The mysterious entity of Magical Power always had greatly interested Darcel and Aniela. Ever since their first exposure to it in Necrotic City, they both had ideas of one day learning more about it.

Their interest only amplifies in their current position where it seems Magical Power would be the only way they could claim back a stable footing of prowess. 

Darcel and Aniela couldn't say for sure how that would happen, but they at least had the hope of Magical Power changing something for them.

While with Masami, she had only gained recent interest in Magical Power after traveling with Darcel and Aniela. Her whole horizons were widely broadened by both of them, and she had gotten rid of her install cultivator prejudice.

After experiencing two near-death experiences, it was inevitable for her whole mind to change. 

Still, despite how tempting that option was, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were confused about what Bella exactly meant. 

Darcel focus his eyes on Bella, asking her, "Just how us becoming Mages would resolve our current situation?"

Compared to the pessimist and cautious look the trio had before, Bella much rather preferred this slight shimmer of hope within her eyes. With causal smile going strong, she simply told them,

"I'm sure I don't need to explain the mysterious stuff of Magical Powers. And you know, I've heard and read around that Mages have some sort of means to create bond links through the soul. Similar to what you did, Darcel….though this one requires all Free will."

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't immediately react to Bella's suggestion. At this point, the three of them were questioning whether or not her information would genuinely be liable.

The sense of distrust was just too great for them to so readily believe Bella's words at face value. 

Masami was the one to snappily point her finger straight at Bella and sharply spoke in an accusing tone. "Well now, isn't that a little too convenient, hm? You say you've heard and read about this, but you're a cultivator. So tell me….how could you possibly know they hold an ability like that? Last time I checked, your group isn't so buddy, buddy with the Raven Mage Order group."

Even barring their distrust in Bella, Masami's doubts weren't anything unreasonable. 

Sure, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's opinions of Mages vary heavily from the norm. But Bella was someone firmly within traditional cultivators. No matter how standoffish the Snow Angel group was, they too held immense prejudice against all Mages.

This prejudice wouldn't allow them to get close to any Mages without it turning into a tense meeting. Furthermore, no Mage would be willing to give out information on their abilities to cultivators.

Recalling more about this issue, Darcel and Aniela could only remember one time where Mages and cultivators worked somewhat together. 

Back in the first-ever City they've been to, Necrotic City, the Mages there did own the Teleportation business.

And in their business, not only ordinary mortals go there, but also numerous cultivators. Though there was a subtle tension in the air when Darcel and Aniela had first visited the Teleportation place, nobody had acted out of line.

But out here in the fourth-ranked Province, things were far more intense and brutal. 

Besides only business transactions including various cultivation resources, herbs, or medicine, Mages strictly kept to themselves.

Moreover, Mage's belief that they were superior to all cultivators seemed to run even more rampant in the Icy Cloud Province. 

All of this contradicting informations just made Bella even more suspicious that she could just casually know a or really any Mage abilities.

In fact, Bella had even expected this kind of suspicion to get thrown at her. This is why her lazy smiling expression didn't falter at all. Under Darcel's group increasingly scrutinizing gazes, she lightly chuckled.

"Fufu~. Seems like you all forgot to not lump me in with the general norm as well. As proudly lazy as I am, I still have a hobby of reading whatever I can. Plus, when we were under your control, I did reach out to that Mage woman. No matter her previous disposition towards cultivators, she readily answers my questions during those blissful times~."

"Nnng….hmph. She keeps yammering about blissful times…." 

Out of everything Bella had told them, Aniela's mind focused precisely on her saying blissful times.

Her suspicious gaze started to slowly turn into a slight glare that would be rare for her to have. Masami also felt a pang of annoyance, and she gave a more overt glare than Aniela's subtle one.

If Bella were to just say blissful times and nothing more, it wouldn't have affected Aniela and Masami that much. 

But Bella made the mistake of leveling an affectionate gaze only towards Darcel, plainly showing a touch of intimacy within her eyes.

On his end, Darcel had to hold back a sigh. At this moment, he felt a strong mix of emotions swirling around in his Darkness Soul link. To Aniela and Masami's sudden jealousy, to Bella's increasingly warm feelings.

In fact, ever since Bella had first arrived to save them, Darcel sensed her emotions towards him turned gentler by the second. 

Darcel truly was a bit confused. In the past, Aniela and Masami did show bouts of jealousy. Still, it was only when his Darkness Servants got overly affectionate.

Like how Lauren and Abby ran up to give him a hug, but Aniela and Masami nearly made them pass out. 

Just Bella showing a slight affectionate gaze shouldn't really affect them much.

