Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 260 - Total Upgrade

It felt a touch bit queer for Darcel to actually have someone familiar pop into his Spirit Sense. The Mercenary Exchange Event had just been ongoing trials, pain, and suffering. His and the girls elated comprehension abilities were the only positive thing since coming here.

But, this familiar presence didn't give Darcel any sense of danger. In fact, he almost felt a bit of security with this presence, as if he could safely confine with whoever this person was.

Darcel snapped his eyes shut for a brief second, his mind quickly shuffling out on who this presence could possibly be. Since honestly, besides Aniela and Masami, he couldn't recall who else that he closely knows.

Several events that seemed far a long go flashed in Darcel's mind all at once just because of that familiar presence. 

And with his sharp, analyzing mind, Darcel didn't take long at all to figure out who this presence was.

A glint shimmered within his eyes; this person could actually help them greatly! 

At this point, Darcel stopped flying and was about to address the girls. But, when he had finally stopped, he immediately picked up on the lack of conversation behind him.

Darcel whipped his head around towards the girls, wondering what suddenly got into them. They both spouted inquisitive expressions, staring off in the same random direction as if they had just reached a swift conclusion.

There was already a smirk forming on Darcel's lips from watching the girl's intent faces. To little shock to him, both of them seemed like they had also sensed that familiar presence and recognized it.

"You feel our….old acquaintance too, right?" Darcel didn't beat around the bush, asking the most direct question. 

Aniela put her finger to her chin, her curious expression never leaving her face. "Weeell….I do sense someone familiarly close to us. But….I just….I can't seem to put my finger on just who this is."

Whenever Aniela tried to focus her mind on a past memory, she felt only a jumbled mix of sensations. It was like her past memories were all over the place, unable to give her a coherent answer. 

Masami began scratching her twitching fox ears as her mind tried to assort her memories as well. She was having the luck as Aniela, although she was able to make out one thing about this familiar presence. 

"From what I'm sensing…. I'm getting reminded of our time back at Mawold Town. But just who was…."

"To save the confusion, it's Fruna. She has a certain sense on her." 

Darcel decided to throw the girls a bone, less they stay stuck on this topic for longer than necessary.

And though Aniela and Masami felt a little bit indignant since they wanted to solve this case on their own, they became more interested in recalling Fruna. 

Their minds clicked back to all events in Mawold Town. From their first meeting to joining the Nobe's Fang group and meeting with Fruna several times. 

A slight sense of nostalgia filled within Aniela and Masami's minds. All those moments were at a more straightforward time of their lives, one where they had unshakeable confidence and strength. Forcing past those feelings, the girls vividly recalled Fruna's sense only.

And in no time at all, Aniela and Masami's eyes lit up in realization. However, there still were questions plastering their faces.

"Wait….how on earth could this be, Fruna? The last time we spoke, she was only around the Innate Core realm. And it hasn't been that long since we saw her." 

True to Darcel's words, the strongest one out of that squadron did indeed carry a presence precisely the same as Fruna.

However, that presence was a fifth-level Heavenly King! 

This was the mid-rank of the Heavenly Transformation realm; it's not easy at all for any decently talented cultivator to attain that level.

Depending on their environment and resources, breaking through to the mid ranks of the Heavenly Transformation realms takes months, years even. 

Realistically, there shouldn't be anyways for Fruna to increase her cultivation realm so much, even if she used an abundance of pills.

Masami couldn't help but make a little joke, similarly disbelieving that powerful fifth-level Heavenly King could be Fruna. "Don't tell me she's some sort of hidden genius that only awoke after we left. That would be too odd, even for us!"

"Well then, no matter if it's her or not. The fact of the matter is someone has an extremely familiar aura to her. And this has to mean the Nobe's Fang group is with them. At least, let's scope that area out. We have the means to escape with our current prowess if it gets too much."

Darcel explained to the girls while shrugging. While this plan wasn't completely full proof, a Spirit Sense couldn't lie. Moreover, there wasn't any chilling prickly feeling trying to drill into his body like what happens if he senses other Heavenly Kings.

