had finally looked back over at Darcel and Aniela. There was a slight disdainful smirk morphing her lips as several negative memories surged within her.

"Heh….yea well, even those guys are deviously crafty when they need to be. There are actually a variety of other effects these fox flames can achieve in order to counteract the schemes we develop against each other. Really, I have only scratched the surface in this department."

Now Darcel and Aniela's curiosity was alleviated to an even higher level. Basically, Masami's Sect would actually have a massive load of niche, crafty abilities since they existed for thousands of years at the very least.

And if she could learn and practice even more of those abilities, it could help their overall situation. 

Although, as Darcel and Aniela were considering the prospect of her fox flames abilities, they didn't ignore that disdainful smirk she had on her lips.

Aniela gave Masami a big cherry smile, hoping to bring her mood to the negative side of her family as she said, "You just surprise me more and more by the day, Sami. I mean, really, in terms of Fire abilities, Darcy and I are still leagues behind you."

Darcel didn't comment but had nodded to Aniela's honest praise. And her words weren't fluffing at all. Whenever they had spar in the Qi Haven space, Darcel and Aniela legitimately couldn't best Masami in pure Fire abilities alone. 

Even as their black flames were upgraded a long time ago when they were under that tomb in the Necrotic Woods. It still was nowhere near the level of quality and purity Masami's fox flames can achieve.

Hearing her honest words of praise did get Masami's mood to slightly improve. She quickly shook her thoughts from her family and focused back on the hazy white mist.

"Alright, I'll raise her hand up and increase the fire glow. If you two see something, just shout it out." 

While she spoke, Masami had already three her flaming palm up and increased its power. The luminous blue flames shined even brighter, allowing for clearer sights in the hazy white mist. 

Darcel and Aniela only nodded towards Masami and began searching their eyes again through the area.

However, though it was easier to see, it didn't mean it was easier to know where to go. Still, the scenery was nearly precisely the same before they had entered the mist. 

Neither of them could spot any correct defining path they should take.

Now, Darcel and Aniela felt their own frustrations swirl. It would be unwise to just take off in some random direction without knowing what could potentially happen to them. 

Yet, at the same time, it was shaping up they had no other options but to just do that and pray for good luck.

Their options were looking limited until Masami had narrowed her eyes on one particular sight. Her eyes lit up in a brilliant glow as she had finally spotted something different in this god-forsaken forest!

On a tree just a mere fifteen meters to their right, it had a single branch with one bright white leaf. 

Under ordinary circumstances, a leaf on a tree wouldn't be anything strange. But now, Masami found this as a dead giveaway on where to go next.

Though there were numerous things, Masami would curse her family day and night for. She could at least attest they are highly competent in their Fire abilities. Without these fox flames, she would've never seen that white leaf as it perfectly blended into the hazy white mist.

Feeling a small surge of eagerness to continue on, Masami had quickly pulled Darcel and Aniela's attention over to her. "Darcel, Aniela, looks like we don't have to keep up this annoying search anymore. Look over to where I'm pointing." 


In compliance with Masami's request, Darcel and Aniela shifted their gaze to where she was pointing. Their eyes widened a bit as thanks to Masami's fox flames, they too could spot that single white leaf.

Masami smirked at their reaction and began telling them, "Yea, it's bizarre, right? As far we could see, no other tree has a leaf besides this one. It's our only clue, so there should be no harm in following it. I feel like this whole area is one giant puzzle to get to that treasure."

"Hmmm….alright. Like you said, we got nowhere else to go. And our flames can't light up the ways like yours. So what do you say, Darcy?" 

As Aniela asked, both she and Masami turned their attention solely on him, waiting for his decision.

The girls weren't entirely sure why but after everything that happened, they felt more security in confining with Darcel's final say. Even when they have clear, correct answers, there was something about his words alone that inspired them with hope.

Darcel couldn't spot any difference in their actions since this would par for the norm. Although he did raise his eyebrows a bit since it was most obvious they should go and don't really need his input.

Still, Darcel nodded his head, telling the girls, "Lead the way, Masami." 

"Hm! With pleasure." With a prideful snort, Masami began carefully treading over to that white leaf with Darcel and Aniela following her closely behind.

They went to a slow place, not wanting to brazenly rush into any potential life-threatening danger. It took them a few seconds, but even as they got under the branch that held the white leaf, nothing happened.

The trio paused for a moment before looking at each other and nodding again. 

Masami continued to lead the way past the white leaf, and once they walked only five meters away from the leaf, a sudden change erupted!

"Get ready!" 

Darcel gave a warning shout as he, Aniela, and Masami ready their bodies for any battle. 

Immediately when they had passed five meters from the white leaf, the hazy mist abruptly intensified. The hazy white mist quickly became so thick to a point where not even Masami's fox flames can fully light up the way! 

Just when they thought something would jump out of them, the ground began to quiver ever so slightly.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami squinted their eyes. Though they could barely see in this sudden thick mist, they could make out vague outlines of shapes. 

And from what they could see, it was like these vague shapes were moving on their own.

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