And then there was Bella, who all intents and purposes should be hating him. Not warming up to him by the second. 

It was all such sudden, particular issues that Darcel wondered how Aniela and Masami focused on such a small thing.

Still, that was an issue for later. For now, Darcel focused on the essential bits of what Bella told them. 

And at least for the Darkness Servant part, it would be true. No matter their previous relationship with each other, they all would cooperate with each other under his Darkness Soul link.

Darcel wasn't precisely sure how that worked, but he could confirm there wasn't any lie in Bella's words. However, though she wasn't lying, there still were other concerns Darcel decided to bring up.

"Alright, look. Say we give you the benefit of the doubt, how would us becoming Mages even matter now? We're trapped in the realm, and we have too many enemies that we could just unluckily stumble upon."

"Oh, this? Isn't this a simple solution as well? I mean….all I need to do is get you three out of here then so you can work to resolve this issue, right?" Bella spoke in such a casual, relaxed tone as if this was the easiest task in the world.

But, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami only heard impossible-sounding words coming out from her mouth. Their eyes squinted on Bella, remembering all that they know about this independent realm.

Granted, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't read much on this independent realm. Because of their previous overwhelming prowess and confidence, they simply didn't have a considerable interest in how this realm worked.

At that time, they all were more concerned with working on their own strength and mastering several abilities. 

Despite their lack of interest, the trio at least knows this realm was essentially a one-way trip.

Without that Mage who had made the portals to travel to this realm, the trio had read they would be trapped until it was time to leave. 

Masami's already displeased expression fell even more as she asked, "There you go again. Using that relaxed tone as if you already cracked this case. What possibly hidden means could you even have to escape from here." 

Bella was a powerful Heavenly King, but she wasn't near the top rankings of the Heavenly Transformation realm. Darcel, Aniela, and Masami just saw no way how she could be some miracle worker. 

In response to Masami's harsh tone, Bella's lazy smile turned into a slight smirk.

Without saying anything, she reached into her robe pocket and a bright purple glow flashes from within. 

Darcel's group attention gathered on Bella's pocket, and under their curious eyes, she began pulling out a profound Darkness glow.

Soon enough, Bella had pulled out a black Magical Crystal Orb! "


Immediately, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were utterly bewildered. 

Appearance-wise, they instantly recognized this orb as they experienced the Raven Mages using it against them. And in their Innate Spirit Senses, they all could clearly detect Magical Power coursing from within that black crystal orb. 

"Ho-where did you get that?? Even as Raven Sako was under my control, she would absolutely not be willing to part with a Crystal Orb!" Darcel quickly asked while Aniela and Masami reeled in their surprise. 

Bella was gently caressing the black Magical Crystal Orb as she answered Darcel. "You see, our Snow Angel group has been around for years. And we always prepare for the worst-case scenario. It was a little bit troublesome to get this, but I had a feeling this would come in handy."

"Ah! I see….I suppose it would be inevitable for your group to steal at least something from those Mages. But….how will this help us?" 

Aniela asked after calming down her mental state. 

No matter her thoughts on Bella, she and Masami had no choice but to concede. A Magical Crystal Orb would for sure be protected within the Snow Angel group, and yet, Bella got her hands on this one.

"Apparently, with this, I would be able to feel out where one of the hidden teleportation portals in this realm. Not sure why those portals exist, but it does confirm to lead out of here." Bella patiently explained.

"Feel out a portal?? Just how accurate is that thing?" Masami immediately pointed out a concerning thought. 

Bella thought it over for a moment before answering with, "It's….mostly accurate. But, there won't be any instant results. In fact, this may take a while."

Right then, a flash of an idea streaked within Darcel's head. He spoke in a cordial tone, asking Bella, 

"Let me see that crystal. Before we met you, an old friend of ours lent us a special compass that can detect treasure. With my abilities, I was able to make it instantly activate. Perhaps it could do the same here."

"Sure. Here you go." 

Bella readily agreed and tossed the black Magical Crystal Orb towards Darcel without a second thought. 

Darcel swiftly caught the orb, though he, Aniela, and Masami felt a bit weird.

Though Bella wouldn't be able to properly use this thing, it still was a valuable object many cultivators would want their hands on. Yet, she gave it to them like it was just some ordinary object.

For a brief moment, Darcel felt that sense of distrust gradually go down. However, he quickly pushed down whatever change of feeling running through his mind and focused on the Magical Crystal Orb.

With his other hand, Darcel brought out the special compass Fruna gave him, and he brought it near the Magical Crystal Orb. 

Even before trying this out, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt a small rise of anticipation and hope swell in their chest.

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