Darcel had then set his sights on that familiar presence and began slowly drifting towards it. 

Aniela and Masami didn't really have a good counterargument. Undoubtedly, everything they sense matched up to Fruna. 

Still, both girls just found it too strange that someone who appeared as completely normal could be this extraordinary genius. 

Nevertheless, the girls believed Darcel's words that they could simply escape from too much danger. By this point, none of them consider running from fights a disgraceful act. Now it's an act that's essentially their lifesaver in this independent realm. 

Aniela and Masami shrugged their shoulders simultaneously and followed close behind Darcel.

As they slowly traversed through the air, Darcel and Aniela vividly recall one profound memory from Fruna. 

The fact that on their very first meeting, she stood up to her more powerful teammates just for them was a worthy note of character.

And when they had met up with Masami, the three of them started to recall how helpful Fruna was during their times at Nobe's Fang group. 

If this really is Fruna, the trio was hopeful that they'll have an ally on their sides.


At another section of the snowy forest maze, this area was sparsely secluded, barring a mismatch-looking squadron group. 

In this peculiar squadron group, there were three men who wore the same matching armor. 

The three of them all wore bright silver color armor that meshed well with the snowy ground. Even if one was hundreds of feet away from them, these men's silver armor could be easily spotted.

In contrast to many Mercenary groups, these men wore these armor as if they wanted the whole world to know about them. 

Although, the stature of these men was highly subdued. They quietly walked along with the other three next to them, not even the slightest bit rude or unbecoming. 

Next to these silver armor men were two women and one other man.

Compared to the loud colors of the silver armor men, these three wore simple brown leather armor outfits. Their outfits were more fit to blending seamlessly into the background as if they were all unimportant people.

This peculiar mismatch of people was the Silver Bloody Hammer group and the Nobe's Fang group! 

And leading this squadron was a cute woman that Darcel's group would recognize rather quickly.

It was Nobe's Fang group Fruna! Since the last time, Darcel's group saw her, she had experienced a massive upgrade in appearance. 

Her previous brown hair became longer and silkier, glowing with its own enigmatic shine. Though her bodily figure stayed the same slight petite size, her face became far more attractive. She radiated a kind, welcoming aura that would make it where you wanted to talk to her.

However, the most significant change on Fruna was how, on her right breastplate, there was now a shiny platinum badge. Compared to her fellow Nobe's Fang group companions, they only had gold badges. 

Because of her overwhelming prowess now, Fruna achieved an unshakable position in her group that was well respected among many. 

Nobody dared to question her prowess or status, for as Fruna is now a fifth-level Heavenly King!

Back in Mawold Town, she was essentially the one true ruler there. Ever since Darcel's group left the tone, not only had Fruna's prowess explosively increased, so did her personality.

She actually kept true to her words and could now manage a mismatched squadron group. Her squadron consisted of three third-level Heavenly Kings on the Silver Bloody Hammer group side.

And on her side, the other male was a third-level Heavenly King, while the other woman, who is her Vice-Captain, is also a third-level Heavenly King. 

Despite being both groups being mortal enemies in the past, Fruna was a walking example of why high prowess matter so much in their world.

Any minor conflict would be subdued by her, plus Ninu's smooth cooperation led to disputes becoming more gradually resolved. 

The ones Fruna chose from the Silver Bloody Hammer group had the more calm, reserved personality out of their group. It had led to their corporations being incredibly smooth with barely any serious problems rising up. 

Currently, they have walked in this random direction for a while now.

Everyone in Fruna's squadron had their attention to its max vigilance. But, they were mainly waiting for something to tell them that they are close to happening upon another great treasure.

After walking for a lengthy period of time with no response, Fruna was about to call it quits on this area and head off in another direction. 

But right then, her Vice-Captain had suddenly reached into her pocket. She quickly pulled out a special-looking compass that now had a vague blue aura shimmering around it. 

Excitement began to fill the Vice Captain's eyes. After their dull walk that lasted for quite a wall, it had finally paid off; they were now close to special treasure!

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